
Arc 11: Boss Always Suck (4)

Yan Long, who was still hesitant at first, completely dispelled the idea of ​​awakening the Dragon Clan after Ying Zhao said these words. Decided to first enjoy being alone with his little servant. No! I decided to first take a good look at the changes in this continent.

Thinking of this, Yan Long bent the corners of his mouth. With a casual snap of his fingers, the treasures piled up in the hall disappeared in an instant.

A quaint silver dragon pattern ring appeared in Yanlong's hand. He held the ring in front of Yingzhao and said to him: "For you, it's a space ring. It contains the sacred ring that I promised you before. All the treasures in the hall. For the sake of your good performance, I also put some other equipment."

Ying Zhao heard the words without being polite, took the ring with a smile, and put it on his hand. Then I called up the control panel, and sure enough, I saw the existence of this ring in my backpack.

I thought it was just an ordinary storage ring, but I didn't expect it to have a defensive function, and its comprehensive attributes could be considered a superb artifact.

And there are not only countless gold coins and gem materials in this ring, but Yanlong also put several top-quality armors and magic tools in it.

They also tried their best to choose the ones that can be used by the assassin profession, which made Yingzhao sigh again about his lover's caring.

After checking the items in the ring, Yingzhao raised his head. However, he found that Yan Long was staring straight at him, as if he was waiting for something.

Yingzhao didn't understand what the other party wanted to do, and innocently blinked at Yan Long. Seeing Yan Long pouting, a depressed look appeared on his face.

Yan Long thought unhappily, when the contract was signed before, this elf was so happy that he even kissed himself to express his gratitude.

Why did he not kiss himself after he gave him so many treasures. Is he not grateful to himself? Or is it that this elf doesn't really like treasures?

Yanlong gritted his teeth and felt unhappy in his heart, but he didn't want to take the initiative to ask Yingzhao for his own thanks, so he seemed to be looking forward to being kissed by the other party.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that Yingzhao did not respond, Yanlong simply walked towards the door angrily.

When Yingzhao saw Yanlong's appearance, he frowned. If it is said that at the beginning, he did not find the intention of his lover, but there are so many worlds together. What Yanlong wants, what Yingzhao still doesn't understand.

It's just that it's so much fun to tease naive and arrogant men! Yingzhao showed a big smile in the invisible place behind Yanlong, and then quickly followed in the footsteps of the other party.

However, when Yan Long walked to the entrance of the temple, Yingzhao saw that he had opened the teleportation array in the direction of Seth City.

The town of Seth is located in the center of the five continents. It is a veritable central city and does not belong to any one race. It can be said that it is a hub for trade and communication, and it is also the most prosperous city in the entire "Journey".

Yanlong wanted to enter this town, and it was not surprising that Tongguou knew about the entire continent.

However, seeing that the other party was not hiding anything, Yingzhao quickly grabbed his arm, glanced up and down at Yanlong, and said to him, "Your Highness, are you planning to enter the central town like this?"

Yanlong heard the words He nodded, not quite understanding what Yingzhao meant. He looked down at the clothes on his body and felt that there was nothing inappropriate.

Unexpectedly, he heard Yingzhao say helplessly to him: "But Your Highness, your status is special. If others see you wake up, it may cause panic, and it is not conducive to your better exploration of this continent."

"Why don't you change your outfit and let's go, maybe something more interesting will happen!"

Yingzhao was instructing Yanlong in an orderly manner, and the other party felt quite reasonable when he heard his words. He nodded, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, changing into a human warrior costume.

The appearance of the dragon race after transformation is similar to that of the human race. Although the ears are slightly sharp, they are not as conspicuous as those of the elves, not to mention that Yanlong's ears are covered by a lot of hair.

So generally want to identify dragons, mainly from clothing, accessories, weapons to identify. Moreover, the spells of the dragon family are somewhat similar to the fighting spirit of human warriors, so it is most suitable for Yanlong to pretend to be a human warrior.

Because even if they encountered a battle situation in the wild, as long as it wasn't a large-scale battle scene, Yingzhao didn't have to worry about breaking through.

After changing his attire, Yanlong looked at Yingzhao with a sullen face, and said to him proudly: "It's alright now."

Yingzhao nodded after hearing the words, and praised the man: "This is The attire is very suitable for you, and His Highness's heroism is naturally not comparable to others. I just don't know what to call you when you are outside."

Hearing Yingzhao's unstinting rainbow fart, Yan Long's face changed. Getting better looking. He waved his hand at Yingzhao casually, and said, "I'll change my name to Longyan outside, and you can just call it that."

"Okay, Longyan." Yingzhao was fluent.

But after he finished speaking, Yan Long turned to look at Yingzhao, suddenly remembering that he didn't even know the name of his important servant.

He frowned, pursed his lips at Yingzhao and said, "You haven't told me your name yet."

Thinking that he had neglected such an important matter, Yan Long felt that his master had done some dereliction of duty. Fortunately, his servants did not seem to notice this.

Yingzhao didn't care what Yan Long said, and replied with a smile, "Your Highness, my name is Dream Builder, and I am the president of Guild Dream Builder."

"Dream Builder." Yan Long heard this title. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Yingzhao with some dissatisfaction. I don't know why, but the name doesn't seem right.

Seeing his lover's brows furrowed, Yingzhao blinked, thinking that it was because the other party was dissatisfied with what he told him was Jieli's name?

So he said tentatively: "You also know that we are all outsiders. This is just my name on this continent. With us, I also have a name called Ying Zixi."

Yan Long's expression softened when he heard the words, he nodded at Ying Zhao, and said, "This name is much better than the previous one! I'll call you Yingying from now on!"

"Ying, Yingying... "Yingzhao heard Yanlong's natural address, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

What the hell is a name for such a three-year-old child! Even if you call me Zixi, Xixi or something. Ordinary people don't use their surnames as overlapping characters, right?

So he turned to Yan Long with a blank face and asked, "I think this name may not be very good, can you know why I am called Yingying?"

Yan Long raised his head very proudly when he heard Yingzhao's question. Said: "Because Yingying sounds better!"

Just when Yingzhao heard the other party's answer, and finally couldn't help but want to raise his hand to hit someone, he heard Yanlong muttering to himself in a low voice: "I If you like the word Ying, if you like it, I will call you Yingying!"

Hearing his lover's childish words, Yingzhao suddenly felt that all his anger had evaporated.

No matter which world he travels to, he will be linked to the surname Ying.

Is it because of the remaining feelings in the soul? Because of the virtual online game world, the restrictions on the rules of the world have been reduced, so let the lover show some small traces of himself, and then insist on calling himself Yingying?

Because in fact, the three characters of Ying Zixi, only that English character is truly his own.

Thinking of this, Yingzhao only felt that his heart was a mess. He bit his lower lip and stared at Yan Long's face with red eyes. Then he couldn't help but leaned over and fell into his lover's arms at once.

He wanted to hug this person, to feel his temperature, to breathe the smell of him. Even if this sense is just a virtual feeling constructed from data, who can say that this is not a reality.

Yan Long was suddenly swept up in Yingzhao's arms, and was a little dazed for a while, but he subconsciously hugged the person in his arms tightly.

Hearing the choking sound of someone in his arms, he quickly said in a panic, "You, don't cry! Can't I just call you Yingying? You can call it whatever you want!"

Yingzhao took a deep breath. Stopping the tears in his eyes, he shook his head vigorously. Then he raised his head to face Yan Long with a bright smile, and said, "No, I'm just very happy, I like how Your Highness calls me!"

Yan Long blinked when he heard Yingzhao's words. After reacting, he opened his mouth and showed a big smile, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it was not sad, it turned out that the title of this king was so sweet that the little servant was moved to tears.

Master Yanlong, who felt good about himself, became more and more proud, and said to Ying Zhao, "What's there to cry about! It's just a title! Yingying, you love to act like a spoiled child, you know? In this world, Only a master like me can endure you!" He

said with disgust, but Yan Long's arms tightened even more. Secretly sniffing, Yan Long's heart became more and more satisfied.

His little servant is not only good-looking and comfortable to hold, but also smells so good!

Two words - perfect!

The two hugged for a while, and Yingzhao felt that he had adjusted his emotions. As for what his lover said just now that he likes to act like a spoiled child, Ying Zhao, who has already recognized Yanlong's arrogant attributes, decided to ignore it directly.

So he followed Yan Long and swaggered into the central town of Seth through the teleportation array.

As a central city, it is naturally very lively here. There are a lot of players, NPCs and various shops, where people can trade and communicate.

Even some players who are not interested in combat and adventure can choose to live an ordinary life in such a town. Of course, by contrast, Seth is naturally the most prosperous of all towns.

Although "Journey" is a Western fantasy game on a different continent, the shapes of players and NPCs are also gorgeous and eye-catching. But when Yingzhao and Yanlong appeared, they still attracted the attention of many people.

The main reason is that the appearance of these two people is too outstanding. Even if it is possible that their beauty has been enhanced by 20%, it is still possible to imagine how outstanding their original appearance should be.

A good appearance always attracts people to take a few more glances unconsciously. Having experienced countless worlds, Yingzhao has never cared about other people's sights.

As for Yanlong, he is also a self-respecting person. As the king of the dragon clan, how could he have received less attention in his impression.

Therefore, Yan Long walked on the road with Yingzhao arrogantly, and even enjoyed the attention of the surrounding. I feel that as the strongest king, I deserve this level of attention.

Yingzhao took Yanlong to take a careful turn around this central city, and got a taste of the local customs here.

Although he has been sleeping for hundreds of years in Yanlong's memory, after all, this is only set in the game.

Therefore, in his impression, the concept of the central city and the changes in the game server after several years were not particularly big, and he quickly adapted to it.

I just feel that there are a lot of new equipment in the store, and there are various styles of clothing, which is a bit strange.

Looking at the clearly marked prices on the shops and stalls, Yan Long finally felt relieved. It seems that after so many years, the prices on this continent have not changed much, and he is still very rich.

From this point of view, this elf following him is undoubtedly the best choice. Because on this continent, no race can be richer than the dragon race.

After the two walked around the central city, the time in the game quickly reached night. Because a day in the game is just an hour in the real world. So at night, there are still many players who choose to continue the game.

But another part of the players who like to work and rest according to the time rules in the game, most of them will choose to rest in hotels in towns. As long as you pay the price of one silver coin, you can have a comfortable room.

The conversion unit of coins on this continent is that one gold coin is equivalent to ten silver coins, and the silver coin is the smallest currency unit.

Yingzhao still likes a leisurely slow life when there is nothing important. So seeing that it was getting dark, he took Yan Long to the best hotel in town.

The price of such a luxuriously decorated hotel can be much more expensive than that of an ordinary shop, and only an ordinary room costs one gold coin a night.

But for Yingzhao, the most important thing he needs now is gold coins, so he naturally chose to live here.

The difference between this hotel and the average hotel in town is not only in the decor and the comfort of living, but also in the good food it can provide to its occupants.

Although the food in the game can't really fill the stomach and make up for the player's hunger in real life, the good taste can still satisfy people's appetite.

And these delicacies are simulated and debugged by the game company based on the taste of real dishes made by star chefs in the real world.

Therefore, if you only need a gold coin, you can comfortably live in such a hotel and enjoy delicious food. Naturally, Yingzhao will not feel wronged.

Yan Long accepted Ying Zhao's arrangement with peace of mind, feeling that this was something his servant should arrange for his master. There is even a little excitement in my heart, looking forward to the feeling of living in this kind of town hotel.

After all, characters like high-level NPCs and kings have always lived in their mansions or palaces.

So, under the ambiguous sight of the hotel front desk, Yingzhao decisively spent three gold coins and asked for the best suite here.

The NPCs in the game are very humanized, and Yingzhao naturally understands what that ambiguous line of sight means. In this era, both game players can do something in the game as long as they are adults, as long as they voluntarily.

And all the senses can be restored 100%, but the traces left on the body will be automatically refreshed and disappeared by the system within two hours.

Therefore, there are also many people who like to do such things in the game to find excitement.

It's just that Yingzhao Jude has just met his lover now, and the man has been arrogant and childish all his life, and he thinks that they are in a master-servant relationship. Therefore, for the time being, he did not feel that something would happen to him and Yan Long immediately.

Therefore, when the NPC at the front desk of the hotel asked them with a smile if they needed to buy some items that could add to the fun, Yingzhao decisively refused.

"Hey! Yingying, what does he mean by buying things for fun?" Yan Long asked Yingzhao curiously. I always felt that the clerk in the hotel looked at himself and Yingzhao in a strange way.

"It's nothing." Yingzhao didn't want to answer this question directly. After getting the room number, he motioned for Yanlong to follow, and turned to leave.

Who knew that Yan Long had the temper of a child and pulled Ying Zhao unrelentingly. He also said to him very loudly: "You elf, how can you perfunctory me like this! I need to know now, what exactly is the thing to add to the fun?"

Yingzhao twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that the lover of this life is really very difficult engage. Seeing the constant attention to their sight in the hall, he helplessly raised his forehead.

He whispered to Yan Long, "This can't be said in public. I'll tell you when we get back to the room, okay?"

Yan Long nodded after hearing this, looking at Yingzhao's mysterious appearance, thinking that maybe This is really a relatively secret thing, and no one will say it outside. He also accepted Yingzhao's rhetoric and followed Yingzhao to their room.

The decoration of the hotel suite is not as gorgeous as Yingzhao imagined, but more of a warm feeling. Although this is a bit unexpected for Yingzhao, I have to say that he prefers this kind of room.

The soft carpet was spread on the ground, causing Yingzhao to take off his shoes unconsciously. The moment the soles of his feet touched the soft touch, he felt that his whole body was relaxed.

Then I walked to the sofa in the room like this, sat on it and stretched, I always felt that the warm feeling of this room made the whole person a little drowsy.

Yanlong took off his shoes after seeing Yingzhao entering the room. He also learned how to take off his shoes and stepped on the carpet, then squinted his eyes comfortably.

Turning his head to look at Yingzhao with a comfortable face, his eyes could not help but drift to his bare feet. Not as small as a woman's feet, but fair and slender, with round and lovely toes, very beautiful.

Seeing this, Yanlong tilted his head and walked involuntarily to Yingzhao, his lower body grabbed Yingzhao's foot, looked at it repeatedly, and pinched it again.

Soft to the touch, as good as I imagined. Looking down at his feet, the one in his hand was obviously a full circle smaller than his own.

The moment Yingzhao was pinched by the man, her hair was about to explode, and she hurriedly wanted to retract her foot. But the man's hand was so tight that he couldn't pull it back at all.

He was surprised that Yan Long would come to hold his foot, but soon, by observing the other party's expression, he knew that his lover had no other intentions, it seemed that it was just pure curiosity.

But even so, Yingzhao, who was looked at and pinched with his feet, still felt inexplicably ashamed. After two more strokes, he soon heard Yanlong's unhappy voice, and said to himself, "What are you doing!"

After speaking, Yan Long realized that he was holding someone else's foot for a long time, and blinked his eyes in embarrassment. But seeing the crimson on Yingzhao's cheeks, he unconsciously tightened his hands again. It wasn't until the person on the opposite side groaned in pain that Yan Long let go of his hand in a panic and stood up again.

He didn't know why he did that just now, to hold someone else's foot, and he didn't feel rejected at all in his heart.

Just looking at Ying Zhao's suspicious gaze, Yan Long's face turned red, and he still felt that he couldn't hold back his face.

Then he pretended to be disgusted and said: "Che, a man's feet are so small! See, I have normal feet!" When

Ying Zhao heard Yan Long's words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't agree at all. Two sick childish ghosts quarrel mood.

I couldn't help but complain in my heart: Big brother, you are two meters tall, and you are more than the size of my feet when you are two meters tall?

But fortunately, after this little episode, Yan Long completely forgot about what he wanted to know at the front desk of the hotel just now, which made Yingzhao heave a sigh of relief.

Unconsciously, he touched the gold coins in his pockets, and originally wanted to tell the other party that it was the gold coins.

Because the wealth is not exposed, it can't be said in public, because counting and having fun can add to the fun.

I don't know if I really use this as an excuse, will I be seen through by the other party.

Thinking about it, Yingzhao raised his eyes and glanced around the room. He touched a huge vase, and his eyelids jumped.

Quickly came to the conclusion: Well, it should not see through!

Because the room Yingzhao chose was a suite, the two did not need to live in the same room. Yan Long, who was not emotionally enlightened, didn't object either, and he occupied the largest room with peace of mind. However, even if it is not a house, they live only one door apart, and the distance is very close.

Yingzhao has no opinion on whether to sleep in the same room or in the same bed with his lover.

He has always liked to be close to his lover, but their current situation is not suitable for sharing the same bed. Plus, even if something were to happen, the silly dragon would have to treat himself as a lover.

Perhaps it was because he had found a man and the man was by his side, Yingzhao felt very at ease. So he lay on the soft and comfortable bed and fell asleep quickly.

But the dragon sleeping in the room next to him had unprecedented insomnia, which is obviously very abnormal for a dragon clan who can even sleep for hundreds of years.

For some reason, as soon as he closed his eyes, Yingzhao's face flashed in front of him.