
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

The General’s Little Gher 10

Arriving at the hunting ground, Bai Liang exited the carriage and went to the assembly point with his parasol in hand. Many tents were already erected, each carrying a certain prince's flag. At the very centre was the largest tent, flagged by the emperor's crest.

Many eyes inevitably fell on them since Huo Zhang would be the wielder of the Heavenly Star Bow. The crystal-horned tiger had very tough skin. Luring it was already tricky since it was very cautious and defeating it was a whole other thing. It was said that only by the Heavenly Star Bow could someone kill it in one strike, given with adequate skill.

Bai Liang followed Huo Zhang to greet the emperor and receive the bow. Seeing the bow for the first time, he found it was made out of spiritual jade and the string was woven from spiritual beast mane. Meanwhile, the 12 arrows that came with it were made out of an unknown spiritual stone, perhaps unique to this world. Both the bow and the arrows were more than 10,000 years old.

It was a relic. With Huo Zhang's current strength, he could kill an immortal with that.

It was the correct decision to not give it to the Northern War God. With an unpredictable trajectory of fate, who knows what an outsider could do with such a powerful weapon in his hands.

When the two of them left the tent, Tian Qing-Shan was already waiting with Yu Shen-Jia by his side. From the progress Xue Liang had been updating Bai Liang regarding their relationship, they were already past having merely good feelings towards one another. In this hunt, they should have a life and death moment together which would strengthen their bond further.

"General Huo, is that the Heavenly Star Bow?" Tian Qing-Shan couldn't move his eyes away from the bow in Huo Zhang's hand. "May this prince take a look?"

Huo Zhang eyed Tian Qing-Shan in a short silence before handing it to him. When Tian Qing-Shan took it, his arms gave out from its weight which was as heavy as 2 cattles. Huo Zhang readily caught it like it weighed nothing, earning Tian Qing-Shan's incredulity.

"Madame Huo, will you be accompanying General Huo throughout the entire hunt?" Yu Shen-Jia asked.

"Certainly." Bai Liang clung to Huo Zhang's arm. "Though General does not seem to favour the idea."

"It does not seem like, I do not favour this idea at all." Huo Zhang tugged Bai Liang closer. "If you ever leave my sight, I will send you back home whether you like it or not."

"I know. You have threatened me just how many times now?" Bai Liang returned his attention to Yu Shen-Jia and Tian Qing-Shan. "Will Young Master Yu be accompanying His Highness?"

"Yes, Madame Huo." Yu Shen-Jia looked at Bai Liang's linked arm with Huo Zhang and inadvertently glanced at Tian Qing-Shan.

When their eyes met, both shyly looked away, flustered at their own thoughts even though they were imagining the same thing.

"Then, Young Master Yu should stick close to His Highness, so that His Highness could protect you properly. A wild forest is a dangerous place after all."

Yu Shen-Jia blushed at the thought and hurriedly shook his head. "I…I am only a bait–"

"Shen-Jia, you are not a bait." Tian Qing-Shan refuted. "I will not let you suffer any harm."

Yu Shen-Jia was slightly stunned before blooming a small smile. "Shen-Jia will be careful as well, Your Highness."

Bai Liang was enjoying the sweet air when he perceived a malicious stare at him. He traced back the source and wasn't surprised to see it was from his father and the large man standing behind him.

The Northern War God, Bei An.

Body frame-wise, he was indeed bigger than Huo Zhang. Age-wise, he was also older than Huo Zhang. He looked to be in his forties with ripped arms and an explosive chest. He carried his bow and arrow on his back and Bai Liang asked Xue Liang how powerful it was.

Xue Liang: [It is only a regular bow, Master. Just a little heavier than the one Grandmaster used in the 2.5 li shooting challenge before.]

'Whose faction is he in?'

Xue Liang: [The second prince faction, Tian Mu-Cheng. But it is only a front. Lan Gao-Ye plans to kill every Tian the day he overthrows the throne.]

He was listening to Xue Liang when Bai Liang's sight turned dark, and Huo Zhang turned his face back to him, his eyes dark. "Stop looking at foul things. What are you staring at another man for?"

"Husband, whatever your wife's physical eyes are looking at, the eyes of his heart never leave your being." Bai Liang knew fully well how to placate his master.

Satisfied with his words, the cloud in Huo Zhang's eyes receded. He kissed a corner of Bai Liang's eyes and led him to their horse to prepare for departure.

Tian Qing-Shen and Yu Shen-Jia, "…"

Could they ever be such a shamele–loving couple?

Nearing the time for departure, the emperor gave a short speech and officially started the hunting season with the gong.

Bai Liang and Huo Zhang left with Tian Qing-Shan's convoy which consisted of Huo Zhang's private unit, 100 soldiers, 20 personal escorts, and 5 ghers. Tian Qing-Shan already sent some soldiers prior to set up a long-term camp in the forest. Their objective now was to head there and strategize their next move.

The place was 2 hours away from the main camp. Bai Liang accompanied Huo Zhang riding on horseback while the other ghers, including Yu Shen-Jia, rode a palanquin which slightly surprised everyone.

Huo Zhang doted on his wife so much but was heartless enough to make him ride a horse for 2 hours? A gher wouldn't be able to handle such suffering.

Bai Liang could only say he had survived through much greater 'sufferings'. He could ride a horse for 2 days straight without a problem, not to mention 2 hours.

Huo Zhang was also aware of this. Although he would protect him from any harm, he wouldn't treat Bai Liang as a fragile little gher since he knew best how powerful he was. He wouldn't be surprised if Bai Liang could also wield the Heavenly Star Bow. It would be offensive to treat a powerful person as a weakling. But treating someone as fragile and precious were two different things. He still rather Bai Liang be waiting back at home.

They reached the camp on schedule and took a short break before Tian Qing-Shan gathered several key figures for the meeting. Bai Liang also joined as the ghers' representative.

The captain of Huo Zhang's private unit, Wang Ke, spread open the forest map on the long table. Several areas were marked with small 'x's, and he placed a couple of pawns with the other princes' flags.

"These are the locations of the other princes' camps. We have also marked the locations where the crystal-horned tigers were seen or captured from previous records." Wang Ke circled two areas on the map. "Our scout team have found trails here and here."

"Then, we can try splitting into three teams. I will lead one of them." Tian Qing-Shan pointed to the area right in the middle of the 2 circles. "General Huo, you and your private unit can be on standby around here and head to either team who found the crystal-horned tiger."

"Wang Ke will lead the other team," Huo Zhang said. "Pick 3 people to stay with me and split up the rest."

"Yes, General." Wang Ke saluted.

"Only 3 people? Are you sure?"

"In case something happens, they can quickly inform every side including the people in this camp."

Seeing Wang Ke wasn't worried at all, Tian Qing-Shan could only put his trust in Huo Zhang.

As they continued their discussion, Bai Liang studied the map. He voiced his guess to Xue Liang and told it to check whether his deduction was true. Receiving the confirmation, he tugged Huo Zhang's sleeve and whispered with a smile. "I know where the crystal-horned tiger is. Can you guess, General?"

Huo Zhang raised his eyebrows and looked at the map more closely. Bai Liang let him try finding out himself first.

"They are cautious animals," he hinted. "And although they are rare, they still exist even after at least one of them is killed every 10 years."

Huo Zhang soon understood and locked his gaze at one point of the map where it was clear of any 'x'.