


Quintin's Mansion, Venta City.

In the spacious and elegantly adorned chamber of Quintins Mansion, a woman of striking beauty sat at an intricately carved desk. Scrolls cluttered the expansive surface, hinting at the weight of her responsibilities. Half a dozen men, each dressed in fine robes and awaiting their next instruction, surrounded her.

The woman emanated an aura of both grace and unquestionable authority. Her deep blue eyes scanned a particular scroll before she spoke, "We must order more snow pelts from our contacts in the north. Ensure that a ship is primed and ready at the old Demtae port. It shall set sail in three days – no later."

A collective chorus of "Yes, my lady," echoed back to her, solidifying their understanding and compliance.

As the group began to disband, one man, distinguishable from his attire and demeanor, approached her. He was Kastan, her most trusted aide and head of her security detail.

Kastan bowed with a practiced grace, waiting for her acknowledgment. Luna, quill still dancing across parchment, didn't immediately look up but posed her question,

"What news do you bring from the town center, Kastan?"

Clearing his throat, he replied, "Lady Luna, there's an...unusual situation. There's talk of a peculiar incident at the town square"

The quill in Luna's hand stopped its rhythmic dance, and her eyes widened in surprise. Abandoning her writing, she rose from her seat, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Kastan, prepare my chariot at once." As Kastan turned to do her bidding, she paused, a fleeting thought crossing her mind. "On second thought, I'll just get my horse."

In a whirlwind of motion, Luna left her responsibilities behind, her heart heavy with anticipation. She rode swiftly to a mansion she knew all too well. Its walls held memories, both bitter and sweet. Though it had stood empty for years, it had always remained under her watchful eye, almost as if she had been awaiting a day just like this.

The mansion loomed large and silent before her. Pushing open the heavy wooden door, she stepped into the dimly lit living room. As she was about to call out, a faint whisper graced her mind, guiding her:

<I am at the back>.

The sunlight filtering through the trees danced on the faces of the two men lounging in the backyard chairs. The gardens of the mansion stretched out around them, vibrant with color and life. Lady Luna's footsteps slowed as her gaze settled on the duo.

The larger of the two, with his towering stature, was instantly recognizable as Gregory. But the man beside him, with piercing eyes and an enigmatic presence, strangely took Luna a moment to recognize. Her breath caught in her throat before a name whispered through her mind,

"Master Merlin... Emery."

Emery turned his gaze to Luna, a gentle smile gracing his lips, "Luna, long time no see"

Tears threatened to spill from Luna's eyes as overwhelming emotions tugged at her heartstrings. It felt as though an unseen force gently guided her, and she found herself sitting beside him.

"Too long," she managed to say, her voice choked with emotion.

Emery's smile faded slightly, "My apologies"

Upon noticing Emery's attention shift, Gregory heaved himself from his chair, signaling his departure. Emery handed him a small vial. "For your wounds," he said.

Gregory raised an eyebrow, visibly taken aback. His injuries had been healing remarkably well, thanks in large part to Emery's previous interventions. However, he nodded, accepting the gift with a murmur of gratitude before making his exit,

"Take care Gregory"

With Gregory's departure, the atmosphere grew intimate. Returning his attention to Luna, a myriad of questions swirled in Emery's eyes. "Luna," he began, his voice soft yet insistent, "Tell me what I missed"

In their shared history, there had always been an unspoken bond of trust. Emery didn't need any magical abilities to know Luna would be forthright; her sincerity was evident in her every word.

Luna painted a vivid picture, detailing the recent events that had unfolded across the world. Emery's eyebrows furrowed as he pieced together the puzzle. Arthur, the King of Britannia, had yielded to Rome without a fight, letting them take the reins but retaining his crown.

"The Romans have spread their wings far and wide," Luna continued, her voice carrying a blend of admiration and resentment. "Not just Britannia. The Gauls, the Danes, even the far reaches of Egypt and the Han dynasty in the east. Every civilization of the world now echoes with Roman commands."

Emery absorbed this, a tide of emotions swirling within. The revelation that Arthur had willingly conceded to Roman authority was jarring. He wonders what was it that Julian did to make Arthur surrender.

Peering closely at Luna, Emery posed his next question, "And the common folk? And you, Luna? How do you find this new world order?"

Luna's eyes held a storm of emotions. Taking a deep breath, she began, "As a citizen of Britannia, my heart rebels. Yet, from a trade perspective, the opportunities this Roman reign has ushered in are exhilarating." Her gaze turned distant, "Trade routes that had been mere dreams are now bustling pathways of commerce. Places that once shut their gates to us now welcome us with open arms."

She leaned in, her voice lowering, conspiratorial, "If every kingdom under the sun marched to the beat of one drum, sang from the same hymn sheet, the world would evolve at a pace unimaginable. A unified rule, a singular vision..."

Luna, reading Emery's contemplative expression, sought to provide more context to the ongoing changes. "Actually as we speak, leaders from around the world converge on Rome. King Arthur, along with his knights, set sail days ago. I think you should witness this pivotal moment."

The international rendezvous of monarchs under Rome's aegis intrigued him. However, his mind quickly veered to a more personal matter.

"And the Queen? Has she gone as well?""

Luna's eyes softened, holding a mixture of concern and understanding. She simply shook her head, "She remained"

Emery's azure eyes held gratitude as he smiled genuinely at Luna. Standing up, he said, "'Thank you Luna, for always being such a good friend"

Luna felt a pang in her chest, a mixture of happiness and the impending sense of loss. "Are you leaving so soon?" Her voice was almost a whisper, filled with a melancholy she hadn't expected.

He didn't respond verbally. Instead, he looked at her with eyes that spoke volumes.

His departure was as enigmatic as his presence. A soft whisper caressed her mind, "Thank you." Before Luna could even process it, he was gone, leaving her in a whirlwind of memories and emotions. As she turned to leave, she noticed a vial, shimmering with an ethereal glow.

To immortal beings like him, every moment shared with someone from their past was a precious gem. Wanting to further immortalize this meeting, Emery handed elixir designed to enhance vitality, ensuring their health for a century to come.

To be continued