
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

The Movie Emperor’s Little Idol 4

Once they arrived at the island, nobody knew what happened between Bai Liang and Han Yi-Shen at the boat earlier or why it suddenly became a multiplication battle. Halfway through, they invited the rest of the cast to join them, but they all shook their head until it looked like they were going to fall off.

They were extremely good at it! What the hell were they doing in the entertainment industry!?

The host couldn't not bring up the topic. The cast could only express that it was the fiercest battle in history and both Su Yan's and Han Yi-Shen's fans would be happy to discover a new side of their idols.

When the host asked how he could be so good at math, Bai Liang already prepared an excuse. "My parents taught me mental calculation since I was little, so I wouldn't easily get scammed."

The host was about to comment when Bai Liang suddenly looked at the camera with his utmost serious face.

"With that being said, President, if you're watching this, EFEX needs a raise for our meal fee. Please approve our manager's proposal. Thank you very much."

The first one to agree was Yi Nian who then followed Bai Liang's example. "Manager, I know you're watching this! I also want more meal fee or I'll be skin and bones!"

"I also want to have midnight late snacks," Shen Qing-Mei joined.

Jiang Wei held Bai Liang's shoulders and gave them a squeeze. "No wonder Xiao Yan is so small."

"Xiao Yan, every time you're out of meal fee you can come to me." Wen Zhang wrapped his arm around Bai Liang. "As long as Xiao Yan calls me ge, this brother will treat you to anything you want."

"As the oldest, of course, it's my duty to treat all of you to a meal." Han Yi-Shen pulled Bai Liang out of Jiang Wei's and Wen Zhang's arms and flashed him a smile. "Xiao Yan can call me for a meal whenever you're hungry."

"Senior Han, you can't play favouritism here. What about us?" Wen Zhang sighed with a hopeless shrug.

"Remember to share the food with us, Xiao Yan." Yi Nian laughed.

Once the time limit for the free segment was fulfilled, the host skillfully moved the topic to the next part which was the introduction of the island and haunted mansion. The program prepared a video and the casts only needed to react to it.

While watching, Bai Liang took the time to retrace heaven's revelation. This program was an important point in the trajectory where Jiang Wei and Shen Qing-Mei would have their first spark of love. After this, they would be split into pairs and the two of them must be a pair no matter what. He didn't know whether it could be tempered or not, but it was better to stay vigilant.

Once the video ended and one or two casts had given their thoughts on it, the hosts fetched a black box from the staff and showed it to the cast and the camera. "You will now split into pairs and will be your teammate for the rest of the program. To decide, we will use this lottery box. Those who get the same colour will be partners."

The host first went to Jiang Wei who was on the far right side. When he placed his hand in, Bai Liang silently mobilized his qi and made Jiang Wei pick a red ball.

The next one was Yi Nian. Bai Liang didn't loosen his monitor and sure enough, she almost picked the other red ball. He promptly flicked it away, making her pick a green ball, and could see her disappointment from the corner of his eyes. He should keep an eye on her.

Shen Qing-Mei almost picked a yellow ball next, and he timely directed the red ball to her hand. With that, the first pair of the program was formed.

Once that was done, Bai Liang didn't pay any more attention to the lottery. Unknown if it was fate or what, Wen Zhang picked a green ball which made him Yi Nian's partner. From Yi Nian's unnatural smile, Bai Liang could easily guess that she had hoped to be Han Yi-Shen's partner.

The remaining ones in the lottery box were the 2 yellow balls which made him and Han Yi-Shen a pair by default. Their first task was to climb up the hill to reach the mansion. The first pair to arrive would receive a reward, an item that would help them at night, while the last one would get a penalty.

They were separated into 3 different paths which already underwent safety inspection beforehand. Each pair was assigned a staff of the surveying team and two cameramen, one for each person.

"Xiao Yan, are you tired?" Han Yi-Shen asked when they were a third of the track. "We can rest if you are."

"I'm good." Bai Liang shook his head. "What about Senior Han? Do you need any rest?"

Han Yi-Shen knew what Bai Liang was concerned about and shook his head as well. "I'm fine."

Bai Liang turned to their cameramen who each carried a heavy camera with them. "Do you need any rest?"

The cameramen were caught off guard and quickly shook their heads. They never thought their existence behind the camera would be regarded as well…

Since nobody needed any rest, they continued at a steady pace, not too rushed but not too leisurely either. The cameramen waited for Bai Liang and Han Yi-Shen's interaction, but neither of them spoke, making them wonder whether they were thinking of a multiplication pop quiz again.

In reality, Han Yi-Shen simply didn't know what topic he should bring up with Bai Liang while the other was busy monitoring another couple.

"Xiao Yan, do you have a brother?" Han Yi-Shen decided on a family topic.

"No, I'm an only child," Bai Li-Ying answered according to Su Yan's profile. "But I'm the youngest in EFEX, so my members are all like my brothers. What about Senior Han?"

"I'm also an only child. I've always wanted a little brother." Han Yi-Shen smiled at Bai Li-Ying. "You can call me Shen-ge. Since we're partners, there's no need for formality."

Bai Liang didn't have any objection towards the offer. "Okay, Shen-ge."

Han Yi-Shen nodded with a satisfied smile. There was a fleeting feeling that it wasn't quite right, but he couldn't put a finger on it and ignored it.

Bai Liang saw the moment when Shen Qing-Mei was supposed to trip and fall into Jiang Wei's arms didn't happen and mobilized his qi. Just to be safe, he wouldn't miss any opportunity to cultivate their feelings.

He tripped her in a deliberate angle and Shen Qing-Mei stumbled. "Ah–!"


Jiang Wei timely reached out and caught Shen Qing-Mei into his arms. When she lifted her head to thank him, their face unknowingly became too close and both backed away in a fluster. It was only after he calmed down could Jiang Wei asked if she was hurt.

Done with his task, Bai Liang focused back on his own side. "Is acting hard, Shen-ge?"

"Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. But doing something we like, all the hardship and difficulties feels like a fun challenge, right?" Han Yi-Shen patted Bai Liang's soft hair. "I think it's harder for me to perform live in front of hundreds or even thousands of people. In acting, I have the advantage of retaking and editing the bad parts."

"Is that why Shen-ge works hard to appear perfect?"

The guide and cameramen silently sucked a cold breath. They didn't know whether this little idol was innocent or daring.

But contrary to everyone's worry, Han Yi-Shen wasn't offended in the least. He let out an airy chuckle and pinched Bai Liang's cheek without any force, almost like a caress. "Yes, maybe so."

"Don't force yourself too much, Shen-ge. It's unhealthy," Bai Liang warned.

Back in his world, those who appeared perfect on the outside must be twisted on the inside. That was his master's rule of thumb. He could see Han Yi-Shen wasn't like that, but if he pushed himself to the edge, he would dive down sooner or later.

"I know." Han Yi-Shen smiled with his eyes. "I won't."

It hadn't been half a day since they met, but why did he feel like this person could understand him completely? That he could accept him wholeheartedly?

The crews, "…"

Why did it feel like they just got slapped with dog food?

With the warm atmosphere between them, they reached the top of the hill first without any suspense. Out of the three pairs only they didn't take a rest one bit.

Bai Liang looked at the bleak, abandoned mansion and frowned. He thought it was a joke, but this was a genuine haunted house.