

Auteur: 冻顶仙人掌.QD
Actuel · 25.3K Affichage
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  • NO.200+

What is 欧海大玩家

Lisez le roman 欧海大玩家 écrit par l'auteur 冻顶仙人掌.QD publié sur WebNovel. 在曼岛贴地飞行,去达喀尔爬山,但我真的只是一个打网球的,为什么要逼我?哪怕骑骑自行车也好啊!我这辈子最大的愿望就是只进行室内运动!...



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Lord of the Witches

[A crossover between Lord of the mysteries and Release that witch.] [Quotes are frequently used so don't read if you don't like to read quotes.] [Release rate:-3 chapters per week.] [I don't own Release that witch or Lord of the mysteries.] [The theme will be a little dark and twisted along with a slow-paced story where I would focus more on character building.] [Those who have not read either of the two novels need not worry as I shall explain everything in detail.] [We will discover more about our M.C as the story progresses along with his goals and wishes.] [The first volume is about the future of Kite whereas I first world (Second volume) is the past. It may seem like the story is going fast but actually, I am only telling you about the past world. Also, I know that I have not given much screen time to the M.C in the beginning chapters but after some chapters, everything will be clear for you. Near chapter 50 the story will truly begin from M.C pov so please bear with it as I need to make a fitting background for all characters thus require so many chapters to focus on them, after all, they are the important characters of the story which will even go to the next volume (Lord of the mysteries world).] [No harem and the female lead will be Nightingale....] [Only constructive criticism is required other reviews will be deleted since I don't need your opinion on how MY story should proceed.] [Plz support my novels and check out my other novels.] [Recommend:- "Painful love:- Blessing in disguise" is a good romance, an original story being written by my friend so please check it out too.] [Won't be dropped but the release will be slow as I mentioned above since I will focus on my main novel.] [Please vote, comment and rate the novel.] [Average word counts:-800-1000 words.] [Discord link:-https://discord.gg/tQ7FCHH]

Legendary_Person · Anime et bandes dessinées
52 Chs

Transmigration: The power of greed.

13 years old James and Simon have been living peacefully with their parents, and they both had different dreams. James loved music and he wanted to become an artiste in the future. Simon loved sports and inspires to become a footballer. But those dreams and peaceful life got cut short when tragedy struck... James and his parents were murdered in cold blood, and guess who the murderer was...James' uncle. Simon and his parents got involved in a very tragic car accident which cost them their lives immediately. But then, they were given a chance to live again, but in another person's body. James got transmigrated into the body of a 15 years old orphan who had been in coma for the past two years due to a very deadly disease. While Simon got transmigrated into the body of a 15 years old boy from a very wealthy family who had been in coma for a year due to a ghastly car accident. Waking up in their new body, they had both the memories of their past life and the cause of their death and the memory of the person's body they were in. But they weren't comfortable with the new place they found themselves in, so they ran away secretly. And guess what....they met each other and they became friends. They got to know a lot about each other and the part of being in another person's body. They tried achieving their dreams together but it didn't work out. So the plan now was to survive, yeah, they gotta survive. They did all sorts of illegal things to survive, like stealing and so on. Went on different adventures, met with different people, engaged in more atrocities. While engaging in those stuff, they were still close friends. But then, one of them became greedy when it was about time to elope with a very huge amount of money, and there comes revenge and all that. Which of them became the greedy one among the two of them? Well, follow through the chapters of this novel to find out....follow their story. Note: Lots of illegal stuff is gonna take place in this novel as you've read in the synopsis. So read at your discretion.

Jephthah_ · Urbain
53 Chs
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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1
Volume 2


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  • Contexte mondial


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