
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 26 | Republic disasters

I don't own star wars or any anime I use in this work

With Jake, it's been 2 weeks since he attacked the Shipyard planet Kuat right now he is getting ready for a meeting with a few Republic Senators that are thinking of joining his empire Jake doesn't care if they do or not as in the end, the planets would be under his empire in a few years anyway

He soon got informed by one of his summon's that a ship entered his systems air space saying "Sir a ship has entered and is requesting a meeting with you should we allow them " Jake replies "Yes they are here to discuss their entrance into the empire and what it means for their people " so the summon permitted them to land in the ships hall to have a meeting

As the senators sat down to begin the meeting Jake asks "So I understand you wish to join the empire for what reasons do you have to wish to defect from the Republic "One of the senators replies" My people wish to Join the Empire for the fear of getting invaded and losing our home we are willing to join your Empire if my planet gets a defensive fleet to protect our system "

Jake says "That is doable we have a fleet that defends every planet we have the only thing we want from your planet is a 5% tax " The senator was all good with that as it's the same as the Republic so he gave a nod the other senators had similar reasons as the first

After a few hours of political nonsense, the meeting ended Jake ended up getting 7 new planets to join his empire he believes this will make the Republic panic as 7 of their own just went and left just like what happened with the CIS but this time it was core planets, not Outer Rim ones

In the Republic, there was chaos as 7 senators announced they are leaving the Republic Palpatine is getting worried about his plan as Jake is getting too powerful it was one thing having a massive army and a large amount of Sith under his command but now Jake has technology so far ahead of the rest of the Galaxy Palpatine is going to stop his none aggression pack between the CIS and the Empire

So he went to contact his Apprentice about the change by informing him that the Empire is more of a threat than the Republic and to make sure they don't take too much territory, Count Dooku was suspicious of the sudden change of his Master's thoughts of the empire but didn't push on the subject

Obi-wan, Anakin and his Padawan, the three of them are on a mission to try and convince a neutral planet that joining the Republic is better than the CIS as the location of the planet is in the middle of an important hyperspace Lane as they were talking about the benefits of joining there side of the war a CIS member walked in

Both sides of the room became silent until the CIS officer asked "Why are there Jedi here this is supposed to be a meeting between us to discuss you joining the CIS " which is backed up by Asoka as she said "Yeah why is a separatist here what's the meaning of this " Obi-wan is having a bad feeling about this and told Anakin about it " it seems the two know each other and the king also seems to have made up his mind before hearing us out "

His hunch was right as a group of B1 and B2 battle droids entered the room shooting right at them the Jedi quickly pulled out their lightsabers to defend themselves from the gunfire as the King of the planet and the CIS officer were running away as soon as the fighting started

After the three of them destroyed the battle droids Obi-wan said "Quickly we must make it to our ship and tell the Republic that **** has joined the CIS " As they were running to where their ship is they then saw smoke where the ship should have been Anakin was the one to say " we have to make it to the ship dock and get our hands on a new ship "

On their way there the three of them got ambushed by battle droids as the Blaster fire was getting too much Anakin used the Force to bring a wall down on the droids giving them time to continue towards the shipyard they made it and found a ship they can use just as they made it to the sky 3 vulture droids were following

Anakin uses his flying skills to outmaneuver them by doing engine stalls to confuse the vulture droids' sensors and letting him get behind them to shoot them out of the air and went into hyperspace they then reported what happened back to the Jedi Council

Jake was getting ready for the inevitable betrayal of Palpatine he should have realized by now that he can't take over the Galaxy so he might as well sabotage him but in the meantime, Jake was Looking through the holo net to try and find a good planet to get his hands on

An ) That's the end of the chapter let me know if you liked it by leaving a power stone have a good rest of your day : )