

Blessed by a mysterious past, Keiran’s one true goal is to uncover the secrets of the greater universe. His endgame is to sleep in a field of stars. Nothing can come between him and his goal. He would make sure of that! It all started when he found himself in a strange world filled with countless wonders. While the world was burning, he became attracted to the tiny balls that hung in the sky. Why were they so beautiful and full of secrets? Will he ever touch them one day? No, he had to! At that moment, he made an oath to chase those secrets. Little does he know the threads of fate are spinning. The odds have been against him even before he took his first breath. …..it is unknown if he will ever achieve his goal. Join Keiran on his journey to protect his goal while surviving the multiple apocalyptic events that the world is challenged with.

Purple_Khaos · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


The world of Galanos was a mysterious world, even to its denizens.

There exist all sorts of wonders in each star. Even the Planet Rionn that he was on was filled with endless dangers.

Was it the Grimm Forest or Tempest sea?

There was nowhere safe, not even the southern continent, the land boasting of peace.

Many years had passed since the young boy was found in the ruins of Thyur.

He was now 16 years old and had little to nothing to show for all the years he had spent in his new home.

'Well, I have done nothing but chores and...'

"Keiran, it's time for dinner!"

A loud shout reached him from where he sat in his room.

'Ahh, here we go again.'

The young boy stood up from his chair. He always placed it by the window so he can watch the overly blue sky.

There was something attractive about them, and that remained the reason why he would always stare

Before leaving his room, he stopped beside a tiny glass shard and held it.

He could see his icy blue eyes staring back at him.

Checking his wavy black hair, he thought to himself with a smile, 'I must say. I look breathtaking.'

He always preferred his hair long, but his mother wouldn't. She was feisty. He couldn't fight back. He could only agree to a compromise, which was that he could only let his hair reach his shoulders and not beyond.

"Kieran, stop staring at yourself and come down this instant, or I will bring you down myself!" shouted the familiar voice.

As soon as he heard that, the young boy shook, 'Last time she said that...'

His body proved to be faster than his thoughts as he paced downstairs. His leg sprung beyond the arrays of stairs and he landed perfectly on the ground floor.


Quickly, he adjusted his expression and donned a composed look.

"There you are. Come sit. It is time for dinner," said the voice.

It belonged to a woman who was arranging the dining table. Her honey hair was tied with a braided lock. Her brown eyes complimented her simplistic dress.

She sneered at the young boy, "Next time I have to raise my voice, you better wish you know how to teleport."

'Who do you think you are?' was what he wanted to say.

However, his mouth said something else, "Yes, Ma."

Hearing this reply, the woman revealed a smile and the tense atmosphere disappeared.

"I cooked bean soup. I know it's not your favorite, but that will do," told the lady.

Keiran kept quiet and focused on the meal.

His mind went back to the first time he saw this woman that quickly became his mother.

Years ago, after his special moment with the court mage Varatos, the king had given orders to assimilate the survivors into the kingdom.

A bunch of families offered to raise the child survivors, but approval would all depend on the survivors themselves. This way, they won't feel uncomfortable with their future families.

People like Keiran declined almost every invite they got. It couldn't be helped, since Keiran was that paranoid.

It was only when a familiar face asked him to join his family did he finally quit his stubborn persona.

The knight Trystan was almost as stubborn as he was.

Being the first person Keiran ever met, Keiran always felt safe around him.

After lots of deliberation, Keiran finally accepted Trystan's offer and became part of his family.

'It had been over six years now but I still remember that day perfectly,' ruminated Keiran.

Who would have thought that Trystan would have such a lovely wife at home?

Looking at the way Amelle stabbed meat in her soup, a bead of sweat fell from his face.

'On second thought, only a woman like Mother can handle Father.'

He didn't like to admit it, but Mother terrified him.

Amelle finished her meal and turned to him, "I'm going to the market tomorrow at first light. Do you want to tag along?"

"No," briefly said Kieran.

"You know what? This anti-social behavior has to stop. It will get you nowhere. Hmph, I know what I'm going to do–"

The door was softly pushed open, and a man in dashing armor walked inside.

He disregarded his armor and sat on a dining chair while smiling at his wife, "My lovely Amelle, your husband is back."

Amelle coldly spoke, "You are thirty minutes late."

"It couldn't be helped. Today's drill was lengthy. My superior was not going easy on any of us."

"Did you tell him you have a wife waiting for you at night?"

"Oh, honey. I told him, but he didn't take me seriously… Please, believe me. I won't be late next time."

Moving closer to Amelle, he dived in for a kiss while Keiran turned around. The kiss later developed into intimate physical contact.

After many years, they still harass him with this display of affection.

Keiran coughed lightly, bringing them back to the present.

With no awkward expression, Trystan shamelessly asked Amelle, "Oh, what were you saying before I entered?"

"It is about Keiran. He can't continue his hermit lifestyle. I suggest we start matching him up with young ladies or I won't live long to see my grandson. Heck, I might live longer but still not see my granddaughter!"

Trystan nodded, "Hmmmm….I already know what our grandchildren will be like. Ten of them with dashing blue eyes and firm muscles."

"How I wish they could get my brown eyes but I guess I just have to make do with Keiran's subpar blue eyes," said Amelle.

Keiran instantly protested, "Leave my features out of it. They are perfect!"

"That is what you think," sneered Amelle.

Trystan snapped his fingers as an idea came into mind, "Hmmmm….one of my friends has a lovely daughter. She's very nice and gentle. We can match them together."

"Good, Let's invite them tomorrow," finalized Amelle.

"Father, Mother, there is no need for that!"

"Says the teenager that refuses to play 'swords' with his mates!"

Keiran fumed, "Oh, for heaven's sake, those of my age have fleeting intelligence!"

"...and you are smart, oh wise sage? I bet you can't even talk to males your age, not to talk of a lady!" countered Amelle.


Keiran was verbally crushed by Amelle.

He shut his mouth and kept on eating in defeat. Meanwhile, his parents continued their nefarious plans.

His mother was such a warrior.

Well, technically, she was a warrior!

Growing from a common family, Amelle had trained hard to become a warmonger. Warmongers were special beings that held destructive powers.

After years of early training, Amelle became one. According to Trystan, she was so dazzling that she was invited to join the Krys Knights, a group of knights that answer only to the king.

She accepted this invitation.

However, just a year later, after her name had reached all over Gretai, she received fatal injuries during her campaign to the Grimm Forest.

The esteemed healers that tended to her could save her, but there was a cost. She lost all access to the Warmonger's Path and receded back to being a mortal.

What was to come was a great period of depression. It was then she met Trystan, who failed to recognize her. Their story played out like a fairytale and led them to the present.

They now had a son; him!

'For that reason, Mother keeps beating me under the guise of training. She would mutter something about wanting to temper my weak bones. Clearly, she has something against my perfect face.'

Keiran stood up from his seat. His bowl was empty, so he gave his farewell, "Goodnight, Mother, Father."

As he was heading upstairs, he heard Amelle whisper.

"See….he can't even bother to elongate his farewell."

"We need to plan this way. If it's successful, we might end up having ten grandchildren soon."

"....but I don't think I will be satisfied with just ten."

Keiran hurried to his room. He didn't want to bother with these crazy old people anymore.