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"Why Roy?! Why did you...I thought we were friends," Three years into his academic life, Lucas, a child incapable of using Universal Energy, is betrayed by his friend Ray, the one person whom he trusted. "Friendship? Don't make me laugh, Lucas. You were always nothing but a pawn to me." Those words, cold and cruel, pierced through the heart of Lucas, even more so than the knife lodged in his chest. Feeling darkness closing in on him, Lucas's desperate plea for help echoed silently in the depths of his heart: "I...don't want to die. Somebody, please... help me." In the haunting echo of Lucas's final plea, the Hourglass, concealed deep within his soul, forges an ethereal contract with Lucas. A contract that thrusts Lucas into a Time Loop spanning countless millennia. Now wielding the power of Time itself, Lucas embarks on a perilous journey through the fantasy-like realm of Xanus, unearthing the enigmatic secrets of his past, the mysterious origins of the Hourglass, and the unsettling truth behind his friend's ultimate betrayal. Yet, the path ahead is far from straightforward. Concealed within the shadows are long-guarded secrets that have shrouded Lucas's life in darkness, veiling him from the truth.

TheNovelEnthusiast · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Space Piercing Rapier

Lucas couldn't stop himself from grinning while looking at the book inside his Thought Space.

After gaining permission from Agnes, Lucas immediately started searching through the 7th Floor of the Library for anything involving Rapiers.

And, by a giant stroke of luck, he managed to find what he was looking for, just one minute before his regression kicked in again.

The name of the book was [Space Piercing Rapier], it was a Rapier Art made by a 7th Class....Mage?

Why would a 7th Class Mage make a Weapon Art?

Lucas didn't actually read the book when he was inside the Library, he had only flipped through each page in order to memorize all of its contents with his Innate Skill [Memory Film].

Now, seeing that the book was actually made by a mage, and not a rapier user, Lucas had a bad premonition.

With a heavy heart, Lucas started reading the book.

The author of this book had the incredible foresight to not leave his name behind, as not even ten minutes had passed before Lucas wanted to curse the maker of this Rapier Art.

At its core, the contents of this book were incredibly simple to understand.

Right as the user was about to stab their opponent with the Rapier, they would use [Teleport], creating two incredibly small teleportation circles, just big enough for the rapier to pass through.

One of the circles would be placed at the tip of the Rapier, while the second would be placed in the blind spot of the enemy.

Once your Rapier passes through the first circle, it would appear through the second teleportation circle, stabbing the enemy in his blind spot.

The more proficient you are in using [Teleport], the more teleportation circles you could make, Rendering your opponent incapable of guessing which direction your next attack will come from.

Its not like the Rapier Art described in the book is weak, or faulty for that matter.

On the contrary, its an incredibly powerful attack, that if executed properly, could kill your opponent in an instant.


Lucas wasn't even a Mage!

If he wanted to even begin practicing this Rapier Art, he would first need to learn [Teleport], a 5th Class Spell!

In other words, if Lucas wanted to use the [Space Piercing Rapier], he needed to become a Fifth Class Mage.

Additionally, he couldn't just stop practicing Aura either.

No matter how powerful this Rapier Art was, without Aura, his attack wouldn't even count as a tickle to his opponent.

With his Aura and Mana Refinement speed, just how many decades would it take to reach the 5th Class!?

He didn't even know the requirements to become a 5th Class Mage, or a 3rd Class Aura user for that matter!

Moreover, there was a reason why the [Space Piercing Rapier] was placed on the Seventh Floor of the Library, and not the Fifth.

Lucas didn't think for a second that executing this move would be easy.

In order for one to use the [Space Piercing Rapier] they needed to form at Least two teleportation circles the size of a finger using [Teleport], additionally those circles had to be placed in precise locations, all of this had to be done in less then a second, in the middle of an intense fight.

Plus, this was the bare minimum requirement.

The [Space Piercing Rapier] truly started to shine once one had enough teleportation circles to completely confuse their opponent.

The level of difficulty would increase dramatically with each teleportation circle you add, making this Rapier Art much harder to execute than any 5th Class Weapon Art.

After coming to the conclusion that it was impossible to learn the [Space Piercing Rapier], Lucas was planning on throwing away the book inside some remote corner of his Thought Space, before going to the library to pick up a different Rapier Art.

However, just before he threw away the book, Lucas got a sudden idea.

A very ridiculous idea.

What if, hypothetically speaking, he learned how to use [Teleport] all by himself?

It wasn't impossible.

He already had a Mana Circulation method.

He also had a lot of books related to teleportation, and magic in general, even though none of them explained the theory behind it, at least he could get some inspiration.

In the first place, who said that it was impossible to use [Teleport] without reaching the 5th Class?

If Lucas managed to learn [Teleport] by himself, not only would he be able to execute the [Space Piercing Rapier], he would also become capable of leaving the Academy whenever he wanted.

Once the idea of leaving the Academy entered his head, there was no going back.

But, in order to make any sort of progress, he first needed to refine some Mana.

Unfortunately, the only [Mana Circulation Method] he had was the one which the Academy gave its cadets.

Although this refinement method wasn't bad by any means, it was clearly worse than the [Dark Star Aura Art] that his family made.

This was further proven when Lucas got even less Mana then he did Aura when using the different refinement methods.

Still, there was nothing he could do except continue to refine both Mana and Aura, all the while cursing the Hourglass for being stingy.


-1 month and 12 days into the loop

By using the general knowledge from the library, Lucas achieved the feat of spreading his Mana outside his body, letting him sense his surroundings in a range of 50 meters.

-1 month and 28 days into the loop

Lucas found out that he was capable of influencing physical objects by commanding the mana that was spread around him.

For example, he could make objects move, or make them float, get heavier, etc..

-2 months and 14 days into the loop

Lucas finished his Aura coating, letting him officially become a 2nd Class Aura User, however, he wasn't sure how to go further than that.

-3 months and 19 days into the loop

After compressing all his Mana as much as he could, Lucas found that he could make Mana take physical form.

-3 months and 24 days into the loop

By applying the same principle to Aura, Lucas was capable of creating a ball made entirely out of Aura, however, he still needed practice in order to make it take the form of a Rapier.

-5 months and 11 days into the loop

By compressing his Mana in a certain way, Lucas succeeded in making his first ever [Barrier]

-6 months and 27 days into the loop

By compressing his Aura in a certain way, Lucas succeeded in making an Attributeless Aura Sword.

-7 months and 9 days into the loop

By infiltrating the 3rd and 4th Floors of the Library, Lucas found that the biggest difference between the two classes was the use of Elements.

-8 months and 15 days into the loop

Lucas found that his brain was getting faster and faster at processing his thoughts and ideas due to the mana stored inside it.

Unfortunately, he still didn't know how to infuse Elements into his Aura and Mana.

-1 year, 2 months and 17 days into the loop

With no clues as to how to infuse his Aura and Mana with elements, Lucas turned to the books on the 4th Floor of the Library, hoping to find the answer he was looking for there.

-1 year 5, months and 21 days into the loop

After going through the entirety of the 4th Floor, Lucas noticed an interesting line inside a book titled 'Intermediate Blacksmithing' by Argon, a Grandmaster Blacksmith.

the quote went like this: 'How do you expect to forge something, when you don't even know what that something is made out of?'

Feeling inspiration from Argon's words, Lucas started learning everything he could about the different elements such as Fire, Light, Darkness etc...

-1 year, 7 months and 2 days into the loop

Lucas managed to infuse the Element of Light into his Aura, unknowingly becoming a 4th Class Aura user.

-1 year, 7 months and 3 days into the loop

The very next day, Lucas managed to infuse the Light element into his Mana, becoming a 4th Class Magic user in the process.

-1 year, 8 months and 6 days into the loop

Lucas got accustomed to using the attributes of Light, Fire, Darkness in both his Aura and Mana.

-1 year, 8 months and 7 days into the loop

Feeling that the time was right, Lucas infiltrated the 5th Floor of the Library, hoping to find the [Teleport] Spell.

-1 year, 9 months and 3 days into the loop

Lucas finally found the [Teleport] spell, he then proceeded to study the spell inside his Thought Space.

-1 years, 9 months and 23 days into the loop

Lucas found that the biggest difference between spells of the 4th and 5th Floors was that the latter spells required the person to multitask.

For example, in order to successfully cast [Teleport] Lucas needed to create both a starting point in space, and an end point, after creating the two points, he needed to connect them with his Mana.

If he couldn't do all three at the same time, he would be incapable of using [Teleport].

-2 years into the loop

After relentless practice, Lucas successfully completed his first ever teleportation spell.

-2 years, 1 months and 15 days into the loop

Having mastered teleportation, Lucas finally set his sights on the [Space Piercing Rapier].

-2 years, 3 months and 4 days into the loop

After two months of training, he managed to execute the most basic two circle [Space Piercing Rapier].

-2 years, 6 months and 21 days into the loop

After almost four months of training, he successfully managed to execute the [Space Piercing Rapier] using Fifteen different teleportation circles.

-2 years, 6 months and 26 days into the loop

Lucas now felt ready to take revenge against Alfred and Aubrey.




Hearing the alarm clock ringing, Lucas didn't bother to get up and turn it off.

For now, all he had to was wait.

Wait for Alfred and Aubrey to come to his dorm room.

Just how long had he waited for this day?

Just how much had he suffered inside the Thought Space, in order to be capable of killing them.

He had already formulated a plan of action.

Two years ago, he was only planning on aiming for Alfred. The thought of killing Aubrey, who was most likely a 6th Class Aura user, didn't even enter his mind.

But now, things were different.

Two years ago, he only had his [Flash Steps], along with his [Time Stop].

Now, he not only had the [Space Piercing Rapier], he also obtained the ability to use an Aura Blade.

He could use spells of the 5th Class and below, and was capable of infusing his Aura and Mana with the elements of Light, Darkness and Fire.

Additionally, he had the element of surprise, considering the fact that both Alfred and Aubrey thought that he was just a cripple who couldn't even use Aura and Mana.

He refused to believe that he had no chances of winning against Aubrey.

All that was left was waiting for the two of them to show up, just like they did on his third day of regression.

Knock, knock, knock

And, just as he had expected, both of them had arrived at his door just three hours later.

It was time to see the fruits of his hard work for the past two years.