
Wolf (#3)

"What do you mean the Universe called you here?" Laura couldn't keep this question inside her head, she had to ask it for the sake of her own curiosity and everyone's else. Stiles sighed, his hand glowed in a light purple light for a second and suddenly they were all in another space, the ground, walls, and ceiling had become a flat black space until there was light, a small, miniature of the solar system! "To explain why i am here, i must show you why the universe called me." Stiles' voice came from seemingly everywhere, Derek felt uncomfortable without touching his Mate but he could still feel the hand of his Mats on his hand, he could still feel the hot breath of his beloved mate on his ear, he could still hear his heartbeat and smell his sweet sweet scent of honey and strawberry... A somewhat deliciously sweet scent that wasn't sickening like the real smell of honey and strawberry.

The image of the miniature solar system began to move, the could see the earth, mars, mercury, venus, pluto, saturn, and all the other planets as well as the sun in the middle, Stiles spoke as the solar system suddenly vanished: "Eons ago, there was no life, there was no light, there were only two things... Chaos and Void, the two were responsible for the creation of what is known as the dimension of eternal probability and chaos simply know as The Void, which is also the responsible for the creation of the Negative Outer Planes of Existence and is also a dimension that connects all the lower layer of all the Lower (Negative) Outer Planes of Existence, The Nine Layers of Hell, Acheron, Carceri, Gehenna, Hades, the Abyss, Hades, Limbo, and of course, Pandemonium." As he spoke about the Outer Planes of Existence, they appeared in a circle, a small red sphere with 9 little layers that could be seen very well that represented the [9 Hells], soon followed by a pyramid with four layers, representing [Gehenna], after came several discs that kept going seemingly infinitely, a ∞ symbol appeared and this illusion represented [The Abyss]. "These three are the ones I'm most familiar with, I've visited Hell's 4th layer, the City of Dis, went to Gehenna's third layer, and am now the Demon Lord and owner of the 509th layer of the Abyss... I know some things about the Outer Planes even if I've not been there personally yet, so if you have any questions ask away."

There was a short awkward paused before Stiles continued: "Well, What I'm saying is... There's a river that connects all the Negative Outer Planes or Lower Outer Planes, call it whatever you want, the River Styx, and believe it or not, it's easy to navigate this river, but the pure energy of The Void can be used to navigate through the Negative Outer Planes of Existence way easier, faster, and just way fancier... It's great. Now, Chaos and Void did not only were responsible for the creation of The Void but also the creation of The Order, The Order was then responsible for the creation of the Positive Outer Planes of Existence such as [Mechanus], [Arcadia], and [Elysium], which are three of the Positive Outer Planes that I've visited... Even though i was almost killed on Mount Celestia i still technically visited it... Anyway, back to the topic at hand, the reason the Universe called my name is simple: War."

Instantly the wonder and awe of the wonderful and beautiful images of all the Outer Planes of Existence were cut and there was this tense, tense feeling of nervousness. "What do you mean... War?" Thalia whispered, her eyes darting between where Derek was and where the illusions were. "Well, there's war happening right now between the Devils, those originated from the Nine Layers of Hell, and the Demons, those who originate from The Abyss. It's been happening for so long that not even my teacher knows when it started, and she is an old bitch..." Peter took this opportunity to ask: "And who would your teacher be?" The illusion of the wheel of planes was shattered as the image of a woman with long limbs, paper white skin, a black veil covering her eyes and face but somehow not hiding her shining white shark-like sharp teeth, her long thin fingers and black long nails that looked more like claws, the ling black dress (with POCKETS) and all her accessories and other things on her person. "This is the woman that taught me a lot of the things i know, meet Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak, or in the human language, Baba Yaga."

Derek remembers hearing the stories about her, how she would take children and eat them, the way it was told how she hunted and haunted the villages and houses just for fun, and the how she lived in a house with chicken legs or something like that, he just thought it was just stories, but it seems it isn't. "And before you ask, yes her house has chiken legs." Stiles added with a chuckle as Derek felt a pair of warm hands touch his chin, making him relax a little as the voice of his Mate filled his ears: "But just between you and me, Derek, she is a good person, almost like a mother to me." Derek smiled gently as he held the hand a little tighter, making Stiles smile to him and nod. "Continuing... There is a War approaching our world, the Positive Outer Planes and the Negative Outer Planes are in a dispute, and they'll soon start a war amongst each other. Think about it being like every single 'End of the World' event in every religon is happening at the same time and you'll get a glimpse of how bad it'll be. And, well, we can do something about it like stopping the war... It isn't easy, since we would need to reset rhe universe from the beginning, and by doing that we need to actually perform a powerful ritual that would send time back... Or we can just, you know, not do anything and go hide somewhere. I highly recommend the last option! It may not happen today, tomorrow, or even in an year, but it it'll inevitably happen in the next 100 years you know, and for someone who is timeless like me, it isn't a long time..."

"So what you're saying is that a war is coming, but it'll take 100 years?" Derek raised his eyebrow and Stiles instantly knew what he wanted to say: 'Really? You scared us because of a war that will happen when we're all dead?' Don't be surprised, Stiles can speak Vibrato, a Language spoken by the Viribitis, a race of tiny little fey creatures of the Unseelie Court that speaks through banging things on the ground to make vibrations and noises, each vibration has a different meaning as well as punctuation! "Yes Derek, I'm warning your family about a war that'll happen in a hundred or so years because we'll be there to witness it. Including the future generations of Hales! We need to start something, a way to make the future generations stronyto survive amongst the Behemoths, Aborations, and Demons slash Devils that will run amok destroying everything in their path... We need a magical Utopia."

"What do you mean I'll witness it?" Derek frowned a little, his eyebrows folding down as he looked stern, but Stiles could interpret this as 'I'm worried about the future but also slightly excited about it as well', huh, he sometimes wonders how he can read Derek so well? "I mean that since you're my Mate, you'll be by my side... Forever. Not even Time, Death, War or Hunger can keep us apart from each other. And even if you want to leave, i won't let you, because you're mine in life and beyond." Stiles had his arms around Derek's neck as he said that, his eyes glowing with a rather possessive and crazy glimmer. All Derek could think was 'Wow... That sounds terrifying and arousing', all Thalia could think was 'What...?', all Laura could think was 'Damn!', and all Peter could think was 'Welp, he got himself a crazy one. Those are the best.'

"*Cough*" Another voice caught their attention with a fake cough, the door to Thalia's office was open and the old woman from earlier entered the room carrying a tray of cookies as well as a pot of green tea and five ceramic teacups, they were releasing a cloud of steam as to show how hot they were, she smiled gently as she walked forward, the illusions long gone and since Thalia's office was soundproof, there was little to no chance that she could've heard what they discussed.

They kept talking about things while drinking the tea provided by the gentle and carrying old lady that Stiles couldn't remember the namez he felt a little guilty for not catching her name and instead focused solely on Derek when they were coming up to Thalia's office. "Now, we have some other things to discuss, like how now my two children are Alphas!" Thalia smiled proudly as she almost shouted, Peter smirked from the sidelines as Derek and Laura looked a little sad, he saw the moment where Derek's hold of Stiles' hand tightened and he whispered lowly: "Thank you." But all werewolves could hear what he said and they felt it, the weight of what happened came crashing down on them causing them to tense up and sigh as the tension left their bodies, Thalia could still feel the phantom pain of the several cuts on her whole body, aching and twitching, itching, painful wounds that didn't want to close... Laura could still feel the phantom pain from the arrow on her head, she could feel it bursting through her left eye and leave her head, destroying her brain in the process, she couldn't even think about what happened as she was already dead before she hit the ground... "We... Need to discuss about the pack, a pack with more than one Alpha isn't exactly natural, so i sadly will have to give the pack to one of you..." Thalia sighed as a headache was starting to form.

"Give it to Laura." Derek said, even he was surprised by how quickly he answered, Peter and Thalia knew this because Laura was the one trained to handle Alpha matters, so naturally she would be the one to take over the Hale pack! "I... I think i can make my own pack..." Derek hesitated before whispering, he was not that sure, an Alpha wasn't meant to be shy or soft-spoken like he was, they were meant to be rough amd tough, ready to take anything from anyone to help their own pack, he was a failure of an Alpha before he even started- "If you're gonna make your own pack, then I'll be your Emissary." Albeit Stiles didn't came back to Earth after he killed his parents, spending 16 years of his life learning magic and exploring the Outer Planes of Existence, he had the books of his mother that explained Pack Dynamics, and an Emissary was important in many levels! They were normally magic users (This checks, since Stiles is a Spark), they needed to have a great relationship with their alpha (He was his Alpha's Mate, so thjw checks out too), and they needed to give advice and help their pack when in trouble (Stiles could do that easily, well, unless he gets them in more trouble).

"You will?" Derek sounded surprised, why did he? "I'm your Mate, wherever you go, I'm going. If you're gonna make your own pack, I'll be your Emissary! I'm a Spark, better than normal magic users, that's pretty clear at least." Derek thought it was adorable how Stiles tilted his head upwards, as if to act proud and mighty, but it only made him look cute and adorable in his eyes. "Are you sure Derek?" Thalia was a little concerned about her son, but seeinf him nod confidently made her calm down a little, she said: "Well, i guess i need to start teaching you about your Alpha duties now... Better late than never, am i right?"

"Unless it is an ambulance." Peter smirked, his little dark joke managed to get a chuckle from Stiles.

Today, everything changed for the Hale Pack...

Tomorrow, even more things would.