
Chapter 38 She doesn't want to let it go

Chu Yueli lost to Naruto. 

So at least she should listen to him.

"You can check him by the bone method. You will see that he is really a ten years old kid."

Daji told her to use the bone method to check how old Naruto really was. 

The method wasn't all purpose or the most accurate one in the realm of gods but she didn't need to know that.

To her, checking someone's age with the bone method was the most accurate one.

Chu Yueli checked Naruto's age through the method and she found that he was really ten years old.

"W–What have I done? I just fought with a ten year old kid and completely lost…"

She didn't know how to feel right now. Her frozen heart was no more and it made her anxious. It felt like she was withdrawn from a drug.

"You don't need to think about it too much. I am a special case after all."

Naruto knew that he was special and no one would ever be the same as him.

Chu Yueli didn't have a choice and she chose to believe him.

"I will go back to Xiao Clan. You can leave now. I won't do anything to you."

Naruto said that and he was about to leave. However, Chu Yueli stopped him.

"Are you really going to let me leave just like that? What if I come back to take revenge?"

"Revenge? I think you already know the answer to that question. I just have to beat you up again or anyone that comes my way."

Naruto knew that he wasn't alone. And there would be many people who will help him. 

Chu Yueli couldn't help but shundered. How could a ten years old kid be this domineering? 

"That's my boy."

Daji was very proud of him. He should be this domineering when talking to someone inferior to him. 

This was the way that cultivators do things. If you were weak you would be suppressed. 

After that, Naruto and Daji went back to Xiao Clan, leaving Chu Yueli there alone. 

"He just leaves me alone just like that."

Chu Yueli couldn't believe it. She sighed and stood up.

"What should I do? Should I go back to the sect right away?"

She shook her head. Even though there was no one seeing her being humiliated and defeated badly. She still couldn't accept it herself, She didn't want to see anyone in her sect right now.

Especially her big sister.

'Maybe I just don't want to go back."

How long had it been for her to not feel any emotions? when she got them back she didn't want to let it go.

"That's right, I still need to find out about the rumors about my sect accepting a male disciple."

Chu Yueli didn't know that her fate began to intertwine with Naruto. She shall see him soon in the future.

At the Xiao clan. 

Xia Hongyi and Dongyue were waiting for Naruto to return. The duel between Naruto and Chu Yueli. Only both of them knew.

Xiao Ying was drunk and Xiao Yue was taking care of him and Xiao Che.

They didn't notice that their adoptive son was now outside the clan and was fighting with someone from a very big sect.

Dongyue wasn't concerned that Naruto would lose to Chu Yueli at all. 

However, It could not be said to be the same case as Xia Hongyi. 

"Should we go and tell Xiao Ying and Xiao Yue about it? He might be in danger now."

Dongyue understood her husband but she shook her head. 

"There is no need for that. He will return in a quarter of an hour."

Xia Hongyi could only nod. He always believed in his wife. So he waited until he saw someone flying toward them.

He thought it was a bird at first but when it came closer and closer. He could see that it was actually Naruto who was flying toward them.

"H–He can fly!"

Xia Hongyi was astounded. He didn't know that a cultivator could fly. 

The strongest cultivator he had ever seen was only at the Spirit Profound Ream.

Only those in the Sky Profound Realm could float in the air.

So it was understandable that he would be surprised like this.

"So you have won the fight."

Dongyue said with a smile. Naruto was confused at first then he quickly caught on to it.

Chu Yueli must have come to her and said something to her before she went to ask him for a fight.

Naruto didn't know what they even talked to each other about but from her personality.

She must have disturbed her quite a bit.

"Yes, She will not come and disturb you again."

Naruto said with a smile.

Dongyue nodded in appreciation and patted his head a little. Naruto was strong and cute at the same time.

Xia Qingyue was really lucky to find someone like him to be her future husband.

"Thank you, I am now very relieved that I can leave my daughter in your care. Please take care of her from now on."

Naruto nodded and he promised her. He had never broken a promise before and never would be in the future.

But for some reason. The way she talked to him was like they were not going to meet each other again.

'It might just be my imagination.'

In the evening, the sun was going down casting the whole world a golden hue.

It was time for the Xia family to go back home. Dongyue didn't feel too good about this but she must leave this planet soon.

Xiao Ying and Xiao Yue along with Xiao Che came to say goodbye to them.

Xiao Che and Xia Yuanba hit it off quite well. Even though their ages were quite different, it didn't mean anything to them.

"I don't want to go back."

Xia Qingyue spoke to Naruto with a soft voice.

Xia Qingyue felt reluctant to leave with her family. She never thought that she would feel attracted to someone like this.

"You can come here anytime you want. Or maybe I can go to you if you ever need me. Have this and when you are in need of me just push a little bit of your Profound energy in it."

Naruto handed her a summon scroll he had created. It could summon him to her place at any time.

"Thank you but I don't have anything to give you…"

Xia Qingyue didn't have anything that she could give to him. Then she thought about something.

She saw her mother kiss her father on the cheek when she thanked him for something.

She kissed Naruto on the cheek and thanked him before she ran and hid inside the carriage.

"S–See you again, Yue-chan."

Naruto was surprised but he could come back quickly. He said goodbye to her properly.

"Oh, my. I think our daughter just having a crush on her finacee."

Dongyue could tell that her daughter had a good feeling toward Naruto. At first, she was afraid that she might not like him but everything fell into place perfectly.

'I can return to the realm of gods without worrying much about my children.'

Naruto would take care of Xia Qingyue. At the same time he would take care of Xia Yuanba as his little brother-in-law.

"Yes, It is a very good thing that our Yue'er like Na'er. They will live a good life together from now on."

Xia Hongyi felt happy that his little girl would be taken care of by such a competent man in the future.

Inside the main hall of the Xiao Clan.

During the time when Xia Hongyi and his family were going back home.

The elders and the patriarch of the clan were gathered.

"What should we do about him, Patriarch? We let him live inside our clan. Shouldn't he repay us for the kindness we gave him in the past."

They heard about the adopted son of Xiao Ying and Xiao Yue had returned to the clan.

And he had become a lot stronger than before. They wanted to know how he became strong in just five years.

"Yes, I think we should let him teach our young generation some martial arts that he learned from his master. Don't you think so?"

Xiao Clan's martial arts was pretty good but that was all to it. If it was better than this. They should be stronger than just the Spirit Profound Realm.

They wanted Naruto to hand over his martial arts in return for taking him into the clan.

www.p@treon.com/dizzme for more chapters!