

For all his life, Romeo Morningstar had dreamt of being a Paragon. A group of powerful mages that defended humanity from the creatures that ravaged the world. But he couldn't achieve his dreams in a world where the rich were given every privilege, as those who awakened to various powers rose to unseen heights. After his father, who was just a mere warrior with no powers, perished for the sake of humanity and he found his mother lifeless on the day of Christmas, his wish of becoming a talented genius crumbled. On a seemingly fortunate day, he was shot to death by an aristocrat, only to find himself inside another body. Given a second chance as Logan Lee, the youngest son of a conglomerate, who's an aspiring musical genius with little to no powers, he was set to become a God in the world of the superstars and the greatest mage of all time. Join Logan Lee (Romeo) on his journey as he rises to the highest pinnacle of power and stardom.

Celestial_prince · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Through Death Comes Life

The rolling thunder accompanied by the heavy torrent of rain that cascaded over the metropolis of Aurora on that cold, stormy day was something he would never forget in his career.

The water spewed from the sky, hitting the ground with a loud plop while Romeo stood before his mother's monument in silence, while the rainfall drenched the last portion of clothes on his body.

He clutched a black umbrella in his right hand as he cried quietly. He was supposed to celebrate the festivity. Instead, he was mourning at the memorial of his late parents.

Few of their neighbors contributed a little amount of money to give his mother a befitting burial. Others who appeared to pay their respects could only offer condolences. The rest gave him nothing but pitying glances, which only made him feel worse.

Only twenty individuals were in attendance. Those who were of the same communal status as them. The poor.

Of course, Aurora was a big city. A city where wealth and magic reign supreme. It was a society where every individual was ranked according to their social prestige.

They were the Paragons. These are a group of elite mages who stood at the apex of humanity. They act as the last line of defense against the beastly creatures that ravaged their world.

Other people were the Deviant.

Deviants are humans with awakened powers. The rest of the population was made up of soldiers and normal mortals.

Wonderful immunities were given to the rich or those who awakened to diverse supernatural powers. But for the rest of them, it's like being at the bottom of a barrel where they struggle to fend for themselves at the mercy of those in power or the people that wield it.

His father was just a mere soldier who wasn't given adequate opportunities like the others. He wasn't a deviant, so he wasn't favored like the others. Unlike the very few who were awakened.

When beastly creatures started appearing, they sent his father to battle at the front line, with the rest of the other soldiers like him. While those who were meant to defend and kill those creatures sat in their luxurious houses and watched those with no powers or abilities battle for their survival.

It was only when these monsters proved themselves powerful enough to wipe out humankind that the paragons, along with a few capable deviants, swung into action.

By then, it was already late. The war had claimed the head of his dad, along with most of the heroes. Only a few survived the brutal battle. And all of those who did suffer greatly from the injuries inflicted by these monsters.

Everything was shattered when he and his mom heard the story. Romeo's dreams of becoming a talented genius despite having no talents crumbled.

The last fragment of hope his mother cliffed unto since the time her husband departed for the battle had been snatched off, forever placed in the looming shadows of depression which led to her demise.

When his dad died, he was supposed to be given an honorary funeral, along with other brave souls that perished because of the human race.

The same group of men who had ordered him to fight heroically paid off the media and news channels to keep their lips shut on what had transpired.

They collected numerous honors and praise that weren't theirs, while they made some of them representatives of the elite mages. The paragons.

Romeo saw the injustice that his father, along with the brave soldiers that died during the war received, so he protested against it.

He went to the national institute for defense and valiant warriors, AKA Delta, to file his complaints.

If they were to grant his request, Romeo and his mom would live comfortably well for the rest of their life.

Instead, he was branded a crazy psycho. After they had ruthlessly dealt with him, they dragged him out of the place by those his dad swore undying loyalty to.

After the incident, they compelled him to seal the pains inside him while he and his mom fended for themselves.

Romeo Morningstar, being the only child of his parents, supported his pitiful mom, who would toil day and night to make ends meet. It caused him to drop out of school because of their inability to raise the funds.

However, he got a job as a curator in the city.

Although most of the top jobs were filled by those who were gifted with enhanced senses and strength, Romeo found his job valuable.

Since he was no longer going to school like the rest of his mates, he spent his time reading a lot of books that he thought would help him later in life.

Unfortunately, on a snowy December evening, he caught the owner of the library, his master, General Joe Hunter, under the warm comfort of another woman's arms. While he fondled himself between her thighs with one hand, his other palm was busy unbuckling his belt.

His mind went blank at the sight. The only melancholy Romeo had was for Joe's spouse.

Romeo was aware of how his wife cherished him thoroughly. She regularly paid a visit to the library to check on her partner while she pampered Romeo with good food.

She was a wonderful woman. An amiable companion who deserved the best husband in the world.

Yet, her husband took advantage of her affection, and the only 'Thank you such a loving wife received was his infidelity.

They said men will always be men.

That's why, despite his love for Joe, Romeo couldn't condone the general for what he did.

When the General noticed Romeo had discovered his secrets, he begged the boy to close his mouth seal. He even wanted to bribe him, but Romeo turned down the offer.

Romeo couldn't betray his wife after all she had done for him. So he threatened his master to change his ways or he would expose him.

Despite his warnings, the general still continued with his unfaithfulness while painting the library with his profanities.

Romeo's heart ached for his mother. His eyes burned as tears dripped down his face as he stood there, clutching the umbrella close to his chest, watching as the raindrops fell on his mother's grave.

It was already getting late and the few individuals who commiserated with him had gone home, leaving him alone in the city's graveyard.

After crying out to his heart's content, Romeo walked home in the rain. He was so grieved with sorrow he didn't take a cab home.

A bright headlight from a specific car flared in his direction. He assumed it was a regular cab seeking commuters.

The car slowed down a few meters away from him as it traveled in his path. Romeo strolled closer to the automobile, oblivious to what was happening around him.

The owner of the car opened the door and stepped out into the rain, with an umbrella sheltering him from the downpour.

"Where do you think you're going to? the voice rasped, stopping Romeo from moving any further.

" And who are you? I don't have time for anyone. Just go your way," he answered, intending to walk away.


The mysterious fellow brought out a pistol and pointed it towards him as he froze in his spot.

" Of course, I'll be gone soon enough, not after I send you to greet your pathetic mom," the guy sneered, holding the trigger of the pistol.

Romeo's brain snapped at how the fellow just hopped out of nowhere to insult his mom. The last thing he wished to do for her was to protect her dignity.

She was a virtuous mother. Unlike this scum before him.

" You mother f*cker! Romeo yelled as he menacingly dashed towards him to attack him with his umbrella.

baam! baam! baam!

The man released and pulled the trigger thrice, firing three silver bullets across his forehead.

Romeo felt as if the whole world came to a halt. He gasped a few times as his vision blurred.

He collapsed on his knees and fell to the tarred road, while the rain poured on him before he lost consciousness.

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