
[Stalker]’s game

I was suddenly transferred to another world via magic portal along with the rest of my class. We were told that we had to… pretend to kill the Demon King? And if that wasn’t confusing enough, we all had the typical LitRPG classes like [Mage] and [Hero], and mine was… [Stalker]? Yeah, that kinda makes sense, I guess. Anyway, now we have to travel across the continent on foot… or not? Apparently AirShips are a thing, so that half a year trip? It turned into a one week trip where we did basically nothing. And the rumored Demon King that was evil and terrorizing everyone? Yeah, he’s actually the nicest and kindest person I’ve ever met. But the people escorting us here are the real tyrants! So anyway, they stranded us in Demon territory and now we need to get some payback. Would you like to join me on this journey to decimate some really specific people? (Like, for example, a person that is literally used as a puppet, someone who literally freezes people if they get on their nerves, taking the phrase ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’ waaaay to literally, and another person who just… likes the quiet too much?) [I will try to upload once a week on Sunday, with some mid-week uploads scattered about]

RoyalZulu · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

A normal little [Status] screen

I look back at the already opened [Status] screen and widen my eyes in shock. This looks interesting!

[Status - Overview]

[Name: Celyn Dawson

[Title(s): Stalker of Kaiden Locke, Member of The Unnamed God Legion

[Blessing: Disguise (Dusk)

[Current place of residence: N/A

[Age: 19

[Gender: Male/Non-binary

[Race: Human (?)

[Status effects: N/A

[Current status: Healthy/Confused

[Class: Stalker (Kevin)

[Level: 1

[Exp: 0/10

[Affinity: Show

[Attributes: Show

[Talents: Show

[Skills: Show

[Inventory: Show

[Party: N/A

[Affiliates: Show

[Religion: The Unnamed God

[Relationship status: Single

[Family: Show

[Favourite {Colour}, {Food}, {Etc.}: Show

[End page]

And it also looks long... Ok, wow. Very long. I wonder if there's a way to get rid of all the excess info. I fiddle around with it for a minute, careful not to press any button I'm not sure of. Eventually I do find the [Settings] button, and I quickly select it.

Throughout these few quick minutes, I make sure to always have the self-proclaimed king in my peripheral vision in case he does something fishy. So far, he just seems to survey all of us intently. Which I realise is also not good, but there's not much I can do about it. Actually, I wonder if there's the option to have my [Status] screen private or hidden.

I do more fiddling with the [Settings] tab and eventually find what I'm looking for.

[Status - Settings page]

[Set {Status} to {Private}? Y/N]

[End page]

I immediately spam [Y] and let out a relieved sigh when it registers. I peek back up at the so-called king and noticed that he has his eyes set on the person in front of me. Which just so happens to be my crush that I currently 'hate'. I could never truly hate him, but as per our relationship that we've built up so far, we squabble constantly and heatedly. I honestly have no idea how we started arguing almost every morning and making-up by the evening of the same day (As friends, mind you! And not the kissing make-up, but settling our arguments and agreeing on an answer like regular people).

I'm almost scared to not argue with him on something by this point, since it's the only way I can get close to him. In fact, we were just in the middle of a heated argument right before we were transported here. I think we were arguing about whether gods were real or not. I took a vehement 'Yes' outlook, while my crush was leaning toward 'No'. I was in the middle of convincing him that gods do indeed exist (or at least, the one I believe in does) when all of this happened.

I played around a little more with the [Settings], and found an interesting option that I didn't know existed. The option to edit my [Status].

[Status - Settings page]

[Edit {Status}? Y/N]

[End page]

So! Second chapter done! Please tell me what you think. I'm always happy to read feedback! (Even if I don't have enough time)

This chapter looks longer than the first chapter, but it has about 200 less words. Wow. Amazing how much space a [Status] page takes up, especially one as long as this one! I think we should shorten it next chapter, don't you?

What should I add to the [Status] page? What should I take away? So many options! And so little time!

Anyway, I think that's all for now, so see you next chapter!


RoyalZulucreators' thoughts