
'It's Morbin time' (My Three Wives are Beautiful Vampires)

Epic synopsis: [ Man dead... Proceeds to go Vampire mode... ] OP with a OOOOOO a fanfiction of 'My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires' I can't afford anything so i don't own it... Sadge...

Author_amogus · Livres et littérature
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4 Chs

R.I.P Hermes's leg

20 Years later:

In the training grounds of a castle:

Theo was sweating his ass off in a cross-legged position.

'GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!' he was unbelievably upset in his mind.

'I knew the powers I chose would be a bitch to learn, but this is just cancer…' Theo whined in his mind.

Yes, it was his second life, but he was still whining… nothing wrong with that.

When he woke up in the body of Theo Tepes, the first thing he saw was his mother – she was EXTREMELY beautiful, though luckily (or unluckily depending on the person) he wasn't raised in Alabama, so no incest for him.

The second thing he saw was his father – Vlad Dracul Tepes… maybe because he was still quite young for a vampire, he looked exactly like Alucard from 'Helsing: Ultimate' so that was cool.

After he started training Vlad also informed him that he had the 'Night King's' blood even though Theo didn't really care...

But one thing he got out of the blood, or his potential was a training addiction which was quickly forming.

SO, Theo was sitting and thinking, 'I need to create something to give me more time… there's no way I'm fully mastering my powers and the sword in 2000 years…'

Yes, Theo chose the sword as his weapon… it's so cool after all.

But never mind that, he quickly came to a conclusion 'I need to build something similar to the 'Hyperbolic time chamber' from DBZ… even though that's a separate dimension… but technomancy's got this… I think.'


2000 Years Later (If you wanted 5000 years of training sorry bro I aint spending my time writing boring shit)

In Greece:

With a glacier of ice, a man appeared.

That man was of course Theo, and he came here with a special purpose.

He needed a sword…

He had nearly completed his training and was EASILY the strongest being in existence…

So, who better to forge a sword for him, than the God of blacksmithing Haphaestus?

So, Theo just flared up his aura so the Alabama-Gods could feel his presence and send someone… probably Hermes to be honest.

'Speak of the Devil' thought Theo when he saw a shining man with winged boots.

"Leave our territory now bloodsuc-" he didn't get to finish when he felt something detached from his body and fell to the ground.

"Sorry was this important?" asked Theo with a smile, showing him his detached leg.

"Huh?" Hermes didn't get to process anything as he looked at his leg, finding it gone – a puddle of blood in its place.

"AUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" the pain seemed to kick in as he started screaming his lungs.

"Silence" Theo said in a cold voice, he was getting tired of this prick screaming.

He instantly stopped screaming and looked at Theo in absolute terror.

"So, this is the deal. You take me to Olympus and maybe survive, OR I kill you and burn your soul." Theo said with a distorted smile.

Hermes seemed to nod a thousand times and took a medallion out of somewhere.

A golden light enveloped them, and Theo started whistling "*whistle* *whistle* off I go to kick Zeus's ass *whistle* *whistle*"

I'll make the next chapter longer lol