
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

The General’s Little Gher 5

Since he couldn't be married to Huo Zhang yet, Bai Liang couldn't live in Huo Zhang's personal residence yet either. Thankfully, Father and Mother Huo acknowledged his circumstances and let him stay in their ancestral home for now. Bai Liang used this chance to cultivate affection with Huo Zhang's parents.

Although there were spies in the shadows who monitored his movements, Bai Liang wasn't bothered since he was planning to separate from his family and marry Huo Zhang. And with Huo Zhang coming to see him every day, he could tell him if there were any problems regarding Tian Qing-Shan and Yu Shen-Jia.

Bai Liang was painting in the study when the door behind him opened. Huo Zhang entered and made a beeline to the desk by the windows. Not receiving his welcome, he huffed and held Bai Liang hostage. "You only paint day in and day out and lock yourself in this study. You need to move your body more or your bones will become more fragile than they already are."

"General Huo must be joking. With how rough you were that night, I believe you thought my bones were made of steel." Bai Liang put his brush down and turned around. "Is there any particular reward to have our painting chosen by the emperor other than his favour?"

Huo Zhang tucked a loose strand behind Bai Liang's ear and couldn't stop himself from touching the bright red mole. "The annual hunt this year is slightly different than the previous ones because of the Sacred Dragon Rite. The emperor promised to lend the Heavenly Star Bow to the one with the best painting."

Bai Liang hummed in understanding, confirming that it was the same as the original trajectory. When Yu Shen-Jia's painting was chosen, Tian Qing-Shan would receive the Heavenly Star Bow and use it to hunt for the offering.

It was said that the Heavenly Star Bow was the strongest bow under heaven and no prey could survive the arrow shot from it. Naturally, only powerful people could draw its strings and Tian Qing-Shan called for his acquaintance from the north to help him use it.

"Can you promise me something?"


"My painting." Bai Liang glanced back at it. "I want you to show it only if Tian Qing-Shan's painting lost against the prime minister's. If he wins, you can show it to the emperor privately."

"And why is that?" Huo Zhang raised an eyebrow.

"Because I know the prince will certainly lose face." Bai Liang chuckled.

Huo Zhang felt his heart itch and pulled his lover for a kiss.

But Just as their lips were about to touch, the door was knocked. "Young Master, Young Master Lan, Madame wishes to have lunch together."

Bai Liang let out a laugh.

Huo Zhang, "…"

He already couldn't eat a full meal in this house and couldn't even eat a small tofu?


Father and Mother Huo went to the dining hall to have breakfast together to find Huo Zhang already waiting for them. They didn't know whether to be mad or impressed.

"This child, you only remember you have parents once a year and now you shamelessly run here every day just for your little wife," Father Huo snarked as he sat down.

"Father is equally shameless when courting Mother," Huo Zhang calmly said. "I am only following your footsteps as your son. Father should be proud."

Mother Huo was helpless. "That is why I said you are giving bad examples when you brag about it, Husband."

Hearing footsteps coming towards the dining hall, they turned and looked outside to witness the beautiful fairy coming towards them. Morning sunlight fell upon him and cast his figure with a soft halo as if wanting to exhibit his beauty to the world.

"Master, Madame, this one greets you a pleasant morning." Bai Liang saluted with a small bow.

Father and Mother Huo understood. No wonder their son was enamoured by this person. They wouldn't question it if he said he was an immortal fairy who descended from heaven.

"Ah-Jing, are you sure you want to marry our pig of a son?" Mother Huo sighed in pity. "Aunty can help you find a better spouse."

Before Bai Liang could reply, his waist was caught by a powerful hand and was forcefully locked into Huo Zhang's arm. "If I am a pig, then other men are vermin."

While Father and Mother Huo were left speechless, Bai Liang sat next to Huo Zhang with light laughter. They ate their breakfast together with harmonious chats.

Once they finished, Bai Liang let a servant take the painting he already prepared in his room for Father and Mother Huo to see first. When the scroll was opened and the painting inside was revealed, the couple forgot how to breathe. They immediately knew the result was certain. They even felt that it would be a waste to give it away as an offering. With a relaxed heart, they sent Bai Liang and Huo Zhang off to the imperial palace.

When they arrived, Huo Zhang stopped Bai Liang from coming out. "Wait in the carriage. Unless it is necessary, there is no need for you to attract malicious intent to yourself."

Bai Liang knew Huo Zhang didn't want him to meet Lan Qi-Yuan and Lan Gao-Ye. He complied and sat back inside with a smile. "This one will listen to his husband's arrangement."

Huo Zhang was about to leave when he halted in place for 2 seconds before swiftly stepping back inside with fervent eyes. "What did you call me?"

The answer was a kiss on his cheek. "You will be late, General Huo."

Huo Zhang knew the little devil was playing him, but the agreed-upon time for the presentation indeed already arrived. He could only punish the sinful lips with a kiss before departing with lingering dissatisfaction.

Soon after his leave, Bai Liang closed his eyes and asked Xue Liang to show him the live broadcast of the throne hall just in time for Huo Zhang's entrance. Both Lan Gao-Ye and Tian Qing-Shan were already inside with their respective painters. There were also half a dozen other officials and a couple of princes inside who didn't want to miss the chance to gain the emperor's favour.

Huo Zhang knelt down. "Long live the emperor, may His Majesty be blessed for 10,000 years."

"Rise," the emperor prompted. "We were wondering whether General will present Us with a painting or not."

Standing up, Huo Zhang replied, "Forgive this subject for wasting your precious time, Your Majesty. The painting was sent to this subject's ancestral home and such, this subject required some time to retrieve it."

"General has spared no time in your life to serve Us. This is but a little mistake. You are pardoned."

"This subject is grateful for Your Majesty's magnanimity."

"And where is your painter, General?"

"Because of a certain circumstance, this subject instructs him to wait in the carriage. Does Your Majesty wish him to be present?"

"What is this certain circumstance, General Huo?"

"He is too beautiful," Huo Zhang answered without missing a beat, not a hint of shame on his face. "This subject fears that the paintings will lose their value upon his presence."

Not only the emperor, but everyone present was stunned speechless. Just as they thought Huo Zhang was exaggerating, the emperor suddenly laughed. "Certainly, that is a matter worth concern. He shall wait in the carriage for now then."

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty."

The people glanced at one another and hid their thoughtful eyes. As the rumour said, the emperor truly did value General Huo like his own son that such a ridiculous statement could be swept under the rug. They were certain that if someone else had said it, at the very least, the emperor would've demanded to gaze upon the beauty.

"Let us begin the presentation." The emperor commenced. With a wave of his hand, the head eunuch promptly went to take the first painting from the emperor's leftmost side.

As the presentation started, Lan Gao-Ye looked at Huo Zhang with hidden malice. The emperor favoured this dog of his too much, but he couldn't deny that, with all his achievements. it was impossible for the emperor to not favour him.

If he was only some nobody general, he wouldn't have so much difficulty in ruining him. Huo Zhang presenting a painting himself was out of his calculation. Tian Qing-Shan had come forward with his own, so there should've been no need for Huo Zhang to present one as well. So why?

Still, he had commissioned the second-best painter in the empire after his ingrate of a son ran away from home. Although he couldn't get the best possible outcome, his victory was nevertheless certain.