
[System User] in the multiverse of Madness

When I found out about the multiverse the first time I was told one thing. "The multiverse doesn't make any sense at all." I don't remember who told me that anymore. Back to the topic. My name is Leon Garcia and I am someone referred to by many as a reincarnator. Anyone would think that an enchanter is something special, I would be the main character and the world would revolve around me. But in reality there are thousands or millions like me. No one in this place is unique or special, that's something I found out for myself. And if you want something you have to earn it through force, in this place the most honest or the most honorable doesn't win. The most bastard and unhinged wins. So I will set out on my journey through this place with my annoying companion with the goal of fulfilling my dream. To have a harem of beautiful women and a peaceful life. That would be it, at the end of the day I don't think it would be that hard to achieve..... "Did I just raise a flag?" □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□ [Warning]: English is not my first language. □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□

Reader_Madness · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 7. Damn [Author] just let me rest for a day!!!


[Disclaimer]: I don't own anything, this is purely a fanfic to pass the time.


"LA,LA,LA~" - Carol hummed quietly as she walked unconcernedly around her.

'What the hell is this girl?'

It's been about twenty minutes since I've met Carol and I've been through a lot.

I had to prevent her from being carried away by a stranger, defend her from a dog that wanted to bite her, make her get down from a tree that she climbed and she didn't know how, a cat that curiously was in the same tree and tried to scratch her, from a ball that almost It hits him in the face because of some children playing nearby, etc.

[Even I have to admit it mate! This brat is a magnet for trouble.] - Even Zell looks amazed.

"woof" - meanwhile Pochita looked worried. He himself had to fight against that dog that tried to attack Carol.

While I was worrying about Carol's fate, she started to talk.

"Know. I had a lot of fun with you today Leon-chan." - Carol smiled innocently.

'I don't know if it counts as fun to be almost hit by a truck, to be kidnapped or -' - I shook my head trying to get those thoughts out of my head.

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time. But I guess you should have more fun with your friends."

"I don't have friends," Carol replied calmly as she continued to move forward.

"...you don't have any?."

"No! The people at my school say they don't want to hang around a strange girl with blonde hair and green eyes!" -The way she says that with a smile is worrying.

She could understand why they told her that. At this age, children are extremely cruel, not to mention honest with what they think.

Besides, people always hate those who are different, so it's no wonder she's treated like that.

"And does that make you sad?"

"Yes, a little bit! But I won't let that stop me! My mom told me to always stay positive!" -even now she is still smiling.

'smiling, huh...'


"Know. You should smile too, Leon." - Look at that annoying woman who was still behind me.

I decided to just ignore her and continue moving forward.

"A smile shows that no matter what the world throws at you, you are the one in control."

It still surprises me that she survived this long without being killed or captured by some [User] to turn into a sex toy.

 "I saw it in an animated series from my previous life, I think it was said by a demon who always smiles… I wonder if that world exists, I would like to go hear them sing."

I decided to ignore her and focus on looking for Zell, that guy said he was meeting that brat Sam. But as he continued I still heard his footsteps behind me.

'Seriously, how annoying'

But still, part of me appreciates her company...


I massaged my temples before the headache that came.

'What a damn bother.'

Looking at Carol, I realized that this brat didn't seem as annoying to me as before. I smiled slightly and spoke to Carol.

"You know -" -I couldn't finish my words when Carol continued speaking.

"So when bad kids bully me I hit them! After all he also told me that I should always defend myself against bullying! And I always do that with a smile even though I almost always end up getting hit! hehe~"

".." - I shook my head at Carol's words.

'This brat is still strange.'

´ Although I am a man in the body of a seven-year-old brat who talks to a fairy and with strange voices in his head, I think I am not the one to talk to who is strange here.'

We continued walking in search of his servant.

"If you don't mind, would you like me to be your friend?" - I said that nonchalantly.

My words made Carol stay still as I continued to move forward. Realizing what had happened, I turned to look at her.

"Are you serious?" -Carol looked at me and I could see stars in her eyes….

'I really need help...'

"Yes, if you don't mind, of course."

"Friends, like those people who play together."


"Like those who tell secrets that their parents don't find out."

"Exact." - how immature.

"Those people who end up getting married when they are teenagers because the man gets the woman pregnant and then runs away when he has the chance.."

"Exactly.- Wait what did you just say!" - what the hell did Carol just say.

"It means we will be best friends."

"Wait, answer me."

"I'm really glad to meet you Leon-chan!"

"You're really going to ignore what I say."

"From now on Leon-chan is my first and best friend." -Carol smiled as she raised her arms and jumped slightly.

At this image I simply sighed to myself.

'I'm too old for these things.'

Although I still smiled at Carol's childish actions.

'This third life is being very pleasant.'

Just as I started to smile at Carol I could feel a cold gaze on me and along with this feeling the bastard who was silent for too long spoke.

[You know mate this is a nice scene! ] - for a strange reason that Zell is talking to me now gives me a bad feeling. - [!But ~. I think you should look behind you!]

Turning around I saw that there was the girl I came to the park for. She was wearing the same dress as yesterday only now she was without a hint of blood. Her appearance is undoubtedly better.

I'm just worried about the lifeless look he's giving me right now...


Rika, upon feeling my gaze, changed her expression so quickly that she began to worry me. She showed a big smile and slowly approached me.

Carol who stopped celebrating noticed Rika's presence to which she looked curiously.

When I got to my side, Rika hugged me while she rubbed her cheek with mine.

"It's good to see you again León!" -I could feel Rika's happy mood, but all her excitement ended when she looked at Carol. - "And who are you?"

If looks can kill, Carol would already be dead.

"Woof! woof!" - Pochita looked between Rika and Carol completely confused.

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….] - While the bastard Zell started laughing.

But Carol, whether she didn't notice it or simply didn't understand the situation, she acted as usual.

"Hi, I'm Carol!" -Showing her usual smile, her cheerful attitude contrasted with Rika's.

"I see. Hello Carol. Would you mind telling me what relationship you have with León."

'Why am I in this situation?'

My life certainly changes genres too quickly.

"Oh!" -A part of me hoped that Carol would fix this with her words, but as has always been proven, I should never expect anything good from life. - "I am Leon-chan's future wife!"

I could hear something snap and I don't know if it was Rika's sanity or my hand that was now acting as a stress ball for her.

'This brat must learn to manage her anger... Well, I'm not the one to talk about that either.'

Rika, after a few moments of processing her words, turned around still holding my hand and started walking.

"León we have to go. There are several things I want to talk about."

But just when I took the first step, I felt someone take my hand that was still free.

"No! Leon-chan told me to help me!" -Carol spoke while she looked at Rika. To which Rika looked at her with hostility.

'What the hell is happening? How did my life turn into an attempt at cheap comedy?'

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Rejoice mate! You have two minors fighting for you! You are the envy of Jeffrey Epstein! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA]

I hate my life.

□•••□•••□•••□(León's POV/ 20 minutes later"□•••□•••□•••□

'How did it end like this?' - I thought as I sat on a bench in the middle of two girls reviewing my life decisions.

"Really Leon-chan did that!" -Carol looked excited as she looked at Rika.

"Yeah. He looked pretty amazing during that moment." -Rika said as she played with her hair shyly.

If you're wondering how we ended up like this. I'll answer it now, seeing how Rika seemed to be about to fight with Carol, I looked for a way to solve this problem.

To which I took them to sit on a bench while I tried to explain my meeting with Carol to Rika and my meeting with Rika to Carol.

Carol seemed quite interested in how I met Rika. And right now Rika started telling him about everything that happened yesterday.

And it must be said, what Rika says makes me look like some kind of knight in white armor who appeared out of nowhere to save her.

"Wow! Leon-chan is like one of those knights from the stories my maid tells me!" -Carol looked at me with stars in her eyes, she seemed to be looking at me like some kind of hero.

[HAHAHAHAHA! That you are a hero is as true as that Hitler loved the Jews! HAHAHAHAHAHA!]

Ignoring the flying parasite again I focused on how Rika and Carol seemed to be getting along better.

'At least they won't fight anymore.'

"Yes that's how it is! León is great!" - Rika seemed to have the same opinion as Carol.

It's amazing how Rika can smile happily while she recounts that traumatic experience. Should I praise her mental strength? What about your friend who died yesterday?

'Damn [Author]' - It must all be that bastard's fault.

Looking at the scene of Rika and Carol chatting happily, I smiled.

'This life is being quite peaceful... of course if you ignore my debt to the yakuza. ́

"Well, then Carol, shall we continue looking for your maid? "- I spoke, interrupting Rika.

At my question Carol hesitated as she looked at Rika.

"Hey Rika-chan, what exactly were you planning to do with Leon-chan?"

"Well… I had planned to spend time with him to get to know each other." -Rika said shyly as she played with her hair.

"Oh! So let's spend this time getting to know each other." -Carol raised her arms happily at the thought of her.

"And your servant?" - asked Carol.

"I'll start first. My name is Carol Oslton and I am 7 years old."

"Are you going to ignore me?"

After that Carol started telling us things about herself. Although Rika seemed to want her to stop but seeing Carol's happy mood she couldn't do it.

"My mother's name is Ferris Olston and she is 20 years old, she is a person-"

I quickly stopped Carol's speech upon hearing her mother's age.

"Wait! Your mother is 20 years old?!" - At my cry full of confusion Carol simply smiled and nodded.


´… that doesn't mean she had Carol when she was 13… ´-I don't know what to think.

[Hey mate! Apparently this brat's father wants to compete with you! But don't worry, you can repay him by impregnating his daughter and his wife] -I looked at Zell in disgust.

'Spending time in the organization rotted your brain, didn't it?'

[Hey… it's true, I learned too much strange shit in the organization.]-Zell took a serious tone as he continued. -[But let's be honest, although it may sound disgusting, impregnating lolis is something common for the bastards over there. So it's adapt or die!]-Zell said happily as he raised his arms.

I internally shook my head. It has to be said that I also got used to that strange shit... you don't live more than eight centuries out there without seeing very strange shit.

'But even so I would never do something disgusting like have sex with a loli. I swear´

And having the title of [Lolimancer] won't influence me.

"And what else do you have to tell us Carol." - I decided to continue chatting with Carol and Rika, to pass the time.




"You really have a private island!?" - Rika exclaimed excitedly at the shocking news.

"Yeah! We once went there to spend the holidays. If you want, I can ask my mother so that you and León-chan can come next time."

During the time we were talking Carol had opened up to us and Rika seems to have grown fond of her.

"That would be interesting." - I simply smiled at what Carol said, in my situation I didn't even know if I could go to another city without being chased by the Yakuzas.

"You know today was really a great day.. Now I'm worried if I'll be able to make friends at school." -Carol spoke as she looked a little depressed although it didn't show if she wasn't paying attention.

"You will surely make several friends Carol. "

At my words Rika also spoke.

"León is right. As long as you act as you do, you will surely make many friends. "

At our words Carol opened her eyes in amazement and then pounced on us and hugged us.

"Leon-chan, Rika-chan, you are the best friends I could ever have!" -it makes me worry how alone this girl was to consider two people she's only known for a few minutes as best friends.

"Heh. Thanks Carol. " - Rika returned the hug and I did the same.

"Yeah. Thanks for the words."

After spending a few minutes hugging, Carol let go of us to clench her fists and have a determined look.

"Alright! That's a promise, I'll make a lot of friends! Everyone at Sakurada Elementary will know me!" - At Carol's words, Rika opened her eyes in surprise.

"Wait! "Carol, are you going to Sakurada Elementary?"

"Hey? Yes, that's where I'll be going in two days. For that same reason I was in this park. I came with my maid to see the area."

Then Rika responded with a wry smile.

"I'm also going to the same place. Apparently you already had a friend before you even entered school."

"Really Rika-chan? .You are also going to the same place."

"Yeah. Well then Carol I hope you take care of me." -Rika said as she tilted her head.

"Don't worry Rika-chan as friends I will do my best."

At this scene I rolled my eyes because of the coincidence that the two girls I know were going to the same place.

´Well, damn [Plot Armor

But while she was thinking about that Carol looked at me and asked me.

"Leon-chan, will you also go to the same school?" - In response to that question Rika seemed interested, it would be ironic if the three of us went to the same place but I don't even have money to study or well that's how I show myself.

"I'm sorry... but it's not, and before you ask where I will study, I'll just say that I have some family problems and that's why I can't study." -I could feel Rika's worried look when she mentions family problems.

Meanwhile Carol.

"Oh, I see… it's a shame. It would have been great if we were in the same place." -she looked depressed.

The previously cheerful atmosphere now became uncomfortable with my words. Given that, I decided to talk about another topic but I was interrupted.

"Lady Carol!" - the voice of a mature woman echoed from behind me.

At that, Carol, who seemed depressed by my response, looked at that scream and then screamed while she raised her hand.

"Oh Maria-chan here I am!"

A name that is too simple and common…

María?… María ́ - I held my head because of the horrible pain I began to feel. - ´ what's happening to me? ´

[Partner, are you okay?!] - Zell seemed worried.

"Leon, are you okay?" - I heard Rika's worried voice.

'León?... Who the hell is León?... I-'

[The skill [Fourth Wall] has been activated]

´What was I thinking?´ - I turned my gaze to the worried Rika and the annoyed Zell.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired." - I massage my temples before the horrible headache.

[Are you really okay, buddy?]-Zell stopped talking with his cheerful and energetic tone.

'Yes, I was simply surprised by the maid's name.' - I found myself confused by that.

Carol didn't realize what happened because she was focused on her maid.

When I decided to turn to see Maria.

I stood still as my eyes stayed glued to one place.

God exists

Although I have seen, met, spoken and fought against Gods, I still never decided to believe in them. But what my vision presented made me want to kneel and thank whatever deity. After all, something like what I see must be nothing more than a divine work.

The maid came to where we were and I could see her better.

Blond hair which was tied with a white bow, blue eyes, he was wearing a typical Victorian style maid outfit with a skirt that reached to his ankles. But what stood out the most were the two large breasts that she had, which stood out more in her uniform which lacked decoration.

[Name: Maria / Franchise: Victoria Maid Maria no Hoshi]

"Lady Carol! doesn't know how worried she was when she disappeared from my side." - The servant Maria hugged Carol.

Meanwhile, Carol, who was hugged, sank between the maid's two large breasts, but she stuck her face between her breasts, thus avoiding suffocation.

"hehe~ Maria, I missed you too." - Carol's attitude continued to be the same even now. - "But look Maria-chan. I made two friends."

Maria, who was hugging Carol, noticed me and Rika, and looked at us curiously.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Maria, Lady Carol's personal servant." - Smiling gently introduced herself.

"Oh. It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Rika Orimoto." -Rika bowed as she introduced herself.

"I am Leon Garcia." - Just raise your hand.

'Now that I look at the maid better... I feel like I've seen her before.'

He examined her more closely from head to toe. Her physical appearance reminds me of someone and her name too...

'Wait! This woman is not the maid that appears in that series I saw [Victoria Maid Maria no Hoshi]!'

Even the series has the damn name of it. But she is from a hentai series... That means that in this world there are more characters from that type of series.

She horrifies me at the horrible truth.

'Shit! What kind of luck is this!' - I was not happy to be in a world where there were also hentai series or whatever the hell they call them nowadays.

'It means that there must be the typical antagonists of those series, those who blackmail, manipulate or brainwash the heroines. ́ - I looked askance at Carol and Rika. - 'Will there also be those shitty old men with a taste for underage girls?'

I need to be more careful if that's true...who am I kidding. With my shitty luck there are sure to be some shitty old men in this city.

After introducing us Maria turned her attention back to Carol.

"Lady Carol. She doesn't walk alone again, she doesn't know how dangerous it is outside." - Then Maria started scolding Carol.

Meanwhile I began to plan a way to cleanse this city of any degenerates.

But I couldn't concentrate on my plans because Zell started talking to me.

[...eh mate.] - I looked at Zell who looked quite pale.

'What's happening?' - now what the fuck is happening.

[A notification has just arrived from the System... but well... as I explain.] - Seeing Zell's attitude I started to panic.

 Is this something so bad?' - I've had enough of this shitty revelation.

[Well, let's just say the servant might be screwed.] - After that a notification appeared in front of me.

When I read the message I turned pale.

[Traces of a [System User] have been detected in the entity known as [Maria]]


'Oh shit.'

As I looked at the screen in horror I heard a voice speak to me.

"I thank you for her help with Lady Carol, Leon."

"eh?" - I noticed how Maria bowed while thanking me.

"She told me how you helped her when she got lost. It's good to know that there are young people as good as you."

Looking at Carol, I could see how she smiled at me while she winked at me.

"Oh. Was nothing."

"Well then, Lady Carol we have to go home." - At Maria's words, Carol looked at her horrified.

"What!? We can't stay a little longer?"

"I'm sorry but remember that I told her mother about her disappearance and she is very worried."

"I don't want to!" Carol shouted as she lunged at me and clung to my arm. - "If we leave we have to take León too."

´What? ´

"woof?" -Even Pochita was confused by this situation, this guy was watching us talk the entire time while he was sleeping near the bench.

"Lady Carol we cannot. León must have a house and a family to return to."

"But we can call his parents to ask if he can stay at our house."

'Wow. I'm surprised that Carol has become so attached to me.' - At that moment I remembered my title of [Lolimancer], I don't know if I should be happy or horrified.

Turning my attention back to Maria, I saw how she seemed to not know how to respond to Carol's tantrum.

Deciding to intervene I placed my free hand on Carol's head.

"Come on Carol, you shouldn't worry your mother so much."


"Look, we can continue seeing each other. How about I go see them when they get out of school." -At my words Carol looked me straight in the eyes.

"Is that a promise?"- Looking into Carol's green eyes, I smiled wistfully.

"Of course, it's a promise. I'll see you at school so don't make your mother worry."

After a few minutes of staring at me Carol smiled at me and spoke.

"OK." - Letting go, Carol stood up. - "Then I will wait for you Leon-chan."

Smiling Carol took Maria's hand.

"Very well Maria, let's go back home."

The latter simply looked at Carol in surprise and then looked at me.

"Thank you Leon. " - After giving me a smile she started walking with Carol.

"Goodbye Rika-chan! Goodbye Pochita!" -Waving her hand Carol walked away from her.

Feeling a gaze on me I noticed Rika.

"What's going on?" -looking at her curious about the look she gave me.

"León is a womanizer." -After that she turned around while she pouted.

´ Hey! What have I done now ´


I was currently walking with Rika by my side who was looking at me with a pout.

'Seriously, what did I do?'

"And what do you think of Carol?" - I asked Rika as we continued walking.

After my question she seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before answering.

"It's nice... although it makes me uncomfortable how close she was to you."

"Because? "

"I thought you didn't want me around you anymore, having someone as pretty and cheerful as Carol." -Rika said this while she looked at the ground. .



"That is not possible." - I said while Rika looked up to look at me, to which I smiled. - "Because no one would ever separate me from my pretty and beautiful, Rika Orimoto."

At my words she blushed and avoided my gaze. 

[Kiss her already, you damn lolicon!] - Ignore the flying bastard.

"Well we still have time, what would you like to do now?"

"How about we go to the nearby playground."


And so began my journey with Rika. Which was now happier.


'This peace is really nice...'


"Goodbye Leon! Goodbye Pochita!" -I looked at Rika who was waving her hand saying goodbye .

"Woof!" -Pochita said goodbye, lifting one of her paws.

"Bye bye." - Responding in the same way, I watched him walk away smiling.

I was currently at the same point where I met Carol. It was already getting dark.

"Woof!" - Pochita looked at me curious about what we were going to do now.

Ignoring Pochita, I focused on the important topic that I left aside.

"Zell exactly how the System could detect the [User]"

The systems are not able to detect each other. So I was surprised that I was able to spot one.

[From what I saw it seems that it is due to the hunting subsystem!] -Zell continued with his cheerful attitude although I could see how he seemed worried. - [That woman must have come into contact with some [User] which is dangerous.]

The [Users], entities that possess a golden finger known as the System. Many start out as weak as an average human but others start out strong enough to destroy planets with a punch.

Out in the [Multiverse] there was a rule which dictated that if you encountered a [User] you must kill it if you can or else escape as far as you can.

Usually [Users] are arrogant, lustful and stupid; although that can also be said of the [Reincarnators] and [Transmigrators].

"This is troublesome." -I said as he continued walking.

[Don't even say it mate. Who does that bastard think he is to target the busty maid when she is already your target.] - I saw how Zell seemed angry about a different topic. - [What do we do now?]

to do

I have the strength to face an average [User], no. To survive in case I fail to kill the [User], no.

"I thought I could take the time to get stronger but I'm in a shitty situation."

"Zell, there is some more information that the system could have given about the user." - I asked hopefully.

[Yes!]-The bastard smiled, why didn't you start with that, before I could complain, Zell's joy turned into concern.- [But the information he gave you is... how to put it... surprising?]

[Target information:

-Name: Yuuto Tachibana

-Original Name: Kuro Sakashiro

-Title: None

-Male gender

-Age: 17 years (32 years)

-Category: [Reincarnator], [User]

-Strength: Level 8 (Large Building)


-Supernatural Energy: [Spiral Energy]

-Golden Finger: [Incubus King System]


Kuro Sakashiro was an unremarkable otaku until one day he was hit by a truck while trying to save the life of a girl he was crossing.

Then the "God of the Multiverse" wanted to reward him for his good deed.

He reincarnated in a world where there are beautiful women with a system based on sex. Now known as Yuuto Tachibana he will live his life to the fullest.

Watch as Yuuto rises to the top of the multiverse while taking all the beautiful women for himself.]



"Okay. This is definitely bullshit." - I was surprised at all the information that the system provided me. - 'They even gave me a synopsis of their [Story].'

Recovering from my initial surprise, I focused on the information I had. And after analyzing it I came to the answer to what I should do.

"I need to kill him." - Due to its synopsis and system, it would certainly not allow any male entity to get together with "its women". Most [Users] are like this.

But with his level of strength he would definitely kill me too easily if we fought, no, who am I kidding. It wouldn't even be a fight, it would be a massacre.

I thought about Maria's maid, if she came into contact with the [User] it should be recent because Carol didn't show any trace. Maybe when she separated from Carol, she would most likely start targeting the maid and consequently reach out to Carol and her mother.

But because of [User's] age, it is most likely that she is a high school student and will not target Carol because of her age, but I also cannot affirm that she will not do it..

´Wait.´- at that moment I realized something.- ´I know about him, but, he doesn't know anything about me´ - that was a pretty big advantage.

He will undoubtedly go after Maria but he will take his time, since no one would ever think that another person may have been reincarnated apart from him. The stupidity of believing oneself special and unique is now in my favor.

And by his strength, he must have obtained it through the system; Which means this guy must have already put his hands on some women, most likely those closest to him either: family, friends and neighbors.

Is there anything else I missed? For now I think that would be it. Even though I said that, I couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that he was forgetting something important.


I must gain strength quickly and for that. I need to use my system to corrupt women and also the hunting system.

The first night after finally starting the system I looked at the rewards that the hunting system gives. And without a doubt they are quite excellent according to their difficulty of the prey.

'I don't have time to train, I need to kill him, but I lack too much strength.'

"Zell opens the hunting subsystem."

[Dude, don't tell me what.]

"Yes Zell. It seems we are going to take a little trip to another world."

My luck is shit, I promised to never use the hunting subsystem and this happens.

'It must be that damn [Author]. He must have gotten bored that my life was turning into a damn [Slice of Life].'

With that thought I began to prepare for my first multiversal trip, hoping it would be the last.

´oh really. What bad luck I have´

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[Author's words]:

And I'm back. I'm sorry I disappeared, but I'm off to a bad start this new year.

Anyway, this chapter was the beginning of Leon Garcia's adventure in the [Multiverse].

Also, I would like to know his opinion. What world would you like to see? Taimanin? Mushoku Tensei? The testament of sister new devil?

Give his ideas. But before anything I must tell you that the first world where León will go is already one that I have planned.

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