

Gao Yang had always been alone and had crossed over to another world by chance. At the age of 18, Gao Yang accidentally discovers the secret of this world: it's full of weirdness, and his friends and family may all be terrible "beasts"。 Gao Yang nearly dies when he discovers the truth, but at a critical moment he gains the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he becomes! A game of sheep and wolves begins ......

Daoistmpp · Urbain
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12 Chs


The pantry was terribly quiet at that moment.

The air seemed to have frozen, and Gao Yang could hear his own heartbeat at that moment: it was over, our conversation had definitely been overheard by him.

Gao Yang turned his head to look at Qingling, only to see that Qingling's face was expressionless, her mind was thinking at high speed.

If Officer Huang was a Beast of Wrath, she could easily deal with it though.

But there were hundreds of "people" outside the pantry, and if she revealed her identity as an Awakened One, she would be dead for sure.

Would she run now?

There was no point in doing so, and even if she did, she would not survive for more than a few days, as her identity had already been revealed.

Qing Ling's last companion was stronger than her, yet she still died because she had accidentally revealed her identity.

She had no choice but to gamble on one last possibility.

"Officer Huang, why are you here?" Three seconds later, Qing Ling spoke up and asked.

Officer Huang slowly walked over to the water fountain and bent down to receive a glass of cold water, exposing his back completely to Qingling and Gao Yang's eyes.

After receiving the water, he slowly turned around and leaned his body against the edge of the water dispenser table, "It's still Li Weiwei's case, I wanted to start my investigation with the people around her, so I came to the funeral service."

"Did you find anything out?" Gao Yang asked with a feigned composure.

"Asked around, got a few leads. Can't tell you guys though." Officer Huang took a sip of water and said with a smile this, "By the way, what were you guys talking about just now, it sounded interesting, what beast? What rules?"

Gao Yang felt bad when he heard that, there was really no way to muddle through.

Since that was the case, he had to fight one last time.

"A very hot survival game that I've been playing recently." Gao Yang finished his sentence and glanced at Qing Ling, continuing, "We were just talking about the game."

"Is that so?" Officer Huang nodded at his words, pondering, "What's the name of this game?"

"It's called ... 'Monster Human Hopscotch'."

"Sounds like an interesting name." Officer Huang sighed in envy, "It's just nice to be young, which is like us, beat workers, who have long since run out of time for entertainment."

Officer Huang finished his water, put the cup on the drinking bucket and leisurely walked out of the pantry.

In just a minute, a cold sweat broke out on Gao Yang's body and his back was all wet.

He asked Qingling, "What now?"

Qing Ling frowned slightly and said, "Two possibilities. One, he is an angry beast, already suspicious of us, and is deliberately testing us. Two, he is the Beast of Obsession."

"A beast of obsession?"

"Beasts of obsession are special, also known as 'lost ones'. They think they are human and have deluded themselves. Even if an Awakened One appears before them, they won't harm the Awakened One, and usually automatically ignore key information and automatically correct the brain's logic and memory."

"If Officer Huang is the Beast of Obsession, we are safe for now." Gao Yang concluded.

"Right, but the odds of that are slim." Qing Ling walked to the door and looked at Officer Huang in the spirit hall through the doorway, "The Beast of Rage is extremely hungry for prey, they usually don't make a sound when they find the Awakened and want to eat alone."

Gao Yang remembered how Li Weiwei looked when she was ready to kill herself and muttered, "It seems to be like this ..."

"There are over a hundred people in the spirit hall now, there must be more than one Beast of Rage in there. That's probably why Officer Huang didn't attack us."

"He wants to eat alone." Gao Yang sucked in a cold breath.

"The possibility is high." Qing Ling looked at Gao Yang with an icy gaze, "We still have a chance, kill him first to silence him."


Late at night, 10pm, Shanqing District, Police Station.

After the farewell party for the body, Officer Huang drove straight back to the police station.

Qingling and Gao Yang took a taxi to follow, and after getting out of the car, they went to a cafe opposite the police station and found a convenient spot to observe the police station and sat down.

The two ordered some food and drinks, then took out their textbook assignments and pretended to study together while killing time.

At first, Gao Yang refused to follow Qing Ling to kill Officer Huang.

But when he thought about it, if Qingling failed to kill him, he would die sooner or later.

Since he was going to die anyway, he might as well help Qingling as much as possible now.

"I have quite a few questions I want to ask you." Gao Yang took a sip of orange juice and said slowly.

"Say." Qing Ling said without raising her head as she ate her food.

"Do you have any other companions besides me?"

"Didn't I tell you, I knew two before, both are dead now."

"You, then, have always been alone?" Gao Yang sniffed a little incredulously.

"Two." Qing Ling's gaze drifted, "Didn't I tell you that there was also my sister."

Gao Yang responded that Qing Ling was talking about his second personality, Qing Xiang.

"It's not easy for you two sisters ...."

"It's better to worry about yourself first." Qing Ling put down her fork, "In a moment, if the operation fails, I will escape and hide."

"What about me?" Gao Yang asked.

"I don't know." Qing Ling's eyes were cold, "I won't bother with a loser."

Gao Yang was sad to hear that.

I'm not a waste, I have my own talent!

But on second thought, It's better not to show off your talent in front of beautiful women

The two of them waited until late at night when Officer Huang finally came out of the police station.

He walked to the police car by the roadside and froze just as he pulled out the car keys. He looked down and found that the front tyre of the car was broken - The tyre has been punctured in advance by Qingling

Without showing too much annoyance, Officer Huang took out his mobile phone and made a phone call with a smile, then crossed the road to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Qing Ling kept a distance of about fifty metres from Gao Yang and Officer Huang, following him carefully.

Huang warned as he smoked and talked on the phone, and as he passed a street park, he walked in, seemingly trying to take a shortcut home.

"Here's your chance." Greening saw this and unconsciously quickened his pace.

"Could it be that he's setting us up?" Gao Yang was very suspicious of this.

Qing Ling's gaze flashed at his words, "Then we'll see who's really the prey."

It was late at night, the park was densely wooded and there were no tourists, Officer Huang was walking alone, but the more he did, the more Gao Yang felt that this man was unpredictable and dangerous.

Qing Ling and Gao Yang took out their masks and sunglasses from their backpacks and put them on. They followed Officer Huang to the centre of the park and looked for an opportunity to dive behind the neatly trimmed bushes.

Qingling stretched out her left and right hands and pointed them at the surveillance on the street light overhead.

She concentrated on it and seemed to be controlling something. Two seconds later, with a flick of her fist, the monitor made a slight sound and it was destroyed.

"You go out and distract him." Qing Ling whispered, "Leave the rest to me."

Gao Yang sniffed very nervously, "Okay."

Gao Yang took a deep breath, walked out of the bushes, quickly caught up with Officer Huang and shouted.

"Officer Huang."

Officer Huang stopped at the sound of his voice and turned around and said suspiciously, "Who are you ...?"

Gao Yang pulled off his mask, "It's me."

"Gao Yang, what are you doing here at this late hour?" Officer Huang said with a smile.

"About Li Weiwei, I suddenly remembered a little clue and wanted to tell you."

"Really?" Officer Huang smiled and walked towards Gao Yang, moving slightly eagerly, "Good, tell me quickly ..."

Suddenly, Officer Huang's smile disappeared.

He turned around quickly and drew his sidearm at his waist.