

Auteur: 海琼云
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What is 穿书后我每天都想开挂

Lisez le roman 穿书后我每天都想开挂 écrit par l'auteur 海琼云 publié sur WebNovel. 每天看网文的苏小梨一不小心穿越到了四十年代。她想,这么苦B的年代老天总得给她开个外挂吧,没想到金手指就是自己上辈子学到的那点学问,外加聪明可爱人见人爱。惊不惊喜,意不意外!穿书后,她上有圣母老娘奇葩爹,下有绿茶妹妹极品妹夫。人家穿越,创业致富戴金表,她穿越,斗智斗勇斗白莲。自此,穿书后她每天都想开挂。苏小梨:“老天爷,求你掉个馅饼吧!”宋少爷:“坏消息是,天上不会掉馅饼!好消息是,天上可以掉我!”...


每天看网文的苏小梨一不小心穿越到了四十年代。 她想,这么苦B的年代老天总得给她开个外挂吧,没想到金手指就是自己上辈子学到的那点学问,外加聪明可爱人见人爱。 惊不惊喜,意不意外! 穿书后,她上有圣母老娘奇葩爹,下有绿茶妹妹极品妹夫。 人家穿越,创业致富戴金表,她穿越,斗智斗勇斗白莲。 自此,穿书后她每天都想开挂。 苏小梨:“老天爷,求你掉个馅饼吧!” 宋少爷:“坏消息是,天上不会掉馅饼!好消息是,天上可以掉我!” 苏小梨:“老天爷,求你让我数钱数到手抽筋。” 宋少爷:“结婚吧!”

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He leaned in closer, his fresh minty breath fanning against my face. His lips seemed to be getting closer with each second. He was barely an inch apart. Yeah, he was so close that if I'd moved my face, our lips would be connected. Then, he stopped and stayed there. I just wanted him to kiss me dammit! His baby blue eyes had darkened with desire causing the sliver specks in them to brighten. But he didn't make any move. There was a struggle in his eyes. What the hell was he struggling for? "Ambrosia?" "Yes?" I replied breathlessly. His terrifying closeness and breath against my face was doing crazy things to my heart. Seriously crazy. He closed his eyes. When he opened them, his eyes were back to normal. "Run!" Saywhatnow? Maybe I didn't hear him right. My brain was all mushy because if this. "What?" "Fucking run!" And just like that, I took off running. To where? No idea? From who or what? Still no idea. Why? Simply because he told me to. Yeah. I was dumb. Do me a favor and add that to the list of stupid things I do. *** The Supernatural world had finally merged with the Human world. The humans had no choice but to accept the fact that Supernaturals lived amongst them and we're superior. So, basically the Humans were below the Supernaturals who were below the Deities. Life was simple that way. Having everyone know where they belong. Well, that was until a group of power greedy, or what everyone thought of them, Rebels rose to fight the hierarchical order starting from the gods. All the gods have to still exist since they are now outdated and, dare I say it, weak, are a bunch of teenagers with no experience whatsoever in defending the universe. Yeah, the gods are doomed. Or are they? *** "I love... No I loved you. You should have cherished me when you had me."

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Overturning Fate (~A Journey of a Lifetime~)

~~Personal Tags~~(currently on hiatus) #Weak_to_strong #Magic_world #Demi-human mc -------------------------------++------------------------------ A journey always started with a single step but as you step further and further never-ending tides will push against you, stopping and straying you from your path. Those who push against the tide with all of their might and will walk in the path of the strong. Those who played the tides and making it push you further with their mind and thought is the path of the wise. Only those who walked both paths will truly become a legend, walking a path they have taken with no regrets. Join Valin journey. A journey that will last for a lifetime yet most will never treads. "I shall overturn fate if it's against me." -------------------------------++--------------------------------- Hello, the author here. this is technically my first real novel. I'm not a native in English (but I'm quite great at it) and I'm using Grammarly keyboard and whatever knowledge of English I have to type in my phone lol. I'm editing this my self+grammarly so don't expect a truly high-quality novel (also because writing novel mobile is 10x harder than on a computer) but at least try reading before anyone judges me lol. P.s. if you like what you see pls support this novel by giving comments, rating, review, and power stones. , the most important thing is for you guys to enjoy~. Novel cover copyright is not my own pls comment on my latest chapter if you(owner of the picture) want to take it down.

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Table des matières
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Volume 1
Volume 2


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