

Dropped into a variant of the Marvel universe, a young Dante Luca eventually found himself face to face with a translucent screen hovering in front of his face, as it greeted him and explained that he was now a part of something far greater than he could have ever imagined. Intent on causing some havoc now that he's essentially turning over a new life after dying in a shitty way, he can't help but look forward to the possibility of bumping shoulders with a few sexy ladies while he's at it. ---------- I'd advise you to read the entire description! Just saying... ---------- [Disclaimer #1: I do not claim ownership of any pictures that are seen within this story. All of the credit goes to their creators, whoever they are.] [Disclaimer #2: I do not claim to be a good writer, nor have I ever done that. I write because it provides a good distraction for me to avoid thinking about certain aspects of my life. Not only that, however, but it's always felt relaxing for me to do in my free time. As a result, there isn't really a consistent upload schedule in my works. I just do it whenever I feel like it.] [Disclaimer #3: I'm just going to put this here, at least for the people who seem to get the meanings mixed up, but I'm talking about the three variations of NTR. It's divided up into three types. I'll just give the really basic definitions. 1. Netorare: Your partner is stolen away from you. 2. Netori: You steal someone else's partner. 3. Netorase: You allow your partner to be with someone else. Just to add some clarification, the MC will be doing the second one: Netori. He is not a cuck whatsoever, so there's no need to be afraid of that sort of thing happening.] [Disclaimer #4: This is a work of fiction. While a story can be realistic, there are just certain things that you shouldn't bother trying to apply realism to. Just give it some thought and then rethink your decision about making such an insignificant complaint.] [Disclaimer #5: Do not be surprised by the amount of smut that may be included within this story. I plan on implementing quite a bit later down the line, so I've just decided to throw out a premature warning in case there are complaints about it in the future.] ---------- [Tags: Harem, Romance, Action, Adventure, Situational Power Levels, R18, Magic, Superpowers, Wish Fulfillment, Apocalypse, Netori, Alternate Universe Elements, Positive Tones, Dark Tones, World Travel, Possible Crossovers, Shota, Breeding, Tragedy, Slow Pace, Fast Pace, Major Character Death, Gender Switches, No Yuri, System.] (The tags might either change or expand as time goes on.)

Smegma · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs


I stood in my bedroom, holding two suits on hangers, contemplating which one to wear to my meeting with Armena. Laurie lounged on the bed, watching me with adoration evident in her eyes.

"You're sixteen, Dante," Laurie remarked playfully, giggling. "No need to be so formal at your age."

I glanced over at my closet, noticing the leather jacket sticking out. "Or I could go for the bad boy look," I joked, gesturing towards the jacket.

Laurie chuckled, shaking her head. "Dante, you already fit the bill," she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

I couldn't help but laugh at Laurie's remark. "True," I admitted, turning back to the mirror. "But maybe I should tone it down a bit for this meeting."

Laurie nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "You know, either suit would look good on you," she said, her voice gentle. "But I don't think they suit you the best."

I hesitated, feeling a pang of reluctance. I had been planning to go all out for my first official meeting with Armena, but Laurie's words struck a chord. After a moment of contemplation, I reached for a pair of white sneakers, dark blue jeans with small rips across the knees, a black t-shirt, and a relatively plain red jacket.

"You're right," I conceded, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. "This is much more comfortable, anyway."

Laurie returned my smile, her eyes soft with affection. "Exactly," she agreed, reaching out to squeeze my hand. "Now you're ready to charm the socks off Armena."

Ah, what a supportive little minion. Er- I mean... companion? Yeah, totally.

As Laurie stepped out of the room to use the restroom, I couldn't help but admire the small, cute dress she was wearing for the occasion. It suited her perfectly, accentuating her features in all the right ways.

While she was occupied, I quickly dressed myself, pondering potential routes we could take to avoid any trouble on our way out of the neighborhood. The idea of acquiring a vehicle crossed my mind, as it would undoubtedly make our journeys across the city much easier in the future.

Once I was finished, I walked out of the bedroom to find Laurie casually waiting near the door, her eyes lighting up as she caught sight of me. A pleasant smile graced her lips as I approached.

"Ready to head out?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Dante wordlessly nodded his head in confirmation as he opened the door for Laurie, locking it behind himself after stepping out into the contrastingly-dirty hallway. As they made their way down the corridor, he couldn't help but notice Laurie's curiosity and surprise at the environment outside the apartment. 

Having never left the apartment since he brought her there, Laurie seemed intrigued rather than revolted or disgusted by the surroundings. The view outside the apartment windows must have hinted at what to expect, but seeing it in person seemed to evoke a different reaction from her. 

Despite the less-than-ideal surroundings, Laurie's demeanor remained unchanged, her expression one of curiosity rather than judgment. It was a small relief to Dante, knowing that she wasn't repelled by the reality outside their sanctuary.


As they walked down the somewhat populated sidewalk, Dante's stomach emitted a quiet rumble at the subtle aroma wafting from a nearby diner. He couldn't help but subconsciously lick his lips, smirking at Laurie's amused expression in response.

The tantalizing scent seemed to draw them closer to the diner, its warm, inviting ambiance contrasting with the bustling city streets. Despite the noise and activity around them, Dante found himself momentarily captivated by the promise of a satisfying meal.

Fortunately, that was the place Armena had decided to arrange for our meeting. It seemed the universe was aligning in my favor, offering me both sustenance and an ideal setting for our rendezvous.

As we approached the entrance, the enticing aroma grew stronger, teasing my senses with the promise of a satisfying meal. I held the door open for Laurie, allowing her to enter first with a polite gesture. The warmth of the diner enveloped us as we stepped inside, the chatter of patrons mingling with the clinking of utensils creating a lively atmosphere.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as we made our way to a booth near the window, where Armena awaited our arrival. With each step, my eyes took in more of Armena's physical appearance, reminding me of what I had initially admired about the woman in the library. Her uncertainty with the entire situation was evident as she sat at the booth, her gaze meeting mine with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Armena," I greeted smoothly as we approached, sliding into the seat opposite of her. "It's good to see you again."

Her response was polite but guarded, her eyes flickering between me and Laurie. I could sense the silent question, her wariness of the circumstances we found ourselves in. But beneath it all, there was a glimmer of hope, a longing for answers that I intended to exploit to the fullest, and my blonde companion would make the entire process much easier for me.

As I settled into the booth across from Armena, I gestured to Laurie with a warm smile. "Armena, I'd like you to meet Laurie," I said, introducing them. "She's been... assisting me with a few things lately."

Armena's gaze flickered with curiosity as she looked Laurie over, clearly surprised by her presence. "Nice to meet you, Laurie," she said politely, extending her hand across the table.

Laurie returned the gesture with a friendly smile, her demeanor calm and collected despite the tension in the air. "Likewise," she replied, her voice soft but confident.

Leaning forward slightly, I adopted a conspiratorial tone as I addressed Armena. "Actually, there's something I wanted to discuss with you," I said, my voice low enough to ensure privacy. "It's about Laurie."

Armena's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of Laurie's name, her curiosity piqued. "Oh?" she prompted, leaning in closer to catch my words.

I glanced briefly at Laurie before turning my attention back to Armena, lowering my voice even further. "Laurie possesses a dormant x-gene," I whispered, watching as Armena's eyes widened in shock at the revelation.

She blinked in disbelief, her gaze darting between me and Laurie before settling on the latter. "Are you serious?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded solemnly, confirming her suspicions. "Yes," I replied, my tone serious. "It's part of why I wanted to meet with you today. I think there's a lot we could learn from each other."

Armena's expression was a mixture of astonishment and apprehension as she processed the information. "I had no idea," she murmured, her mind clearly racing with possibilities.

I watched her carefully, gauging her reaction to the revelation. It was clear that Armena was grappling with the implications of Laurie's dormant x-gene, and I couldn't help but wonder how it would affect our future interactions. But for now, I had her attention, and that was all that mattered.

Meanwhile, Laurie remained silent, her gaze fixed on the table in front of her. Though her demeanor was calm, I could sense a hint of reservation in her posture, a subtle indication of the loneliness that had defined much of her upbringing under her father's sheltering influence.

As Armena and I continued our conversation, I made a mental note to keep an eye on Laurie, ensuring she felt comfortable and included in our discussion despite her more reserved nature. After all, she was an integral part of our plans, and I needed her getting used to interacting with others besides me.


As the waiter set down a plate of steaming food in front of me, I nodded in appreciation, offering him a polite smile before turning my attention back to Armena. We were deep in conversation about the nature of the x-gene, her curiosity piqued by the revelation about Laurie.

"Exactly," I confirmed, answering a question Armena had posed earlier. "The x-gene is an evolutionary feature that humans acquired over countless years. It's essentially an enhanced genome that, when activated, grants individuals superpowers."

Armena mulled over this information, her brow furrowed in concentration as she processed the implications. Meanwhile, my stomach rumbled impatiently, reminding me of the delicious meal sitting before me.

Eagerly, I reached for my fork and knife, digging into the hash browns first with gusto. The crispy texture and savory flavor were exactly what I needed after a long day of planning and scheming.

As I savored each bite, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Laurie, who sat beside me with a thoughtful expression. Despite her reserved demeanor, I could tell she was fully engaged in our discussion, her mind undoubtedly racing with questions and possibilities.

With a satisfied sigh, I turned my attention back to my plate, determined to enjoy every last bite of my meal before we delved further into our conversation. After all, there was much to discuss, and I needed all the energy I could get to navigate the complexities of our situation.


Armena's gonna get railed in like two or three chapters. :)