


kritta_o3 · Urbain
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 / This is what it means to be fulfilled in everything.

Luo Fan chose to walk out of the residence and walked to near by mountain, the ancient Mingwu Mountain, which was said to be the place of Empress Xiao Wu's grave.

As Luo Fan flew closer, he could see that there was a thick black mist that was suitable to be called "death mist".

Empress Xiao Wu She was the Empress who founded the strongest dynasty of all time in this lower realms. The Xiao Dynasty was a dynasty that ruled 90% of the territory.

Only, Empress Xiao Wu was attacked by the devil in her heart while breaking through the Immortal Realm. thus causing her to finally end.

Luo Fan just approached the black mist. The black mist immediately disappeared. It was as if it had never existed before. Luo Fan flew in slowly and landed at the peak of the mountain. and spoke softly

"Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to see his face. Empress Xiao Wu The one who was called Number 1 beauty of all time"

[The system discovers the needs of the host. Start analyzing...]

[The host wants to meet a dead person who has completely disappeared....]

[System Reward: Controller of Life and Death, Supreme Ruler of Death]

[Life and Death Controller: You can control the life and death of everything. It can increase the lifespan or reduce the lifespan of everything. and can revive everything]

[Supreme Ruler of Death: You can completely control and command everything you resurrect. That what you resurrected will never betray you and loves you more than anything]

Luo Fan smiled mysteriously. and look at the system's display. Luo Fan then looked around and tried to use his [Life and Death Controller] power and resurrected Empress Xiao Wu.

In an instant, there was a cluster of spiritual power and the energy and nature of heaven and earth all merging into a body as beautiful as an angel of the Nine Heavens. And this was the legendary Empress Xiao Wu.

Empress Xiao Wu Shocked and wondering what happened. The only thing she remembered was She had already died after not being able to break through to the Immortal Realm.

"You are Empress Xiao Wu?"

Empress Xiao Wu turned towards Luo Fan in a daze, but immediately, both her mind and body reacted strangely. It was as if her identity existed only to serve the man in front of her.

Luo Fan smiled and tried to give a simple command.

"Xiao Wu, get naked."

Empress Xiao Wu knew that this was inappropriate, but she did not deny it and did it willingly. With respect and love

Luo Fan saw how Empress Xiao Wu did everything obediently and respected him. It was as if her identity was for him. Luo Fan began to trust the system more and wondered. What is the identity of the system?

"Master Luo Fan.....do you want me to do anything else?"

Luo Fan smiled and planned something. At present, he should build a strong foundation in this realm for his future comfort, therefore.

"We will go and meet your successor. And I will let you rule the Xiao Dynasty again."

Empress Xiao Wu smiled and knelt to accept the order. But she said

"Master Luo Fan....I'm just not sure if they will listen to me. And I am still a virgin Empress."

Empress Xiao Wu He acted embarrassed, which was very understandable. Luo Fan immediately realized what she meant. She is still a virgin. Therefore, the Xiao Dynasty was not a descendant, but a representative.

Luo Fan thought for a moment and asked.

"So, does that mean you placed the slave symbol on the body of the representative royal family?"

Empress Xiao Wu also smiled and thought of the old days. 'I am so beautiful that I am called the No. 1 beauty, but I am only fascinated by cultivation. and just wanted to reach the highest level of cultivation. But life is funny. I was attacked by a devil in my heart before breaking through to the Immortal Realm.'

"Yes, Master Luo Fan."

Luo Fan thought for fun and looked at Empress Xiao Wu. and used her [Heavenly Eyes] to copy talents and see memories, as well as copy all the techniques in her life. and all the people around her that she had ever met

"What level is your cultivation base?"

Empress Xiao Wu was suspicious. She thought that Luo Fan would know but she still replied nonchalantly.

"Peak Mahayana Realm cultivation base"

Luo Fan was somewhat suspicious of the cultivation base. What is Mahayana like? How powerful is it?

[The system discovers the needs of the host. Start analyzing...]

[Host needs knowledge]

[System Rewards: Limitless Knowledge, Limitless Wisdom]

Luo Fan smiled and looked at Empress Xiao Wu and asked.

"Then let's go to the Xiao Dynasty. I want to know if you will be able to return to rule the Xiao Dynasty after hundreds of thousands of years?"

Empress Xiao Wu received the order. and immediately flew towards the Xiao Dynasty Palace.


At Xiao Palace

Emperor Xiao Shan was sitting on his throne. and indulged in alcohol and dancing girls. At that moment, he felt a strange feeling, as if something was about to happen.

At that moment, the noisy party quieted down as a beautiful woman walked in. No one knew who she was but she was dressed in the clothes of the ancient Xiao Dynasty. It is also decorated with ancient gems that cannot be found anywhere else.

"Who are you?..."

Emperor Xiao Shan asked anxiously. At this moment, he didn't know what had happened, only that he felt that his life was in the hands of the incomparably beautiful woman in front of him.

Emperor Xiao Shan was sweating. and shivered so that everyone could clearly see

'what happened Emperor Xiaoshan The great man who was once nicknamed the "Demon Slayer Emperor" was shaking with fear?'

'Who is she and why is the emperor so afraid?'

'Is this really the emperor? It's like a snake in front of a real dragon.'

"Who am I? Then why don't you look into your soul sea and tell me who I am?"

Emperor Xiao Shan was shocked. and suspected that this person had something to do with the slave symbol inside the people of the Xiao Dynasty.

Emperor Xiao Shan followed suit and looked at his Spirit Sea and discovered the Slave Symbol and immediately felt the origin of the Slave Symbol. is the woman in front

Emperor Xiao Shan was deeply shocked. He shattered the glass in his hand and shattered it. He knew that the only person who had the right to use the slave symbol was the one who had planted it in his body. And the only reason it would have the same origin showed that the one who had planted the Slave Symbols in the bodies of everyone in the Xiao Dynasty. is the woman in front

 And the person who planted the slave symbol in the Xiao Dynasty was.......Empress Xiao Wu.

"You.....impossible....you are Empress Xiao Wu?"

Empress Xiao Wu suddenly smiled and looked at the emperor and asked.

"Then I will return to rule the Xiao Dynasty as before. Will there be any problems?"

The people in the palace were alarmed. The legendary Empress Xiao Wu? The most beautiful and powerful legend from a hundred thousand years ago.

Everyone's brain is empty. Can't find an explanation But it cannot be denied either.

The emperor quickly crawled down from his position and bowed down. Empress Xiao Wu was afraid.

The Empress walked up to the throne. The sound of walking was enough to make everyone bow their heads and sweat in awe of their majesty and power.

Only, Empress Xiao Wu was not sitting on the throne, but kneeling beside her. which shocked everyone And at that moment everyone noticed a young man sitting on a throne. and was gently stroking Empress Xiao Wu's head.

"Excellent, my Xiao Wu."