
(BL) An idol's daily life

My name is Kang Chanhee, 25. i am a small solo artist under the label of a medium size company and today my contract ends. it was a fun ride, those were the best 7 years of my life but it was time to turn over a new leaf. "W-W-would you like to start a company with me?" "ah?" this is how i became an idol. (planning)

BangB_angChae · LGBT+
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My name is Kang Chanhee, 25.

and today is my last day as an idol.

"I'll miss you~"

"go back to the practice room" i smiled


"shh, your manager is going to throw a fit again if you don't"

Ah, did i forget to say it? this is Jeongnam, my best friend and this company's 'weapon trainee'. You probably won't see him again, but i wanted to give him the spotlight he deserved.

i took off his cap and said to him one last time with a grin"you better remember me when you're rich"

and so, i walked down the halls of the building i loved, what a nostalgic feeling it was.

during my walk i saw a poster, a big one with red light bulbs and an image inside. It was the image of the rookie group that was popular right now, despite their controversial start they worked themselves to the top and earned things i could only wish to archieve.

it was funny that my picture was once where they were.

the sound of my steps echoed through the broad walls, a complete opposite of the crowded feeling of when i just arrived, a beautiful day on the exact same date as today. the happiest day of my life.


i looked up right after getting out of the entrance, staring directly at the building. the building really grew after the arrival of that group, i remembered back when the company barely owned the first floor of the building due to financial issues.

I clenched my hands on my backpack and put on my mask, i didn't look back as i left because i didn't want to miss a place i loved so much.

"Welcome to Black café!" the first place i wanted to visit as a normal person was this "what would you like to order?"

i sat down on a couch to the side and left my backpack on the floor, proceeding to answer after so.

"one Frappuccino with extra cream and a cherry on top"i couldn't help but internally smile as the employee flinched after hearing my voice.


The guy who attended me pushed his cap up to see me more clearly, his glittering black eyes and beautiful blonde hair tied up on a small ponytail on his back.

that was an ex-trainee i met 7 years ago, we became friends but we stopped having contact after he was terminated for the second round, his name was Gaeul.

"I'll be right back!" he quickly ran off to the kitchen and came back to my table with two drinks on his hands.

"sit by my side?" i leaned my head as i looked at Gaeul's clothes, that guy seriously had a talent for doing things rapidly while panicking. in this case, he came back with the drinks and a whole new outfit in barely what would be two to three minutes.

"ng" Gaeul sat down by my side, his normally cool looking appearence really contrasted with his puppy-like behaviour and his very, very glittery eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"how have things been in your life? we haven't seen each other in a while"

"nothing much, life's been pretty nice since i stopped being a trainee" he had a forced tone while saying it but he rapidly hid it by inquiring "how about you?"

"things were pretty nice, my contract ended though and i don't have a job anymore" i sighed "do you take any employees in here?"

"wait- why didn't you renew your contract?"

"it just felt like i wasn't going to blow up all of the sudden" i sipped my Frappuccino "the world revolves around money after all"

there was an awkward silence, even the chattering on the café felt silent. Gaeul looked down at the floor, probably being reminded of his trainee days.

my eyes began wavering to a building nearby, WST entertainment. it was a huge corporate with many succesfull idols and actors.

Gaeul noticed where i stared, with a sudden look of interest "Chanhee..." he face was filled with seriousness,


"w-would you like to start a company with me?!" he slammed his hands on the table his voice trembled with his face red from the embarrassment of this show of courage.
