
( HTTYD ) Dragon Lord of Berk

What if Hiccup wasn’t Stoick’s first son. What if Hiccup had a brother, a brother who had no problem killing dragons, a true Viking. And what would a blood thirsty Viking do if he could control dragons………. Raid of course. This is the story of Hadrian Stoickson, the Dragon Lord of Berk as he leads his great army of dragons and Vikings to distant shores. ————————————————————————— Hiccup will get Toothless though he might have a different name. Dragons will be different in this fic and some will be treated relatively cruel, Hadrian views them as tools and treats them like beasts of war or pets. Heavy AU if you couldn’t figure out from the synopsis. Hope you read And Hope you enjoy

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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5 Chs

(5) Night Fury

( POV Hadrian Stoickson )

"That makes you the third person to slay a Skrill in the last thousand years." I said to the young Berserker before me

"The first founded the Berserker Clan, and forged Mithrand." I continued and Dagurs hand instinctively went to the broken blade at his side

"The second Skrill, well it's head is mounted in my trophy room. Though your kill was much larger than mine I'll admit." I said and I saw him grin at the thought of his fight with the monstrous Skrill

"It's strange Hadrian, after years of fighting beside you I'm still to see this trophy room of yours." I said and I understood the question even if he didn't ask it

"Then let us rectify that, my friend." I said to the man of seventeen winters and we made our way to my trophy room.

You enter the room, it was a typical Viking room, with a wooden walls and an arched roof. The room was lit by a roaring hearth that illuminated my trophies. Many different objects decorated the walls, weapons taken from great warriors defeated in battle, a replica of my fathers armour, to large for anyone, even myself to wear.

Many dragon skulls and skeletons decorated the walls, including a Skrill, and the Stormcutter that took my father from me. But as I looked to the north wall I saw the prize of my collection. Dozens of shields. Each shield bore the same design. A base of wood ringed with steel, the shield itself was primarily made up of dragon scales, each shield showing scales from a different dragon.

"This is my collection, each shield a kill, each kill a scar." I said as Dagur looked on in fascination

"That one?" Dagur asked as he pointed to the shield closest to the door. The scales decorating the shield were a light green.

"My first kill, a Terrible Terror." I said before pointing to my wrist were there was a small burn scar.

"He put up a fight." I said to Dagurs amusement

"Those scales, I'd recognise them anywhere." Dagur said as he approached another shield, the scales where dark purple in colour

"A Skrill" he said in wonder, Dagur always had a strange obsession sometimes I'd find him just staring at the banner of his house with a hunger, for battle or something else I do not know

"At the feast tonight I will present you with your helmet." I told him and he looked at me gratefully and he should be it was a great honour for an outsider to be given a helm of Berk

"I can't wait to wear it as I shove Mithrand deep into Savage's chest." He said in the voice that got him the title 'Daranged'

"Why do you hate him so much?" I asked my friend

"He killed my mother Hadrian, and he would have done the same to Heather!" He spoke heatedly as his hand dropped down to the hilt of Mithrand

"I took his eye, next time I'll take his head!" He said but before I could respond the Dragon Horn echoed around Berk

"Dragon Raid" I whispered before grabbing Bloodrend and charging out the door


( POV Hiccup Stoickson )



I ducked down behind a piece of rubble upon hearing my Uncles shout, and I did so just in time as the Monstrous Nightmare opens its jaw and releases a torrent of fire. I peeked over the piece of rubble to see if it was safe and I clutched my sword in case it wasn't.

What I saw on the other side of the rock was a large Monstrous Nightmare. It's scales were primarily blue but it's legs, belly and parts of its wings were yellow. I raised me sword and readied to charge but it wasn't needed.

Uncle Spitelout stalked towards the great beast with powerful strides, his already impressive height further extended by his helm. The dragon opened its jaws yet again, showing its rows of sharp teeth. It released another bout of fire at my Uncle but he raised his shield and continued on, without breaking his stride. Soon enough the dragon understood that its flames weren't effective and tried to catch Uncle in its jaws.

Uncle Spitelout ducked under the snapping jaws and swung up at the underside of the dragons long neck. The Monstrous Nightmare jerked its head back in pain as Uncle clipped the side of its neck and its back and wings set ablaze as it roared into the dark sky. Spitelout pressed his advantage by swinging his sword in an upwards arc at the blue dragons unprotected belly.

"SPITELOUT!" roared the unmistakable voice of my brother. Uncle Spitelout turned and blocked the spine from a Nadder with his shield before continuing on towards his chief. I also approached Hadrian to receive his orders. As I got closer I heard the end of Spitelout and Hadrians conversation.

"Gather the Ericsons as well as Hoffers girl and bring them to the docks, there is a pod of Scauldrons, four or so." Hadrian ordered

"Aye chief, I'll clear those docks" Spitelout said with confidence before he turned to me covered from toe to helm in dragon blood.

"Right there Hiccup." He greeted

"Uncle." I responded simple before he took of hastily towards the docks

"Aric! Oric! To me!" He called out to the twin warriors, almost identical bar the colour of their eyes "You too Astrid!" He called after he spotted the blond swinging her axe at a pack of Terrors

"Hiccup, I need you to get to the smithy, try that newest invention of yours." My Brother ordered and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited.

"Now go!" He urged before charging, Bloodrend raised ready to swing at a purple Nadder that landed nearby.

As I weaves my way through the battle, ducking under the tail of a disoriented Groncle that got hit in the head by Bjorn Brokerson, our fighting teachers heavy mace. I also saw Dagur cackle madly as he swung with Mithrand in one hand and his axe with the other as he fought a Zippleback by himself.

I spotted the forge and began to run towards it. The battle raged around me as I ran, I saw a familiar man fall with Nadder spines jutting out of his chest, Astrid's father I realised as I stared at his face, but soon I shook myself and continued onward, I have no time to worry about Hoffer. I reached the top of the hill, where the forge was located, without any further interruption but just as I reached out for the door I heard the sound that every Viking has been thought to fear.


Night Fury! I slammed through the door and dropped to the ground on instinct, I noticed Gobber doing the same. Hadrian always said my curiosity would get me killed one day and as I gazed out the window when I should be ducking I could only agree. I heard the signature high pitched whistle of a diving Night Fury followed by a burst of purple fire, resulting in a watch tower collapsing, no doubt killing many.

"Come 'ere Boy" Came the old rickety voice of Gobber Sindrison the Son of Sindri Steel-Shaper the man who made Bloodrend for Grandfather, now wielded by Hadrian.

"Aye Gobber?" I questioned

"Help an ol' fool up will you" he said while offering his left hand, well not hand.

In place of a regular left hand Gobber has a hand entirely made out of steel. The hand was clenched like a fist and clutched in its grip is a blacksmith's hammer, used for making weapons as well as cracking skulls. I gripped the steel fist of my mentor and pulled with all my strength, I struggled to help lift his immense weight of the floor.

"Every year it gets harder to get of these fucking floors Boy, I tell ya! And  Gods be damned this leg of mine doesn't help!" Gobber grunted to me as he gestured to his peg leg.

When Gobber was a young lad not much older than Hadrian, before his great battle with Hürin Hornblower amongst the bones of a Titian Wing Thunderdrum Gobber was whole, all his limbs in tact. But during the duel between the two in a war long past Gobber sustained deadly wounds, losing both his left hand and right leg.  These wounds would have left most warriors dead  but not Gobber, he dragged himself from that battlefield missing a leg and an arm but victorious nonetheless.

"I saw a Boneknapper by the bay! And I'm gonna get some payback!"  Gobber said heatedly while pointing to a large scar covering his cheek from his ear to his chin.

Gobber stomped around the room picking up various weapons and testing their weight until he eventually settled on just grabbing a shield baring the banner of Clan Sindrison, a black anvil on a dark red field. He looked around the messy room looking for his helmet but I found it first. I reached up to a high shelf and grabbed the full face helm, adorned with one curved spike starting at the bridge of the nose and curving backwards. I handed the helmet to Gobber who accepted with a grunt of gratitude.

"Thank you boy." He said and he looked to the door before turning back to me

"You - well your like a son to me boy, I hope you know that." He said with a serious in his eyes usually missing in place for a humorous glint.

"Aye Gobber, I know." I replied simply not knowing how to truly express how much he means to me but my response brought a beaming smile to his face despite how brief it was.

"Try not to burn down the forge boy!" He shouted as he continued his stride out the door, his peg leg clinking of the stone floor.

With Gobber gone I could continue, I ran up the stairs to the second floor past Gobbers room and up the ladder leading to the roof, the hatched door swung open and I was blasted in the face with cold winter wind. I stroke across the roof to a platform set up for my newest invention. The Mangler, a bola thrower.

I aimed searching for a target. My first victim was a Gronckle, while it was fast for its species it was still much slower than most dragons and so it posed no threat to my newest invention. The bola sailed through the air and made contact with the green Gronckle slamming it against the earth below it before it's life was ended by a large Viking swinging a mace.

This continued on much the same for half an hour, I fired at many dragons missing few shots and I was running low on bolas. I slung a bola at a Hideous Zippleback that was mid flight and I clipped the base of one of its necks causing it to spin out of control and It hurdled to the floor.

I loaded up my last bola and searched for a target when I heard the unforgettable whistle of a Night Fury, I took aim at what I thought to be the unholy offspring of lighting and death. I released a shaky breath as a house exploded after being hit by a bolt of purple flame, and for a second the Night Fury was illuminated by its own flame, but a second was all I needed as I pulled the trigger.

I watched in amazement, as did others as the Night Fury slammed into the ground, not far from the forge. I knew I should have stayed in the forge and let more experienced fighters take the Night Fury but the thought of being the first recorded Viking to slay a Night Fury was too tempting so I grabbed my sword and sheathed it on my back before sliding down the roof.

I landed in a crouch and instantly took of towards the downed Night Fury. It took little time to arrive to the downed Dragon, it's wings caught up in the net, wasting no time i unsheathed my sword and raised it high ready to strike the Night Fury and place my name in history where I would be forever remembered as the first Viking to kill a Night Fury.

But it was all for nothing as before I could even finish my swing the Night Fury used it's powerful claws to shred the net into pieces and as I heard the sound of Vikings approaching the Dragon lunged, and I froze, that being my final mistake as the Dragon dug it's claws into my shoulders and took off flying North into the darkness carrying me with it.


( POV Gothi the Elder )

I stood at the base of the steps that lead to the throne, my Chief Hadrian Stoickson sat upon the throne, covered in blood his axe Bloodrend clenched in his hand as he stared at the door in anguish. His mother sat near tears streaming down her face and many shared her sadness and anger for everyone lost someone they cared about during this raid. Even me.

"Hadrian! My Son!" Valka weeped to her Son

"Yes mother?" Came Hadrians emotionless reply as he tried to hold up a strong front for his people

"Give me a ship, and a band of warriors, I will hunt and kill every Night Fury! I WILL HAVE VENGEANCE!" Valka said as she grabbed her spear and shook in anger and sadness

"Mother th-" Hadrian began only to be interrupted by his Mother

"Please I beg of you!" She asked yet again as tears continued to streak down her face

I watched as the Chief slammed Bloodrend to the floor with enough strength it imbedded itself into the stone before he rose from his throne and approached his Mother and embraced her. He held her as she weeped into his shoulder for minutes and the hall began to speak quietly amongst themselves before the two separated.

"Take our fastest Longship, fifty of our best warriors and bring me the head of every Night Fury in all the Nine Realms!" Hadrian exclaimed and I saw the fury in his eyes.

His mother nodded before grabbing her spear and leaving the hall to greave in peace. Hadrian looked in no doubt wishing he could do the same, but as Chief he has a responsibility to his people. And so with a sigh he turned to address his people.

"This is the worst Dragon Raid berk has suffered in many winters, we have all lost someone today, I myself have lost a brother." He said as he returned to his throne. He gripped the handle of of his great axe and drew it from the stone.





"AARRGH"  the whole hall screamed with blood lust, ready to bathe in the blood of thier enemies.




A that was sitting in the cave drenched in blood holding a sword limply in his grasp turned at the sound. He stopped gazing at the downed form of the Night Fury that he had just killed and after turning and limping further into the cave he was greeted with the sight of a hatched Dragon egg and a baby Night Fury, the size of a fully grown house cat. He raised his sword to strike the beast down when a thought entered his mind.

'Wolves were once wild beasts, yet I've known dogs that would follow the command of an infant, what if instead of killing them we trained them'

And so the boy sheathed his blade on his back, crouched down and picked up the young Dragon.

"Hello Shadow, my name is Hiccup"


{ Authors Notes }

Sorry that took so long but I had a busy few weeks.

So yes every one thinks Hiccup is dead but that won't last long.

Soon enough Hadrian will get a dragon it's coming soon

The war with the outcasts will come to an end next chap probably

The working title for next chap is

"Age of Ash"

Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading