
Arc 12: End Times (15)

Situ Ran's fingers rubbed against Yingzhao's earlobe, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Darling, don't think that I will take the initiative to leave."

"Since you dare to give me medicine and deceive me, you have to think about the responsibility. The consequences of these things!"

"I, Situ Ran, have never loved anyone, and you are the first and only one I have ever loved."

"It was you who provoked me first! So Yingheng, you must be conscious Stay with me obediently, I want you to atone for the sins of your life!"

After saying these words, Situ Ran gently kissed Yingzhao's forehead, and her movements finally became a little gentle.

Feeling the gentle touch on his forehead, the young man seemed to be in disbelief at the man's words, and his eyes turned red instantly.

Then he hugged the man's neck tightly, sobbing and sobbing in his arms.

Holding the miserable young man crying in his arms, Situ Ran only felt distressed.

But I also feel that it is good that the person I love also loves me deeply.

Although the young man's methods were extreme, the more he was like this, the more reassured Situ Ran was.

A heart is just like rolling in hot water, it's not hot.

Your own baby deserves to be loved with the deepest affection.

Seeing the other party's fragile appearance, Situ Ran couldn't help holding the little face of the person in his arms and kissing him again and again.

The sweetheart has been coaxing for a long time, and he has not forgotten to take advantage of it anytime, anywhere.

Yingzhao cried in Situ Ran's arms for a long time, only to feel that all his acting skills in his life broke out at this moment.

In order to make my lover happy, I really don't need any morals.

However, this inexplicable heart is a little darker what is going on.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Yingzhao raised his head.

He said to Situ Ran with a choked voice, "You, do you really love me?"

Listening to the young man's uneasy words, Situ Ran only felt that his heart was about to be crushed by the other party.

He nodded vigorously and said helplessly, "What do you call me? Didn't you call Lao Gong a good one in the past? "

He whispered to him, "Old, old gong. Then old gong, can you kiss me again?"

Situ Ran's face became gentler after hearing the young man put so much effort into making such a small request.

He couldn't help lowering his head, kissing the forehead of the person in his arms, and then kissing the tip of his pretty nose.

Seeing the young man's expectant gaze, his lips finally fell on the other's water-colored lips.

The lips of the two were pressed together, their breaths intertwined, and Situ Ran unconsciously deepened the kiss.

He knows that his lover needs to be appeased, and perhaps his actions can make the other person feel his heart more than words.

So, after some people found a high-sounding reason for themselves, they spent the whole night happily, letting their sweethearts experience their fiery love for him.

When the next day was bright, the heat in the room gradually dissipated.

The young man was obviously too tired, but he still kept his eyes half-open, trying to stay awake.

Yingzhao hugged Situ Ran tightly, staring at him unwillingly, with that stubborn look like a stubborn little beast.

Last night, her sweetheart had been tired too many times, and Situ Ran felt a little distressed.

He touched his cheek, kissed him again, and then said softly, "Aren't you sleepy? Go to bed, it's already morning."

Ying Zhao bit his lower lip when he heard this, and shook his head gently. : "I, I'm afraid you will disappear when I fall asleep."

When Situ Ran heard Yingzhao's words, she only felt that her heart was slammed.

How could there be such a little fool, making himself feel distressed for no reason.

Do you love yourself so much, care about yourself so much?

The heart is full of satisfaction and joy. To be so cared and liked by the people he loves, Situ Ran only feels that his whole life is complete.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still things to deal with outside, I really wanted to be tired of being with his baby all the time, without being separated every second.

Situ Ran had no choice but to hold Yingzhao tightly while kissing his earlobe softly, coaxing him softly in his ear: "Go to sleep, Lao Gong will always be with you!

" , so that you can feel it when I move. Close your eyes, I will feel bad for my body." The

man's low voice sounded in his ears, making Yingzhao's heart tremble.

Hearing this, he raised his head slightly and stared into the man's eyes, as if to confirm the authenticity of his words.

The gradually tightened arms still made Situ Ran feel the unease in his heart.

But in the end, the young man couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep in his arms.

Situ Ran gently kissed the top of the hair of the person in his arms.

I thought in my heart that if I want to do anything in the future, I still have to report to my baby first, and I can no longer secretly act alone.

Otherwise, I still don't know what this little idiot would be like thinking about alone and being sad.

Yingzhao had slept for a long time this time, maybe because he was really tired last night, so it was already evening when he woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the broad chest of my lover.

Situ Ran's attention was always on Yingzhao. When he saw him open his eyes, he was startled for a while, and then he calmed down when he saw him.

I'm just glad I didn't leave.

Some happiness rubbed on her lover's body, and Yingzhao, who had finished coquettish, felt a little embarrassed.

He raised his head and showed a shy smile to Situ Ran.

Seeing him like this, Situ Ran lightly tapped the tip of his nose and said with a smile, "I can't get up because I'm afraid of waking you up, so I can't cook for you!"

"I must be hungry, Lao Gong. I'll go make dinner for you now!" Situ Ran said, getting up and getting dressed.

Just before going to the kitchen, the man remembered something, and quickly took out a lot of crystal cores from his pocket and stuffed them into Yingzhao's hands.

Looking helplessly into Yingzhao's eyes, he complained, "Look, I left yesterday because of this."

"After all, of course my own daughter-in-law needs to be hurt by herself. In the future, baby, you can talk to me about anything you need. Old Gong said!"

Yingzhao heard the words and looked at the crystal core in his hand, and found that all of them were high-level crystal cores above the fifth level.

Especially the transparent wind energy crystal core, it turned out to be a seventh level.

Although it is only one level higher than what Deng Wendong gave him yesterday, the crystal cores above five levels are only one level higher.

Thinking like this, Ying Zhao looked at Situ Ran with guilt in his eyes.

Obviously, his performance made the man feel very useful.

Seeing this, Situ Ran hurriedly came over to ask for a few kisses, and said in a good mood, "These are all for you, don't be reluctant to use them. Use these crystal cores for whatever you want, and if you're not old enough, I'll get them for you. Come."

After speaking, Situ Ran found the young man staring blankly at the crystal nucleus in front of him, his eyes turning red again.

He pretended to sigh, the man's eyes were full of gentle smiles, but he complained: "Look, baby, your eyes are red again."

"If you are so moved by this little thing, will you turn into rabbit eyes every day in your life. Huh?" The

man's ending sounded upward, which could make people aware of his good mood.

"Old attack!" The young man opposite pursed his lips, as if he couldn't help shouting.

Then he suddenly threw himself into his arms, and at the same time sent his lips that were slightly red and swollen.

Situ Ran took it in a good mood and tasted the good taste in his arms.

In the end, he understood Yingzhao's fatigue, let him go, and went into the kitchen to prepare their dinner today.

Seeing that her lover was a busy figure in the kitchen, Yingzhao showed a happy smile.

It just feels so good that he can be with his lover every single life, nothing makes him feel happier than this.

Because a lot of physical strength was consumed last night, Yingzhao's appetite is surprisingly good now.

Situ Ran looked at her sweetheart and ate the food she made with a devoured look, and a sense of accomplishment rose in her heart.

While adding dishes to Ying Zhao, he couldn't stop the smile on his face, and teased him: "Is the food cooked by Lao Gong so delicious?"

Ying Zhao nodded hurriedly when he heard Situ Ran's words. The best interpretation of an admirer.

Of course, it's not all about acting. Yingzhao really thinks that Situ Ran's cooking skills are very good.

As for Yingzhao's actions yesterday, even if it was intentional.

However, he also thought about the state of mind of the man in the countless worlds in the past, and put into practice the things that the other party wanted to do in the countless worlds, but he did not do because he was distressed.

After going through so much together, Yingzhao can say that he understands his lover to the core.

As for the tears that Yingzhao made later, not all of them were fake.

Yingzhao felt more guilty when he thought that the man had been begging for him for so many years.

What's more, men have suffered so much in this small world, and it would be false to say that they are not distressed.

So whenever he sees himself showing care and love, a man will have that satisfied and happy look in his eyes.

Yingzhao couldn't help but want to spoil him a little more to make him feel more at ease.

At least in this world, let the lover firmly understand that he is more important than his own life.

Yingzhao stared at Situ Ran while eating the delicious food in his mouth.

It's not just to maintain the character design, but I really feel that this man can't love him enough.

As the time they spend together increases day by day, Yingzhao feels that their relationship is gradually deepening.

I thought they had been together for so many years, and when they first got together, the love that could almost burn people out had reached its peak.

But I found that there are people who can really make you love him a little more every time you touch him a little more.

Even the unity of his soul and flesh is still not enough, I just wish I could integrate this person into my own bones and blood.

Situ Ran was stared at by Ying Zhao's fiery gaze, and she couldn't sit still halfway through the meal.

He got close to his sweetheart again, clinging to each other tightly, almost holding Yingzhao half in his arms, as if he wanted to have a meal with his lover's breath.

The stickiness of the two people is like glue, and the little white in the sea of ​​​​knowledge that is so exciting can't wait to scream twice.

After eating and drinking enough, Situ Ran told Yingzhao what he wanted to tell him.

After all, in the base last night, he saw the people in the southern base act.

Since the young man in front of him is his lover, he naturally has to tell the other party about these things, and it is impossible to hide it from him.

Yingzhao was also very relieved to hear that Situ Ran took the initiative to share with him the news of the investigation of the mercenary team.

With the systematic Xiaobai around, he naturally knows more information than men.

He did not shy away from telling Situ Ran that a large number of teams had been dispatched from the southern base, and they were marching toward the northern army in a state of siege.

Hearing Yingzhao's words, Situ Ran couldn't help showing a shocked look on her face, and asked Yingzhao, "Darling, how did you know these things?"

"Don't talk about the guards sent by the Situ family. , no one from the mercenary team found out."

When Ying Zhao heard Situ Ran's words, he showed a shy smile, but did not answer directly.

He just said to the man, "I naturally have my own way." As

expected, the lover didn't ask more questions, but he still believed in the information Yingzhao told him.

Frowning her brows, Situ Ran couldn't help thinking, this matter seemed more serious than she imagined.

However, the man felt that he should seek Yingzhao's opinion before taking action, so he asked him if he had any other plans.

However, Yingzhao casually told Situ Ran that he had no plans.

Seeing the doubts on Situ Ran's face, Yingzhao said in a natural tone, "I don't care who this base belongs to.

" Of course I don't care."

"But if they want to hit you, then I'll take you out of here."

"I believe that with my ability, I can give you a good deal wherever you go. life."

"What about the apocalypse? Don't you plan to continue your research?"

Situ Ran naturally knew the other party's dedication and love for research after being by the youth's side for so long, so she couldn't help but ask.

After all, this matter is very important, and the success of the development of the antidote for the zombie virus can make the youth immortal.

I just didn't expect that after he finished speaking, the young man said to himself with a completely indifferent expression: "That's not important, I'm just interested in research, but I don't necessarily need to research the antidote to zombie virus."

"Reputation, I never cared. Situ Ran, don't you understand? The reason why I stayed in the academy in the first place was originally only you!"

Although the young man's tone was light, his words were full of weight. .

Situ Ran only felt that his heart was being gripped so hard that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Sure enough? In the hearts of young people, only oneself is the most important existence.

Although I had already guessed that the young man might not actually care about these lives, he was still a little shocked when he heard it in the mouth of his lover.

This is a genius who can shake the world.

In fact, Situ Ran had already realized that the so-called savior was never himself, nor Situ Shuyao.

The talent of this young man is the real means to end the doomsday.

However, he didn't care.

When a savior is unwilling to serve the world, perhaps all people should feel panic.

But when this savior sees only one person as the whole world, that person will be in heaven.

Obviously, Situ Ran felt this way, and his heart almost flew to the sky.

He couldn't help lowering his head to search for Yingzhao's lips, just wondering how someone could say such sweet and exciting words.

How much does this man love himself!

I just made myself willing to die for him!

The two were fiercely sweet for a while before separating.

Yingzhao touched his red and swollen lips and looked at Situ Ran innocently, making the man feel guilty and touch his nose.

He also knows that he has enjoyed a lot of welfare during this time, but fortunately, his baby also likes to treat him like this.

It's a big deal, just try to restrain yourself in the future.

kindness! Must be restrained!

Situ Ran thought firmly, feeling that she wanted to be a rational man.

Turning his head to see the crimson in the corner of Yingzhao's eyes, he swallowed.

He repeated the hint to himself just now.

Then he saw that his sweetheart might be uncomfortable in his mouth, so he tentatively pouted his red and swollen mouth.

That pitiful and cute look made Situ Ran dizzy again.

I just recited the word "restraint" a few times in my mind.

But soon, the lover turned his head again and smiled softly at himself.

Those good-looking eyes turned into crescent crescents, and there was still water in the eyes that had just been bullied by him.

Seeing this, the man could not help clenching his fists and shouting in his heart:

'No, I have to restrain, restrain, restrain... restrain your sister's restraint! '

Therefore, Yingzhao, who had no idea what was going on in his lover's heart, was suddenly pushed down and forced to eat.

He turned it over and ate a pancake, and then ate a big navel orange, which almost killed himself.

Afterwards, Yingzhao, who was paralyzed on the bed and could not get up at all, looked at the man with tears in his eyes.

Situ Ran's guilty conscience is both massage and pleasing.

But after a bit of tossing, we can talk about what to do next.

Situ Ran is a natural leader, and Yingzhao's intelligence and transparency are not comparable to ordinary people.

Since both of them saw the purpose of the southern base, they also knew very well what the other party would do in the future.

Immediately following the matter, Yingzhao felt that Deng Wendong was an available target.

Naturally, he would do his best to help his man take back the base.

It was just that Yingzhao told Situ Ran what she thought, but Situ Ran did not want him to contact Deng Wendong.

But after all, Yingzhao's heart is not only thinking about a base, but also the mastermind behind the small world is his goal.

He had no choice but to talk and sign a lot of unequal treaties with men before Situ Ran finally reluctantly agreed to let Yingzhao deal with this matter.

When he went to the research institute the next day, Situ Ran naturally followed behind Yingzhao.

Yingzhao didn't even think about going to Deng Wendong deliberately, because he had to, the other party would take the initiative to send it to the door.

But this time, they didn't meet people in the research institute.

This guy actually waited on the only way for Yingzhao early, obviously he was staying there on purpose.

Seeing Ying Zhao, Deng Wendong immediately walked over with a smile and winked happily at him.

He was not at all embarrassed of being rejected two days ago, and he still held two chocolates in his hand.

Shaking at Yingzhao , he smiled happily and said, "Yesterday,

Situyuan sent it to someone. This thing is also rare in the apocalypse, so I thought of bringing it to you." Deng Wendong may think that it was given yesterday. Ying recruited a sixth-level wind energy crystal core, no matter what, it should have touched the heart of this flower of high mountains.

So looking at Yingzhao at this moment, his eyes are full of hope.

And Yingzhao did not refuse this time as expected by the other party.

Although there was still no expression on his face, he nodded to Deng Wendong and took the chocolate.

Deng Wendong was satisfied when he saw that Yingzhao accepted the chocolate, and he was even more determined to win the person in front of him.

Along the way, Deng Wendong specially sent Yingzhao to the research institute.

When he arrived at the door, he opened his mouth and invited Yingzhao: "Ah Heng, I don't know if I have time to walk around the base with me today. I have a lot to say to you."

Yingzhao frowned when he heard this. He said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm really busy with my work."

"But there may be a little time during the lunch break. I don't know if you mind if I have too little time, after all, there are still many research institutes. Things have to be done."

Deng Wendong heard the first half of Yingzhao's sentence and thought that the offeror failed again today.

I didn't expect the twists and turns, but the other party actually agreed.

Although Yingzhao said that the time is short this time, Deng Wendong is confident that this person will soon fall under his own offensive like others.

So he couldn't help but say to Yingzhao that he would come to him at noon.

Ying Zhao nodded and entered the research room without saying anything.

When it was noon, Deng Wendong came to the entrance of the institute early and waited for Ying Zhao.

Situ Ran on the side gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do. After all, this was part of their plan.

Now that you have agreed, you must trust your lover well.

After all, he could see that the young man also wanted to help him.

As a good old attack, how can I dispel the enthusiasm of my baby!

If Yingzhao knew what Situ Ran was thinking at the moment, he would definitely want to bring out those unequal treaties and give it to the man: Haha.

Deng Wendong got his wish and walked around with Yingzhao. Naturally, Situ Ran followed him not far away.

Yingzhao added another layer of illusion to Situ Ran because he was guarding against Deng Wendong's current power level.

And Situ Ran himself felt that Deng Wendong was cunning and deliberately concealed his deeds.

Yingzhao and Deng Wendong chatted without a word, and he could feel that the other party was indeed approaching him with a purpose.

Although the topic has always been romantic, but occasionally inadvertently ask about his work status.

But I have to say that Deng Wendong is very good at talking and knows how to step by step and numb the nerves of the other party.

During the period, Yingzhao was also given many gifts, and Yingzhao accepted them all, but in the end, they all fell into the hands of Situ Ran.