
The statue

I walked out of my house, my satchel bag hanging off my shoulder containing books and my laptop. I lock my door and head to my car, unsure if what I was about to do was safe...

Two weeks earlier:

I stared at the table in front of me while I ate, the old women sitting there having a pleasant conversation. "Have you heard about the legend of the statue in the woods?" One of the old women asked. "No, I haven't" the other one replied softly, her voice full of curiosity. "They say that there's a stone statue of a woman in the woods that's impervious to harm! It was found 458 years ago in a clearing at Taranu forest. All of the animals in Taranu forest refuse to go within a mile of the clearing! And its shown no signs of age or wear since its been found! No one could move it because once they took a step toward it, they ended up right back where they started!" The old woman spoke cheerfully, pleased her friend had not heard the legend.


I got into my car and started the engine, full of determination and anxiety. I wonder what I'll find there! I type Taranu forest into my GPS and pull out of my drive way. My hands shook on the steering wheel. What will I find when I get there? Oh I hope it's something good!

I've been driving for about an hour before I see the forest. I pull off to the side of the road and park my car, just in case anyone still drives down this road. I grab my satchel and get out of my car. My heart is racing! I look around and enter the forest. The air smells like rain. I take a deep breath in and out, and then being my journey into the forest

I walk straight, hoping to find the clearing soon, but the forest begins to get darker and darker as I progress further. But I can still see the sun though! I keep walking, then I see a glint of light and I run towards it, thoughts tacing through my head. Is this the clearing? Oh I hope it is!

I break through the trees and am instantly blinded by the light. I scan the clearing and I find it! The statue! I glared at the tall statue standing in the forest clearing, the sun blinding me momentarily before my eyes adjusted. I took two steps forward, then I was suddenly back where I started, just like the legend said! I looked around, startled. No one was here. I took another step, this time I was  half way to where I started

I dashed into my car and slammed the door shut. I begin frantically looking for my notebook and camera. This is so exciting! I finally find my note book and calmly exit my car and walk back into the woods.

I made it to the clearing quicker this time, the light no longer blinding me. The statue was still in the same place. I took out my camera and hit record. I hide it and start walking towards the statue again. I close my eyes for just a moment, then I'm back where I started. I rush back to the clearing. I walk towards the statue cautiously, creeping through the little meadow.

I slowly got closer and closer to the statue, until I was standing right in front of it. "Hmm.." I hummed to myself as I placed my hand on it's arm. Huh, it's as smooth as marble! In the blink of an eye I was back at my car. "God damnit!!!" I yelled out in frustration. "I'll be back, just you wait!" I yelled into the woods then got into my car.

I make it back home in one piece after an hour long drive back. I set my keys and satchel down on a small end table by the front door. I walk up the stairs of my two story house and up to my bedroom. I grab a pair of pajamas from my dresser and head to the bathroom.

I look at myself in the vanity mirror. I look tired. My long black hair falling in ringlets down my shoulders. Bright green emerald eyes stare back at me in the mirror, unresolvedand curious. My once peach cream colored skin a shell of itself, pale and cold. I shower quickly and head to bed dreaming peacefully until there's a knock at my window...