
( HTTYD ) Dragon Lord of Berk

What if Hiccup wasn’t Stoick’s first son. What if Hiccup had a brother, a brother who had no problem killing dragons, a true Viking. And what would a blood thirsty Viking do if he could control dragons………. Raid of course. This is the story of Hadrian Stoickson, the Dragon Lord of Berk as he leads his great army of dragons and Vikings to distant shores. ————————————————————————— Hiccup will get Toothless though he might have a different name. Dragons will be different in this fic and some will be treated relatively cruel, Hadrian views them as tools and treats them like beasts of war or pets. Heavy AU if you couldn’t figure out from the synopsis. Hope you read And Hope you enjoy

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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5 Chs

(4) Dagur ‘the Deranged’ Oswaldson

( POV Hadrian Stoickson )

I watched from the chiefs throne overlooking the dragon pit, as Hiccup trained with the other children. Hiccup was different than the other children, different than me as well. He was smarter than he had any right to be. He lacked my height and strength but he made up for it in his wits.

He was tall for a boy of eight winters, standing eye to eye with most that have seen their tenth winter but he wasn't built like the typical Viking. Where our Cousin Snotlout was what you would expect with braided hair and strong arms. Hiccup though was thinner than anyone related to Stoick the Vast should be. But he still had muscle that he had built working the forge with Gobber all these years.

I looked to the other children in the pit. Astrid Hofferson, a young blond girl swinging an axe with more skill than most her age should possess. Fishlegs Ingerman a large and intelligent boy wielding a heavy mace, that most children lack the strength to swing and a shield. Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston trouble makers the both of them but not unskilled with weapons. Ruffnut, the young girl swung a spiked flail like a mad woman and Tuffnut, the boy wielded a spear.

Then there was our Cousin Snotlout, the reason why Spitelout had accompanied me today. He was strong for has age, and already reminded me of his father, in his fighting style at least. The black haired boy wielded a sword, similar to his fathers with considerable skill and a shield baring the Jorgenson shattered spear.

As I watched the children spar I focused mainly on Hiccup. He wielded a hammer, though different to fathers hammer that was built for war this was the hammer of a smith, the same kind that Gobber fought with. He also used a strange weapon, it was a blade, the size of a knife on the edge of a chain and he worked the chain with surprising agility and accuracy.

"They will be a force once they grow, will they not Nephew?" Uncle Spitelout asked his voice swelling with pride as he watched his Son learning from Bjorn.

"Aye, they will." I responded shortly as my focus was on the training

The Ingerman boy lacked much skill but he made up for it with his considerable strength. The Thorston twins.....I couldn't decide weather they were fools or geniuses. The Hofferson girl had all the skill but lacked strength but that would come with age. Snotlout was strong and skilled but was predictable and you could guess his moves before he even knew he was about to make them.

Hiccup was the most well rounded fighter of the group. He was quick, he was strong, skilled and because of his strange choice of weapons he was unpredictable. When they grow they will indeed be a force on the battlefield. But if today goes well the battles won't be against Outcast warriors.

"Bjorn!" I called and everyone stopped. Some of the children stared in reverence and some in excitement, Bjorn though just looked happy to see his chief and friend.

"They have the basic understanding of weapons by now. Begin to teach them about dragons." I commanded the veteran

"As you command chief." He answered and I continued to watch for a few moments before I eventually departed


( POV Dagur Oswaldson )

"I give you the chance to destroy one of your enemies and you spit in my face!" Came the heated voice of the chief in front of me and my father, and I agree with him

"Aye." Came my coward of a fathers meek response

"Father! What are you doing!" I shouted in outrage at my fathers fearful choices

"I'll not make war with the Outcast boy! It's not the Berserkers war to fight!" He said in response

"Not our war! NOT OUR WAR! Did you forget what Alvin did to my mother! YOUR WIFE!" How could he say it wasn't our war after all the pain Alvin had caused us

"I challenge you coward! To a Holmgang!" I shouted, not thinking clearly

"NO! I won't do it! I won't kill my own son!" He shouted - ha thought he would win

"To refuse would mean death." Came the voice of Hadrian Stoickson

"Then I will face death, but not by my sons blade." My father replied.

"Take him." Stoickson ordered his warriors but I wouldn't let my coward of a father refuse this fight.

I grabbed my axe and faced him with a snarl on my face



( POV Valka Magnidottir )

The Berserkers ancestral sword, Mithrand shattered under the repeated swings of Dagurs axe. The Berserker heir raised his axe up yet again and readied another swing.


Oswald the Agreeable's head hit the floor with a dull thud. Dagur picked up the shattered remains of his family's great sword, it was now only the size of a dagger, and he placed it in a sheath before he turned to me son.

"The Berserkers will fight beside the warriors of Berk in the Outcast War, Jarl Stoickson." The boy said calmly

And it was at this moment, while he clutched the shattered remains of his family sword, as he was covered in blood and his father died only a few steps away and this boy of only thirteen winters calmly promised to fight a war beside my own son that he got his name.

Dagur the Deranged


{ Authors Notes }

So there we have it the new chap

We have a look at hiccup and friends

Replaced Gobber as the person who trains new Vikings with Bjorn Brokerson (Possibly the rider of a Screaming Death)because he has a forge to work

Dagur has done killed old Oswald and become chief of the Berserkers

How will Alvin fare when he's fighting a War against the Berserkers and Berk.

Hope you enjoyed