
Chapter Nine: My Will Is Not My Own

"What have you done, As Petty as

You are I'm pretty sure Zero

Could Destroy you" Natural said as Hakai Suru laughs viciously "Sorry Natural but your wrong on both terms, you wanna see for yourself" Hakai Suru Said as One of his Guards Took a sheet off a huge cage as Silver And the others noticed, Silver Gasped "Natural, Im here, I'm right here. I promise you everythings gonna be okay" Silver yelled as Naturals Eyes Widened "Silver, You Captured My Friends" Natural grunts. Zero looks at his beloved fictional character "Hakai Suru, Why Are You Doing this... Wait

YOU HAVE MY COMIC YOU BONE FACE" Zero Blind Raged as Silver holding him back "Let Me Out Of this cage I'm your Narrator I'm the one who made you before That Evil plastic buck boy made you come to life so how about" Zero still talking in the back ground as Hakai Suru sigh "Natural, how do you put up with this shit" Hakai Suru Said stressed as Natural looked at Zero then looked at Hakai Suru "well he's your Narrator, I guessing your ashamed" Natural laughed as Hakai Suru pound the ground "One Way Or Another You Will Do What I Say" Hakai Suru Said, "Sasha, SASHA What Are you doing here" Unknown said as he went to hug her as roxy was confused "Unknown who's that" Roxy looked to see it was a girl, she had a finest hair as if it was combed every day, wearing a black tank top, and some joggers. "Hey, nice to meet you, the names Sasha and I'm one of Unknowns friends" she said as She as Verilan confused "You Look like your ready to kill someone" Verilan said as she smacks Her fist "That's Because I am, you see I know your looking for your friends, Unknown sent me as a Spy to search there location, so I sent terfex to go inside and get Intel while I came here. We better get moving right away" Sasha said as the others widened "Unknown you have spyies" Roxy and Neely said as Unknown faced palmed "No I knew them along time ago, let's just get a move on" Unknown said as they others shook their head, "terfex did you locate Natural and his friends" she said as she uses a high tech to switch out her clothes, now she looked more stealthy. "Yes. There in an abandoned place called rusty reals, it's been old and disgusting for years. I'm clear to engage inside on your call" terfex said as Unknown reached out his hand and grabbed Sasha's mic "I repeat do not engage, until we get there. We need know if that place is secure and not a trap" Unknown said as terfex confused "Unknown! good to see you. I copy, and will wait to hear from you" terfex said as he sat close to a burned up car, keeping watch on any activity. Hakai Suru was thinking of a solution, "Desamite get the girl" Hakai Suru Said as Desamite grabs silver "No, Let Me Go You, Before I Pound your face in" Silver slapping him as he hold her down "What are you doing, Leave her alone" Natural said struggling to break free, Hakai Suru grabbed an x-ray and points it at her "if you don't give me your powers, I will ease her from existence" Hakai Suru Said as she tries to break free "no, stop... Please we'll do anything" Silver said crying as Natural closed his eyes as he tries not to give in, he grunts as he opened his mouth for a split second, suddenly out of no where a blue light opacity shined brightly as Naturals eyes widened "Unknown, is that you" Natural said Confused as Unknown tried to walk "Leave Her, Alone!!?" Unknown said it faded, Unknowns Eyes Widened as Hakai Suru put down the x-ray as she punches desamite and flips him over, and slams him on the ground as Hakai Suru grabbed her "No, Let Me Go" Silver screamed as Someone blew the door open as smoke filled the air, Unknown did a somersault and he yelled "Neely get them out of there, Verilan help Natural" Unknown said as he tries to aim his hand Cannon at Hakai suru but the Dark Striver pulled him backwards and grabs him by the neck, "Going Somewhere" The Dark Striver Said As Terfex Grabbed Him and body Slammed The Dark Striver as Terfex yelled "hurry I've got your back" He said as Unknown made a run for it, Sasha seen Maxamine as she cracks her knuckles "oh, you wanna play. huh, you should really pick your battles" Sasha said as she turns her fist into metal as She Boxes Maxamine as he was unable to keep up with her speed, Unknown charges at Hakai suru as He tries to pull out his sword, but he forgot that he had broken it, Hakai suru Grabs him by the neck "Forgot Something" Hakai Suru throws him as he hits a wall and he falls into another room, Unknown stumbles to get up "your nothing without your precious little sword" Hakai suru said as Unknown gets up, as red vertical lines appears on him as he's looking down, Hakai Suru uses sonic blades as The sonic stucks at Unknown he closes his eyes as he felt if a thousand knifes were going through his body, he starts to glow and Unknown absorbed his sonic waves and reflects it back at Hakai Suru, as his eyes widened "no way" Hakai Suru disappeared making Unknown miss, Unknown ran back into the room as Verilan was struggling to break Natural free as Unknown punched the silted lock that tied up Natural and Broke him free, Neely and Roxy Both kicked the cage and it broke agressive until the door broke open as Sasha And terfex carried Natural "Who are you guys" Natural said barely speaking "Were with Unknown, it's been awhile. Right now we need to get you home" Sasha said as Silver went to Unknown and hugged him "how did you find us" Silver said pouting as Unknown smiled "Thanks to my old friend Sasha, she was able to help me find you guys" Unknown said as silver crying "I'm not dreaming am I" she said as Unknown smiled "No, your not" Unknown said, "let's go home" Unknown picked her up.