
[BL] Quick transmigration : Destroy the happy endings

"You can change the world." " You can change your fate." As a villain. ______________________& Bai hung grew up in a loving household: where the world was colourful enough to be rainbow. it was filled with warmth that flowed in the calming blue sky only to land on the water. That washed away all colors leaving a white- black world. Where he was betrayed in his dark moment by the people he called his family; that were after nothing but his life_ despite he just lose his parents._ And when life seem fitting again: his only source of life cheated on him with another man... leaving him in a deep depression that he attended the unthinkable. He became a transmigrator _ when he wanted nothing but rest_ he traveled world by world destroying the happiness of leads as a ... Villain. ................... Aleast; that was what he thought. This novel is totally BL. Disclaimer): book pic aren't mine...

Lizbreaker1174 · LGBT+
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24 Chs

The cheating wife 2. tale of the children

" Let's me tell you a story."

There was a boy and a girl. Who were siblings.

They lost their parents in a flame incident that happened in clothing store; owned by the queen.

And this siblings had to pay for damages. The poor children was only 6 and 4 and where penniless.

With no where to go. They worked for the Queen.

With years, this children grew still working for the Queen to pay the unfinished dept.

The boy; became a sex man after the queen showed interest in his looks. His sister still a maid.

With time... The boy had feelings for queen, and when his sister found out.

They had a fight.

And few days later; his sister was found dead by him at the river bank. She was beaten and then shot to death.

Raya took his sister identity and became his sister.


The cries of trumpet sounds so loud, it made the sleeping Raya woke up.

Then he was snapped into reality. It was night and the crimes of his actions were still vivid.

Raya face turned crimson, he didn't have time to clean the crime when the trumpet sounded again.

Like it doom day; in the dark blueish dim room his widen flew back. His pupils trembled.

That sound.

It was a beautiful sound.

He: Raya had once heard that sound. Like pair of crimson clouds that fretted under the smoky blue.

Raya ran outside and just kept running.

Sounds of chipping bells on suicidal fall.


Of blood whip with falling fleshs.


Inhuman cries that comes out no more.


That's the trumpet sound.


" BAI HUNG...!"

Raya ran towards the silhouette standing under the faint moon lit.

" Bai hung..."

His voice was soft. Bai hung turned to him and a bright burning light suddenly set behind the bushes.

It was all in slow motion.

Raya jump into Bai hung arms. He weep and Bai hung was still like he saw something.

Part of his face and body was covered in blood.

It was only a fretting while to realize the forest had been set into flame.


Horves of horses stopped at the completely burnt down forest. A black horse stool out among the set of brown horses.

King Arthur eyes was froster as he stared at the complete destroyed forest.

" You aren't angry with me anymore~ right?"

King Arthur stared at the woman within his hand. Seeing her pityful face his heart immediately melted.

" How could I be angry with you." He kissed her deep red mole and turned his horse to ride away.

" Kill anyone of prostitutes till alive."

And then he hyaa away with his queen.

The rest horses enter the burnt forest and stab into any half Burt body on the surface.


The Queen mother suddenly fell ill. At first it was taken as a minor illness and physician gave out drugs perception that were to be giving to her.

But her illness became worsen and no medicine worked.

It was later discovered that she was poison when she slip into coma.

Maids and any servents assign to her court were arrested. The physicians that had treated her were thrown to jail and the emperor became paranoia and angry.

Suspecting every little thing and angry about it.

The condition of the queen mother was first and no top physicians wanted to risk their lives to try.

It was need to involve the miracle doctor. At first; King Arthur hoped for his mother recovery.

But, when the miracle doctor started the treatment. It was pretty obvious she didn't know what she was doing.

No matter how professional she tried to sound.

King Arthur hope was depleted.

He began to have his suspicious against the queen of his.

Few days the Queen mother died. And there was and uproar in the kingdom of Ais.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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