
[Resolve To Eternity] : Only I Am Supreme

Hello there, Newbie trying create a good world for his reincarnation Attention!!! Mc is Neutral Evil so be warned if Incase you find any gruesome scene to you distaste. Expect a moderate Harem where MC's wife's are capable, powerful and Scheming. -[Expect atleast 3 chapters per week] -Also the real story starts later on from chapter 17, the rest is just mild info dump and can be skipped. Sorry but I had to do it. -My description is just Meh!!! so expect the first 16 chapters to be pure crap to some of you....maybe -Story gets way better afterwards, trust me

DaoistTempest619 · Oriental
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30 Chs

Annoying Battle

Her sapphire eyes, deep and expressive as the ocean, met the sight of Zephyroth staring straight at her nude figure with an impassive and indifferent gaze

Zephyroth: (  ̄  ̄ |||)

A huge blue palm suddenly condensed in the air sending Zephyroth flying backwards into the air by 20 meters before he managed to stabilize his slightly disheveled figure

A look of astonishment flashed through his eyes as he felt the strong energy from her hand

That single strike had caused a decent injury on him, as the bones where she had hit started to hurt as if something heavy had smashed into it


"You scoundrel, to think that you would spy at this seat taking a bath, I will definitely kill you!"

There was anger mixed with shame  making one wonder if she was angry because he didn't have a lustful expression or because he saw her naked

A Flick of her jade like white hands carried a blue colored sword aura flying at Zephyroth so fast that it whistled through the air in a swift motion producing a slashing sound

Feeling the huge amount of Internal Qi within her palm, Zephyroth's gaze became solemn, not daring to slight this attack

Gathering up the Spiritual energy within himself, he concentrated it in his right hand and lashed out.


A palm and a sword aura collided against each other with a muffled explosion as the shockwave flew out in all directions

Zephyroth was sent flying backwards violently, crashing through various bushes before finally slumping to the ground.

"Pff!" A mouthful of blood splashed out from Zephyroth's mouth staining the white coloured robes he wore leaving him in a daze for a brief moment

As it escaped from his mouth, his face grew deathly pale.

With difficulty Zephyroth tilted his head upwards in disbelief at the woman in front of him

She wasn't too far away from his age and yet she had such an unbelievably strong amount of physical strength

Thus he estimated that she possessed strength of a Peak stage Core Formation cultivator the very least

This was deduced by the fact that Zephyroth knew his own strength like the back of his hand especially after fighting against a progidy like Rhomas while in "that" state

With his current strength let alone Foundation Establishment cultivators, even normal Core Formation powerhouses won't be able to contend against him. So the woman right in front of him was an unbelievably strong opponent that he wasn't able to defeat with ease with his current strength.

"Core Formation!" Zephyroth revealed her Cultivation in astonishment

To think that the woman in front of him was actually that strong

If someone had told him,he Zephyroth would have scoffed and teach the person a lesson

The woman who had already worn a dress slowly walked towards Zephyroth with the beauty of an immortal that could almost be said to be unmatched within the world

Her beautiful blue Sapphire eyes were filled with shame and indignation, her fury slowly increasing her charm

Covered with a strong killing intent as she gave the death glare towards Zephyroth it looked as if she had wanted to tear him to shreds, if gazes were omnipotent and could kill, then he Zephyroth never doubted he would have died 10 times by now

Curious why only 10 times, hehe it's so because the rest of the time he will spend will be an eternal torture so he might as well die in anger than to live in an eternal agony

The woman wore a blue robe that was rather messy

It was clear to see that she had thrown it on quickly without sparing enough time to smooth herself out

Her long hair was draped behind her shoulder and clung to her waist as water droplets slowly made contact with her robes

Slowly, the lady walked towards Zephyroth in a silent manner with a gloomy mood while a blue colored sword coated with blue lightning appeared on her hand

The sword was Blue in color, quite long, and had two blades that looked like they could each cut through the sky.

Vaguely, there was a sharp light emanating from the sword. The light seemed to be able to tear apart whoever it enveloped because when you looked closely, you would find countless sword slashes within the light.

Seeing the sword crackling with blue lightning Zephyroth's face changed with his instincts screaming for him to get the fack out of here

With difficulty, Zephyroth slowly crawled up from the ground as his right hand began to tremble. The woman was surely very strong, in a single attack, Zephyroth right arm had already suffered from a deep wound with leaving stubborn remnants of  blue sword aura trying reeking havoc in his body

"Hold on Miss! I think this is just a misunderstanding, I wasn't and had no intentions spying on you taking a bath, and besides looking at my current state I think it's enough to pay for the misunderstanding if any "

Zephyroth attempted to ease any further conflict in wary of the group he saw accompanying this Lady, supposing  he could defeat her, he would still be very tired and injured to face her friends

"Hehe, asking for mercy are you now....just DIE!!! for me!" The woman's beautiful face turned ashen as she heard him utter such words shamelessly

It was clear to see that she was not feeling better despite seeing his bartered state and so with a single stride she rushed towards him aiming to stab him on the chest

Zephyroth's body swayed to the side managing to dodged the attack by a narrow margin while trying to create distance between them considering his weak physical condtions

As soon as her attack missed, she turned around and chopped at Zephyroth with her blue colored sword

Her blue sword carried a type aura that seemed to sound like waves as it slashed towards Zephyroth creating a beautiful arc of blue chilly lightning