
Ōetsu Nimaiya - The Crafter

The classic set-up. Death -> Wishes -> Reincarnation -> Lots of drip and cool crafts and the like. The plot follows Ōetsu Nimaiya who has the two Meta Essences: the Crafter, for obvious reasons and the Mad Doctor, to spice things up. He will craft and show the world what it truly means to be the Number One Zanpakuto Creator!!

Cedric_7512 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Threats and Plans

(Oetsu POV)

Some years have passed since I created Kikimaru. He has proven truly useful and loyal. I enjoy his company. He performs his duty as a butler perfectly.

I actually got tea served whenever I wished. Kikimaru would not refuse me once. His only objective is to make sure I am well and healthy. Other than that, he doesn't care. 

After seeing the success and strength of Kikimaur and his potential, I decided to create more Hollow-Zanpakuto spirits. But for now, I put that off as there was no need for that. I did however make some tests on Kikimaru to make sure I could reproduce him should one of my ... experiments ... backfire.

You need backups for everything.

I had quite a few plans, to be honest, and the time was ... on my side. I wasn't sure exactly what point in time I was in exactly. I just knew that the Shinigami got hold of their Zanpakuto three years ago. So that means I was definitely before the Quincy King, Juha Bach was born. 

I made sure to check. There are Quincies already but no signs of a Lichtreich or anything. So that means I am before the first war with the Quincy. And because Shigekuni Yamamoto has not yet founded the Shinigami Academy, I am even earlier than 2100 years before the start of the story.

Through my connection to all my Asauchi, I have felt that there is someone who has already imprinted their essence onto the Asauchi and even connected to their Zanpakuto spirit, activating their Shikai.

Shigekuni Yamamoto is a very skilled Shinigami. And I can feel the power his Zanpakuto possesses. Truly a frightening man ... for someone else. I will continue to keep watch on the progress that the Shinigami make. 

I have also already seen someone that I know of from the manga. I am the Divine General of the West and I understand now why this person is already around. It seems that the Divine Generals started from the west and then went around clockwise. 

The future Divine General of the North has been spotted by me. I can see the fascination for weaving and clothing. She is gorgeous by the way. Original Oetsu probably had a character that was incompatible with her. Eh, I'll see what she's like when she joins the Royal Guard. 


Now back to my plans. I say I have time on my hands because there are still more than 2000 years before good ol' Juha Bach comes and infiltrates the Soul King Palace. The fate of all the Royal Guard is not to my liking and I will have to prepare for this. 

I will go over all the 'Elite Sternritter', the 'Schutzstaffel' and their abilities to make plans according to all of them. We wouldn't want Ichibe to be the only survivor. Especially when he does not care about anything other than keeping the status quo of the world. I will also have to deal with him in the future. 

So what are my plans? It is basically preparation and enjoyment. 

But preparation comes first. What does this mean? Well, I will have to prepare for any outcome that might occur. First, there are the 'Schutzstaffel' who are bound to come here in the future. 

Among them, Pernida Parnkgjas and Gerard Valkyrie are 100% coming due to them being parts of the Soul King. So Juha Bach will definitely use them to fight. Gremmy Thoumeaux will also come but die when fighting a full-powered Shikai Kenpachi Zaraki ... or at least that would be the best outcome.

As for whether Lille Barro comes that is also quite certain. After all Lille Barro was the first Quincy to receive a 'Schrift'. He is also one of the strongest that also had to be killed by 'plot convenience'. It would have been a better idea to have Nanao get a Zanpakuto that had the power of reflection in general. Something with mirrors ... but whatever. 

Lille Barro is a serious threat if he is not taken out fast enough, and when he opens his second eye permanently it will be even harder to harm him. But I am already working on that. Back to the last two.

Uryu and Jugram Haschwalth were powerful in their own right. Uryu's 'The Antithesis' is seriously powerful, especially the fact that he can reverse causality is a broken power. And in his fight against Jugram, he seemed to either be unlucky or just a bad matchup.

That brings us to Jugram himself. With his Schrift B, 'The Balance' he is able to manipulate the fortune and misfortune of others and redirect such misfortune that he or others experience away from him. This is quite a convoluted power he has. It did stand to question, why Uryu wasn't able to use his Schrift again after Jugram redirected the misfortune back to him.

That would have probably created a loop with the one dying who first ran out of Reaitsu or something. But anyway, I would have to find a way to deal with those two.

Or at least with Jugram. As Uryu was not really on the bad side...? Well, we'll see. I'll find a way to deal with him anyway.

There is a certain power I have in mind that might work against these two. Or most of the Sternritter in fact. But it will need a lot more research.


Finally, we have the last two dangers that will absolutely need to be extinguished. One of them is Juha Bach himself. That stupid power of his 'Auswählen' allows him to revive the Schutzstaffel and give them a boost. He can also forcefully take back the powers of his subordinates to grow stronger. 

And of course, we have the pinnacle of hax in this world ... the Almighty. The power to understand all powers he sees and also alter the future, which he can see every single one. That is broken beyond reason and he even gets stronger after absorbing Mimihagi.

Because he is not yet born, he can not know the future yet. So that gives me time before he might know what is coming for him. I really need to be prepared for that. One of the things that will be necessary is immortality. 

If he can't kill me then I at least have a chance to fight longer. Then there is the power of absorption with his 'Auswählen'. That will have to be negated somehow. Maybe with something similar to a Domain Expansion from Jujutsu Kaisen...

And what is most important is to defeat the Schutzstaffel before Juha Bach uses Auswählen. If they die then all their powers would go back to Juha Bach making him even harder to kill.

So that means either sealing them or ... taking away their powers. Yes, that could work. I just have to think of something. 


Now the final threat will be the one and only Ichibe Hyosube. Yes, the leader of the Zero Division is a threat. He is nothing more than a hypocrite. I understand that upholding the balance is important but he wants everything to go as he wishes. 

And anyone not going along with it, has their name taken away and is given a new one that he chooses. That is quite evil, but also really a cool power. 

It sure would be a sad thing if someone would take that power away from him, no? But how, is the question? As soon as Ichibe activates his Shikai, Ichimonji, all the Black in the universe becomes his power. That makes it impossible to take away his powers. 

So he will have to be dealt with before he can activate Ichimonji.

And the perfect time would be after Juha Bach kills him. At least temporarily. So before Ichigo says his name and revives him he should be at his weakest. 



Now how will I accomplish all of this? There are many inventions in fiction that are able to deal with even the top two powerhouses in Bleach. Some of the things I have that makes me so dangerous is my knowledge. 

The Essence of the Crafter and the Mad Doctor as well as the Blank, make me able to create things that should not be possible in Bleach. But I am able to craft them. Potions of any kind can be created by me. 

I will be able to brew a potion for anything with the right ingredients. And I can craft anything from fiction as well.


So what do I have in mind?

I was thinking of the 'Gates of Babylon' first and foremost. This will help me tremendously to store all my inventions and crafts. 

The next thing would be Enkidu: Chains of Heaven. 

Enkidu is able to bind the gods so they cannot escape, making it one of the few Anti-Divine weapons that holds the concept of "reigning over the gods." The strength and durability of the chain grow stronger with the target having higher Divinity but is no more than a tough chain to a target without Divinity.

But now imagine me modifying Enkidu and making it so that the strength and durability grow stronger the higher Divinity the target has, but Reiatsu...

I would be able to bind the strongest Shinigami and Quincy as well as Hollows. And the more Reiatsu they had, the less chance they had to escape.

It was the perfect weapon against Juha Bach as well as others who have pieces of the Soul King or are pieces of the Soul King.


Another important thing that I made clear already is the Hogyoku. I will however create something more than the original and make it possible to break the boundaries between not only Shinigami and Hollows, but Quincy as well.

Why am I interested in doing that? Because I would then be a tribrid and part human and that would enable me to use another one of my projects. 

... a modified Stone Mask with the Super Aja in place, from JoJo.

Now since I am neither a human nor a pillar man, I would not be able to use it and become the Ultimate Lifeform. But!! But, what if I was part Quincy as well? Then I might be able to use the mask and become the Ultimate Lifeform beyond conventional Quincy, Shinigami or Hollows. 

Then the Hogyoku that I will create will have even more power and possibility to grant my wishes and desires because I already have limitless potential coupled with being an Ultimate Lifeform ... it would be glorious.


Now if we are already in JoJo, we should discuss the power of Stands. Stands are visual manifestations of life energy (in other words, the manifestation of the soul of the user).

I am not sure how it would work on normal Shinigami, but I have the Essence of the Blank. I can gain a Stand for myself. And the best thing is why would I stop there? I can easily create a Stand Arrow as well as a Requiem Arrow. 

And since I have the Essence of the Crafter, I can imbue special properties and powers into the objects I create. I might have a chance to decide on the power I gain with my Stand or should I say ... Stands...


There are some other ideas that I will look into, such as the Ultimate Nullifier. But that might be a bit much. 

And finally, I will finally create my own Zanpakuto. It is time that I create it after gaining all that experience. 

Alright then ... let's get to work.


Tell me some of your ideas on what he could craft or what potion he should make.