
Impending Threat

As soon as the sun cast its orange glow onto the city, Ernest decided to call it a day and ordered the troops to go home and study for tomorrow.

Walking in the street as the night began to shroud the city in darkness, the illumination stone inside the pole lamp illuminated, giving the street a bright light.

It was evening, Ernest yawned as he walked to his newly acquired home. The seven gold coins mansion. To be honest, it's an understatement to call it a mansion, it was just a two-story building with an age of 100 years. Most mansions cost around 1,000 gold coins and above, the only reason he got it for seven gold coins is that the seller is one of his followers and is willing to make the price go down for him.

Now that he has started training his protection squadron or simply soldiers, the speech must go on. But speeches were expensive. He doesn't have any money in his pocket, he has to do something to spread the word of the United National Socialist Party and the tyrant system is not giving him any hints.

So as he walked by the city, he pondered. Thinking of ways on how to raise money. After a little pondering, he had come up with one.

As he arrived at the mansion an aroma of freshly-cooked food wafted over the kitchen. There he saw Sophia preparing food on the table. Ernest drooled for a moment but he wiped it out instantly with the back of his hand.

"I'm back," Ernest said as he hung his coat at the coat hanger stand.

"Ow Ernest, you're back. I have some good news for you."

"Good news?" Ernest walked towards the kitchen, his eyes fixed on the food presented on the table.

"Yes, it's about your upcoming speeches."

"And what about it?"

"Well, your followers increased to 2,700 people!" Sophia exclaimed, "Some of which were nobles who were rich and were willing to sponsor your next speech in the grand plaza of Eighbury."

Hearing that, jubilation filled his heart. "Really?" He suddenly enveloped her right hand with his hand and looked at her with sparkling eyes.

The warm enveloping hands of Ernest brushed on the top of her hand, making her startle a little. He's just so happy to hear this news. Sophia thought.

"Yeah…" Sophia confirmed.


Sophia found herself being hugged by Ernest the moment she said that word. She can feel how happy he was in the tight and warm embrace. She didn't know how long they remained that way but Ernest walked back.

"With this, Eighbury is secured. The moment we do that we can start by influencing other cities until the anti-empire grows larger than pro-empire."

"So about these dishes, you cooked it yourself?" Ernest noticed there's a lot of dishes on the table. Normally Sophia won't cook this much, today is unusual."

"Yes, this is a celebration. Nobles in this city donated a handsome amount of money to the party. With that, you can fund whatever you want in the future."

"How much is that?"

"3,200 gold coins, 890 silver coins, and 675 bronze coins."

"I'm going to use some of it in our propaganda pamphlets. By the way, is there some sort of printing press here?"

"You mean newspaper?"

Ernest frowned as he heard that word. Newspapers? Isn't there supposed to be a newspaper in this era? He doesn't know how information circulates in the medieval era but he knew that newspapers weren't common in the medieval age.

"How did you know that name?"

"Huh? Sophia tilted her head to the side, puzzled at his question. "How? The Empire invented the printing press 6 years ago and it's been the main source of information ever since."

"Empire? They invented the printing press and they named the output as newspapers?"

"Yes?" Sophia was puzzled at Ernest's questioning.

"That's odd," Ernest muttered, even if this world's backdrop is comparable to medieval-age, their development of technology differed in time.

Assuming that he was right, there may be some other technologies they invented. This world is full of magic, after all, some could integrate science and magic.

"Okay, Sophia coordinated with Alwin and circulated the news about my next speech in the Grand Plaza of Eighbury. I want at least 3,000 attendees. To reach that goal, advertise that there will be free fresh bread and water."

"But sir...buying three thousand loaves of bread may cost a lot."

"Don't worry about it, I have a plan. Is there a bakery nearby that can produce that much bread?"

"Yes, it's located on Pine Street in Eighbury."

"Good, because I will introduce some new type of bread that will surely keep the populace fed. This may cost a lot but I need rational supporters. For them to become rational they need to be well-fed. With the money we currently have I want you to invest 600 gold coins in food and water."

"Understood, I will coordinate with Wayne about food production as most wheat is found in their domain. But there will be one problem."

"Wheat and grain output are delivered in the Duke of Elm. They are buying crops 70% lower than the market price."

Ernest who just sipped water from glass abruptly spat out, "What? 70% lower than the normal price? That's a straight-out scam! How can Wayne agree on such conditions?"

His reaction was expected, Sophia sighed as she stated the reason. "In three months the winter will set in and the age of the winter demons arrives. During the winter demons, monsters similar to what we've seen when you save me are going to lurk outside the city of Eighbury. A lot of them. Since the city doesn't have much protection we use the yield of the Eighbury crops to them at a lower price so that they can protect the city by placing Duke Elm's troops here. Also, the city of Eighbury will pay for the troops stationed here."

Knowing the reason why Ernest was displeased at unequal terms. 70% is a ton of money and they are losing it because of some demons? The city has its troops so why don't they protect them?

"You might be thinking why the city troops defend the city instead of Elm's forces right?" Sophia guessed.

Ernest snapped back to his senses as Sophia figured out what he's thinking.

"Yes," Ernest confirmed. "Why?"

"Word on the street is that the Lord of Eighbury, Enrico is purposely doing that in return for profit. Okay, this whole situation does not apply to food harvest alone but to ores and other products...In that 70%, some of it may go to Lord Enrico as payment and the scheme goes on. And as for the troops stationed here, the people pay for security prices instead of the lord who has a copious amount of money in his deep pocket."

"So the money of the Lord keeps increasing while the people decrease? Are you implying that Lord Enrico is colluding with Duke Elm?"

"That may be the case, Ernest."

"Fucking swine." A line carves in his forehead, infuriated at what he just learned. "Tell Wayne that during harvest to not sell them to the Duke. Keep it to ours."

"But that will attract the attention of Lord Enrico, who probably noticed us inciting an insurrection."

"I don't care, I'm already teaching the protecting squadron how to use guns. We can protect the city without the duke's forces and so does the lord of Eighbury."

Sophia bowed her head, "Understand, I will tell Wayne tomorrow."

"Also the city lord might send its forces in the speeches, I want you to let them participate."

"But what if they interrupt or threaten you? After all, an assembly was prohibited after the war."

"My first speech in the Grand Plaza, they didn't send troops but I'm now certain that they will in my second. Don't worry, if they don't want to get liberated we'll simply kill them."

And so the news of Ernest's speech circulated in the form of a newspaper. People who had seen it were interested and decided to attend. Ernest continued training his protection squadron on how to use a gun while instilling loyalty in them. The output of new M1 Garand and M9 Beretta were steadily increasing, equipping 50 new protection squads of the United National Socialist Party. They will be the main force who will protect Ernest at the speech.

Six days later, the day before Ernest would make his speech, there was an emergency meeting in the Lord's mansion.

Enrico sat in the main seat of the dining table surrounded by other nobles who were pro-empire.

"Your Grace, there will be a big speech tomorrow to be attended by 3,000 people. The contents of their speech are about anti-empire and corruption which are threatening. I believe the party's name is United National Socialist Party headed by Ernest Gonzales." Said the noble.

"Ernest Gonzales?" Enrico gnawed at the steak and continued, "What an unusual name...His speech about anti-empire and corruption is threatening? When did those peasants become a threat to us? They can cry and blame their sufferings on the empire but that's just how far it will go."

"But Your Grace, you already let them have a speech in the grand plaza before. I think it would be bad if Duke Elm learned about this." Said the other noble and continued, "I even noticed in the newspaper that they are giving free bread to those who will attend and pledge their fealty to the new party."

"Who cares? Those peasants are not a threat to my domain. I have 250 knights that I can send to suppress that speech."

"Yes, that would be our suggestion. Send your forces and stop that speech. Their party is growing significantly. They can be a threat to your position."

"Threat? I will simply kill them if they do that." Enrico sighed, "Okay this is concerning, I will issue a decree to send my troops to the grand plaza to stop the gathering."

Enrico rose to his feet as well as the others.

"Tomorrow, if they resist, they will be killed…" Enrico stated coldly. "Glory to the Empire!" Enrico saluted.

"Glory to the Empire!" The nobles chanted in unison.

Give me the stones!!

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