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"Why Roy?! Why did you...I thought we were friends," Three years into his academic life, Lucas, a child incapable of using Universal Energy, is betrayed by his friend Ray, the one person whom he trusted. "Friendship? Don't make me laugh, Lucas. You were always nothing but a pawn to me." Those words, cold and cruel, pierced through the heart of Lucas, even more so than the knife lodged in his chest. Feeling darkness closing in on him, Lucas's desperate plea for help echoed silently in the depths of his heart: "I...don't want to die. Somebody, please... help me." In the haunting echo of Lucas's final plea, the Hourglass, concealed deep within his soul, forges an ethereal contract with Lucas. A contract that thrusts Lucas into a Time Loop spanning countless millennia. Now wielding the power of Time itself, Lucas embarks on a perilous journey through the fantasy-like realm of Xanus, unearthing the enigmatic secrets of his past, the mysterious origins of the Hourglass, and the unsettling truth behind his friend's ultimate betrayal. Yet, the path ahead is far from straightforward. Concealed within the shadows are long-guarded secrets that have shrouded Lucas's life in darkness, veiling him from the truth.

TheNovelEnthusiast · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

A New Goal

"I believe you."


For a moment, Lucas thought that he was hearing things. However, the serious expression on Agnes's face told him that she wasn't joking.

"Why? As you said, its a ridiculous story that even a kid might not come up with. So why do you believe me?"

Even Lucas himself was surprised at how agitated he became when Agnes said she believed his story.

"I have no choice but to believe it. The giant octopus 'Sotrul' is an existence that only the council members are aware off. He can be considered as one of the trump cards of The Coalition."

"The fact that you know of its existence, when you haven't even left the academy grounds is proof enough that something is happening here."

"Now then boy, what do you plan on doing next?"

Just as Lucas was feeling relieved and happy that someone actually believed in his story, Agnes asked a question which he had been avoiding for a while now.

Indeed, what will he do next?

Was he supposed to fight against Alfred and Aubrey until the end of time?

Truth be told, Lucas already lost the will to fight against them the moment he became powerful enough to survive their combined attacks without using his [Time Stop].

If he didn't want to fight, what should he do then?

"I...don't know what I'm supposed to do now."

For the past three years, the only thing that kept him going was the fear of getting killed by Alfred and Aubrey, along with the thrill and excitement that getting stronger brought him.

Now, without a goal in mind, he also had no motivation to get stronger either.

Ideally, he wanted to use [Teleport] in order to leave the Academy grounds in hopes of visiting Lisa.

in the entire Coalition, the person Lucas cared about most was none other than Lisa.

Lisa was the one who helped him grow up, and she was the one who stuck with him when everyone else turned their backs after they found out he couldn't use Aura and Mana.

However, he couldn't do that.

There was another formation enveloping the school grounds that prevented people from leaving its premises, even if they used [Teleport], a 5th Class Spell.

"What do you mean 'you don't know?' Don't you want to break this time loop?"

"Break...the time loop?"

"That's right, shouldn't breaking the time loop count as a goal you can strive towards?"

"You make it sound so easy, although l can't tell you the cause of the time loop because of the restrictions that Lucifer placed on me, l can tell you with certainty that its impossible for me to do anything."

Lucas truly had tried breaking the Hourglass before, but any effort to do was useless.

Despite trying every spell he had in his arsenal, along with using his Aura, he was incapable of even leaving a scratch on the Hourglass.

In such a situation, how was he supposed to break the loop?

"There is no such thing as impossible in this universe. Just three years ago, didn't you think that regression is impossible? Yet here we are now."

"It only seems impossible because you are too weak."

"Weak? I managed to beat a 6th Class Aura user, how am I weak?"

"Wow~, impressive are we? Then, can you beat a 7th Class Aura user?

Regarding Agnes's question, Lucas chose to stay silent.

What a joke. How would he be capable of beating a 7th Class powerhouse? He was already having trouble against a 6th Class, there was no need to mention anyone stronger then that.

"Hmm? Staying silent are we? Then, tell me, if you can't even beat a 7th Class Aura/Mana user, how can you look me in the eyes and tell me its impossible to break the loop?"

"Even then, its pointless. Although l still haven't finished reading the 5th and 6th floors of the library, the 7th Floor is completely inaccessible to me because you spend the entire day inside it."

"Without access to the 7th Floor of the Library, l will soon reach a limit in what l can learn. Without knowledge, how can l become stronger?"

"Since you already trespassed inside the Academy Library, has it never crossed your mind to do the same to the Libraries of the other races? I can assure you, each race has a library which is no worse then the one inside the Academy."

Trespass the libraries of the different races? How ridiculous of a thought is this?

For sure, Lucas had never entertained such a thought, as doing something so reckless would definitely result in his death.


"Even if l did want to do that, l can't leave the school grounds because of the formation that forbids anyone from leaving without permission."

"That silly thing? Don't worry about it, if you promise me that you will become stronger and try everything in your power to break the loop, l will tell you the way to bypass the formation."

"But why? Why are you helping me so much?"

Lucas simply couldn't understand why she was doing all of this for him. Previously, she had let him browse the 7th Floor of the Library, and now she was promising to give him a way out of the academy.

"You are not the only one stuck inside the loop, everyone else on Xanus is stuck inside it as well. We also have no way of knowing if the time loop is limited to Xanus, or if it encompasses the entire universe."

"For all we know, this could be a plan devised by the Angels and Dragons in order to fully destroy our planet. As a Member of the Council, it is my responsibility to prevent such disasters from happening.

"This is why it is of the utmost importance for you to break the loop."

"Now then boy, do you promise to become stronger, in order to break the this cycle?"

Truth be told, Agnes was incredibly nervous right now. Before talking with Lucas, she assumed that he was just a depressed student, that's why she was planning on cheering him up before leaving.

Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to hear such a story, nor did she expect to find herself believing what he said, down to the very last word.

Additionally, what she said just now wasn't a lie. It was of utmost importance that the time loop is broken, otherwise Xanus might forever be stuck in a single point in time.

The only one capable of changing things was the boy in front of her. And yet, this same boy has already lost his way after just three years.

If she couldn't set him back on track, then it was entirely possible that he would just sit around doing nothing until the end of time.

It is for this reason that Agnes nervously waited for Lucas to start talking, everything would be decided by his response

'If l choose to become stronger, l can finally leave the Academy!'

Contrary to the nervousness that Agnes was experiencing, Lucas's thoughts were very simple.

The temptation that came with the promise of leaving the Academy was simply too great for Lucas at the moment. He would be willing to go through another round of torture, as long as it meant that he could finally leave this place.

"How strong do l have to become in order to break the loop?"

"I don't know."

"Then, how long would it take me to become as strong as you?"

"A very long time."


Lucas was speechless at the answers that Agnes gave him. Couldn't she at least give him a relative estimate?

"Don't look at me with that face, how should l give you the answers to those questions when l don't know what is the cause of the time loop, nor do l know how talented you are?"

Although she said that, it was just a big fat lie on her part.

She knew just how impossibly hard it was for someone to reach the 7th Class, or god forbid the 8th Class. It would be even harder for the boy in front of her, as he had no knowledge or guidance on his path, he had to figure everything out by himself.

Although he somehow managed to become a 5th Class Mage, this was only possible because of the resources inside the library, along with the shortcuts that he took along the way.

If the boy continued to take these types of shortcuts, he would one day hit a wall that will be impossible to overcome.

The moment the boy hits this wall, will be the moment he finally breaks down. That's why she needed to keep silent on the matter, if she said anything, it could negatively impact his growth, which will only lead to his doom.

"I can only tell you to take things slowly, there is a reason why everyone else needs such long a period of time between each class. Its done in order for one to establish their foundation. Without a proper foundation, it will become impossible for you to reach the 7th Class, understand?"

"What is wrong with my current foundation? I thought that everything until now was done perfectly."

"It might seem like that to you, but to me, it is full of flaws. The number of spells you learned is pitiful for your Class, additionally, your Aura is supposed to be your main weapon, right? If that is the case, why is it lagging so far behind compared to your Magic?"

"Its because I was learning the [Space Piercing Rapier]..."

"So what? Which one is more important, a Rapier Art, or ones own foundation?"

Lucas could only accept the scolding coming his way. He had never considered these problems as he was so focused on learning the [Space Piercing Rapier]. In hindsight, everything Agnes said was correct, if he continued like this, he would face problems later down the line.

"Thank you for reminding me, Sister Agnes."

"Hmph, as long as you understand, its all fine."

"Now then, its already approaching six a clock, let me show you the method to bypass the formation before your regression kicks in. After that, everything is up to you."

Lucas looked at his wristwatch in surprise, he didn't expect their conversation to last for such a long time.

No, in the first place, when is the last time he had talked for so long with somebody?

It was nice talking with somebody every once in a while...

Lucas followed Agnes outside, all the while entertaining such thoughts.