

"I'm Still In Love With You Despite Our Differences" SERIES 2 Ongoing: The Forbidden Love (be with me) Series Theme: You're my beautiful disaster. Only if fortune can dance on their side, only if fate can make her be with him. Then, their love will grow to no boundary. _______________ "Tell me now... Who will you choose huh?" She squealed. "Choose?" Shiven scoffed. Eloira nods nonchalantly, her heart was beginning to erupt fear upon reminding herself of how forbidden it is to be with him, "I am here to see for myself!" Shiven throes from the weight of her pitch, "Eloira, I won't choose anyone other than you... Okay!" Eloira look disagreed, her gaze pleads as if it is over, "But you must choose..." Regardless, before she could complete her words that shiven already knew she wants to spout out, he gently placed his crown on her head, Eloira utters dreamily with several blinks of her eyes, "...A mate... Shiv!" She completely went numb and dumbfounded, what did he just do? "Wh... Wh... what did... you just do to me... Shiv?" She stammered, Shiven swallowed with head nudges around, looking down to her, he held her chin up, "Can't you see? I just chose myself a mate!" He said simply, his lips brush air upon her face. Eloira could feel her legs quivering, deducing the meaning of his action. He'd chose me? "Did...you... just... choose... . . What will happen when The Heir and The Heiress of two rivalry worlds fall in love with each other? Regardless of the war to come, the crown prince of the wolf Kingdom must find the long-lost human girl who happens to be their sole savior within 3 months and she must be crowned with him on his coronation. But what will be the end of the love he has been nourishing since childhood? The crown prince of the werewolf kingdom has been sharing his love secretly with the crown princess of Vampire Kingdom but out of the blue, He must be mated to a strange girl of a race he has no idea about within three months. What would be the fate of the lovers? SERIES 1 Completed: The Arc Of The Ogre (In Love). AVIA: I could feel his face very closer to mine, why is he staring so intensely? Then he whispers, "I wish your pains could be mine! I wish I can take them all away!" My heart starts pounding faster, I was laying here pretending to be asleep but here he is, I wish I can just... just.... just... kiss him! Probably he feels the way I do. ********* MERID: "It's time to make her mine," He said after pouring a wholehearted kiss on her lips. "If she becomes mine then I will find her misery! Until then I will know what to do about her but she most becomes mine!" . . Thousands of years ago Tinaya, the secret human lover of the distinct Alpha Werewolf was forbidden from the Werewolf world chased into the deserted land where demonic beasts dominate. Her soul was taken and she found herself on the moon. Thousands of years later, she was sent to the Human world on a mission. She reincarnated and completely forget her real identity and her mission which she must fulfill within a thousand years but she is being tormented by her inner self. On a bloodmoon day, A werewolf found her lifeless in the woods and saved her, he later sent her back to her family. After 2yrs, he found her again in the woods, but this time, in the process of saving her, an unknown creature kidnapped her. The werewolf later found out that the girl was their awaiting Savior. Also, the creature that kidnapped her needs her to achieve more power. Now, she turned out to be the most wanted of those creatures. Who will have Her? Will she ever be aware of her power? Will she succeed in her task? The Ogre in me that makes me do things... things. . . Read and find out! [BRONZE TIER WINNER: WPC #145] ____________________ Contact Author; Discord: Elita_Rose#0411 Book Contact; Instagram: elita_author Facebook page: You belong to me By Elitá Rose

Elita_Rose · Fantaisie
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187 Chs

15. I'm A Vampire!

After dressing up, I walked downstairs cause I was so hungry, I prayed I should find good food to eat.

I found him sitting on a single couch with a cup of wine in his right hand sipping it. One can see the dining from there as the couch faced it. My eyes were fixed on the dishes on the table as I start to salivate.

"You must be hungry, your food is set," He said pointing towards the dining table. I gulped in nodding my head while I avoid his gaze

Deep down, I'm so happy because I'm damn hungry while I made a blank face, how can he act like an asshole?!

"Are you not eating?" I asked him with a calm voice raising my eyebrows on walking to the dining.

"I'm okay with this" He replied raising the cup to me.

I chuckled, "How can he be ok with wine?" I murmured staring at the food.

"I'm not like you," he said firmly staring at his cup as I returned my gaze on him.

"Not like me? What do you mean?" I asked rolling the chopsticks in my hands as my eyes stared at the dishes in front of me;

Four plates were served, one has liver soup made of gubia seeds, another with cabbage and pumpkin vegetable soup, on my right-hand-side was potato porridge having lipia leaves.

My stomach could not help but grumbled, I patted it to make it settled. So he can cook huh? I'm sure he ordered for this.

"I'm not human like you" he blurted out sitting well on the couch like he was so interested in this question-and-answer conversation.

I giggled, "So you claim to be a random beast or monster?!" I laughed out loud even though I'm super hungry I still need to laugh at the bitch sitting over there.


The cup in his hand burst as he clenched his fist with the broken pieces, the wine splashed over his body and on the floor, my mouth agape but I controlled myself and started eating.

I make sure I didn't stare at him again, is he overreacting now?! but I'm damn happy within me cause it hurt him and I can feel that he's fuming with anger. I love that.

I dropped the chopsticks back on the plate, swallow the remains in my mouth as the realization hit me... My mind went to Loite and his wife, those adorable werewolves.

"Wait! don't tell me you're not hu..man t..oo!" I eyed him with a broken voice, my body shivers as I stared into his eyes which has suddenly changed having very dark eyes circle.

My breathing rate increased involuntarily, "Wh...at ar..e you?" I stammered.

He stood up from the couch walking towards me. "What will you do if you know who I am!?" He asked raising his eyebrows with a scary face, approaching me.

I held strong and made a firm face at him, I've lived with a far scary creature than this, in fact, I live with one every day. Why should I be scared with dark circled eyes boy?!'

"Maybe you're a bat... I heard some bat species can turn into human form" I said trying to figure out his expression while I picked up my chopsticks.

"Bat?!!!" His voice echoed and his eyes lens turned dark reddish. "You dare refer me to such a thing?" He yelled.

"I am MERID, The Al...., he paused, I'm a vampire!!!" He affirmed his voice.

Immediately I heard him, the stick dropped back on the plate and I fell off from the chair, I glanced around wondering what pushed me. I gulped in and my throat jolted.

"You are wh..at?" I stammered but he approached fiercely making me shiver in fear. I couldn't hold myself any longer as his appearance seemed deadly.

Unaware, I let out a crying help voice, "Please, don't kill me! Please spare me!! Don't drink my blood, please!!! I heard Vampires feed on only blood!" I knelt on the floor raising my hands over my head rubbing them together with my eyes closed.

I felt him nearer and I almost froze.

"You want me to feed you?" he whispered in my ear.

I jerked back sitting on the floor as I opened my eyes wide. He bent and lifted me in his arms making me sit on the couch opposite the single couch.

"Don't move!!!" He commanded, I felt helpless on the couch processing the ugly situation.

His he lying? What was the scary face for? My eyes traced him as he walked to the dining and bring all the food to serve on a wheel-like table stopped in front of me.

He sits close to me and I gaze at his eyes which were perfectly normal now. I gulped to make my body calm as he sits beside me.

"Make 'ha!! ha!!' Sound" He said putting up a spoon with soup.

I stared at him blankly. "Are you joking about you being a vampire? and please, can you tell me everything that happened to me, as in how I got here?" I muttered at a go, his hands hang with the spoon.

"I'm not joking, you can taste the wine I was drinking, it wasn't wine, its blood" He replied calmly and I stared at the bottle then to the floor and traced it to his chest.

I instantly rubbed my hands over my neck, "Did you get it from me?!" I said fearfully.

"Fool!!" He blurted out which made me stopped and stared at him.

"What!" my eyes widened

"Anyway finish your food, I will explain to you everything" He dropped the spoon back on the plate and walked towards the stairs shaking off his hands.

I removed the spoon and drank the soup, rush the food in my mouth like a hungry kid.

I sighed and cleaned my mouth, "Weirdo! Vampires are not real!"

"You jerk" I sneered

'But monsters are?!' a voice said in my head, I become confused.

After he left, strangely, I feel so scared maybe because of his action or the blood he mentioned earlier. I feel dumped on the couch until he patted me suddenly which made me jolted on the couch,

"Why are you here again!" I murmured standing to leave but his hand pushed me back on the couch.

I stared at his hand, surprisingly, no form of wounds on it as I thought he would have bondage it but no, he was perfectly fine wearing a white T-shirt.

"I'm here to explain everything to you Avia" he replied with a smile.

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