
Chapter Three: More Than One Enemy

Unknown could barely see, as his eye sight began to go blur. His vision finally sharpens and he looks around, he sees four of them, as Unknown tries to get up but struggles, they surround him "I will not lose to this world" Unknown said angry and looks directly at them "I will not die" Unknown Yells as they get closer, one held a spike blade he ran and swing it at Unknown.

"Tell us how do we find him" Unknown said as everyone was silent waiting for static to say something "finding natural would be a terrible mistake, static I expected you to keep your mouth shut about it" Blue Light Said as Verilan turned around facing at a dragon "So you knew that Natural was alive, Blue Light Which Side Are You On" verilan said as Blue Light frowned then spoke "He doesn't want neither of you to interfere with what's happening" Blue Light Said, red vertical lines appeared on Unknown, anger'd by what he said as he spoke "WELL WE'RE DOING IT ANYWAYS, NATURAL CAN SAY A BILLION WORDS ILL SILL COME AFTER HIS ASS TO SAVE HIM" Unknown Said Yelling As red vertical lines showed "I'm not Letting him die, not again. And Not Ever" Unknown said Angry "If I have to die saving someone I care for, If I would die to save everyone. Natural would do it for us" Unknown said as Blue light Understood as Silver Cut in "He's right, this is a life and death situation, We can't loose Natural, We've already lost Scrotris. And he was our only friend that Actually cared for us, I take blame for accidentally making Akuama With my Magic, And Now Scrotris is gone. I miss him still this day, and if naturals alive, well fuck you I'm not letting my besty die" Silver said crying, "My question was always this, why can't Natural bring Scrotris back. it's

Because it would be complicated" Silver said as she burst out crying more as Roxy comforts her, Blue Light made up his mind "I love the fact that you all care for each other, I couldn't believe it myself when he said that, and he's my companion. Go, and get him back" Blue light said as Static and Blue light both agreed with each other "but it won't be easy, you see Hakai Suru is actually alive cause of my mistake, but there's more to it. When Hakai Suru had seen Natural, Hakai suru grabbed and teleported natural before he could explode the entire facility as Natural shielded me as I almost died" Static said, as there eyes widened "no way, so that's how me and silver found you" Unknown said As Silver nodded "But there is more to it then expected" Blue Light Said as they all turn to him "before you try and kill the enemy, you must know your enemy" blue light said as Zero Interupted "You Got the From Dest-" Zero mumbled as Neely covered his mouth, "this evil guy named the dark Striver, he uses spike blade which is made from poison energy, getting hit by it has toxic chemicals which can obliterate you skin, Then there's

Maxamine He's A Creature With Acts Of

Creating Dimensions that Make You Loop The place, Don't Be Fooled By Him, and There's Hakai Suru, the one who took your friend, which you already know about him, then there's a new guy named Reapier he's a thief and Is able to get away from anything, he's telepathic so watch yourself, Then Desamite you already know about him, The Reapier Broke Him Out Of Jail. Now He wants Revenge upon Natural" Blue Light said as Neely, Zero, And Verilan looked at each other "he was the guy that had ice powers first before verilan" Neely said as he flashed back on Christmas "I WILL COME BACK" Desamite yelled "Well he got his wish we gotta take him out again" Zero Said as Neely smacks Zero "Ouch, what it's not like I was tryna be funny, geeze" Zero said and Smacks Neely Back as they both start hitting each other playfully as Blue Light yelled "enough?!!!" Blue light yelled as Neely and zero both stopped, Suddenly Silver Petted Blue Light as he looks at her annoyed "Sorry it's just I always wanted to Do that" Silver said as Blue Light Licks Her hole face, She froze and she slowly falls Down, Unknown looks around to see verilan staring blankly, "You know this doesn't have to be your fight" Unknown said as verilan heard Unknown, he then turned around "Huh!? I'm coming with you guys from here on out, I won't leave anymore. I'm sorry for not showing up when you guys needed me the most" Verilan cries in a sweet drop personality as silver moans "my gosh get a grip already" she crosses her arms as Unknown backs Away Confused. It was pitch black, as light barely caved in through the melted metal from a blocked entrance of the facility, the Reapier looks on the ground and sees static gone. He sniffs, and his eyes began to go optical as he waited for a moment, he then began to smile. Then suddenly starts laughing out of controllably "good, that is great news" Reapier said in a deeper voice as if a Devils lair opened up, he disintegrated, Calabaza yelled loud "Guys, someone knows were coming. Someone or something has pick up a psychic powers just by a scent" Calabaza said "no way, are you serious" Unknown said fascinated "well it was nice knowing ya" Verilan walked away as silver grabbed him by his sleeve "oh no you don't" Silver said as verilan slumps down "awwwww, man" Verilan said while he stand up straight "let's just make sure they don't get to naturals house"