

In a world where the impossible becomes reality, live two people opposed by their character and their species. An Angel and a Demon. yet share the same social status of leaders of their respective lands. Our two colleagues will gradually get to know each other and learn how their respective jobs are not easy. Will their "friendship" withstand all the trials that will be put in front of them?

KosukeCreations · Fantaisie
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32 Chs


The meeting

Luck Erakiel ,This great man from the angelic capital, radiating both talent and goodness, has not always had a simple life.

He was quickly abandoned by his family once his love for men was discovered at a very young age. The latter totally abandoned their son, who had to learn to fend for himself very quickly. He learned what it was like to live on the streets, far from the luxury of a roof and a fireplace in the middle of winter. From this dark period of his life, he set himself a most noble goal, while his new way of life gave him the character of a saint.

He wanted to help people in the same situation as him and to make homosexuality normal in a peaceful way in his beloved country.

And so, by dint of his encounters, and without ever having stopped helping his fellow man, he succeeded in rising to the highest position in the world of angels, that of holder of the triumvirate, the leaders of this great country.

A man of justice and goodness, he is known in the kingdom for his patient manner with all who come to him for advice, as well as for his most flamboyant debates and speeches. When he believes in something, this young angel is very far from giving up easily. He is also a particularly protective and caring person, he doesn't have many relatives because of his status but he knows how to cherish them better than anyone else, with all the kindness he can show.

However, despite all his skills and his social life, he sometimes seeks solitude to recharge his batteries and to think about his plans.

Indeed, Luck is a profound idealist, seeking against all odds to harmonise this world that could quickly turn into war, despite the fragile peace that serves as a respite. He also hides a slight lack of trust in those around him, even in his closest colleagues.

And, despite his perfect assumption of his attraction to men and although he does his best to eradicate homophobia among his people, his parents have left some scars in his mind.

All the opposite of Rayn Ikosary, who

being part of the royal family of Antares, Rayn never really knew the poverty or the harshness of the world and his country, but he quickly became a very lonely person, not by choice...but by the decision of his parents who put him aside when they learned of his pansexuality, in their hearts, the latter no longer existed, already disowned. All that remained was his inheritance, the throne.

At first sight, he is a very cold person, serious and relatively protective towards certain people. He is also a rather stubborn person, often left to his own devices in the past, it is almost impossible to reason with him, even the most heartbreaking pleas only very rarely make him change his voice. However, in very rare cases, he may show himself to be more mischievous, or even, exceptionally, relatively lenient and understanding.

Their meeting took place after the death of Rayn's father, which is why he was so resilient to meet them. Finally, pushed by his doctor Styx and his personal guard Yvan, he finally agreed to meet them, but after three categorical refusals on his part, the trio had to move, but at first it didn't seem to bother them, except for Lucy, who wasn't really thrilled to know that she was going to meet the demon

Arriving at Antares castle the trio found themselves face to face with a young demon in his twenties, who greeted them warmly, saying a curtsy before speaking.

Yvan "Hello, I'm Yvan, I was sent to meet you to inform you of the slight delay of the king, waiting for him to be entirely at your disposal I am here to satisfy your slightest needs, but also to answer all your potential questions.

Solar "Thank you very much for the welcome, Yvan, I'm Solar, and these are my colleagues, Luck and Lucy, it's a pleasure to meet you my dear"

Luck "I have just one question if it's not too indiscreet, where is Mr. Ikosary?"

Yvan "Oh! our king was unfortunately detained in a meeting with Lord Lucius, he apologizes in advance for not having warned you".

Lucy "I would like to know why he ignored us three times before finally agreeing to see us, he could have just told us if he didn't want to see us!

Solar "Lucy, calm down, I'm sure he had a very good reason for not wanting to meet us before that, I don't know what happened but, in any case, it's not a reason to be so disrespectful towards him.

Yvan "Please excuse our king on this matter, I'm not allowed to tell you why, he refused to meet you, but he wasn't ready to meet you yet, we had to push him a little bit before he finally accepted to meet you!

Luck "It couldn't have been easy to convince him, thank you for encouraging him to finally agree to meet us, I apologise to Lucy, she has a strong character and can sometimes be brutal or hurtful, but underneath she has a good heart.

After a few long minutes of waiting in the corridors of the palace, he saw Lord Lucius pass by, nodded his head, as if to say hello politely before leaving the palace, Rayn entered the room where the trio had been waiting for about twenty-five minutes, as soon as they arrived, he made a sign to Yvan who withdrew almost immediately.

Rayn "Hello, so you're the ones occupying the trivarium of Akhenar, welcome to Antares, I'm Ikosary Rayn, the king of this enchanted land, I hope the wait wasn't too long.

Solar "Pleased to meet you at last, I am Yagary Solar, I am in charge of the relationship between our camps with my colleague.

Luck "Nice to meet you,I'm Erakiel Luck,I'm Solar's colleague,I help him maintain the tense relationship between our two sides,but I mainly deal with paperwork and war units."

Lucy "Lucy I'm glad to see you finally decided to meet with us, if I may ask is there anything going on between you and Lord Lucius?"

Rayn "Ah, sorry about that, Lord Lucius just wanted to talk to me, after I refused to meet you three times he decided to come and check up on me, just to get me moving, nothing too serious.

Luck "Lucy, don't ask too many personal questions like that, it was really none of our business."

Rayn "It's nothing, it's part of our obligation to share important information, I hope that our collaboration will be easier than I imagined.

The rest of the day was just discussion, this kind of discussion about paperwork or very political things, was now a kind of obligation between the two camps, now that the meeting was done, they knew that it was certainly not the last meeting he would have with the demon, and despite the rumors they had to admit that it was not so hard to sympathize with him.