

"What happened here?"

Matthew walked in with a tray in his hands. He made a little space on the side of the table and then glanced at the two alternatively. "What happened here?" he asked again.

"Nothing!" Neal exclaimed. "We are talking about rogans." he said.

Knox didn't say anything though. His eyes remained on the table as they continued their discussion. The food was consumed and the night turned deeper. Both Matthwe and Knox hadn't gotten a proper sleep but the discussion went well.

"Our first target here was a university student." Matthew put down the picture of the girl. "She claimed that she saw a rogan with her eyes."

Neal wasn't convinced at all, but he wanted to try. "How sure is she? Even the past victims of rogans didn't want to interact with the police, so how is she so confident with this statement?" Then he recalled a couple of times he tried to talk to the other victims when he was still working as a detective.

"She was claiming that she was so sure of what she saw." Matthew also became suspicious. "But I'm not sure if she clarified about the rogan attacking her. All she ever said was she saw one." He said.

Knox nodded along, also thinking. "Why don't we meet her? In that way, she can explain more." he suggested. "I can always prepare everything."

Matthew gave him a dismayed expression. "And how are you going to do that? You have a lot of schedules packed up." he reminded the young master.

Hearing this, Knox became annoyed. "Can't you just go to the company and do all my work? Just bring the documents here." he reasoned out.

His assistant wanted to help him, but right now he was hopeless too. "I'm sorry, but the chairman wanted you to be there. He has some important visitors too and your presence is needed there." Matthew explained.

Knox clicked his tongue. It feels like he can't do anything this time.

"I can go alone," Neal said, breaking their conversation. "You guys don't need to start up a fight. I can go alone." he pointed at the documents. "Besides, this university was the one Theo was studying. It will be much easier for me to go there and get information about the student," he explained.

Both Matthew and Knox glanced at each other. Then after a few seconds, the assistant nodded his head, but Knox didn't give it back.

"I won't allow it," he said. "You are still under surveillance and you being with another vampire from Vespion was enough to catch some attention. What would you do if the higher ups found out about this?"

Neal fell silent this time. Knox got a point. Even though this mafia man only wanted to tease and annoy him all the time, he could point out the situation with just a flick of his finger.

He sighed at the end and crossed his arms. "What do you want me to do then? Stay here all day waiting for you like an obedient dog?" he snorted. "I won't sit still. This is our agreement. You agreed to help me, that's why I'm here."

"I didn't say that you won't do something." Knox said before turning to his assistant. "Matthew, what's my schedule for tomorrow?" he asked.

Matthew took out his phone and then scrolled serialy through his data, checking every little detail before handing the phone to Knox.

A grin stretched across Knox's face after seeing his schedule. "Okay, Mr Oliver, you will come with me tomorrow at 8am."

Neal raised an eyebrow and turned to the mafia man with a confused expression. "And where are we going?" he asked. If this is all bullshit, he won't go.

"I will drive you to that university," Knox replied. He wanted to at least see the vampire and watch him just in case something happened.

"And what about the company, young master?" Matthew butted in, sarcastically. He didn't leave Knox because he wouldn't not let him slip away this time. He was already embarrassed enough if the chairman knew about this secret operation.

Good thing, the old man didn't ask when Knox told him that he wanted something from the Vespion agency. Knox was still lucky to get wherever he wanted from his old man without even trying hard.

"I will go," Knox replied confidently. "Tell the chairman that I will go but only for 30 minutes. He knew I dont like fake business conversations with people."

"30 minutes?!" Matthew exclaimed. "Are you being serious, Knox?! How would I explain this thing to the chairman if he asked me where are you heading?" he brushed his whole face, frustrated.

Matthew already used all the excuses and for sure, the chairman won't believe him this time. He was also tired from all of this. From all of the lies and scheming he already did. If the chairman found out that he wasn;t reporting everything, he would surely lose his job.

"I swear, Knox. You wo–"

"Don't worry about it." Knox cut him off quickly. "Just tell the old man to stop asking questions about me." He rubbed his head. "Just tell him that I will explain everything some other time,"

"And how are you so sure that the chairman will just sit still?!" His assistant exclaimed. "He's been trying to reach you the last time and you're just ignoring his phone calls. Aren't you a little brat young master?" Matthew added.

Knox just chuckled at this. "It's his fault for spoiling me too much. Do you know that you can bite the hands of the one that fed you too?"

"Are you trying to be sarcastic here? I'm not even joking." Matthew said with a straight face. "Stop making everything funny, Knox!"

Meanwhile, Neal didn't say a word. He continued to munch his takoyaki and listened to these two grown up men arguing like children. Now that he heard about that old man and company, he noticed that Knox has this determination about rogans too.

Does he have a dark past too about rogans? Does Knox want to solve these mysteries because he wanted to help Neal or because of his own greed?