

Gao Yang had always been alone and had crossed over to another world by chance. At the age of 18, Gao Yang accidentally discovers the secret of this world: it's full of weirdness, and his friends and family may all be terrible "beasts"。 Gao Yang nearly dies when he discovers the truth, but at a critical moment he gains the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he becomes! A game of sheep and wolves begins ......

Daoistmpp · Urbain
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12 Chs

First note

"Here's the deal, you two do something for me. As a condition, I will tell you all the serial numbers after 50 digits. Not only that, but I'll answer one of your questions for free."

"Do what?" Qing Ling asked with a sniff.

"You must first promise me." Officer Huang smiled, "It's definitely not hard, and it's guaranteed to be non-life threatening."

Qing Ling was silent at this, uncertain of her decision for a moment.

"Since you already know the ratio of beasts to humans, you should know very well how bad your current situation is."

Officer Huang sighed deeply, "We are all orphans of the world, abandoned by God long ago."

Qing Ling was still silent, hesitant.

Gao Yang was also silent at the side.

Officer Huang followed his lead, "I think that to survive in this world, apart from having a strong talent, you also need to master as many of the world's rules as possible."

His eyes were relaxed, but his tone was certain, "I guarantee that my information is worth a thousand gold, and this deal is definitely a good deal for you."


Gao Yang blurted out, his thought was simple: since the other party had said this, he would agree to it first, in case it didn't work out, it wouldn't be too late to back out.

Qing Ling glared at Gao Yang, but did not voice any objection.

"Smart man."

Satisfied, Officer Huang took out a note pad and pen from his uniform pocket and quickly wrote down three notes, "And don't blame me for being petty, after all, I can't trust you guys completely yet, in this world, you can't be careless."

The policeman folded the notes and handed them to Qingling.

Qing Ling reached out to take it, but Officer Huang quickly drew back the note and instructed, "Remember, tomorrow after your evening study, open the first note. After you have completed what you have been told, open the second one. And so on, and finally look at the third one. Be sure to obey."

Qing Ling casually took the note and stuffed it into the front breast pocket of her school uniform, "After the deed is done, I want to ask two questions."

"Yes, I will contact you when it's done." Officer Huang got up and then pulled out his mobile phone, "Master Liu, settle the bill."


In the middle of the night, when Gao Yang returned home, his mentality had undergone a huge shift.

Upon learning that most people in this world were beasts, he could no longer look straight at what was once a warm and beautiful family of five.

From the host's experience that night at the age of four, Gao Yang was almost certain: grandpa was definitely a "beast", although it was not clear which kind.

Grandma was in the same room with Grandpa, so I'm afraid she was also a beast.

As for his father, mother, and sister ...

Gao Yang didn't want to think about it, but deep down he wished his family were human, even if the odds were as small as winning the lottery, he still couldn't get rid of this fluke, after all, they were all family members he had spent 12 years with.

If Gao Yang hadn't been hit by that "psycho" on his 18th birthday, if he had lived in ignorance, grown up, got married, had children and died, it might have been a blessing for him instead.

It is not sad that a man lives in falsehood and lies, provided he never wakes up.

Yet there is no if, Gao Yang awakens and the once peaceful life no longer exists.

From then on, one can only take one step at a time, walking on thin ice, the slightest mistake is an abyss.

It was already 3am when he got home and his family had already gone to bed. Gao Yang was sure to get a lecture from his parents in the morning, but at least tonight, he didn't have to face them again, he still had time to adjust his mind and find the most suitable state to face the family.

Gao Yang was physically and mentally exhausted, so he lay down in the bathtub and just wanted to take a nice, hot bath. As soon as he looked up, the hexagon in front of him emitted a faint light, he didn't use his hands to touch it this time, tried to close his eyes and controlled it with the voice in his mind: enter the system.


[Enter system].

[You've gained 27 new Lucky Points, and now have a total of 30 Lucky Points, do you want to use them?]


[Opens attribute panel for you]

[Strength: 12 Stamina: 12]

Strength: 11 Agility: 11

[Spirit: 10 Charisma: 10]

[Opportunity: 0 ]

Gao Yang immediately noticed that some basic attributes had increased compared to before, albeit very weakly.

"Will the attribute values increase automatically?" Gao Yang said to the system in his mind.

[The attribute values will fluctuate somewhat according to your body functions and state]

[Today you had a fulfilling day and are a little stronger than you were yesterday]

"So if I do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats every day, plus a 10km run. For three years until my hair falls out, could I become the strongest man on earth, er ... Like Saitama?"

[In theory you will be stronger, but you may also face injuries such as muscle strains and worn knees]

"So how am I going to get stronger? "

[Use luck points to permanently enhance attribute values]

[Also, different talents have permanent bonuses to different attribute values]

"Is Qing Ling's Blade God talent powerful? "

[Talent: Blade God. Sequence Number: 32. Rune Type: Damage]

[Full Level Blade God: Blade Expertise, Blade Damage increased by 3 times, Physical Break Rate 91.4%]

[Full level Blade God permanent attribute value bonus: Strength +200, Strength +500, Agility +800 Charisma +200]

"What about the Gun God talent? "

[Talent: Gun God. Sequence number: 41. Rune type: Damage]

[Full Gun God: Gun Expertise, Gun 97.3% hit rate, fire speed 12 shots/second]

[Full level Gun God permanent attribute value bonus: Strength +100, Power +400, Jet +700 Charisma +150]

"Holy shit! "

[Does the host want to use Lucky Points now?

"Only 30 Lucky Points, what's the point of allocating them, add them all to [Opportunity]! I'd like to see what changes will be made.

[Once the Lucky Points have been allocated, they cannot be changed, are you sure?]

"Sure, make it quick!"

[Congratulations! Your [Opportunity] has exceeded 30, and you have received a permanent bonus of 6 points to all your attributes]

[Strength: 18 Stamina: 18]

Strength: 17 Agility: 17

[Spirit: 17 Charisma: 16]

[Opportunity: 30]]

[In addition you have triggered the hidden panel, do you want to unlock it]

"Unlocked! Hurry up!"

"Sorry, not enough opportunity.]

"You're messing with me!"

Access ended, system hidden.



The next day, Gao Yang got up and Unsurprisingly, he was lectured by his mother: he was obviously about to sit for the college entrance exams, but he had been staying out at night for the last two days, not answering his messages or phone calls, so he was really getting more and more unpredictable.

Gao Yang lied and said that it was Wang Zikai's birthday, so he dragged him to sing until midnight.

When his mother heard this, she became even angrier: "Wang Zikai? He dropped out of school, didn't he? Don't hang out with that kid all day long, don't follow his example."

At the dinner table, the father, who was happily eating his food, had a different opinion: "You mean Xiao Kai? I heard his father was very rich., son, that's a friend you can make."

"Don't listen to your father!" My mother glared at my father.

"In today's society, ability is secondary, and the main thing to rely on is people's resources. Xiaokai's class of friends will definitely be of use to our son in the future." The father argued reasonably.

"What kind of distorted values are you talking about?" The mother got angry.

"Wife, I don't mean anything else, I just want my son to have more friends and more prospects in the future. I believe that Yang Yang has his own judgement and won't really follow his bad example."

"Dad, mum, I've had enough."

Gao Yang had mixed feelings, he really didn't know how to face his "family", he simply ate two bites, and then carried his school bag to school.

He knew that his family were probably beasts, but for a moment, Gao Yang's heart wavered: his parents had brought him up, and they loved him more than anything, so how could they be beasts? But wasn't Li Weiwei also his childhood friend at the beginning? She was such a beautiful girl, but she still turned into a demon in a second.

What kind of creature is a beast?

What do they really want?

What is this parallel world all about?

Gao Yang doesn't know the answer, like why he crossed over at the age of six and why he has a system?


Gao Yang came to school and had an ordinary day.

All day long, Gao Yang didn't speak to Qing Ling, not even a single crossed eye.

After the evening study, Gao Yang went to an alley near the school where there were no cameras.

Soon, Qingling also appeared, and she pulled out two very thin black sweatshirts from her large school bag, along with two duck-tongue hats and masks.

"Change into them."

"Right here?"

"Or what, should I build you a changing room?"

Qing Ling said and started to take off her uniform, she was really fast at undressing, like a snake shedding its skin, in two or three strokes she removed her top, revealing her white neck and sexy breasts, Gao Yang saw this and hurriedly turned around and wriggled out of her clothes.

Three minutes later, the two changed into black bodysuits and put on their duck-tongue hats and masks.

Before setting off, Qingling took the first note out of her pocket and opened it.