

Ayato Shikigami is an average 16-year-old otaku, who spends his days watching anime and playing RPG. Reality had often failed him as he finds it so boring and dry, he found a way, a way he could escape reality by watching animes but even that was temporary. One faithful day, when he was watching a scene from his favorite anime Aot, the scenes captivated him so much that he couldn't help but wish he was a part of the drama. After he wishes to be in the titan world, he found himself in the mist of a battle, where the human went to war with the titan. During the chaos, he finds out he got the ability to transform into a titan and learn a mysterious power for those he got in contact with. Using this and his knowledge, he vowed to change the history of the story, save the eldains empire, and make sure Eren never goes rogue. Note: This is my first fanfic! so don't expect something too extravagant, there will be mistakes here and there.

Kirito_K5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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59 Chs

Jaw titan...where?

The squads and a few Garrisons spent the night at a forest campsite very close to the gate that leads to the Trost district.

While Hange and some scouts were also advancing toward Trost, Commander Erwin had a plan on his own that he was cooking up while still in Stohess district.

Ayato's plan was to get to the bridge and find out who he was tied with before heading for the seller and getting the information they need.

Based on the memories he got from the original king Rod Reiss, Ayato didn't kill the founding titan for some reason, the only question is, what exactly did he do to her?.

"Hey, are you not supposed to be sleeping?" Ayato said, walking towards Annie who was sitting some distance away from where the camp was.

"I could ask you the same question," Annie uttered.

"I can't sleep, tomorrow decides if every life we lost was worth it, it's a bit overwhelming" Ayato uttered, sitting beside Annie.

"You know, When I first came here, you were the first person that spotted me"


"I had just got down from the wall, and right in front of me was you, although small I couldn't help but panic, so I stabbed you with the injection I had with me, that still hunts me"

"Hell, how come I didn't see that in your memories?" Ayato yelled.

"I'm sorry, seeing my father again was all I ever wanted, even now it's what I still want"

"And I'll make it so, and least I'd try to"

Annie paused before giggling, "You're pretty weird sometimes"

"I want to ask you another question, Who did you tie up with me at Trost?, I know I wasn't the only one," Ayato uttered.

"You didn't see that either?"

"I think I did, I'm not entirely sure" Ayato gave out an awkward smile.

Annie sighed, "Sato sent us to infiltrate Paradise to capture a Noble and the founding titan, he told us his name was Eren Yeager, and with enough information to get it by, it was me, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Marcel".

'Morden clothes, freaking equipment and even knowing who the founding titan is, this dude might be from my world' Ayato thought to himself.

"But during our journey, Marcel was eaten by a titan, it happened so fast, we didn't exactly know what to do, and she appeared, the titan who ate Marcel was a girl, she called herself Ymir.

We had no choice but to bring her along, but we expected too much at the time, she didn't comply, she was out of reason and wanted to go to Marley no matter the cost, so we gave her some of Sato's blood which made her go unconscious."

"The blood? Is it only for mind control, or-"

"We also have no clue, the only thing Sato told us was, whenever we encounter anyone that proves to be a threat, we should give them his blood."

"Damn, he's a psychopath" Ayato uttered

"Anyway, we argued on whether or not we should feed her to a titan and have our chances with convincing the next one, neither sounded right so we ended up bringing her with us, we placed her at the back of a building while we went ahead and carried out our mission".

"So right now, the inheritor of the cart titan is still under that bridge, with no food or water?" Ayato asked.

"We asked the same questions too, but you survived didn't you, crazy but it's what his blood does" Annie stood up, stretching her body before turning to Ayato, "Speaking of blood, I might need another dose."

. . .

Armin, Jean, and Connie stayed in the upper part of the forest watching the sky while they sat on a tree branch.

"How did it all come to this?" Jean uttered, looking at the sky while his legs were dangling on the tree branch.

"We just have to make it to Shiganshina right? Could be a lot worse" Connie uttered.

"Hey Armin, what do you think about all this?" Jean asked.

"Who? Me?"Armin stammered.

"Yes you, you've been close to the suicidal idiot and the other chump since childhood right, you should know," Jean said.

"Well, I do know, when those two set their mind to something, they never let it go, trust me, I've seen it first hand".

Connie sighed, "When we get to Trost, I wanna go to my village," Connie uttered

"I didn't know you lived at Trost," Jean uttered.

"Well I don't, my village is just on the outskirts of wall rose, it's a very small village, but the people there are amazing".

"Can't stop you, you deserve a little family time" Jean said.

"What about you? Don't you want to see your family?" Connie asked.

Everywhere went quiet for a while before Jean jumped down from the tree, "Good night".

. . . . . . .

Levi and Ava were keeping watch, they were also on top of a tree branch while carrying their ODM gear.

"You seem surprisingly calm," Levi uttered.

"What do you mean?" Ava asked.

"I was sure, you are going to kidnap Ayato and head for Shiganshina on your own '' Levi said.

"Why would you think that?" Ava asked.

"It isn't exactly a mystery, you are crazy" Levi sat down on the tree branch, placing his blades back in his ODM gear.

"Well, you're not far off, the old me would I've totally done that," Ava said.

"What changed?" Levi asked.

"He's way too important to lose, I wouldn't want to risk that" She uttered.

"Let me get this clear to important for the world or for you, cause I'm getting a simp vib-"

Ava threw the blade at Levi but he avoided getting hit, "what's your problem?"Levi yelled.

"Shut up" Ava jumped down and started walking toward him, she picked up her blade and placed it back in her ODM gear before storming off.

'You're leaving me alone with the night watch?" Levi scoffed, "We have to stop recruiting princesses".

. . . . .

Authors note

I would really appreciate your comment and support of this novel with your power stones.

Your active comments would motivate me to write more chapters.