

For all his life, Romeo Morningstar had dreamt of being a Paragon. A group of powerful mages that defended humanity from the creatures that ravaged the world. But he couldn't achieve his dreams in a world where the rich were given every privilege, as those who awakened to various powers rose to unseen heights. After his father, who was just a mere warrior with no powers, perished for the sake of humanity and he found his mother lifeless on the day of Christmas, his wish of becoming a talented genius crumbled. On a seemingly fortunate day, he was shot to death by an aristocrat, only to find himself inside another body. Given a second chance as Logan Lee, the youngest son of a conglomerate, who's an aspiring musical genius with little to no powers, he was set to become a God in the world of the superstars and the greatest mage of all time. Join Logan Lee (Romeo) on his journey as he rises to the highest pinnacle of power and stardom.

Celestial_prince · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Youngest Son

Romeo woke up to the pungent smell of hospital disinfect that invaded his nostrils. The room was silent apart from his heavy breathing and the beep beep sound you often heard in hospitals that indicates you're alive.

He slowly opened his eyes, squinting in an attempt to sharpen the blurred images before him. Romeo glanced around and took in the deserted, blue and white colour schemed hospital bedroom.

How long have I been here? He shut his eyes, struggling to recall what had exactly happened. Then it all hits him with a bang. The memory of it all occupies his thoughts.

"I'm sure I died after that id*t shoot me with a gun? I'm supposed to be in heaven, for that is where I belong? Is this the afterlife? He let out a heavy sigh as he wondered if this was another reanimation of Hell.

"Who brought me here? Out of impulse, his hand travels to my face, pressing his fingers at the exact place the bullets were fired into his body.

He flinched in pain as he touched the white bandage wrapped around his head. A small trickle of blood still clung to it as he gently pulled his hands away. Pulling out the sheet of blue cloth that covered him, he tried to get up.

Once he stepped on the cold, white tiles, Romeo instantly fell back on to the bed. His body, engulfed in pain as if objecting his decision to stand up. He lay there pathetically, waiting for the pain to wash away as he stared at the ceiling, illuminated with a white fluorescent light.

Perhaps he was waiting for some help from the hospital staff. He still didn't know how he got here, who took him here, or how long I've been here.

His series of questions was interrupted as a devilishly handsome man with brown hair and mesmerizing hazel eyes emerged from the door of my room with a mobile phone close to his ear.

The young man froze in his tracks as soon as he saw him wide awake, staring back at him.



" You don't know how happy I'm to see you awake Logan Lee" the man who was in his early twenties called out and walked towards his bed sitting beside him.

At that moment, his mind went blank. The young man has just confused his confusion.

"Logan Lee? Romeo rambled, giving a surprised look.

" Am sorry, young master. ``The man quickly stood up and gave him a customary bow.

"I won't ever call you by your name if it seems disrespectful to you," he continued while looking down.

" Young master...? No.. no! I think you mistook me for another person. Kindly move to the next ward," Romeo said, while sitting upright again.

"huh? you don't seem to remember anything after that incident young master? Don't you know you're the youngest son of the Kang family? the man asked again.

" Don't you remember? I'm Jung, your personal bodyguard," the man said confidently, flashing a charming smile.

Romeo still let out an astonished stare, not being able to come up with words to speak.

"I'm Logan Lee? Who am I? Where am I?" Romeo asked more desperately than he had ever done before in his life.

Jung nodded " Yes indeed, young Master". It implies you have forgotten who you are after someone pushed you down from the top of the penthouse"

" From the top of a penthouse? How is that possible? Romeo demanded in an inaudible whisper. He remembered he died on the night of his mom's burial after he was shot to death. How come this man was saying he was pushed down from a penthouse?

He has only seen those types of luxurious houses and admired those who lived in them. He hasn't stepped his foot on one before.

Wait. That means this young body my soul is inside belongs to no other person than Logan Lee? he thought.

" Young master, you have been asleep for 15 years now," the man spoke, breaking his train of thought.

"15 years?! That's insane! I have been unconscious for 15 years?!" Romeo exclaimed as he clutched onto the blanket.

"This wasn't good. How did this happen? Romeo shook his head in disbelief.

He knew Logan had died tragically, just like him. The world has taught them how unfair life is in the most cruel way.

" On the night of the family celebration, you remained upstairs after Mr. Liam ordered you not to join the party. After you went out to the balcony, you ordered me to get your violin. You loved music, and I recall the day you told me you wanted to be a musical genius. " he paused, staring at Romeo to see his reaction.

" I love playing violin? Romeo asked. The only musical instrument Romeo knew how to play was the piano. He learnt it from his mother when he was young.

"Yes, young master. I left to pick up your violin but came back to discover you weren't there. I searched for you, only to find your body hanging on the white statue at the front of the building. Some pushed you off.".

"Am sorry, it's all my fault. I never should have left you alone. " tears streamed down Jung's cheek, as the image of his young master's lifeless form flashed before his eyes.

Romeo felt sorry for Jung. He was mesmerized at how he stayed beside him for 15 years, looking over him and still living under the guilt and pains he never caused. His loyalty was undying.

Good people still exist in this world.

"There's no need to be sad. I'm alive and well. Don't feel guilty anymore, okay? Romeo said, trying to comfort the man, although he was also feeling guilty because Jung has been tortured, because of him.

"There's nothing I wished for except for you to wake up young master." Jung giggled amid the tears that ran down his face.

From his observation, Romeo discovered Jung and Logan Lee had developed a strong relationship that the two saw themselves as brothers.

"Uhm... I don't want to stay here anymore. Since I am alive, I want to leave here. The word 'Hospital' and I are not on good terms," Romeo announced after some minutes, trying to change the subject so he wouldn't worry Jung with the disturbing thought any longer.

"Alright, young master. If you feel uncomfortable staying here, then I'll get your car ready for you…"