

Legend tells us that knights always appear when the forces of evil try to take over the world. In a remote era, there were a group of warriors who protected Athena, the goddess of war, they were called Athena's knights, and they always fought without weapons. It is said that with a movement of the hands, they were able to tear the skies and that with just one kick they opened cracks in the earth. Today, that power that had been sealed and removed from human hands, once again awoke when an unexpected event broke the seal created during the cataclysm that forcefully recreated the universe. -----------------READ THE AUTHOR NOTE, DO NOT BLAME ME LATER IF YOU DON'T. A/N: Okay... author here, friends I'm not a fan of a harem, truthfully saying, while I like High School DxD, I really hate harem stories, and this where you come in, you the reader, will help me out in my journey of learning what a harem story can be. All I ask is, don't be a dick, let us be like the ladies and gentlemen that we truly are in our hearts, and make the best story of this platform, or at least something above average, you will help me with the path that the Main Character will take if I see you guys did not like the direction, I'll open a specific chapter just to discuss the issue with you, what would you have liked to see happening, to where you wanted to see the plot developing. However, let me be clear of somethings, the whole Saint Seiya thing will have its own plot eventually, and it will be a major one, other than that, I won't change the personality of the Main Character, it will evolve as the story progress, after all, no one likes one-dimensional characters, but he is and will always be the good guy. I hope you can understand this. Also, the power levels of Saint Seiya is fucking broken, if you know that universe as well as me you know what I'm talking about, multiversal power levels is a thing already in Poseidon arc, that's fucking BROKEN. For that reason, the progress of the mc will be basically closely related to the progression of the plot. I don't have any problems with OP characters, but I don't like Gary Stus, so no, the MC won't be invincible, he might be defeated once or twice during more important battles, while others he might overpower an enemy or match the enemy battle prowess.

WhereIsMyName · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs


[Hey guys, I'm getting a little bit worried, I feel like you're interacting less and less... Please tell me if aren't liking the story, I can always go back and rewrite the chapters if that's the case. Your feedback is what makes me write.]

Tetsuya couldn't help but smile seeing where she took him. Today the Magical Girl Shoujo was launching its new season and they were doing a promotional event.

"Do you still remember the first time I brought you to one of these?" Rias spoke next to his ear as they crossed the sea of people gathered to see the event, the music, etc.

"How can I not? I'm still surprised you're an otaku!" Tetsuya couldn't help but smile as the memory of that day came to his mind, given what he knew of her, he had always thought that she was the kind of person that didn't like those things.

"I bet you never expected that." She laughed slightly.

"That's true. Haha!"

Many cosplayers also came to hang out and show off their costumes.

Tetsuya had to admit that this was a great day, relaxing with such a beautiful girl by his side was truly the best thing he could do to vent out all the stress.

When they were going back from the event, Rias suddenly frowned and looked east.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Tetsuya asked, a little worried.

"Um, someone is fighting, I think it's Issei."

Wasting no time, she grabbed Tetsuya's hand and a magic circle appeared beneath them. Light shone for a moment and soon after they were in the middle of a big artificial lake. Issei's head was bleeding and he was protecting a blonde girl wearing nuns clothes who was bleeding while lying on the ground.

"Bastard, I won't let you touch a single strand of her hair!" Issei shouted.

"Tsk, what a nuisance!" A man wearing an overcoat and holding a glowing sword muttered. Beside him was a girl with brown hair and two pairs of black wings.

She noticed Rias and frowned, she wasn't expecting the crimson princess to appear.

"Rias Gremory, stay out of this! The girl is my servant and is trying to run away, I'm not here to fight with you!"

Hearing this the girl brought both of her hands to her chest and silently muttered. "Issei-San.


"Even then you still injured my servant and invaded my territory, do you think I'm stupid?" Rias Gremory gave the fallen angel a cold glance.

Looking at the blonde girl, Tetsuya recognized her, she was Asia Argento, it seems that his interference didn't change this piece of the future, but he didn't know who was the fallen angel with brown hair.

"I don't know who you are, but if I were you, I would turn away and leave!"

Hearing this the girl looked at Tetsuya and opened her eyes wide. "It's you! The boy that the higher-ups wanted dead! You bastard you killed my sister!"

Sister?! Tetsuya blinked his eyes, what the heck was she talking about?

"I'll kill you!" She conjured a sword of light and used the strength of her legs to jump at him, the ground beneath her broke into many pieces, but just after she jumped, a hand-pulled her back.

looking at where the hand came from, she suddenly froze and kneeled. "Azazel-Sama!"

Azazel, the tall man with styled short spiked hair, blonde in the front and brown on the back, smiled at the fallen angel and helped her get up. "Don't worry dear, a beautiful woman like you shouldn't be kneeling on this dirty street."

Azazel showed a lewd smile as he looked at her breasts but soon controlled himself.

"A-Azazel!?" Rias couldn't believe her eyes, what could he be doing there!? Did he decided to declare war on the Devils, starting by killing her and her peerage?

"Rias Gremory, it has been a while since I last saw you, how's your brother?" He showed a friendly smile.

"He is well, thanks for asking. But, what the general of the Fallen Angels want with me? I hope your not planning something dangerous..."

"Hahaha, I assure that's not the case." Azazel laughed slightly, he looked at Tetsuya for a moment, who couldn't understand what was going on, then he turned to look at the girl with blonde hair and Issei. "Issei and Tetsuya... truly two infamous names, you're the only ones recently that escaped death, specially you Tetsuya, to have been capable of defeat a fallen angel almost at the level of a Cadre, truly unexpected.

"Well I truly would like to have a talk with you, but I came here to understand one thing and I already finished." Azazel threw a quick glance at Tetsuya, before focusing his eyes on Asia. "Well, I guess you can take her as a an apology. As for you two, leave now." Azazel pointed at the fallen angel and the exorcist.

"Yes, Azazel-Sama!"

Without even looking back, the two left.

"Rias, what's going on?" Tetsuya asked from the side. She, however, just shook her head.

"Tetsuya, you're truly interesting, I hope we can meet again in the future. I'm curious to see what changes you will bring to the world."

Having said that, a magic circle appeared beneath him and teleported him away.

"Asia!" Issei turned to the girl and shouted.

But she couldn't reply, she was too weak to do it at the moment.

Rias and Tetsuya asked him what happened and he explained that Asia was trying to flee from the fallen angels because she discovered what they wanted to do with her, she thought that since Raynare had died, no one would come after her, but just as she arrived at Kuoh Town a few Fallen Angels appeared, already on her trail.

It seemed that as the original, they after her sacred gear, but they never expected Raynare to die, and this is what caused the chain of events where she was hunt down.

In the end, Rias decided that it would be a good idea to have her on her peerage and revived her using a bishop piece.