

For all his life, Romeo Morningstar had dreamt of being a Paragon. A group of powerful mages that defended humanity from the creatures that ravaged the world. But he couldn't achieve his dreams in a world where the rich were given every privilege, as those who awakened to various powers rose to unseen heights. After his father, who was just a mere warrior with no powers, perished for the sake of humanity and he found his mother lifeless on the day of Christmas, his wish of becoming a talented genius crumbled. On a seemingly fortunate day, he was shot to death by an aristocrat, only to find himself inside another body. Given a second chance as Logan Lee, the youngest son of a conglomerate, who's an aspiring musical genius with little to no powers, he was set to become a God in the world of the superstars and the greatest mage of all time. Join Logan Lee (Romeo) on his journey as he rises to the highest pinnacle of power and stardom.

Celestial_prince · Fantaisie
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The Auspicious Night

The extravagant decorations that were used to lavish the entrance of the penthouse that settled like a glimmering star in the night sky reflected on the eyes of the guest who came to mark the auspicious event going on that night.

The Kang family had previously sent their best guards to deliver the red and coveted envelope to their honored guest. Those in the corridors of power.

Every year, the Kang family normally holds a feast on the eve of Christmas, to commemorate their success and the achievements they accomplished throughout the season.

To be the guest of the wealthiest household in Aurora, one had to be a deviant or an elite mage that wields impressive powers.

Their gates would forever stay receptive to those who also came from influential families.

This group of affluent aristocrats believed solely in class and prestige. It would be a shame if they invited those from the middle class, let alone those at the bottom of the stratosphere.

Some of them who held immense wealth often hired some deviants as their guards. One thing about the rich was that most of them had a lot of enemies they never noticed who was who. So they had to take certain measures to prevent unforeseen circumstances.

Expensive and luxurious limousines trooped in their numbers into the avenue. All who were seen coming down from their respective cars dressed in costly and beautiful clothes as they made their way into the residence.

The Kang family was one of the richest families in Aurora. They controlled the most successful and biggest company in their city, The KANG'S ENTERPRISE. Which was headed by Kang Liam, the CEO of the corporation.

He was a smart and ambitious fellow who inherited the company from his dad. As the eldest son, he became the first CEO of the corporation and took the mantle of leadership from his dad, Mr. Kang, who was the founder of the company.

When Liam became the head of the cooperation, he placed the company as the top one leading industry in Aurora.

With outstanding achievement comes greater honors, right?

Ever since that feat, he was given many titles and was admired by many.

The glorious moments only lasted a while. Something catastrophic happened.

Despite Liam being the grand trophy of the Kang family, they never knew what arsenal Liam hid behind closed doors.

For some years now, he was keeping a secret affair with his secretary Miss madriel who he was madly in love with. Liam was already married by then, but he kept his relationship with his assistant a secret.

The moment Liam was announced as the successor of the company, Madriel publicly made their relationship open. At first, the news almost broke Kang's empire, because they couldn't afford any scandals.

They had to stop the gossip from spreading, so they made the media publish fake rumors that the young master wished to take another spouse.

This incident tore Rachel's heart, who was probably his legal wife.

Rachel had constantly wondered why her husband had treated her indifferently. She tried everything in her might just to be noticed by him, even though she did nothing wrong.

Rachel knew their marriage came as a surprise, but her feelings for him were true. She loved him wholeheartedly.

Every night during supper, Rachel would wait for her husband to come home and join her to eat, but her husband wouldn't be back until midnight when she was asleep.

Sometimes, she stayed awake and waited for him. Whenever he came back, she would often ask him where he went.

The only response her husband gave her was the blames she never deserved.

Even though her husband never loved her, she was willing to wait for him to cherish her back the way she did someday.

Her world came crumbling the day her husband, together with his secretary, came home one night while she waited for him in the dining hall.

It surprised her to see the secretary's suitcases with her. Her entire life shattered the moment Liam declared he was taking her in as his wife.

She decided to oppose it, but her efforts were fruitless. Racheal couldn't watch how her husband's executive secretary appeared like a typhoon and swept everything she ever cared for or dreamt of.

She still tried to endure. She still wanted to bear the torments and struggles alone.

Gradually, she became insignificant in that house until she gave birth to Logan Lee. After his birth, Logan's mom mysteriously vanished into thin air, never to be seen again.

On the highest porch of the penthouse stood Logan Lee. He had gone up there to escape any form of disgrace or slanders his stepmom or relatives might throw at him.

He stood from there observing the welcomed guests, who arrived from all different social strata of Aurora. He watched everyone mingling and dancing. He wished he could too, but he didn't want to raise any attention.

His dad had strictly instructed he should stay upstairs till the ceremony was over.

He was the type that sought for stillness amid chaos.

A dazzling smile appeared on his lips when he saw his father greeting some of these elite mages.

His expression quickly changed to that of terror when he felt a pair of hands push him off the balcony.

Logan's grips, which were holding the rails, slipped as he fell off the edge of the monumental building. He fell with no time to react, and the wind whistled through his ears as he plummeted toward the ground.

The person who had pushed him off popped out its head, laughing maniacally at him.

The light from the balcony was dim, so he couldn't see the perpetrator's face clearly as he yelled in despair while falling with great velocity.

Logan's vision blurred the minute he landed his back on the white statuary, which was stationed in the heart of the fountain at the entrance of the suite.

Blood seeped out of his mouth as the red crimson liquid trickled down the white sculpture, painting it red.

The last thing he recalled was the muffled screams from the guest around the fountain before everything went black.

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