

The light no longer shine upon the righteous, then let me fight in the dark

DaoistfZzxNA · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Start again

"Yihuan, do you know why the world is spinning." "The world formed in the accretion disk of a cloud of hydrogen that collapsed down mutual gravity and needed to conserve its angular momentum. Xiaochuan, you should study more." As I answered, a giggling sound appear. I looks up from reading the book wondering what she found funny in I said. As I looked up, a seven years old little girl wearing a creamy pink dress appear in my vision. Her hair is dancing along with the soft breeze. Under the bright sunlight, her milky skin is like precious porcelain from Han Dynasty. Giving her back to the road full of cherry blossom trees, as if it's a scene from a movie that let me remember how she smile at her last moment. I am stunned as if I have gazed an abyss. "Yihuan, sister, what are you thinking deeply about?" Her voice makes me come back into conscience. "Nothing. Why do you suddenly ask this kind of question?" I maintain my composure and asked her back. "Oh, my dear sis, I am laughing of your view to the world. You are too logical sometimes I don't even know whether you have a heart or not." "Then do you have a more suitable answer." "Silly sister, the world spins because it doesn't want us to be still. That's why we have to move on with life no matter how hard or complicated it is." Xiao Chuan runs to the manor as she finishes answering. As I watch her getting out of my sight, I left out a sigh. Spring has come and my silly cousin has become mature. She can even make me speechless now. As I walks along the garden slowly, I remember grandpa's teaching. If you climb the mountain quickly, you will see the top of the forest but you won't see the beauty of small wildflowers. Grandpa's words are right. People should enjoy every momentum. I can't just always think about revenge. Since the world gave me a second chance, then I should enjoy it. "Silly sister, Sister Yihuan, what are you thinking seriously again?" "Nothing, I am just admiring a beauty." As I say playfully while thinking how my little sister would blush. "Humph, you want to tease me again, aren't you? I am not falling for it this time. If you want to admire beauty, shouldn't you be admiring yourself. Pitch black hair and crimson red eyes like rubies, skin as white as snow with scarlet red lips, sister, you are way more beautiful than me. "So, my little sister learns how to catch people off guard." "Oh, even though I am not as learned as sister, I am still a smart kid, okay." Her little seriousness is too cute to watch.