
[BL] Going Back All Over Again and Again

Kevin woke up in a hospital for the third time in his 17 years old body. He glanced at the mirror and saw his young and innocent face indifferently, the turn to looked at his younger brother that betrayed him on his last life. Then closed his eyes unwilling to live his days anymore. ... But once the sun rose up, he still opened his eyes just to see his childhood sweetheart already taken over by a stranger. Kevin : "..." Surrendering himself to fate, he closed his eyes again. But not even a minutes passed when he opened it again, because he heard a sound calling him from below his bed. "Meow~" He looked down to see his cat squatting down staring at him with it's big silver eyes. Then it opens its mouth. And unbelievably said a word. Ash : "Don't looked at that 'body stealing bitch', Kevin. I'm here!! Kevin : "..." He closed his eyes again, still can't believe his sweetheart turn into his cat... Worst of all... It was a male cat!! ... Ash : "It's fine Kevin. This way, I can top you whenever!" Kevin did not want to open his eyes at all! But he did not know when, but his cat suddenly turned into a big man and swiftly pushed him to bed. Ash : "It's fine Kevin. I won't be able to do this, of I'm still a girl. At least I'm taking initiative right~" And so, without opening his eyes, Kevin succumb to his fate and let his destiny follows that path that he failed to venture in from all his past lives. *** TRIGGER WARNING: ((PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!)) DEPRESSIVE CONTENT AND SOME DISTURBING SCENES AND NARRATIVE 。◕‿◕。

Aachiin0914 · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 1 : Weeks Later*


"What are you saying?!!"

The young man slammed his two hands on the table as he eyed the doctor in front of him, so hard, he might just bore a hole through him.

Yet, the doctor still faced him with such calm and gentle demeanor, perfectly portraying his professionalism. On his hand was a medical record, and the result written on it is what made the young man jump up from his seat because of rage.

No one died, there was no failed operation either, it's just that the young man can't accept the result and doesn't want to acknowledge the facts in front of him.

Especially, if it was his older brother, they we're talking about.

The doctor sighs helplessly, he adjusts the rim of his glasses as he continues speaking again after being interrupted by the young man's sudden outburst.

"Mr. Valentine. You have to understand. I'm not saying this to you for you to..." His soft and clear sounding voice was like freshly whispering meadow was again cut off, when the young man abruptly roared a loud protest.

"No! Don't call me that!" He glared at the doctor fiercely, "and you know he just hit his head. Forget about the reason why he fell into a coma for a week. What did you said he had?! Depression?!! Don't joke with me, Randall!"

"How many times do I have to mention this to you? Only call me that when we're not in the hospital. Call me Dr. Fields. And I'm not joking either. So, don't shout. This is a hospital, you're disturbing others."

His voice was still nice to hear as always and despite feeling a bit irritated and annoyed he still retained his calm and gentle tone.

Hearing what Randall has said, the young man forcefully sat on the chair looking like a rebellious child.

He glared at Dr. Fields obediently waiting for him to continue explaining.

Heaving a deep sigh, Randall Fields put down the records he was holding at the table, and fetched the glass of water at the side and drank a mouthful before speaking again.

"He had a 6.9 mm wound on the parietal side of his head that was treated with suture, and although he bled a lot, it was not that serious and could be recovered with sleep and healthy diet. And he did receive a concussion, but it was just grade 1. He woke up just after he received his treatment. I advised him to sleep to relieve some of his discomfort and symptoms and he woke up a week after then."

"What the heck did that mean?! Don't talk riddles I don't understand." The young man gazed at the doctor, looking at him as if he was an idiot.

He knew he wouldn't understand but he still talked jargons with him.


Randall brows twitched from the look he was having. If they were not at the hospital, he already smacks this brat hard, so hard that he wouldn't be able to talk back again.

"Fine. Your brother's injuries we're all minor. And after sleeping for a week, it all recovered fully well. But what your brother is having now is quite serious than the injury he received on his head. Do you understand?"

"So, your saying is, my brother just hit his head and went into a coma for a week, then developed depression from a concussion?"

"No." Dr. Fields stared at the youngster in front of him expressionlessly. He just twisted his words and wrote a conclusion on his own, making him want to slice opened that head to see what his brain is made of.

Or is it him? Did he explain it clearly? He thought he did...

"Are you f*cking kidding me!! We'd been here for hours talking the same thing but you always talked in a way I don't understand. I wanted to see my older brother and you're making me waste my time!!"

Randall really wanted to curse out loud. He was already pulling his hair hard in his mind just to remain calm.

'This brat is really testing my patience.'

Breathing in and out Randall explained one last time. "I'm busy too, so let me just simplify this again. Right now, your brother was experiencing severe depression. I've been your and your brother's doctor for a very long time now, and I can honestly say that Kevin was not like that before. After scrutinizing him for two weeks, this is my diagnosis."

He pushed the stack of assessment records over the young man as he continued.

"Adrianne, depression is an illness that did not just develop overnight. His head concussion and his coma have nothing to do with each other. His coma resulted from him not wanting to wake up. Unfortunately, I'm not proficient in Psychology. But even you, already noticed something's wrong with your brother. You should take precautions, your brother's changes were so abrupt, that it was scary. His symptoms appeared all of the sudden, and it feels like he changed from a different person."

Seeing the young man silent, Randall can't help but sigh again. If Adrianne was not there, he was not sure what Kevin became now. He really admires the young man for his strong resilience, but seeing his condition now. Even he can't believe this was happening to him.

So, this brat's reaction was not surprising. Randall really can't blame Adrianne for reacting that bad.

He glimpsed at his wrist watch as he excused himself, leaving the young man to contemplate there at his office by himself. But before he left, he gave the young man last advice.

"Think what causes your brother to trigger such tremendous change. You're the only one he can rely on, you knew that. Adrianne."

"I know. Thanks Randall."

Clicking his tongue as he went out, Randall frowned his brows as a certain speculation flashed in his mind.

"Oh. If that was really the case. Cousin, you're dead." He chuckled as he strode ahead the white corridors of the hospital.




Meanwhile, inside a certain VIP ward. A beautiful young man sat quietly on the hospital bed with a white blanket covering his thighs and legs.

He was wearing a white pajama with black, thin vertical stripes. His long sleeves covered his entire hands and were resting on top of the while blanket.

He was leaning against the headboard as he stared blankly ahead not looking into anything.

Large dark and gloomy clouds, hover above and around his head. Like a thunderstorm rumbling a silent but heavy thump of something wanting to come out.

His black eyes were filled with dark pools of desolation.

He wanted to shout, scream, and turned mad again. He wanted to succumb into insanity or just fall into a state of oblivion.

There are so many whys echoing inside his head. Ringing all over again and again wanting to find an answer.

He wanted to laugh but it seems that he can't. Last time...

He laughed at himself as he fell, and this time it looked like he can't laugh anymore. Even a smile is hard to do.

Crying doesn't seem feasible either, since he already lost that long time ago.

But what about it? All that requires energy to do. And that is something that he does not want to think anymore.

Whether he lost the ability to laugh or cry, it had nothing to do with him and he does not want to bother with it.

Because it was tiring.

Caring for something was tiring.

He cared enough.

He invested his feelings for three lifetimes but ended up being bankrupt in the end.

He took many losses, he paid many times more than his debts. He spends time, hard work and life over those lifetimes. Still, he was still at the losing end.

'Dying of cardiac arrest resulting from overworked, coincidentally dying over car accident, death by fall...this time I wonder how I will die.'

Indifferently thinking over his death like it was normal, Kevin thought of how all living things have limited lifespans.

A fly only lived for a day, a dog may live for over 10 years, a cat too only lived for 15 years. And for humans, a hundred years is enough for the brain to completely decline.

So, what should he do?

Should he be proud that if he adds up those years of memories, he would be over hundred by now?

He goes beyond the normal human lifespan, by dying and going back in time again and again.

'Yey. Let's celebrate then.'

Should he call himself immortal now. Or should he have considered himself a prisoner of his own time.

He did try though.

After being betrayed over and over again, being used repeatedly until his body collapsed, after losing hope and his faith disappeared, he still can't help but wish.

He can endure anything, take any injuries, sacrifice all his possessions...

But just this one thing...

He wished no one would take from him.

But it already passed half a month, and Kevin never, even caught a glimpse of that person's figure or silhouette.

'...gods are playing with me...'

Kevin doesn't know. But as he thought of that person, a bead of tears slowly built up from the corner of his eyes that finally fell down as he said that sentence silently inside his heart.


And that was the scene Adrianne saw when he came inside the ward. He was about to jump right at his older brother, wanting to surprise him after he came in silently, but he stopped.

His older brother sat unmoving on the bed as he leaned over the headboard. His black eyes were darker, looking dead. His face was pale making it whiter than before. His body was much thinner making his features more distinct than before.

Kevin has an exquisite handsome face. He was tall, with a balanced and proportionate body filled with firm strong muscles that did not look exaggerated but sexy instead.

His hair was longer, it now stretched down his chin, his bangs almost covered his eyes. When the wind blows on it, it looks like a crow's wings, soft and silky.

Kevin now felt like he was living in an entirely different world. When Adrianne saw this scene of his brother just sitting there, it felt kind of ethereal.

He was unable to react. He was stunned, and Adrianne did not expect to witness this scene. And he was shocked, like a thunder struck him hard.

His bright and always smiling brother. His older brother always thought positively, making all his bad memories look so happy. His brother is always shielding him, taking all harm and pain protecting him from that family.

His strong, cheerful and always radiant older brother.

This...can't be. He can't believe it.

How is this possible?

But he was seeing it with his own eyes.

His brother was crying...

The wind blew his hair revealing lines of crystalline tears trail down his cheeks.

Stripes of sunlight touches his skin making it his skin seems paler.

However, despite being basked with light, Adrianne thought his brother was being shrouded by shadows.

Like how light can't reach him anymore.

Adrianne walked out absentmindedly, he lightly closed the door and slowly walked at the hallway.

His head was full of thoughts, but there's only one thing he needed to ponder on deep.

And it seems that he has to accept this reality.

For his brother's sake...

He gritted his teeth as he fetched his phone from his packet. He halted his steps and stared down at the screen of his phone.

[Elizabeth Watts]

If he called the person who owns that name, then his secrets might leave a trace.

Because this woman was that man's secretary. But he really doesn't know what to do, he can only ask for that man's help.

So, after hesitating for a while, he touches the call icon. He put his phone over his ear and when he heard someone pick up, he slightly smiled.

"Sorry for the trouble Liza. But can you get me a Psychiatrist, it will be awesome if you pick the best in the country..."


