
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantaisie
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283 Chs

Chapter 275

Yu Su nodded without any hint of guilt, "That should be the case."

Le Xin Tao laughed and said, "Then you guys are really lucky, to have entered the secret realm as soon as it opened. If it were any later, you wouldn't have been able to get in."

Yu Su asked why.

Le Xin Tao explained, "Now, the entrance to the secret realm is controlled by Pingcheng. Apart from the people from the major families of Pingcheng, no one else can enter."

Yu Su's gaze darkened slightly; it seemed that Pingcheng was a significant force, and therefore, it was even more crucial not to let them know that there was another entrance to this secret realm.

"You haven't told us who you are," the young man said at this time.

Yu Su replied, "My last name is Jian, and my name is Jian Su. The person next to me has the last name Lu, and his name is Lu Shi."

Le Xin Tao said happily, "So you are Brother Jian and Brother Lu."

Thinking of Jian Yun Chuan and the others, Yu Su asked, "When you entered, did you see a middle-aged man who looks like me and a chubby old man?"

Le Xin Tao shook her head; she looked towards Le Xin Wu, "Brother, do you remember?"

Le Xin Wu replied, "No, who are they to you?"

Yu Su answered, "They are two of our elders. We got separated from them."

These people hadn't seen his father or Xiong Hui either; where exactly in the secret realm could they have ended up?

Before entering, he had divined their fortunes and it shouldn't have been a life-threatening situation.Yu Su felt a sense of urgency in his heart, but he still tried his best to contain it.

Lu Yan said, "Since they don't know, let's move on. We still have people to find."

"Wait!" the young girl called out to them, "Let's go together. It'll be easier to search with two more people."

Le Xin Wu was not very willing, "Xin Tao!"

Le Xin Tao pleaded, "Brother, Brother Jian and the others saved us; we should help them."

Yu Su replied, "No need. You're too slow and won't be able to help us."

Le Xin Tao's face turned red with embarrassment.

Le Xin Wu immediately said, "Thank you both for your help just now. Here is a spiritual herb as a token of our gratitude for your rescue."

The spiritual herb that Le Xin Wu presented was several hundred years old and of decent quality.

Yu Su glanced at it and accepted the herb, then nodded and left with Lu Yan.

"Hey!" Le Xin Tao wanted to call out to them, but Le Xin Wu held her back.

"Brother, why won't you let them go with us?" Le Xin Tao was unhappy.

Le Xin Wu said, "They are not ordinary people. The strength of those two is inscrutable, and their origins are strange. It's best not to travel with them rashly."

"But what if that damn fatty comes after us again?" Le Xin Tao showed a frightened expression; just thinking about what had happened earlier made her feel sick.

Le Xin Wu's face also turned cold, "We'll be careful to avoid them for now, and we'll settle the score once we get out."


"Young master, are you alright?"


The fatty slapped the person beside him to the ground, his mouth filled with blood as he said, "You try getting slapped a few times and see if you're alright!"

The six or seven lackeys dared not utter a sound. This fatty was backed by one of the most powerful families in Pingcheng; they were just small fry and didn't dare do anything but endure.

They even had to ensure this little tyrant was protected; otherwise, they wouldn't survive once they got out.

"What the hell was that thing just now?"

"Young master, it was a vine demon."

"I know it was a vine demon. But why would the vine demon help those two?"

"It might not have been helping them. They didn't escape; maybe they've already been eaten."

The fatty's face finally softened a bit.The families behind those two individuals were also significant. If it weren't for that lowlife repeatedly rejecting their family's marriage proposals, he wouldn't have lost so much face in Pingcheng. It's good that he's dead!

"Make sure you all know what to say when we get out, understood?"

"We know, we know."


Elsewhere, both Yu Su and Lu Yan had somber expressions on their faces.

"Who would have thought this secret realm would have two entrances; I hope father and the others haven't run into these people," Yu Su said.

Lu Yan replied, "With Elder Yun Chuan and Xiong Hui's strength, that group wouldn't be able to defeat them."

Yu Su sighed; indeed, it was more likely that they were entangled by the dangers within this secret realm.

And then there was Pingcheng, a place he had never heard of before, not knowing which part of the Western Continent it belonged to.

On this Western Continent, there was actually another group of powers that seemed more advanced and stronger, even having explored the cultivation methods of physical training.

If it weren't for the urgency to find his father and Priest Xiong Hui, he would have chosen to go with Le Xin Tao and her group earlier to learn more.

Lu Yan looked up, "It's getting dark; we might need to find a place to spend the night."

Yu Su felt heavy-hearted.

A day had passed without any message from either Jian Yun Chuan or Xiong Hui.

He was genuinely worried that something might have gone wrong.

The two searched in the secret realm until it was completely dark and inconvenient to move at night before they temporarily found an open high ground to rest.

The All-Spirit Elf mapped out the route they had traveled throughout the day.

Yu Su looked at it in his mind and realized they had covered quite a bit of ground already. This secret realm was indeed not small.

He wasn't in the mood for meditation; instead, he pondered over the map where Jian Yun Chuan and the others might be.


Jian Yun Chuan and his companions hadn't encountered any significant danger.

Just as Yu Su had guessed, he and Xiong Hui happened to land in the same place.

Unfortunately, the place they fell into was near a sea of flowers in a secluded valley, which had a potent drowsy effect. Unaware, they picked some flowers to examine and accidentally inhaled the pollen, which knocked them out for an entire day.

It wasn't until nightfall that Jian Yun Chuan finally opened his eyes.At night, the sea of flowers turned into a luminous ocean, a spectacle that startled Jian Yun Chuan.

Then Jian Yun Chuan came to his senses, and after searching around, he found Xiong Hui still unconscious and quickly shook him awake.

Xiong Hui groaned, "My head."

When Xiong Hui had fainted, his head had hit a stone on the ground. Fortunately, his skull was hard enough; otherwise, it would have cracked open.

Jian Yun Chuan said, "We need to leave this place; these flowers might be poisonous."

He remembered what happened before he passed out and knew that there was something wrong with the flowers, so he didn't dare to get close again.

He pulled Xiong Hui up, and the two of them quickly left the area of the sea of flowers.

Xiong Hui asked, "Why has it gotten dark? How long have we been out?"

Jian Yun Chuan shook his head, "I don't know. I need to contact Su'er quickly; he must be looking for us."

Jian Yun Chuan took out a messaging talisman and sent a message to Yu Su.

Soon, the messaging talisman lit up.

"Father, where are you?" It was Yu Su's voice.

Jian Yun Chuan took out a second messaging talisman and informed him that he and Xiong Hui were near a sea of flowers.

Since the messaging talisman could only carry limited words, Jian Yun Chuan briefly described their situation.

Yu Su quickly replied: "Find a safe place nearby to settle down; we'll come to look for you. Father, be careful; others have entered this secret realm."

Jian Yun Chuan was startled. Others?

If it were just ordinary people, Yu Su definitely wouldn't have warned him.

Jian Yun Chuan thus became extra cautious.

He said to Xiong Hui, "It looks like we'll need to find a place to stay nearby."

After all, Xiong Hui was also a great priest of the bear tribe. Although not as skilled in magic as Jian Yun Chuan, he had his own innate abilities—he could control wind.

Standing at an air current, after sensing the surroundings, he said to Jian Yun Chuan: "There are no signs of demonic beasts nearby; we can just find an open space to rest."

Perhaps due to the sea of flowers, there were no demonic beasts nearby, which made it a safe place for them as long as they didn't foolishly go back to smell the flowers again.


After communicating with Jian Yun Chuan, Yu Su let out a long sigh of relief, and the worry between his brows also dispersed.Lu Yan: "It's not easy to discern directions in the dark. Let's wait until daylight to search."

Yu Su nodded: "But about the sea of flowers... after you entered, did you find any other place with a sea of flowers?"

Lu Yan shook his head: "Right after I entered, I encountered that eagle beast, and I didn't see any sea of flowers."

Yu Su reviewed the map drawn by the All-Science Spirit in his mind, taking the position where he first entered during the day as the center. They had already searched the north and west, so they planned to look towards the south tomorrow.

"Flowers that glow at night and have a strong dizzying effect... Father is at the Foundation Building stage, and even he fainted for an entire day. What kind of flowers could these be?" Yu Su murmured to himself.

The All-Science Spirit quickly searched through the database and, based on the listed conditions, identified several names of flowers, also ruling out the possibility of high-level spiritual plants.

High-level spiritual plants are unlikely to appear in a medium-sized secret realm; if Jian Yun Chuan and his group had encountered them, they wouldn't have just fainted for a day...

[Master, there are two types of flowers that fit the conditions. Judging by the climate of this secret realm, it is very likely to be Blue Butterfly Flowers. Blue Butterfly Flowers grow in quiet places, usually in valleys where butterflies reside.]

[Based on the strategies summarized by later generations for secret realms, this valley is more likely to be in the west or south. They are usually located in the more secluded corners of the secret realms.]

Yu Su raised an eyebrow: "There are strategies?"

[Of course, there have been countless secret realms on the Continent of Magic from ancient times to the present. These secret realms are of various types but mostly follow certain patterns. Following the strategies should pose no problem.]

"You're doing great."

The All-Science Spirit puffed out its chest with pride within Yu Su's sea of consciousness.

Yu Su told Lu Yan that they would search to the west and south tomorrow.

Lu Yan nodded: "Okay."

The two meditated for the night, and as soon as it was slightly light the next day, they flew southwest on their swords.

Elsewhere, Jian Yun Chuan and Xiong Hui also opened their eyes after meditating for a night.

Upon opening their eyes, they realized they were at the entrance of a quiet valley. Xiong Hui discerned some scents from the wind and said: "There are demonic beasts wandering at the entrance of the valley. They are all quite strong; let's not go there yet."

Jian Yun Chuan was worried that Yu Su and the others might encounter demonic beasts, "Let's go take care of those demonic beasts first."

Xiong Hui sighed, "Alright then."Suddenly, he thought of something else, "Wait, there might be another way."

Just then, a group of strangers also arrived near the valley. They too sensed the presence of the demonic beasts and didn't dare to approach too closely.

"Since there are demonic beasts, should we still go over?"