
[Up for Adoption]1

My previous walking dead fanfic was something I considered a failure due to how I know nothing about the military. So I wanted to create something that won't make me feel like deleting the chapters and rewrite this stuff again. Without further ado here is the synopsis. The Number One Thief of our reality who is known for stealing the most valuable Japanese Treasures reincarnates into the walking dead 16 years before the end of the world. In our reality she was born in Iraq in a time of terrorism and social upheaval of the worst kind. She started out as a street rat picking pockets and even stealing things from American Soldiers. In her new life she is considered a freak by her family due to her not acting like a normal baby, Toddler, Kid, or teenager. She never got one of those rich kid trust funds so she took up her old trade of being a thief. She prepared as much as she could for the end of the world. Maggie x OC MC The End of the World known as Walking Dead starts two weeks before Rick wakes up. The starting point of the story is not like the show thus It might take awhile to write the chapters I have in mind so I ask for your patience which seems in short supply due to some of my readers rushing me. Keep in mind my readers that I work 42 hours a week sometimes overtime and only have the weekends off to rest and recuperate so yes It takes awhile for me to write a chapter so fking deal with it or gtfo I'm sick of some of you rushing me.

Crimson1997 · Théâtre
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1 Chs


~HOOOH~ "Breathe in. Breathe out." Artoria swings her sword. She has been preparing for years for the end of the world. She has stocked up on food, water, ammunition and guns. Her parents and older brother that she chose not to have any meaningful connection to are now walkers she killed them. Since she didn't have any love for them, it was rather easy to kill her walker family.

"Alright now to turn this on." Artoria turns on the Radio and speaks on the same channel that Shane has it on.

"Hello. Is anyone out there? I currently am stocked up on food, water, ammunition and guns. I can't survive on my own, no one can. I am looking for any survivors that are out there that will join me. I'm all alone now and would feel much safer in a group. If anyone is out there, come to 4665 Riverview Road in Sandy Springs. Me and my family own Chestnut Hall. I was forced to kill them... They turned. It's just me now." Artoria sighs, waiting for Shane to pick up.

"Yo, you for real right now?" T-Dog speaks into the radio.

"Uh, I don't know what being real means," Artoria says in a 'confused' tone of voice.

"Gimmie that! This is Shane Walsh, a Sheriff's Deputy from King County. Are you lying to us, or are you telling the truth?" Shane asks.

"I'm telling the truth. I feel... So lonely... I do live in Chestnut Hall and I do have the supplies to last for about 20 years if I were alone. I never actually expected anyone to respond... I thought I was the only survivor. If you don't believe me, you can come over officer and check things out yourself. I just don't want to be alone anymore!" Artoria starts 'sobbing' after the end of her speech.

"I cannot risk my group on what could be a fantasy. I will come over to you and see for myself. If you are lying to me, you will regret it, understand?" Shane says.

"I understand. I will wait for you to arrive. Be warned that there are hundreds of those zombies out there, so you should be careful. I convinced my father to build a large wall around the estate so the walkers can't come in... However, the purpose wasn't for the zombies. But they work just as well." Artoria 'sniffles' and sighs.

"I'll be there in a day. Wait for me." Shane hangs up.

/// The next day.

"OPEN UP I'M ABOUT TO DIE!" Shane yells.

The gates open, and he runs inside. The gates close after he is safe, but some walkers got it. Artoria picked them off one by one using her 3-round burst Assault Rifle.

"Your real... You're a real live person..." Artoria has a 'surprised' expression on her face.

"I am. Now show me to your supplies so I can be sure you ain't lying." Shane says.

"Okay. follow me." Artoria walks down the halls and goes around some corners and finally arrives at the kitchen and the basement that has thousands upon thousands of MREs and other foods. The food needs to be consumed quickly, but the MREs have a long shelf life.

"I'll show you to the guns and ammunition now." Artoria walks to another area of Chestnut Hall and opens a vault with her fingerprints and voice identification.

The vault shows hundreds of crates of ammunition and thousands of guns around the room as well. It has thousands of Kevlar combat suits that can outfit a small army which protects the whole body, which means no walker scratches or bites will get through. There are precious jewels, diamonds, gold bars and billions of dollars in cash in the back of the vault as well.

"Alright, I see that you are telling the truth now. However, why do you have that many guns and bullets when you are underaged? how old are you?" Shane runs his hand through his hair.

"I'm 16... And I got them all on the Black Market... Are you going to arrest me, officer?" Artoria shows a 'fearful' look.

"Nah, I ain't going to arrest you. On the contrary, you may have well just saved my group's life with these guns," Shane chuckles.

/// The next day.

A large amount of people are in the giant mansion and are eating like the MREs are the best damn thing they have had in forever. They all had a shower too, so the place is no longer full of stank.

"So you're just going to take advantage of my hospitality instead of guarding this place? I asked you all to come here for extra protection, not to allow you to take advantage of me!" Artoria has a dark, brooding look. Artoria 'storms' off, leaving them to all be alone. Everyone clearly lost their appetite.

"She's right, you know. We are living under her roof now and eating her food and using her guns and her bullets," Shane speaks first.

"Well, I guess I'll guard the little lady's mansion for this amazing life right now. I at least know the concept of give and take." Merle smirks and grabs his new gun, intending to go on watch.

"Let me know when you need a break. I'll do it too." Shane speaks up.

"Shane, are you seriously going to let that little rich girl boss you around?" Lori has a speechless look.

"I don't consider it being bossed around. I'm eating her food staying under her roof. And all she is askin is to be less alone and for a group to protect her. She's right, you know? A single person can't survive on their own. Which is why she wanted a group to guard this place.

It's big, highly defensible, has enough food for all of us for years to come, and it even has a garden with lots of fruits and vegetable seeds we could start planting if we ever run low on food... Lori we got a good now and if guarding the little miss is all it takes for us to have all this, I'm willing to guard her" Shane motions his hands all around him when he said 'all of this' And he is completely serious about it.

"it has a solar generator the size of a 'commoners' house that will last our whole lives. Hot showers that won't run out of water because she has hundreds of wells full of water... ten working toilets, too. Lady, you'd have to be completely mad to not take this deal." Daryl scoffs and walks away.

/// On the highest balcony.

"Hey, I'm sorry if it looked like we were taking advantage of you. But you gotta understand we haven't had something this good in months. Food was always spoiled. We only washed dirty clothes with water. We all bathed in a lake without soap. We didn't have many guns either. We didn't have working showers or toilets, so you can imagine just how rough it's been for everyone in my group." Shane sits down and pours himself a cup of whiskey.

"That bottle of whiskey's price is over ten million dollars, just so you know. It has been preserved since the American Civil War." Shane goes into a coughing fit from swallowing the alcohol wrong and gives an incredulous look.

"...I can pay you back." Shane gives a sheepish smile.

"No, you can't. Actually... Yes, you can. Guard my home from those zombies and you can have that entire bottle. Oh, and by the way... I wouldn't finish that cup if I were you unless you want to go into cardiac arrest." Artoria walks back into the estate and plops onto her bed.

To Be Continued...