
|Juliet never reaches her Romeo|

Romeo died because of Juliet, Jack died because of Rose, Stay single if you want to live

ADDISIYN · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The proposal...

Darius... loves me? I blushed. I looked at the bird. Thank god it wasn't a break up letter. I held a paper and kissed it. My lipstick was on the paper and i closed it. "I'll name you as Queen" i said and pet the bird. I handed it some food and i gave him the letter. I heard fighting downstairs. I ran down and i saw a guy. "IT'S A MUST! I SHALL MEET THE CROWNED PRINCESS!" the guy yelled. "Leave him alone" i said. The guy ran to me. "I came to see you... Darius is having some important work. He might come tonight to your room" the guy said and he ran off. The soldiers chased him. I ordered them not to. I got back to my room. I went to take a bath. I washed my hair and body and i got out with my towel. I saw my perfumes. I applied it to my neck and i saw my hair perfume. I applied it too. I sat on my bed. I combed my hair. My hair is pretty long. It comes till my knees. My maid combed my hair and i wore my night dress. The head maid was my mother's maid before she died, and she had prepared a small cake for me. All the maids came and we celebrated. I thanked them a lot. I got on my bed and the head maid kissed me on my cheek and wished me good night and happy birthday once again. I off the lights and went to sleep. My mom's cat meow inside my  room and i hugged it tight. I could hear someone in my balcony. I on the lights and ran to my balcony. I saw a girl. She was bleeding. She suddenly disappeared. I screamed and suddenly i woke up in my bed... phew... it was only a dream.