


After Emery successfully made a deal, the two youngsters went out of the apothecary and once more experienced the icy air. They didn't spend any more time frolicking around and headed straight to a nearby tavern.

In truth, Emery wanted to use his spells for more contribution points but there were orders to things he had to do. And right now, that was to find more information about the marauders' chief, Padraig, who had attacked the Ambrose family.

As they walked on the ground, which was making a crisping sound, Emery said, "I think it's better you return to Jacob, Lanzo. I have something I need to do. Alone."

Lanzo twisted his neck to get a clearer view of Emery. Emery hadn't noticed it but his eyes had gone from warmth to cold. "No way. You know, I am aware of what you're trying to do. I already see you as my brother, so you need someone to watch your back!"

Emery was taken aback at Lanzo's claims before his eyes returned to the warmth it had earlier. Underneath his face-covering, he smiled and said, "Okay, I hope you won't regret calling me brother."

They entered one of the taverns located near the marketplace. Since winter had arrived, the taverns were filled to the brim. Those who came from the settlements outside the city decided to stay in places like this where it could protect them from the unforgiving weather outside. There were actually also people outside, hugging the wall, just to get a bit of warmth. Hence, the laborers, the caretakers, the guardsmen and the tavern keeper were busy as bees.

"So, any ideas where to start?" asked Lanzo, leaning a bit to Emery while moving his eyes around trying to decide what to do.

In a tavern, there were generally two ways to obtain information. The tavern keeper whom the drunkards loved to share their stories with after being intoxicated, or the caretakers who always had an open ear for any juicy gossip occurring in the city.

"Come on. Follow me." Emery led Lanzo to the front counter and took a seat. He called for the tavern keeper.

"Okay, tell me what is your preferred choice of drink, boys? Let me guess, fresh milk? Hahaha," said the bartender while wiping a tankard with a ragged cloth.

In the rowdy tavern, Emery recalled this was the first time he had visited such a place without his father's company and during all those times he had always wanted to try drinking ale. He was about to order when spoke first.

"Yes, two pots of milk for us," said Lanzo, grinning.

The tavern keeper laughed to his heart's content while Emery stood there feeling like complaining. "Hahaha! You are funny, young lads."

Emery sighed as the tavern keeper put down the drinks Lanzo had ordered. Still, he let it go since ale wasn't his purpose in coming here anyway. He then asked the tavern keeper if he knew any person named Padraig but the answer was a resounding no.

After finishing the drinks, Emery and Lanzo went to another tavern and asked the same questions. Apart from this time tasting the bitter ale which gave a warm feeling in their bellies, their venture to the second tavern time, still ended up in failure, however.

Walking on the road, Lanzo asked, "Are you sure you have the right name?"

Emery nodded. "That's the name."

Lanzo walked with his shoulders slumped and started yawning. Their adventure to the third and fourth tavern had the same results, and after walking out of the fifth tavern and finishing another tankard of ale(well, at least Lanzo) however, Emery felt like they were getting closer.

Emery had noticed several people with cloaks since the fourth tavern, and he could tell they were following them. He then went to a corner, guiding the dizzy Lanzo, when the two cloaked figures showed up in the alleyway.

The two cloaked figures blocked Lanzo, and Lanzo was immediately taken aback. "What do you want!"

"Don't you dare to scream or I'll slit your throat," warned one of the men. Two more appeared by the corner and now all four had their swords drawn.

"Hey, weren't there two of you? Where's the other one?" asked the man who had his sword close to Lanzo's neck. Lanzo looked to his left and right and appeared to be just as surprised as them. Emery had indeed disappeared.

"Go, search the corner, he might still be around!" ordered the man.

Two men broke away but after searching for the corners, they still couldn't find Emery.

"Where is he!" demanded the man, pressing the sword closer.

"I swear that I don't know!" said Lanzo, raising both his hands.

Emery was in fact just near them. With enhanced physical abilities, he was able to quickly get into another corner and climb on the roof of a nearby house to hide in the darkness of the night.

"Forgive me, brother. I am actually glad because I truly needed your help. I hope you're not regretting this already," said Emery in his heart.

The man sheathed his sword and spat on the ground. "Tch! You dimwits can't find a single boy? Let's head back to the safe house before anyone sees us."

The four men then gave up searching for Emery in the dark night. There weren't that many torches in the streets but the dim light from the stars and fire from the furnaces in the houses, exiting through the windows and holes, still provided some vision to the people walking on the ground. Hence, Emery was also able to follow the four people who were dragging Lanzo until they had arrived at an old seemingly abandoned house.

Emery carefully took into consideration what he was stepping on and made sure he was in a position where he could listen in a good distance while making sure no light source was coming his way.

Inside the rickety house, there were two more people who were rolling dice and had a pouch of coins sitting on the table. One of them had a muscular build while the other lacked the beefiness and was short instead. Regardless of the small man's appearance, the four men who had just walked in with a young lad became meek like sheep.

"And who is this?" said the thin man, his voice cold.

"Boss, this young lad has been walking around taverns looking for the chief," replied the man, throwing Lanzo before the thin man.

The thin man, who appeared to be their leader, got off his chair and squatted in front of Lanzo and stabbed precisely on the small open space in between Lanzo's fingers. He grinded the small dagger back through the wooden flooring and pointed his knife to the panicking Lanzo.

"Why're you looking for the chief? What is your purpose?" asked the thin man in a murderous tone.

Emery was now positive these men were Padraig's marauders. As much as he wanted to storm in and demand where their hideout was, Emery held himself back and searched around with just his eyes for anything he could use. There were, after all, six of them and only one of him, probably two if he counted Lanzo, but whether he could beat all six people at once or not, he wasn't about to find out with nothing in his hand.

Lanzo crawled back and placed his back against a wall. He exclaimed, "Please, please! I am just a village boy who happened to stumble upon the great name of the chief. I—I am looking for him...to join his cause!"

Emery, who also had his back pressed against the wall of the rundown house, smiled to himself since Lanzo didn't drop his name. Although he now felt a bit more guilty than before, he made excuses in his mind to convince himself this was necessary in order to achieve his goal and would apologize later to Lanzo.

"We don't accept skinny boys like you," said one of the marauders. "Just kill the kid!"

"Hold this," said the short man, giving the knife to the marauder next to him. He took a step toward the marauder who had just spoken and added, "Are you ordering?"

"N-n-no, boss! I-I was just giving a suggestion, hahaha..."

"In that case"—he then punched the marauder in the gut—"if you speak out of turn again, it's not my fist but this dagger will go into your innards. Do you understand?" said the boss; the marauder shakingly nodded.

He turned back to Lanzo with the knife in his hands. "Young lad, I don't appreciate it when people are lying to me. Especially on the night of our big operation."

The boss smiled, and in a flash, he stabbed Lanzo's thigh. He twisted and turned it, making Lanzo scream at the top of his lung. "Tell me the truth, who sent you?"

He pulled the bloody knife back and pointed it to one of his underlings. "You, go outside and inform the teams that if they notice anything suspicious, all should immediately retreat here. Got it?"

"Yes, boss!" shouted the marauder, running out of the house.

Lanzo curled into the corner and refused to speak. Hearing how Lanzo had screamed in pain, Emery knew this was time to act.

Emery had dragged Lanzo into this, and it was his responsibility to bring him back. Not to mention, this seemed to be the only sole opportunity before the marauder came back with more people, so he had to do this now and fast!

To be continued