
“The Incidents”

It's been exactly 1 year since five teens in isolated incidents winded up in the hospital, the kids also have newfound powers, but more importantly were the incidents actually isolated.

Mura_Is_My_Bby · Autres
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8 Chs

Incidents 6.

Sequoia, Yona, Geo, Rami and Hale all got up for the first time they were stepping foot back into school

"Sequoia, are you sure you're ready" Mom said

"Hopefully, I do feel a lot better" She said smiling as she grabbed her lunch

"If anything goes wrong don't hesitate to call us ok" Dad said

"Got it, I won't hesitate" She said as she closed the door

"I hope her day goes well" Mom says

"She'll be alright I know it" Dad said

"Yona, come down stairs, mom and dad are on FaceTime they wanna make sure ur ok, u know ever since that car situation" Zhara said

Yona walked downstairs and turned on the device

"Hey mom, hey dad" She said

"Oh, Yona baby are you okay we're so sorry we can't make it in person, it's just we have a business meeting early this morning" Mom said

"It's fine, I understand, I also have to go to school today, I dont have much time either" Yona said

"Alright, just have a good day, if anything goes wrong call us okay" Dad said

"Alright, I have to go now" She said powering it off

"She's still upset" Dad said

"I wish she understood we want to be there for her" Mom said

"Geo, I made you lunch" Mom said

Geo grabbed his lunch and sat down as he ate his breakfast

"Geo, I wanna say sorry, ik I haven't always been there for u, and sometimes were a little rude to u" Mom said

"It's fine mom, I understand how u feel trying to raise me and Carina" Je said smiling

"No I should treat u better, it's sad I needed such an accident to happen to u, for me to realize this, I'm sorry baby" She said hugging him

"Really it's fine mom" He said

"I gotta get to school, but I'm alright I promise" He said

"Have a good day, Geo" She said waving

"Rami, wake up son you must go to school today, I know you are worried, but u must have no fear son" Mom said

Rami brushed his teeth and washed his face, then went down stairs and ate breakfast

"Here your dad wants to talk to u" Mom said

"Hello, dad" Rami said

"Hey son, I'm sorry I can't be there but I just wanna tell u, u are going to do very great, I am about to make a business deal right now, I'm going to tell them all about my strongest son" He said

"Oh dad u don't have to do that" Rami said laughing

"Oh they're gonna know about my son" He said

"Oh make sure you let Ali and Dara know to come over and eat" Mom said

"Alright mom" Rami said leaving

"Hale the big man, is down stairs" Dad said

"Son today is your first day back, I want it to go well okay" Mom said

"Yeah mom, don't worry it will" He said smiling

"That's my son" Dad said patting his head

"Make sure you are careful on your way to school too" Mom said kissing her boy

"Bye" Hale said leaving

"You act as if he's going to war" Dad said

"Well he almost died" She said

The kids were all on their way to school until they all saw the greatest Café that ever stood: Fuel up Café

The kids all walked in and sat at separate places

Geo went to order first but Yona was going to

"Oh, my bad you can order first I'll wait" Geo said smiling

"Thank You" Yona said

"Want do you like to get" Yona asked

"I like the Triple shot of Caramel ice cream coffee shake" Geo said

"I like Shakes A LOT" He said

"Wow, u drink so much sweet in the morning" She said laughing

"I like the all fruit Berry splash smoothie" She said

"My sister like that one too" Geo said

"My favorite is the Popcorn" Sequoia said

"Hello" the both said to her

"That's a good snack by the way, unlike his sugar fueled Journey to diabetes" Yona said

"I'm right on his side, that's the best beverage in here" Hale said

"I never seen a guy drink something like that" Sequoia said

"I sure don't, I prefer regular coffee" Rami said

All the teens chatted in the line, leaving a trail of upset customers

"Wow you have bunnies" Yona said

"Yes they are so cute, look at this picture" She said

"Aww, they are but who is that guyyyy" Yona said

"No one no oneeee" Sequoia laughed

The two girls giggled as the boys talked about other stuff

"What region of customers would be killed first if someone drove a car into here" Geo said

"Probably the idiots sitting at the window" Rami said

"Depends on where the car gets driven in at of course" Hale said

"Yea that makes sense" Geo said



"Ahhh" people screamed


three guys had guns pointed out to the crowd

Everyone cowered in fear as onean stoop up attempting to do something

One of the guys shot a bullet out

The man opended his eyes surprised to see he was still alive

Geo had blocked the shot

The four other teens looked in awe and were surprised, they had no idea any of them had powers

The three guys began to shoot

Yona proceeded to get up and let everyone out as the four other teens distracted the gunmen

She ran older people out with her speed

Rami punched one gunman in the face causing him to pass out

Sequoia trapped one in vines causing him to drop his gun

The two going over to help Geo

And Hale trapped the other gunman in a wall making his drop his gun

"That's it everyone these five teens stopped a would be robbery and no one got hurt" the newscaster said

"How in the world did you kids manage to stop a robber all by yourselves" He said

"Well we didn't really, we worked as a team" Yona said

"There you have it, they worked as a team"

"I reckon those kids parents are proud, now back to the weather"

"Wait a minute, you guys have powers too" They all said

"How the heck did we not know, I mean it was obvious" Hale said

"Not really we all seemed like normal humans to me" Sequoia said

"Yeah, we are normal humans" Rami said

"Wait how did you guys get your powers?" Yona asked

"It's the weirdest thing" Geo said

"Wait, I feel like I remember reading about some of your accidents" Hale said

"Sequoia you're the girl who that tree fell on" he said

"Yeah, I am" She said

"The rest of us gained powers because we were in accidents too" Geo said

"So why us, do u think there's more like us" Rami said

"I don't know" Hale said

"We gotta get into this guys, we gotta talk about this, we deserve to know what has happened to us" Yona said

"Kids" The parents all yelled

"Uhm we forgot to make it to school" Hale said

"You all stopped a robbery"

"Not much people do that"

"You kids deserve a reward"

The kids all went with their parents and guardians promising to talk about this mysterious thing that happened to all four of them.