
Chapter Five: Luck Is Not An Option

"Come On, Let Us Go. Trust Me Your Making A Huge Mistake, Someone Must Of Set us up" Roxy said as she gets furious as Netro tried cooling her down, She gets more angry "Don't Touch Me, I'm Sick And Tired Of Being Comfort By Lies Knowing that everything is not Alright, Now Look where We are" Roxy said crying as red vertical lines showed on Unknown, as silver looked and tapped Unknown with her elbow while Verilan crossed his arms "This Was his Evil trick, you minus well setup the place" Verilan said as Zero almost laughed but stopped himself, it was an hour later as silver was sleeping on Unknown, as he was still awake, pressured and angered by the decisions he's made, as they stopped and pulled them all out of the van as Unknown In hand cuffs, while Rokorume looked at Unknown with his mask on "take off your mask" Rokorume said as Unknown Glared sharped at him "Let us go" Unknown said as Rokorume grabbed Unknowns neck and pushed him backwards as Neely Called Out "Hey, You Damn!! Bastard leave my brother alone" Neely said as Unknown gets angry "LEt Us Go" Unknown Said a Second Time as rokorume got fed up and Grabs Silver as he pulls out a pistol point it at Silver's temple "IM NOT GONNA ASK YOU AGAIN, TAKE OFF YOUR DAMN MASK OR SHE DIES" Rokorume said as Silver Freaks "UNKNOWN DO WHAT HE SAYS" She Cries as Unknowns Eyes Widened and He screams dramatically "AAAAHHHHHHA" Unknown broke the hand cuffs as Rokorume points the Gun At Unknown "Gravity Stop" Unknown Yelled And Everything Froze and he fast teleports Taking silver and took away his gun and Unscrewed it making it Unfixable, it went back to normal

As Rokorume's eyes Widened "I knew you were the one" Rokorume laughed as Unknown Confused "What Do You Mean I'm The One" Unknown said as he Hugs Silver, "You See, This Was All Just A Test, I'm Actually here to negotiate with you" Rokorume said as zero and the Others Blind Raged "Wait!?! So We're Not Arrested" They all said as Rokorume smiled "Nope Your free to go, but I need your help" Rokorume said as Netro answered "with What" Netro Said as Rokorume replied "Hakai Suru Is The Guy You Want as well as saving your friend, right" Rokorume said as Unknown nodded "Then You'll Need My Help Tracking There Location" he said as verilan looked around and was confused as he had seen something, "huh, what was that" Verilan said and Went Farther Away from the others as he noticed that they were underground, and out of no where maxamine sucker punched Verilan as he falls to the ground, "That Hurt" Verilan Said as he laughed, he Then uses Crystal Blades and throws them At Maxamine as it Dodges it, as Verilan overwhelmed "Damnit I need more target practice" Verilan said as someone strikes him in the back very agressive, he falls stumbling again "Member Me" Desamite said as Verilan overwhelmed "Wait?! Who are you again" Verilan Said as Desamite blind Raged "It's Desamite, You Know ME" he said as verilan confused "Whatever Dead mite" Verilan said as Desamite Blind Raged "ITS DESAMITE" he yelled, as verilan gets back up "I don't care who you are, I'm gonna end you" Verilan said as Maxamine tried to strike Verilan while he wasn't looking, but before maxamine could touch Verilan he used ice and frozed Maxamine, Unknown Heard Something as The Reapier Suddenly made a Lava hammer and smacked it at Unknown As He Flew, Unknown hits a tree branch and falls as he could barely see, as his eye sight began to lose vision. His vision finally sharpens and he looks around, he sees the dark Striver as it runs at Unknown, Silver Sees Unknown As the lava Burned Unknowns robe, it was reaped and now ruined, he Sees The Dark Striver running at him, Unknown reaching for his sword but it wasn't with him, Unknowns Eyes Widened "I Can't Take this anymore" Unknown said angry "Everyday, I swear im gonna kill every single one of them" Unknown said as he yells "I won't Lose To This World" Unknown said as bright energy Glows Through him like a Light "I Fight For Those Who Stand In My Way" Unknown said as Silver Uses magic and Uses a blast to keep The Reapier away "wait, Unknown has Secret powers now" zero said as Verilan smacking into Zero As they both fall to the ground as Desamite was laughing "Your So Weak, you don't even Know How to use your own Powers" Desamite pulls out A knife as Zero Gets Up "How about you fight me One on One" Zero Yells Out as Netro gets in the way and Hacks Desamites body as He Disables His too arms As he then falls To the ground as Verilan Uses ice to Freeze up his Legs "I'm guessing we both have problems" Verilan said as he kicks Desamite in the face Knocking him out, Roxy fire Punches The Reapier Repeatedly as Silver Strikes the Reapier with a Void Sword as the Sword only Appeared for a split second and it disappeared, Unknown sprints And Fights Agressively as Unknown grabs His sword from the van and does a slide grind and uses a mega attack against The Dark Striver striking him full on, he Fights Carelessly as he thrusts his sword forward, he disappeared into thin air before he could lay a scratch onto him, Unknown looks around "Where did they Go" Unknown Confused Looking Around carefully as it was dark and different from anything they've been in, "huh, where did they go" Neely said looking around as Verilan Looked To see maxamine not there, Unknown breathing heavily as he touched the burning fire as it still flamed parts of his body, he puts it out with his hands as silver right behind him, "It's not over if that's what your asking" Unknown said as red vertical lines showed on his face as he grunts, almost falling but catches himself "Is that really all they got, They had realize that they couldn't ambush us so they ran away, we're going after them" Unknown grunts in pain as silver went over to carry him "where do you think they went" Silver asked as he grunts in pain "I'm Not sure, but we got to get natural fast before Hakai Suru does Something Completely Stupid" Unknown said as Neely sees Unknown and Silver, he quickly ran to Unknown.