
Here goes his shit again

Taehyung's POV

7:00 the time when I am on a training. It's the time 7:00. I placed my hands on the door knob opening the door wide open stepping in the place I always do. I am getting trained for an undercover officer and will be sent ahead to do many tasks.

I Marched my steps ahead soon I heard a loud groan from a man. I looked towards the direction and gulped. He's being almost tortured. The system works pretty different here or shall I say complete? That man who is torturing that soul is Kang.

Kang is cruel when it comes to training people. Very cruel that's his sickness. I've not been trained by him yet but I've seen the way he trains people. A total brutal bastard. One wrong move while he is training you, you never know he'll chop your dick off.

I walked past from the sight. Today I have to attend a competative exam. With two of my buddies Jungkook and Jimin. I stood staright towards the door taking a sighing deep before I enter in the room. I placed my hand the door handle and stepped in. Sooner all eyes were fixed on me.

"Hope you are ready Mr.Kim" said an officer. I walked past him and sat on the chair near Jimin. Fidgeting with the pen I had in my hand. "Ready Taehyung?" A voice said that was nun other than Jimin. I looked towards him and nodded.

Jimin he faced a similar past as mine except his mother is a fucking brat and his dad is great but her mom is too cruel to him. Jimin's dad left him since he couldn't handle his slutty wife leaving Jimin alone with her. Jimin is kind really kind but I don't think his kindness is worth this sick world. I met Jimin when I decided o wanted to end my life when I couldn't deal with the torture my father gave me.

Han river bridge that's where I wanted to end my life. I just couldn't deal with the torture. I walked towards the Han river where I saw Jimin he was about to do the same. I didn't knew why but I saved him before he jumped off. Then we shared each other's life's problems later we came onto the conclusion we shouldn't kill ourselves. We were close since then. And did everything for ourselves worked for hours in different places to earn wages and fill our stomachs and now here we are decided to give a competitive exam

I glanced towards Jimin and asked "Where is Jungkook?" Jimin shrugged I kept my stares towards the door until Jungkook takes steps in. Sooner the door opened revealing Jungkook.

Jungkook he doesn't intract much. He is going through a trauma at the moment. Jimin and I met Jungkook here itself when the seniors annouced we three have to work together. Jungkook never spilt out a single work from his mouth when we wanted to talk to him. The reason for his trauma is his shit parents his parents both of them never treated him well. They hit him everyday it was just a lucky day when Jimin and I were walking down the streets and heard his cries. We broked in and saved him. His parents always beat him up like shit. Both of them. His parents are both assholes doesn't give a shit about each other just wanna fuck people. His parents always say shit to him causing depression. He's going through some therepy before he gets mentally strong for the training. Who will train us? Nun other than Kang.

Jungkook made his steps in and sat beside me. I looked towards him and patted his shoulders. We all three looked ahead as the officer stood in front of us and said. "Look kids I am passing out these papers to you make sure you keep those to yourself and share answers to anyone around. You have 2 hours in your hands to finish this paper after that I will snatch it away so complete it as soon as possible good luck. We nodded as he passed us the papers. The time is here there was a pitch silence for 2 hours we were all focused on your papers. I finished as soon as expected I stood up and placed the paper on his desk and walked out. I sat on one of the benches waiting for Jimin and Jungkook.

1 and half hour passed as I saw the door opened revealing Jungkook and Jimin. I stood up as they stood in front of me. "You completed it way before than we expected." Jimin said. "I didn't expected that either." I replied. I looked towards Jungkook "What about you Jungkook how did it go?" He looked at me and said. "It went great." I nodded and we marched our steps ahead.

I noticed Jungkook clutching on his shirt. "Is something wrong?" He flinched a little and looked at us. "U-um n-no I am good." He stuttered there's definitely something going on. "What is it Jungkook you can tell us." Jimin said he once again looked at us and started walking ahead. Jimin and I both glanced at each other. "Is it your shit family again?" I said he stopped on his tracks we could hear him cry. I sighed and walked towards him. "Stay with us you don't deserve them anyways". I said placing my hands on his shoulders. He looked at me with teary eyes. "B-But what if they-". He broke down and I hugged him "We'll help you get out don't worry". I rubbed his back calming him down. Jimin them warped his hands around both of us.

We got out of the place and together walked towards Jungkook's house. We took a bus since it's pretty far away we reached and got off Jimin I noticed him being pretty scared. I placed my hands on his shoulders and said "You wait here we'll get your belongings." He nodded and waited out. Jimin and I sneaked in his house. Boy got a huge ass house we sneaked our way in towards his bedroom window. We climbed up and got in. I helped Jimin get in.

"Brother got a great room." Jimin said looking around. "He does." I replied back. I walked towards his closet and grabbed a suitcase. I placed it on the table. "Start filling his cloths in." I said to Jimin. He nodded and we started filling it up. We packed the bag and sooner my eyes landed on a box  I walked towards it and opened it up. I raised a brow as I saw huge stacks of money. "To whom these money belongs to?" Jimin asked "Maybe Jungkook who knows let's take it." He nodded and I placed it inside my hoodie. We climbed down and sneaked out of the house.

We got out "Yo bud we got the stuffs let's go." I said to Jungkook. Jimin handled him his stuffs, he nodded as we made our way back home. "Anyways a box consisted stacks of money and I took it with me." I said. Jungkook turned around and looked at me he was scared. "That's my dad's he'll kill me if he gets to know." Jungkook said. "He is no more your dad now so forget him." I said. "And he never cared for you anyways and that old ass got a huge amount of money If he looses this small amount it's nun of a big deal for him." Jimin warped his arms around Jungkook and gave him a smile. Jungkook seemed relieved and I am greatfull for that.

We waked ahead as I we saw a news. Trending news of Choi. "Mr. Choi just donated 20million Dollars to the orphanage isn't that great?" The news said. I scoffed and said "Here goes his  shit again." That's a whole ass drama for a great image Choi would never do that. Some can't speak either coz he buys people when they get huge ammount of money they wouldn't even hesitate to lie. Many doesn't care about him. But the police wants him in Jail but want him dead.

                    ....To be continued.