
"The Enchanted Masquerade"

In a small town on the outskirts of a bustling metropolis, there lived Ronnie, a cross-dresser with a penchant for extravagant outfits and a heart full of dreams. In a world where conformity was the norm, Ronnie stood out as a beacon of individuality. However, life in this mundane world had never quite felt like home. One fateful evening, while attending an extravagant masquerade ball in their most dazzling ensemble, Ronnie stumbled upon an antique mirror tucked away in a dusty corner of the ballroom. The mirror, surrounded by flickering candlelight, seemed to beckon to Ronnie, promising something beyond their wildest dreams. Unable to resist its allure, Ronnie touched the mirror's surface and, in an instant, was consumed by a swirling vortex of colors and lights. When the chaos subsided, Ronnie found themselves in an entirely different realm, a world of magic and mythical creatures. As they adjusted to this new environment, Ronnie noticed their reflection in a nearby pond, which revealed their appearance had changed completely. They now possessed an otherworldly beauty, and their clothes had transformed into an elegant gown fit for a royal court. It seemed the mirror had not only transported them to a different realm but had also altered their very essence. In this enchanting realm, Ronnie discovered that they were in the land of Eldoria, a place filled with diverse lifeforms, from graceful elves and wise dwarves to majestic dragons and mischievous fairies. Magic flowed through the very air, and the land was divided into various kingdoms, each ruled by a different race. Desperate to return home, Ronnie set out on a quest to find the legendary Seer, an oracle rumored to possess the knowledge of traversing between realms. Along the way, they formed unlikely friendships with beings they had only read about in books, including a gentle giant of a treant, a cunning rogue sprite, and a loyal griffin companion. Their journey was fraught with peril as they encountered dark forests, treacherous swamps, and cunning sorcerers who sought to use Ronnie's unique abilities for their own gain. But with their newfound friends and an indomitable spirit, Ronnie continued their quest, learning valuable lessons of courage, acceptance, and the true meaning of identity. Throughout their adventures, Ronnie found that their cross-dressing, which had once been a source of insecurity, became a symbol of strength and resilience. They inspired others to embrace their individuality, challenging the rigid norms of Eldoria and fostering unity among its diverse inhabitants. As their journey neared its climax, Ronnie finally stood before the Seer, who revealed the secret of returning home. But with the newfound wisdom they had gained, Ronnie faced a difficult choice: to return to their old world or to stay in Eldoria and continue their adventures, forever challenging the boundaries of what it meant to be true to oneself. "The Enchanted Masquerade" is a tale of self-discovery, acceptance, and the magic that lies within each of us. It reminds us that it's our uniqueness that makes us extraordinary and that the journey to find oneself can lead to the most enchanting of places, even if they are in realms beyond our imagination.

Misty_Ellaine · LGBT+
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47 Chs

421 - 430

Chapter 421: On the lake of death . . .

With Meng Yaqing on the verge of breaking through to a nine-star cultivation base from her current eight-star peak, her control over the dual elements of ice and fire made her a formidable opponent. Even an ordinary earth-ranked ten-star warrior would struggle against such power.

Meng Yaqing's current adversary was an eight-legged monster, a creature that was merely average among the nine-level monsters. Despite this, the monster was no match for her. Its grotesque mouth, designed for devouring, was once again on display as it attempted to consume the unusual fire formed from Meng Yaqing's fusion. The monster had previously managed to swallow Han Feng's Canglan profound fire, but this time, it faced a different fate.

As the monstrous mouth engulfed the terrifying and strange fire, a piercing scream erupted from within. The creature thrashed about in agony, trying desperately to expel the fire it had consumed. Its efforts were futile, as the alien flames had already taken hold within it. The saying, "It's easy to invite the god in but difficult to send the god away," perfectly encapsulated the monster's plight.

The strange fire within the monster detonated shortly after, reducing the hideous mouth to ashes. The eight-legged monster roared in pain, retreating with its mouth bleeding profusely. The deep connection between the mouth and the rest of its body was evident in the creature's reaction.

Wang Qingcang, observing the battle, couldn't help but comment, "It truly deserves to be an eight-star cultivation base. Such power is far beyond our reach." His face reflected a mixture of admiration and frustration. Despite being similar in age, the difference in their cultivation levels was stark.

Recognizing the overwhelming power of Meng Yaqing, the eight-legged monster decided against further engagement and attempted to flee. However, Meng Yaqing was not about to let it escape so easily. With a soft snort, she manipulated the fused fire into a massive cage, instantly trapping the monster.

The eight-legged creature swung its mantis-like arms frantically, slashing at the fiery prison. Each strike caused the flames to surge and emit deafening sounds, forcing everyone, including Han Feng, to cover their ears. Despite its relentless assault, the cage held firm.

"Explode!" Meng Yaqing commanded coolly.

A tremendous explosion followed, accompanied by the monster's anguished scream. The eight-legged beast and the fiery prison were obliterated together. Black lights burst from the remnants of the monster, with several beams shooting into the rings worn by the onlookers.

Han Feng checked his own ring and noticed he had not received any of the black lights. He smiled ruefully, recognizing his minimal contribution to the battle. "I guess it's fair," he thought to himself. "I was almost useless in this fight anyway."

Shi Jun and the others had only managed to collect a few points. Lin Huixuan and his group barely gathered one point each. Of the 30 points available from the level nine monster, nearly 25 or 26 had gone to Meng Yaqing.

Han Feng, brushing the dirt off his legs, looked up at Meng Yaqing as she approached. "You must have around 120 points by now," he commented.

Meng Yaqing nodded slightly. "I found a place teeming with monsters. There are countless level 7 and 8 monsters. Are you daring enough to go?"

After a moment's thought, she added, "At least one hundred!"

Everyone gasped in shock. Although this mountain range was known as the core area in the northern region of the Mirror of Death and was populated by many monsters, the idea of encountering over a hundred monsters at once was staggering.

Jiang Feng looked incredulous. "How is that possible? The senior in my family never mentioned anything like that."

Han Feng pondered this before responding, "Maybe it's a recent development."

Jiang Feng nodded thoughtfully. "It could be. That senior graduated from Beidu University 500 years ago."

Han Feng grinned. Five hundred years would place that senior at least at the highest level or even the pinnacle of the Great Sanctuary. Considering the Barbarian Cloud Empire was only a Tier 3 Empire, it seemed unlikely. If it were possible, the Barbarian Cloud Empire would have had the strength to challenge a Tier 2 Empire by now. The Potter Empire, to which Wang Qingcang belonged, was a second-tier empire, where only the royal family and the most powerful families had sanctuary-level experts.

Han Feng and the others exchanged glances, the idea of so many monsters made their hearts race with both excitement and trepidation. Such a large number of monsters meant a plethora of points, but it also signified great danger.

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up as he looked at Meng Yaqing. Cautiously, he asked, "Miss Meng, are you planning to go as well?"

Meng Yaqing responded coolly, "Of course. I believe there's a secret behind so many monsters gathering in one place."

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "With Miss Meng accompanying us, we can manage."

The rest of the group also felt the weight of the decision lessen significantly.

"Let's go then," Meng Yaqing said decisively, immediately taking the lead.

Han Feng chuckled, "Yaqing, don't be in such a rush. Why don't we rest here for a bit?"

Meng Yaqing paused and nodded slowly, conceding to the suggestion.

This interaction drew envious glances from the other men. Meng Yaqing, so strong and determined, had clearly taken a liking to Han Feng, much to their chagrin.

Han Feng faced everyone's curious and envious glances, feeling awkward and at a loss for words.

Liu Yuer, with a mischievous smile, sat next to Meng Yaqing. "You say it's not about Han Feng, but who are you kidding? As soon as he suggested resting, you immediately agreed."

Meng Yaqing felt a bit embarrassed but maintained a neutral expression. "Stop talking nonsense. We really do need to rest."

Liu Yuer winked. "Come on, your face might be cold, but I can see what's in your heart. You like him. Don't worry, I won't say anything. Just make sure to keep him close."

Liu Yuer quickly left, sensing that Meng Yaqing might get angry. As soon as she was gone, Meng Yaqing's face showed a brief flash of embarrassment. She glanced at Han Feng, then quickly looked away, a flicker of emotion in her eyes.

Her heart pounded, a novel sensation that left her confused. "Do I really have feelings for him?" she wondered. "Is it from the time with the Lan family?"

Ever since the incident with the Lan family, Meng Yaqing had noticed that seeing Han Feng made her feel strange, a feeling she couldn't quite understand. Despite this, Meng Yaqing's strong will quickly suppressed these uncontrollable feelings, and her face returned to its usual cold demeanor.


An hour passed swiftly. Given their advanced cultivation, everyone had their own methods for quick recovery. An hour was sufficient for them to restore their energy and physical strength.

"Let's move," Meng Yaqing said calmly, taking the lead.

They followed Meng Yaqing, traversing through dead trees and dense branches that almost obscured the sky. The atmosphere in the Mirror of Death was already gloomy, and now it felt like they were in a ghostly forest.

Despite her strength, Liu Yuer was still a woman, and the eerie surroundings made her uneasy. She moved closer to Wang Qingcang, who grinned and put an arm around her, taking advantage of the situation. This behavior earned disdainful looks from Han Feng and his group.

Liu Yuer's face turned red, but given the ominous environment, she didn't pull away. She resolved to deal with Wang Qingcang's antics once they were out of the forest.

"Wait... Is that an enchantment ahead?" Jiang Feng suddenly yelled, pointing to a faint gray barrier before them.

Everyone looked closely and saw he was right.

Meng Yaqing dismissed it. "It's just a broken barrier. It's not a big deal."

To demonstrate, she effortlessly passed through the gray barrier.

"Got it," Jiang Feng said with a smile and attempted to follow.

But then...


Jiang Feng's head collided with the barrier, and a terrifying deathly aura surged over him. His face turned pale with fear.

This deathly aura was different from the ambient deathly air of the Mirror of Death. It was potent and could cause severe damage to their bodies. Invasion by this aura could lead to disastrous consequences.

"Hold on!" Han Feng swiftly grabbed Jiang Feng and pulled him back. He channeled his abnormal fire into Jiang Feng, burning away the invading deathly aura.

"Thankfully, I pulled you back quickly," Han Feng said. "Not much of the death aura got in. Otherwise, it would have been much harder to remove."

"What just happened?" Shi Jun and the others were astonished.

Meng Yaqing inspected the barrier with a frown. "This barrier is more complex than it appears. It must have been modified to ward off intruders."

"Then how did you pass through so easily?" Jiang Feng asked, bewildered.

Meng Yaqing thought for a moment. "It might be attuned to certain energies or cultivation levels. I'll have to study it more closely. But everyone, be on high alert. This place is far more dangerous than we anticipated."

Chapter 422: Under the lake of death . . .

Not only were Shi Jun and the others puzzled, but Han Feng was also baffled.

"Why can Meng Yaqing pass through the gray barrier safely, but Jiang Feng can't?" Han Feng wondered aloud. "Could this gray barrier be selective, allowing beautiful women to pass while blocking men?"

Meng Yaqing walked through the barrier again, frowning. "Why is this happening?"

Jiang Feng smiled bitterly. "I think I understand why so many monsters are here, yet no one knows about it. It must be because of the gray barrier, but..." He looked at Meng Yaqing with a peculiar expression. "Miss Meng might be special in some way. The gray barrier doesn't affect her at all."

Wang Qingcang slapped his palm against his forehead in sudden realization. "Could there be an inheritance here? Perhaps Miss Meng was chosen, and only she can enter?"

The idea seemed far-fetched, but in the strange realm of the Mirror of Death, anything was possible. While the Mirror of Death could not support the presence of many high-ranked warriors, and such warriors wouldn't typically venture into this realm, the notion of a special inheritance still lingered.

Lei Yurui and the others pondered. "Could it be an inheritance left by a peak-level warrior?" Lei Yurui wondered aloud.

Jiang Feng shook his head. "It doesn't seem like it. The power of the gray barrier is beyond what a peak-level warrior could deploy. It feels too peculiar."

Han Feng looked at Meng Yaqing and then at the gray barrier. A thought struck him, and he blurted out, "Yaqing, could it be due to your unique physique?"

"With the Wanrong Divine Body, which can absorb energy attacks, it might be possible for you to absorb the barrier's power," Han Feng suggested.

Everyone's eyes lit up. It made sense.

Meng Yaqing frowned. "But previous tests didn't reveal this ability."

Han Feng smiled. "Maybe you didn't realize you had this ability, or perhaps it hasn't fully awakened yet."

He then proposed, "Let's hold hands and see if we can enter together. If we can, it's your physique that allows it, not an external inheritance."

Meng Yaqing hesitated. The theory sounded plausible, but if it was wrong, wouldn't it end up like Jiang Feng?

Han Feng sensed her concern and reassured her. "Don't worry. We both have abnormal fires. Even if I'm invaded by the deathly aura, I can counter it with the strange fire. As long as we retreat quickly, there should be no danger."

Reluctantly, Meng Yaqing agreed. They suppressed their nervousness and awkwardness, and clasped hands.

Han Feng felt her soft, smooth hand, and his heart raced. He wondered if he was the first man to hold Meng Yaqing's hand in such a way after so many years. Meng Yaqing, on the other hand, felt a shy flutter in her heart.

Together, they approached the gray barrier cautiously, hearts pounding in unison.

Meng Yaqing entered the enchantment first, her hand firmly grasping Han Feng's. Han Feng cautiously approached, his hand trembling slightly as it neared the gray barrier. He swallowed nervously, cold sweat forming on his forehead. Summoning his courage, he extended his hand that held Meng Yaqing's into the barrier and then quickly pulled it back.

Nothing happened.

The gray enchantment remained still and unaffected.

Overjoyed, Han Feng stepped fully into the enchantment, still holding Meng Yaqing's hand. They both came out together.

"Sure enough, Yaqing, it's your special physique," Han Feng said, admiration in his voice. "It seems even Master Guardian hasn't discovered all your potential."

Meng Yaqing was already remarkably powerful, but it turned out she had only scratched the surface of her abilities. Han Feng could imagine that once Meng Yaqing's full potential was unlocked, her strength would increase significantly.

"When will I ever surpass Meng Yaqing?" Han Feng thought wistfully. Nonetheless, he was genuinely happy for her.

Everyone else was equally stunned and speechless at Meng Yaqing's unique ability.

"What should we do now? Should Miss Meng pull us in one by one?" Jiang Feng asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

Meng Yaqing frowned. The idea of holding hands with other men made her uncomfortable.

Han Feng noticed her discomfort and quickly suggested, "Meng Yaqing will hold my hand, and I'll hold yours. We'll go in together."

"Will that work?" Jiang Feng was skeptical. But seeing Meng Yaqing's expression, he realized that she wouldn't hold hands with anyone else. Resigned, he accepted Han Feng's plan, albeit with some jealousy.

They lined up, each person holding onto the one in front like a human chain. Meng Yaqing led the way, followed by Han Feng, then Jiang Feng, and the rest.

Despite their initial worries, the plan worked, and soon everyone had passed through the enchantment.

"Alright, let's move quickly. Our time is limited," Meng Yaqing said, taking the lead.

Under her guidance, they reached a lake surrounded by a large number of monsters. The closer they got to the lake, the higher the level of the monsters they encountered. Right by the lake, they even spotted over a dozen level 12 monsters.

The sight was astonishing. The northern core of the Mirror of Death rarely had such high-level monsters, and here they found more than a dozen.

Moreover, they saw numerous Death Fruits and Death Flowers around the lake. Their abundance made everyone's eyes widen in disbelief. The fruits and flowers ranged from inferior to top quality, with the higher-level ones closer to the lake.

"This... this is the Lake of Death!!" Jiang Feng stammered, his voice trembling.

"Lake of Death? What's that?" Han Feng and the others were puzzled.

Jiang Feng took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. "The Lake of Death is a legendary place mentioned in ancient texts. It's said to be a source of immense death energy, which nurtures high-level death-related herbs and monsters. The fact that we found it here is beyond incredible."

Han Feng looked at the lake with newfound respect. "So, this place is the reason why so many high-level monsters and rare herbs are gathered here."

Meng Yaqing nodded. "It seems we've stumbled upon something extraordinary. We should proceed with caution. The presence of such powerful monsters means this area is extremely dangerous."

The group nodded, their excitement tempered with a healthy dose of caution. They understood the risks, but the potential rewards were too great to ignore. With Meng Yaqing leading, they advanced towards the Lake of Death, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

When Jiang Feng revealed this, both Shi Jun and Shi Tai gasped. "It turned out to be the Lake of Death! Jiang Feng, are you sure? Isn't the Lake of Death just a myth? Does it really exist?"

Jiang Feng slapped himself lightly. "I'm not dreaming. This is indeed the Lake of Death."

"Shi Jun, Shi Tai, I know it sounds unbelievable. I didn't believe it either, but the Lake of Death is right here in front of us. We can't deny its existence."

Han Feng frowned deeply. "Enough with the suspense. Tell us more about the Lake of Death."

Jiang Feng took a deep breath and began to explain. "The Lake of Death is said to have appeared when the Mirror of Death was formed. It's a legendary place where physical and mental power are greatly enhanced under its influence. The lake condenses all the effects of the Death Fruit and Death Flower."

He continued, "Death Fruits and Death Flowers can increase a person's strength up to twelve stars at the ground level. Beyond that, the chances of breaking through to the heavenly level are less than one percent. Even then, it's usually just a single star advancement."

"But the Lake of Death is different. Unless someone's qualifications are extremely poor, they can typically be upgraded to the heavenly rank. The highest potential is reaching the peak of the three-star heavenly level."

Jiang Feng's voice grew more animated. "There's a story of a six-star warrior who immersed himself in the Lake of Death. His physical and mental strength soared to the heavenly level, and he reached twelve stars within six months. Shortly after, he broke through to the heavenly ranks."

"Over time, many gained benefits from the lake. However, as more people utilized it, its effects weakened, and eventually, it vanished from knowledge. Some say it was drained by a powerful figure, others believe it temporarily disappeared to reappear later."

"Regardless of the theories, the Lake of Death faded into legend. No one believed it still existed... until now. We've found it!"

Jiang Feng's excitement was palpable. "Even after all these years, the lake's effects might not be as legendary, but they'll certainly be significant!"

Everyone's eyes lit up with newfound determination. This was a major discovery.

"The lake's legend spans over a hundred thousand years, coinciding with the establishment of Beidu Academy and the formation of the Mirror of Death," Jiang Feng explained. "The retreat of the lake likely contributed to the monsters, Death Fruits, and Death Flowers around it."

Han Feng exhaled softly, grounding their excitement. "The Lake of Death is indeed incredible, but we can't break into it with our current strength."

The group fell silent, their enthusiasm dampened by the reality of the situation.

Jiang Feng's face fell, and he sighed. "You're right."

Meng Yaqing's eyes sparkled with determination. "Let's make a pact. When more than half of us reach the late stage, we'll return."

Everyone nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Meng Yaqing continued, "At that time, even if we can't enter the Lake of Death, we'll be strong enough to harvest the highest quality Death Fruits and Flowers around it."

The group agreed, understanding that patience and preparation were essential. With this goal in mind, they turned their focus back to the immediate challenges, driven by the promise of future rewards.

Chapter 423: End! . . .

Han Feng laughed and said, "Yaqing echoed my thoughts. We can't do it now, but that doesn't mean we can't do it in the future."

"Can we make an agreement?" Han Feng's eyes gleamed with determination as he looked at everyone.

Agreeing to this pact meant binding themselves together completely, forming a collective where betrayal was never an option.

Shi Tai and Shi Jun exchanged glances, and Shi Jun smiled slightly. "Our brother joins. If someone betrays, they won't survive!"

Wang Qingcang, a friend of Han Feng, agreed immediately.

Jiang Feng, seeing this, sighed and also agreed, driven by the lure of the Lake of Death. With Jiang Feng's agreement, his younger brother, Jiang Da, naturally followed suit.

Lin Huixuan, Lei Yuyi, and Xuan Shentong, all from the same empire, sided with Han Feng without hesitation. Lei Yujue, in particular, was from the same family as Han Feng.

Hu Xiaodie, having already exposed her loyalty, smiled and agreed as well.

Little did Han Feng and the others know, this pact would forge them into lifelong friends and allies, famous throughout the North Continent. Their unity would make them a formidable force, with no one daring to provoke them. Any affront to one of them would invite the wrath of all, backed by their powerful backgrounds.

Their collective strength would become a legend, making the Beizhou Continent tremble at the thought of incurring their vengeance. The only escape for their enemies would be to flee the continent, as there would be no place left to hide within it.

With their bond solidified, the group's relationship grew even closer.

Han Feng smiled. "Perhaps when we all reach the pinnacle of the earth rank, we'll have the strength to defeat the twelfth-level monsters and soak in the Lake of Death."

Meng Yaqing pursed her lips and smiled. "Then you have to work hard. By the time you reach the peak, I might already be at an even higher level."

No one doubted her confident words. Meng Yaqing, even before fully developing her potential, was already a top-tier talent. If not for the limited resources of the Great Jin Kingdom, she would never have been merely an eight-star. Now, with the abundant resources of Beidu Academy and a newfound direction for her potential, who knew how far ahead she would be?

Her words were, if anything, modest.

Jiang Feng and his companions couldn't help but entertain secret thoughts about Meng Yaqing's potential. They speculated that by the time they reached the pinnacle of the Earth rank, Meng Yaqing might already ascend to the formidable Celestial rank.

Han Feng stretched, easing the tension with his confident words: "You don't need to scale the summit before you venture in. I trust our talents; even as nine-stars, we can give those twelfth-level monsters a run for their money."

His declaration was met with skeptical glances. "You're boasting about taking on twelfth-level monsters when you've only mastered two stars of Earth-level power. Imagine the mayhem when you reach eight or nine stars," someone scoffed.


Once they officially joined forces, the group pondered their next move. Jiang Feng gestured towards a cluster of monsters lurking outside. "I propose we utilize decoys to draw out a substantial number of level six to eight monsters from the outskirts. Then, we eliminate them."

"With that many monsters, we'll quickly accumulate one hundred and twenty points," Jiang Feng predicted confidently.

"But what if we attract level 9 or even level 10 monsters?" Wang Qingcang voiced his concern, eyeing the horde warily.

Meng Yaqing's response was calm and assured. "Leave them to me. As long as they're not the apex predators among the eleventh and twelfth levels, I can handle them effortlessly. We won't find ourselves encircled by monsters."

"I doubt those level 12 monsters will stray far from the Lake of Death. As long as we steer clear of it, solitary ones shouldn't assail us unprovoked," Jiang Feng reasoned.

"I'll be the bait," Jiang Feng volunteered.

"But..." Everyone hesitated, envisioning the peril of using someone as bait amidst a swarm of monsters.

"It's fine. I'll go," Stai declared, patting his belly. "As long as I don't encounter a level 9 monster, I'll be perfectly safe."

With his Wanrong Divine Body, Stai possessed remarkable regenerative abilities. Despite sustaining heavy blows from an eight-legged monster earlier, he had almost completely recovered by now.

Jiang Feng grinned mysteriously. "I'm willing to be the bait for a reason."

With a series of hand gestures, Jiang Feng caused the ground to tremble slightly. Moments later, a black earthen figure emerged from the cracked earth, gradually taking on Jiang Feng's likeness. However, its expression remained blank and lifeless, unmistakably inhuman.

Realization dawned on the group all at once.

Wang Qingcang chuckled teasingly, his voice laced with amusement as he remarked, "Remember how you were so eager to play bait before? Seems like you've found quite the method."

Jiang Feng nodded, a small grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Indeed, this is much safer."

He concentrated, his fingers moving with practiced precision to create several more handprints in the soil. Soon, three earth clones emerged from the ground.

"Alright, let's go!" Jiang Feng commanded, his voice firm as the sand clones charged forward, drawing the attention of a nearby group of monsters.

Watching the plan unfold, Han Feng couldn't help but sigh in relief. "Thankfully, those monsters lack intelligence. Otherwise, luring them would've been much more challenging."

Jiang Feng shrugged modestly. "It's just a simple martial skill, nothing too fancy. I originally developed it for fun, never imagined it'd come in handy like this."

As the earth clones acted as bait, they quickly attracted the attention of the monsters, allowing the group to dispatch them efficiently. Among them, Meng Yaqing, the strongest member present, took charge of collecting the coveted Death Fruit and Death Flower while others engaged the creatures.

With clear roles and swift teamwork, the group amassed a substantial number of points in no time.

After a while, Han Feng and the others had reached an impressive one hundred and twenty points.

However, Lin Huixuan and their group lagged behind, barely reaching ninety points due to their limited effectiveness.

Though they were a team, leaving anyone behind wasn't an option. Jiang Feng, Lin Huixuan, and the rest needed to reach one hundred and twenty points together, no matter the cost.

As night descended upon them, the atmosphere in the Death Mirror grew more ominous. The surge of death energy heightened the monsters' aggression, prompting Han Feng and the others to tread cautiously, unwilling to take unnecessary risks despite their perfect score.

Throughout their endeavor, several decoys were sacrificed to protect the group from harm. Without the earth clones' diversion, injuries would have been inevitable, even fatalities.

Exiting the gray enchantment, they made a pact of silence, vowing not to divulge their experiences to outsiders as they awaited the dawn.

For Lin Huixuan and the others, the achievement of one hundred and twenty points was beyond their wildest dreams.

Entering the outer courtyard of Beidu Academy now seemed like a tangible reality, a prospect that filled them with excitement and anticipation. Though the journey ahead would be perilous, it promised growth and distinction.

Gratitude swelled within them towards Han Feng, recognizing his pivotal role in their success. Without him, catching the eye of a genius like Shi Tai Shijun and forming connections would have been unthinkable.

Lin Huixuan couldn't contain his joy, his face beaming with gratitude. Beside him, Xuan Shentong remained composed, though inwardly, he resolved to support Han Feng in any way possible in the future.

As dawn broke, a powerful force enveloped them, whisking them away from the Death Mirror.

In the Unreal Square, amidst the darkness, the black light curtain shimmered, revealing the faces of numerous talented warriors awaiting their return.

Before long, dense black lights converged in the once relatively empty Unreal Square.

Elder Cao, his eyes twinkling with anticipation, couldn't help but chuckle. "I wonder how many will achieve full marks in the Mirror of Death this time?"

"And how many will earn extra points?" Elder Lu and Elder Wei exchanged knowing smiles. "It's difficult to predict. Historically, few have managed to attain high scores in the Death Mirror assessment."

Elder Cao's mother stroked her beard thoughtfully. "That's true, but our young ones participating in this round seem rather promising. Perhaps we'll witness some remarkable performances."

Elder Lu nodded in agreement, echoing her sentiment.

As the last of the black light dissipated, the entrance to the northern sector of the Mirror of Death slowly sealed shut, marking the conclusion of another round of trials within its ominous confines.

Chapter 424: Enter the outer courtyard . . .

"It's finally over! How did it go?" Lei Ruwen and the others spotted Han Feng and his companions emerging from the trial, hastening over to inquire about their results.

Han Feng responded with a mischievous grin. "Guess!"

Lei Ruwen and the others exchanged exasperated glances, knowing full well that guessing would be futile.

Lei Junyan, discerning Han Feng's demeanor, offered his congratulations with a knowing smile. "Congratulations, my boy. It seems you've done exceptionally well. Now, I'll head back to the Lei household. Aunt Yuanjia's long-standing regret has finally been resolved."

Han Feng's smile widened as he gestured towards Lei Yuluo, Lin Huixuan, and the rest. "But don't just congratulate me. These guys have a good chance of passing the selection too."

Lei Ruwen and the others were momentarily stunned, their expressions shifting to envy as they glanced at Lin Huixuan and the others.

They knew that achieving such high scores was likely thanks to Han Feng and his companions' assistance.

Despite their envy, Lei Ruwen and the others harbored no resentment. Their own lackluster performance in previous rounds meant that even with Han Feng's help, their chances of advancement were slim.

Moreover, after spending so much time together, they had developed a mutual understanding and camaraderie.

Lei Yuyi, with his ground-level one-star cultivation base and lightning-imbued physique, could rival even ground-level two-star warriors.

Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong possessed the Golden Dragon Variety and Ice Emperor physique, respectively, granting them formidable abilities. However, the gap between them and higher-level warriors was still significant.

Despite Han Feng's assistance, the likelihood of their elimination remained high, exceeding 90%. Their collective efforts might yield only a few additional points, if any.

Observing the dwindling number of returning warriors, coupled with the grim realization that over two thousand had perished, Lei Ruwen and the others couldn't help but doubt their luck.

In the end, Lei Junyan offered a parting word of caution. "Stay safe out there!"

Returning to the Great Jin Kingdom, they might not achieve the same heights as Lin Huixuan and the others, but their safety was assured.

As they glanced back at Lin Huixuan and his companions, they couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the challenges that lay ahead.

The journey ahead was uncertain, with the potential for greatness or obscurity, and the stark reality that failure might mean facing oblivion.

Yet, amid the uncertainty, there remained a glimmer of hope—a chance to rise above the odds and carve out a path of significance.

The Outer Academy of Beidu Academy underwent assessment only once every three years, and while some students were promoted to the inner courtyard annually, others unfortunately met their demise. Logically, the number of students in the outer courtyard should be relatively low. Yet, in reality, there were several thousand residing there, with some students remaining for more than a decade.

Why were there so many students in the outer courtyard for extended periods? It was a question that puzzled many. With Beidu Academy's abundant resources and top-notch qualifications, lingering in the outer courtyard for over ten years seemed almost inconceivable unless one's talents were utterly squandered.

Was selection through the Northern Capital rendered futile?

It could only be attributed to the fierce competition within Beidu Academy. The intensity of the competition often dealt heavy blows to many geniuses. Some lacked ambition, while others suffered severe injuries that compromised their potential.

As a result, numerous promising talents were ultimately reduced to mediocrity due to various circumstances.


Lin Huixuan and the others understood Lei Junyan's underlying message, their expressions turning solemn as they nodded in acknowledgment.

"Thank you for your concern. We'll exercise caution," Lin Huixuan affirmed.

However, their conversation was interrupted by Elder Cao's voice, cutting through the atmosphere. "Line up and hand over your rings in order," he commanded.

A hush fell over the once bustling Unreal Square as everyone complied with Elder Cao's directive.

Some, with successful scores, radiated joy and relief, while others harbored uncertainty about their fate. The remainder displayed indifference, disappointment, or despair. Among them, some female warriors with fragile psyches broke down in tears.

Elder Cao remained unfazed, meticulously recording each student's achievements.

When it was Steish and Jun's turn, Elder Cao's astonishment was palpable as he exclaimed, "One hundred and twenty points!"

Considering the strength of Shi Tai and Shi Jun, Elder Cao rationalized this achievement. Encountering enough level six or seven monsters to accumulate 120 points wasn't inconceivable with luck on their side.

Little did Elder Cao know that the duo hadn't just encountered monsters—they had faced numerous level eleven adversaries.

As Elder Cao announced Steish Shijun's score, envy and jealousy rippled through the crowd.

Next in line were the Taixu brothers and Xian'an Mountain, yet their absence signaled their demise. Elder Cao's expression softened with regret as he acknowledged their fate.

"Unfortunately, these three had commendable grades and abilities, yet they met their end in the Death Mirror," Elder Cao lamented.

Without dwelling, he swiftly moved on to the next name on his list.

Fu Yu also achieved one hundred and twenty points, a result deemed typical by the onlookers.

If even Steish Jun could attain full marks, it was hardly surprising that the formidable eight-star powerhouse would do so.

Hu Xiaodie emerged with a perfect score, prompting a chorus of cheers from the male warriors enchanted by her charm.

Finally, it was Lin Huixuan and his companions' turn.

"One hundred and twenty points again!" Elder Cao exclaimed, genuinely taken aback this time.

No matter how fortunate one may be, encountering a thousand first-level monsters is simply implausible.

Elder Cao's surprise was matched, if not surpassed, by the astonishment rippling through the gathered geniuses.

Some warriors, far superior to Lin Huixuan and his companions yet without comparable results, voiced their skepticism. "Elder, I'm convinced they must have cheated!"

Elder Cao retorted sharply, "There's no room for cheating in the Death Mirror."

"But how else could they have achieved such high scores?" the skeptical warrior persisted, unease evident in his tone.

Elder Cao furrowed his brow in contemplation.

Two mysterious twelve-star talents, plus a ground-level one-star warrior in the early stages—despite any special abilities or techniques they might possess, attaining one hundred and twenty points seemed improbable without outside assistance.

But who would extend such help?

"Huh, do you doubt Brother Lin, Brother Xuan, and Brother Thunder's achievements in monster hunting with us?" Stay interjected, his tone laced with challenge.

Shi Jun's cold gaze swept across the gathering, causing a chill to settle over those who met his eyes, prompting them to avert their gazes. The skeptical warrior, cowed by Shi Jun's glare, remained silent.

Elder Cao was dumbfounded. He hadn't anticipated these individuals to step forward. What could have prompted their intervention?

At that moment, Hu Xiaodie also rose to her feet. "Count me in."

Those who had fallen under Hu Xiaodie's spell swiftly aligned themselves with Lin Huixuan and his companions, vehemently defending them against the doubters. The skeptical warrior, now crimson with embarrassment and indignation, faltered, unsure how to respond.

"And me," Meng Yaqing added, stepping forward, much to Elder Cao's chagrin.

Is it a trend among this year's geniuses to assist others?

Elder Cao's smile tightened slightly as he observed the unfolding drama. "So be it," he declared.

Having lived for countless years, Elder Cao swiftly pieced together the truth.

Lin Huixuan and his group were clearly allied with Meng Yaqing.

Hu Xiaodie and Shi Tai Shijun likely intervened on behalf of Meng Yaqing, implying that these "youngsters" had formed their own clique.

Inwardly amused, Elder Cao pondered, "Let's see how far their alliance takes them in the outer courtyard."

Though he believed he had deciphered the situation, Elder Cao was only partially correct.

Meng Yaqing and the others indeed formed a group, but the true orchestrator behind it all was not Meng Yaqing—it was Han Feng.

Chapter 425: Enter the outer courtyard . . .

Blame it on Han Feng's mere two-star ground-level cultivation base, a fact that Elder Cao didn't even bother to consider.

Convinced he had unraveled the truth, Elder Cao saw no reason to doubt any further.

Following Meng Yaqing's lead, Wang Qingcang, Liu Yuer, Jiang Feng, Jiang Da, and Han Feng all rose to their feet.

This time, no one had anything to say.

Wang Qingcang and Jiang Feng boasted four-star tier rankings, while Liu Yu'er held a respectable three-star tier position. With their outstanding performance in previous assessments, their credibility was beyond reproach.

Han Feng, though only a two-star ground-level cultivator, possessed exceptional qualifications. Moreover, his previous perfect scores in assessments dispelled any doubts.

With such a formidable lineup standing together, any lingering doubts evaporated. Envy and jealousy were all that remained for Lin Huixuan and his comrades.

Some astute individuals even began to speculate, casting curious glances at Meng Yaqing and the others. "It seems they've formed a group. Newcomers entering the outer courtyard will undoubtedly face challenges. Joining this group..." More than one person entertained this notion!


As the commotion subsided, Elder Cao addressed Han Feng and the others. "So, you..."

Han Feng nodded firmly. "Yes, seniors, we all scored one hundred and twenty points."

Elder Cao accepted the rings without further disruption, unfazed by the irregularity.

"As expected, all one hundred and twenty points. Let's move on," he declared. Turning to Elder Lu, he instructed him to locate Han Feng and the others on the record list and append one hundred and twenty points to their tally.

Lin Huixuan and his companions couldn't contain their delight.

Jiang Da beamed at Jiang Feng. "Brother, it looks like I'll be entering Beidu Academy three years ahead of schedule."

Jiang Feng chuckled, impressed by Jiang Da's determination. "Just be cautious in the outer courtyard. Your current cultivation level is still relatively low."

"I'll heed your advice, Big Brother," Jiang Da affirmed.

Having weathered the trials of Pandora's Dream, the Celestial Tower, and the Mirror of Death, Jiang Da had matured considerably. In the past, he might have resented the constraints of joining a group, but now, he understood the value of solidarity.


After recording all the results, Elder Cao examined his own standings, realizing he was comfortably within the top ten.

"It's a shame, Brother Han. With a higher qualification, you would've easily secured the third spot," Shi Jun lamented, a sympathetic expression on his face.

Indeed, Han Feng's zero score in the qualification test proved to be a significant hindrance.

Jiang Feng smiled reassuringly. "As long as you pass the selection, these rankings don't hold much weight."

"Brother Han's performance is enough to secure him the top-ranking champion title. In truth, the rewards are the same for being the top-ranking champion."

"No matter how high one's score is, it's ultimately inconsequential."

"At Beidu Academy's Outer Courtyard, these scores merely earn you a higher position on the Rookie Champion List."

"What truly holds weight in the Outer Courtyard of Beidu Academy is the Tongtian List, which signifies ascending to the heavens."

"The newcomers' King List, on the other hand, is inconsequential to the real powerhouses of the Outer Courtyard. They care little for rankings; what matters is reputation and performance on the Tongtian List."

"Having a strong presence or ranking on the Tongtian List can attract the attention of these powerhouses and earn recognition within the Outer Courtyard. It's a favor more valued by the elders."

"In essence, these titles of warlords and generals for first-time entrants to the Outer Courtyard come with better rewards, superior conditions, and advantageous positions."

"What lies ahead remains uncertain."


Elder Cao allowed everyone to remain in Unreal Square while he traversed elsewhere.

Only Elder Lu and Elder Wei remained, meditating in the sky, undisturbed by the gathered students awaiting Elder Cao's return.

They knew Elder Cao's return would coincide with the announcement of the selection list.

Lin Huixuan and his comrades felt a pang of nervousness. Their fate hung in the balance, their scores hovering around the passing threshold.


After half a day of anticipation, Elder Cao reappeared above Unreal Square.

Surveying the crowd, Elder Cao's smile widened. "Congratulations! Over 130 individuals from our tenth Unreal Square have passed the assessment this time!"

A collective gasp echoed through the crowd.

Over 130 individuals!

The unexpected number left everyone stunned.

What did this signify? It spoke volumes about the exceptional talent present in the tenth Unreal Square.

Those ranked around one hundred and twenty and thirty, previously resigned to disappointment, were suddenly revitalized, their despair replaced with jubilation.

Lin Huixuan and his companions exchanged relieved smiles. They had passed.


Elder Cao allowed the jubilant shouts to continue, understanding their elation.

Once the excitement subsided, he began reading out the names of those who passed.

In the hushed atmosphere of Unreal Square, Elder Cao's voice reverberated, each name carrying weight.

Finally, Elder Cao declared, "Those mentioned are the ones who have passed the Northern Capital selection this year. As for the rest..."

Suddenly, Elder Cao waved his hand, and countless lights shot out, enveloping those not selected.

Jiang Feng explained in a hushed tone amid Han Feng's incredulous gaze, "This is to seal the news of Beidu Academy's assessment. While Beidu Academy doesn't mind if the assessment process is known, it prefers not to broadcast it widely. Hence, our family's seniors refrain from discussing it openly."

"Once these individuals depart, they'll recall only the hardships endured during the assessment, while the specifics will fade from memory."

Han Feng's sudden realization shed light on why even the Guardians seemed oblivious to Beidu Academy's assessment process. He had long pondered this mystery, especially considering the geniuses from the Great Jin Kingdom who attempted the sealed assessment. Despite their failures, none were forthcoming about the ordeal. Now he understood—they were not withholding information; they were bound by the seal, unable to divulge anything.

After sealing those not selected, Elder Cao gestured, and with a sweeping motion, he transported everyone out of Unreal Square.

Awaiting them were family elders or descendants of the aforementioned geniuses.

Han Feng and the more than one hundred others who remained gazed eagerly at Elder Cao and his companions.

Elder Cao spoke with a casual air, "Congratulations on passing the assessment. But remember, this marks a new beginning. I trust you'll continue to strive diligently upon entering the outer courtyard. Now, let's proceed."

With a wave of his hand, Elder Cao summoned a golden beam of light from the heavens, enveloping Han Feng and the others. In an instant, the light vanished along with the group, whisking them away to their next destination.

Chapter 426: The king of war! . . .

After sending Han Feng and the others away, Elder Cao, Elder Lu, and Elder Wei exchanged knowing glances before flicking their sleeves, causing the space to distort and vanish.


At Beidu Academy, a massive square materialized, and in a burst of space distortion, Han Feng and the others, along with more than a hundred individuals, appeared instantaneously.

Their sudden arrival drew the attention of numerous new students and inspectors already gathered in the square. Eyes of various emotions—hostility, admiration, skepticism, and disbelief—were directed towards Han Feng and his companions.

Clearly, word had spread about the unprecedented number of over 130 individuals passing the tenth trial. Even the inspectors' gazes held an air of bewilderment.

Han Feng and his group furrowed their brows, feeling the weight of the scrutiny. Some geniuses among them instinctively drew closer together, seeking reassurance.

In the crowd, Young Master Long's expression darkened. "I'm not dead yet, how did those two, Tai Xu, manage it?"

But his astonishment quickly turned to surprise as his gaze shifted. "Those two aren't here... Could it be..."

"Does Wang Qingcang's legacy possess such power?!"

Young Master Long was taken aback.

He was well aware of the devastating force unleashed by the Taixu brothers' combined bloodlines. Frankly, even he wasn't certain of victory against them.

But now, with the brothers seemingly eliminated, Young Master Long couldn't help but be shocked.

"No, Wang Qingcang's legacy shouldn't have such strength."

"Who could it be?"

"Damn it, there's too little information. Regardless, I'll let you live for now. I'll wait until the more than 100 individuals from the tenth trial gain some insight."

"Damn it, Xian'an Mountain is nowhere to be seen. Did he fail the assessment? Or worse, did he perish? If only Xian'an Mountain were here, I could gather some intel easily, but now..."

With a resigned sigh, Young Master Long withdrew his gaze.

As Young Master Long San withdrew his gaze, he remained unaware that Wang Qingcang's angry eyes had swept across his form.

Within the confines of Pandora's Dreamland's secret territory, Wang Qingcang managed to contain his simmering fury, tightly clasping Liu Yuer's hand as he suppressed his urge to act rashly.


Meanwhile, amidst the bustling crowd, another figure scanned the group of over a hundred individuals led by Han Feng. Frowning, the figure muttered to himself, "Strange, this should be the final wave. Why hasn't my brother appeared yet?"

"Could he have failed the assessment?"

"Impossible. With my brother's talents, he ranks among the top tier of a thousand individuals. Failure is inconceivable."


A steely resolve settled in the figure's expression. "Whoever dares harm my second brother will face severe consequences."

"I heard my second brother seldom interacted with Young Master Long San before the assessment. Perhaps I can glean some information from him."

With a determined gaze, the figure cast a discreet glance at Young Master Long San.

If Han Feng had caught sight of this figure, he would have noticed an uncanny resemblance to Xian'an Mountain, but with distinct differences. Surprisingly, this figure was the eldest brother of Xian'an Mountain.


As the sky distorted once more, Elder Cao and his companions emerged.

Elder Cao, perhaps the most esteemed among the elders, was met with respectful bows from the other inspectors upon his appearance.

Addressing one of the elders, Elder Cao inquired, "Has the accommodation been arranged?"

The elder replied deferentially, "Yes, it's all taken care of."

Satisfied, Elder Cao waved his hand. "Very well, let's proceed. Guide these young ones to their lodgings, familiarize them with the area, and then we shall move on to our next destination."

"As for us old folks, our role ends here. Whether these young ones rise to prominence or fall into obscurity in the outer courtyard, whether they thrive or perish, it matters little to us."

Elder Cao's tone held a detached indifference, as if the fate of these prodigies bore no significance to Beidu Academy.

This nonchalance sent a shiver down everyone's spine, instantly quelling any sense of pride or restlessness they may have harbored during the selection process.

With Elder Cao's command, a group of elders led the warriors towards the accommodation area.


Outside of Beidutai, a throng of onlookers gathered around. Suddenly, a colossal black hole materialized in the sky, ejecting thousands of individuals in an instant.

The guardian hovered in the air, a pleased smile gracing his features as he gathered Lei Ruwen and the others to his side. With a swift motion, they vanished from Beidutai in an instant.

Within the confines of Beidu Inn's pavilions, the guardian's joy was palpable. "Five individuals! Five of them have passed the selection."

The Guardian's elation was genuine; for a third-rank empire like theirs, selecting five individuals through the Northern Capital was a remarkable achievement. The news of their success would undoubtedly reverberate among the surrounding empires, sparking awe and admiration.

Initially, the Guardian had pinned high hopes on Meng Yaqing, his personal disciple, believing her success in the selection to be almost assured. However, Lei Yuru's unexpected emergence and the breakthroughs of Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong had altered his predictions. Even so, he had not anticipated all five of them passing.

His thoughts whirled as he tried to process this unexpected turn of events. For a moment, the Guardian felt as if he had been blessed by a stroke of great fortune, leaving him momentarily dazed.

Eventually, the Guardian regained his composure and let out a hearty laugh. "Our mighty nation shall rise once more!"


Back at Beidu Academy's square, Elder Cao waved his hand, and over a hundred beams of light shot forth.

These beams varied in color, ranging from golden to silver, bronze, and black.

Han Feng instinctively reached out, catching the golden light as it descended into his palm. As the golden light dispersed, a palm-sized golden token materialized before him.

"What's this?"

While a few individuals recognized the significance of the token, many remained puzzled, including Han Feng.

Elder Cao smiled indulgently. "This token records your points within the Outer Court. Remember, all transactions within the Outer Court are conducted using these points. Simply use this token whenever you need to make a purchase. It contains instructions on how to utilize it, which you will learn once you access it."

"Now, let me explain the significance of the tokens you now hold."

"The golden token is reserved for students holding the title of War King, commonly referred to as the Gold Medal of War King."

"Silver tokens are designated for students with the title of War Commander, known as the Silver Medal of War Commander. Similarly, the bronze token is the War General Bronze Medal, while the black token is the Ordinary Iron Medal."

"In the Outer Court, various cultivation locations such as the Celestial Tower and the Mirror of Death, which you previously visited during the assessment, are accessible for free. However, outside of the assessment period, entry into these locations will require the appropriate token. The Celestial Tower, for example, is under the supervision of Outer Court authorities, and attempting to gain unauthorized access is ill-advised as it is guarded by formidable heavenly-ranked individuals."

As Han Feng clutched the King of War gold medal, the onlookers displayed a range of emotions.

Those holding ordinary iron medals envied those with bronze medals, while those with bronze medals coveted the silver medals of the War Commanders. The hierarchy was clear, and some students with higher titles cast disdainful glances at those with lower rankings.

Elder Cao noted this dynamic but remained unperturbed.

This was merely another aspect of the Beidu Academy assessment—a test not only of potential but also of character. And sometimes, it was the perceived sense of superiority that proved to be a downfall for these young prodigies.

For the seasoned students of the Outer Court, true strength was measured not by titles but by one's ability to demonstrate resilience and skill in the face of challenges.

Chapter 427: Newcomer Free Tournament! . . .

In the Outer Courtyard, the most coveted status symbol is not the Champion List or the War Commander List—it's the Sky List!

The Tongtian List is the ultimate symbol of strength.


Elder Cao observed the reactions of Han Feng and the others, pleased with their composed demeanor. Continuing his address, he delved into the inner workings of the Outer Courtyard.

"The Outer Courtyard is expansive, housing not only residential and training areas but also commercial districts. You'll learn more about these areas as you explore them, so I won't elaborate further."

"In the Outer Courtyard, alongside students, there are also elders, stewards, and hired attendants. Surprisingly, students make up the minority. Now, let's discuss the primary function of your different-order cards."

"In your transactions within the Outer Courtyard, points—represented by the points in your gold medals—serve as the primary currency. While some transactions may be straightforward, others may require negotiation. Certain establishments, such as auctions and trading chambers, are supported by influential figures, making attempts to leverage privilege futile."

Elder Cao's tone turned wry as he continued, "I'm aware that some of you may have connections in the Outer or even Inner Courtyard. However, the audacity to flaunt such connections in commercial areas is ill-advised."

This statement elicited a range of reactions from the crowd, from surprise to elation. For Wang Qingcang and his peers, it meant that even the influence of the Long family's third scion would have its limits in the Outer Courtyard.

Han Feng listened intently, eager to learn about the benefits of their different-order cards.

Elder Cao obliged, revealing the primary advantage: "The disparity between the different-order cards manifests in the commercial areas. For instance, a shop may sell pills, with the price set at 100 points for students with Ordinary Iron Medals. However, those with War General Bronze Medals need only pay ninety points, while War Commander Silver Medal holders pay eighty points. Students holding the War King Gold Medal pay a mere seventy points."

The atmosphere grew charged with anticipation.

Though they hadn't yet entered the Outer Courtyard, the significance of points was not lost on them. The substantial gap in transaction prices based on token rank was glaringly apparent.

A thirty-point difference between seventy and one hundred points for a single bottle of pills—it was a substantial advantage. Consider the savings when purchasing multiple items! It was clear that those with higher-ranking tokens would enjoy significant benefits.

Han Feng was taken aback, realizing the significant advantage bestowed by the King of War gold medal compared to the ordinary iron medal. It meant a head start in their journey, with the potential for even greater advantages in the future.

Curious, Han Feng turned to Jiang Feng, seeking insight into the apparent contradiction regarding the importance of the Outer Courtyard Warlord Zhanshuai.

Jiang Feng's response only deepened the mystery, reminding Han Feng of the cryptic statement about strength being paramount in the Outer Courtyard.

Puzzled, Han Feng and his companions contemplated the implications of this statement. While seemingly obvious, it hinted at something deeper.


Meanwhile, the realization of the disparity hit the warriors holding ordinary iron medals hard.

How could they hope to catch up to those with titles like King of War or War Commander when faced with such a glaring disadvantage?

Han Feng sought clarification from Elder Cao, probing whether the discount extended to all purchases for King of War medal holders.

Elder Cao shook his head, explaining, "No, it varies. Some places may offer a 30% discount, while others may range from 40-50%. In certain establishments, there may be no discount at all for War King medal holders, just as there may be no discount for Warlord Silver or Bronze medal holders elsewhere."

Han Feng's expression shifted, realizing that even champions of war might not benefit from discounts everywhere.

Impressed by Han Feng's deduction, Elder Cao elaborated further, "Correct. The Beidu Auction House, overseen by esteemed elders or guardians, does not offer discounts to anyone. However, King of War medal holders can access private rooms at a lower cost than others, offering them an advantage over ordinary students."

This revelation left everyone, especially those holding ordinary iron medals, feeling disheartened by the stark inequality.

The atmosphere shifted from disappointment to intrigue as Elder Cao unveiled the prospect of the newcomer free competition. Ordinary iron medal students saw a glimmer of hope, while higher-ranking students began to feel the pressure of potential challenges.

Elder Cao's words served as a reminder that titles were merely reflections of potential, not definitive indicators of strength. This realization spurred excitement among the lower-ranking students and instilled a sense of apprehension in their higher-ranking counterparts.

The prospect of the newcomer free competition offered a chance for redemption and advancement. For the lower-ranking students, it represented an opportunity to challenge and potentially surpass their higher-ranking peers. Conversely, for the higher-ranking students, it posed a risk of losing their esteemed titles and facing a downward spiral in status.

Elder Cao's lighthearted demeanor belied the gravity of the situation, but his words resonated deeply with all present. In the world of Beidu Academy, where strength reigned supreme, the newcomer free competition was a pivotal event that could reshape the hierarchy and determine the fate of its participants.

Chapter 428: Ling Ling Dan! . . .

Han Feng absorbed Elder Cao's words, realizing the intricacies of title dynamics within Beidu Academy. He understood that strength was paramount, as it determined one's ability to maintain their status and avoid being overshadowed by competitors.

The discussion about the special font size on the tokens intrigued Han Feng, indicating that titles could change within the same class, allowing for a representation of each session's participants. This revelation deepened Han Feng's understanding of the significance of titles and their fluid nature within the academy.

Elder Cao's swift redirection of the conversation highlighted the importance of newcomers' ability to adapt and explore the outer courtyard independently. By withholding certain information, Elder Cao ensured that newcomers faced a subtle assessment of their resourcefulness and initiative.

The revelation about the high tower and its monthly resource distribution further emphasized the value of titles. The disparity in resources allocated to different title holders underscored the competitive nature of Beidu Academy and the importance of striving for higher titles to access greater benefits and opportunities.

As Han Feng absorbed this wealth of information, he recognized the complexity of the academy's social hierarchy and the need to navigate it strategically to thrive and advance. With newfound insights, he prepared himself to embark on his journey within the outer courtyard, determined to rise through the ranks and claim his rightful place among Beidu Academy's elite.

Han Feng absorbed Elder Cao's explanations with keen interest, recognizing the significance of the rewards they were receiving. The allocation of points and spirit pills varied based on the students' titles, reflecting the hierarchy within Beidu Academy and the rewards associated with higher ranks.

The distribution of points and spirit pills elicited a range of emotions among the students, from joy and satisfaction to envy and frustration. Han Feng observed the dynamics unfolding among his peers, noting the underlying tensions and competition brewing within the group.

Elder Cao's explanation of the Condensing Pill piqued Han Feng's curiosity, as it was a mysterious entity unfamiliar to him. The exclusive nature of this pill within Beidu Academy hinted at its potency and unique properties, distinct from pills found in the outside world. Han Feng absorbed Elder Cao's insights into the pill's effects and side effects, recognizing its potential benefits and limitations.

As he processed this information, Han Feng contemplated the implications of these rewards for his journey within Beidu Academy. The allure of the Condensing Pill and the opportunity to gain points fueled his determination to excel and rise through the ranks, despite the challenges and competition that lay ahead.

As Elder Cao elaborated on the benefits of the Ling Ling Pill, Han Feng and his peers were struck by the realization of its value. Despite its weaker individual effects compared to local pills, the absence of significant side effects made it a highly desirable resource. The prospect of continuous consumption without compromising purity or risking poisoning ignited a fervent desire among the students for ample supplies of Ling Ling Pills.

The disparity in rewards between students of different titles intensified the jealousy and competitiveness within the group, particularly among those with ordinary iron medals. Many resolved to elevate their status by undermining their peers with higher titles, driven by their longing for access to coveted resources.

Elder Cao's announcement of their next destinations stirred excitement among the students as they anticipated exploring their new surroundings and selecting martial arts techniques and exercises. With a flick of his sleeves, Elder Cao ushered them onward, propelling them toward their accommodations and the Beidu Learning Tower.

Chapter 429: Hokuto Gakuto! . . .

As Han Feng surveyed his surroundings, he marveled at the rugged yet exquisite pavilions that dotted the area, their intricate patterns adding to the ethereal ambiance. Yet, his attention was soon drawn to the sky, where he noticed an absence of the sun. Instead, faint colors danced across the clouds, leaving him puzzled about the source of illumination in this otherworldly space.

Contemplating the nature of this alien realm, Han Feng recognized its dependence on the Forgotten Continent for sustenance. While it boasted spiritual energy several times denser than that of the mainland, it remained vulnerable should any harm befall its origin. Understanding the precarious balance between these realms, Han Feng realized the imperative of safeguarding the Forgotten Continent, lest the stability of this alien space be compromised.

Meanwhile, Elder Cao guided the group to their accommodations, a dense cluster of quaint wooden houses. Despite their humble appearance, these structures were crafted from extraordinary materials, capable of withstanding the mightiest blows of ground-level warriors without a scratch. Within the confines of Beidu Academy's protective barriers, such resilience was commonplace, rendering even the most exquisite buildings ordinary by comparison.

Assigning each student their respective lodgings, Elder Cao distributed number plates to mark their new abodes, signaling the beginning of their tenure in this remarkable institution.

"The accommodation arrangement is for more than one thousand people together, so you are likely to live in the same cabin with a few people, or you may live with other people, all at random," Elder Cao explained as he gestured towards the clustered bamboo houses. Each dwelling was nestled amidst a picturesque landscape of mountains, rivers, and lush bamboo forests, with fields of blooming dandelions adding to the idyllic scenery.

Pointing towards the bamboo houses, Elder Cao indicated, "This is where the Warlord title holders reside, with three individuals sharing each room." He proceeded to announce the list of occupants and their assigned house numbers before leading the group forward.

As they passed by the Warlord residence area, Han Feng couldn't help but marvel at the serene beauty surrounding them. Despite being just outside the living quarters, the environment was vastly different, exuding an air of tranquility and elegance.

Continuing their journey, they soon arrived at the pavilion area, where majestic structures stood proudly against the backdrop of the landscape. Elder Cao explained that each pavilion housed one person, with various lakes and pavilions adorning the area.

Reading out the list of names, Elder Cao announced, "Han Feng, Shi Jun, Shi Tai, and Fu Yu!" Han Feng and his companions were surprised to find themselves assigned to the same area as Zhan Fu Yu, the renowned figure maintaining his composure without acknowledging their presence.

Shi Jun, however, seemed pleased by the arrangement, expressing his satisfaction at being grouped together. With their combined strength, they felt confident in facing any potential challenges from other students.

Despite their unity, Han Feng couldn't help but ponder what might have been if Zhan Fu Yu had chosen to join their group. With his formidable abilities, they could have stood against even the strongest contenders on the Tongtian list.

As the accommodation allocation concluded, Elder Cao led them towards the Beidu Learning Tower, their next destination on this extraordinary journey.

Elder Cao's introduction of the Beidu Learning Tower left everyone in awe. Despite its imposing exterior, the tower only had one floor, yet it housed a vast array of martial arts and techniques, ranging from low-grade to top-grade, and even including those from the lower ranks of the heavens.

Explaining the selection process, Elder Cao outlined the privileges based on one's title. Warlords could choose one ground-level best skill and three ground-level best martial arts, war commanders could select one ground-level best skill and one ground-level best martial skill, while war generals could opt for one first-level high-grade technique and three high-grade martial arts. Ordinary students were limited to choosing one high-grade technique and one high-grade martial technique.

However, Elder Cao added a cryptic note, suggesting that the choice might also depend on luck, which puzzled everyone.

As the gates of the tower opened, revealing those who had already made their selections, tensions rose between Wang Qingcang and Young Master Long, their disdain evident in their exchange.

With Elder Cao leading the way, they entered the Beidu Learning Tower, where they were greeted by a breathtaking sight. Inside, the towering space reached tens of meters high, with clusters of shimmering gold and purple lights suspended in the air.

Elder Cao clarified that the golden light clusters represented martial arts, while the purple ones represented techniques, inviting everyone to make their selections.

The group was given half an hour to make their selections, with Elder Cao warning that failure to choose within the allotted time would result in being expelled from the tower.

Han Feng finally understood why Elder Cao had chuckled so mysteriously earlier—it truly did come down to luck. With countless light clusters filling the space, it was impossible to discern their grades or classifications.

Wang Qingcang lamented the reliance on luck, especially since he had his heart set on a particular sword martial arts skill.

Stai tried to console Wang Qingcang, suggesting that perhaps future visits would allow for more personalized guidance or recommendations from the elders or protectors, a sentiment Elder Cao confirmed with a smile.

However, Elder Cao added a condition: future recommendations would require sufficient points, prompting Han Feng to curse inwardly at the potential manipulation of their desires and the need to accumulate points quickly.

Elder Cao seemed to sense their frustration and assured them that there was a method to the apparent randomness, though his thoughts hinted at a scheme of reciprocal favors.

As the group began their selections, Han Feng couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this process than met the eye, and he resolved to proceed with caution.

Chapter 430: Dragon Wings! . . .

Han Feng's question about potential compensation for those who already possessed suitable techniques and martial skills echoed a sentiment shared by several other students. They were disappointed by Elder Cao's response that there would be no additional compensation.

It seemed unfair to those who came from prestigious backgrounds with access to advanced techniques and martial skills. While they might lack in certain areas due to their cultivation levels, their existing resources surpassed what the Beidu Learning Tower had to offer.

The realization left a bitter taste in Han Feng's mouth and disappointment among the others who shared his concerns.

Nevertheless, they resigned themselves to choosing from the available martial arts, recognizing that even free martial arts were a valuable opportunity.

During this critical juncture, no one dared to squander precious time. Failure to discover a suitable martial skill due to wasted time would be a substantial loss, rendering their esteemed titles of high class meaningless.

Observing Elder Cao, it was evident that this school, colloquially known as the 'Door,' wouldn't offer compensation for failing to find the right martial arts techniques.


Han Feng, feeling rather despondent, made his way to the cluster of purple 'colored' lights.

With a decisive reach, Han Feng grasped the nearest purple 'colored' light orb, and in an instant, a torrent of dense information flooded Han Feng's consciousness.

"Mysterious Fire Reversal: a defensive martial skill of inferior quality," Han Feng muttered, shaking his head. "With the fire lotus seeds, the fire demon cores I obtained earlier, and the premium spirit condensing pills I've recently acquired, I'm confident in reaching the middle stage in no time. Lower-grade martial arts, even defensive ones, hold no value for me."

Originally, the Skyfire Armor served as a defensive martial skill, and its seventh peak was no less formidable than mid-tier defensive techniques. When combined with the Canglan Profound Fire, its defensive capabilities soared even higher.

In essence, Han Feng's sole objective at present was to attain the finest martial arts of his tier; everything else was mere excess.

While Han Feng had managed to acquire several martial arts from the Daoguang regiments, none proved suitable for his elemental affinity. Han Feng belonged to the fire element, and just moments ago, he stumbled upon a collection of top-tier martial arts suited to the earth element, which he promptly passed to Jiang Feng.

Naturally, Jiang Feng was taken aback by Han Feng's gesture.

This unexpected move by Han Feng startled his companions. Despite occasional discrepancies in elemental compatibility, they remained closely knit. Although some martial arts they found were potent yet unsuitable for their elemental affinity, it didn't mean they couldn't benefit others.

Before long, Han Feng and his group had procured nearly all the desirable martial arts.

Only Han Feng remained unsuccessful.

Shi Jun had recently acquired a local-level high-grade defensive martial art, but Han Feng remained unimpressed.

Shi Jun's expression turned incredulous. "Brother, this is a defensive martial skill. The value of a high-grade ground-level attack martial art is no less than the finest ground-level offensive technique. Your standards are excessively high."

Han Feng sighed softly. "Did you forget about the armor when my body underwent transformation during the monster attack?"

Shi Jun froze, realization dawning on him. "So it was a defensive martial art. I thought you were just trying to save face."

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Han Feng's lips.

Shi Jun's continued astonishment added, "It appears you've already secured impressive defensive martial skills. Your aim lies in attaining the finest ground-level techniques. Unfortunately, with the abundance of purple 'colored' light clusters here, finding one that aligns with your elemental nature is a daunting task. I've yet to come across a single one myself."

"Carry on with your search; perhaps luck isn't on my side," Han Feng replied, nudging Shi Jun aside before resuming his calm pursuit of the purple 'colored' light orbs.


Envious gazes from others followed Han Feng and his comrades. Although they harbored similar desires, they hesitated to extend too much trust.

Until now, few had discovered martial arts that met their criteria.

Elder Cao's eyes gleamed knowingly. "It's no wonder these individuals scored impressively in the Mirror of Death. They've formed a tight-knit group."

"Perhaps I underestimated these youngsters. I anticipate watching them ascend to prominence within the Outer Court," Elder Cao mused.


Time crawled by.

Han Feng dismissed various martial arts as unsuitable.

Then, a burst of purple 'colored' light erupted as Meng Yaqing extended his fingers. Han Feng's gaze shifted suspiciously towards Meng Yaqin.

"I believe this might be of use to you," Meng Yaqing stated calmly.

Without hesitation, Han Feng closed his eyes, allowing the surge of knowledge within the purple 'colored' light cluster to wash over him.

Upon reopening his eyes, Han Feng was astonished.

The martial arts contained within the cluster were none other than the Dragon Wing techniques, spanning four levels.

Among them, the first two levels comprised the Fire Dragon Wings obtained from Lei's residence and the Flame Dragon Wings auctioned by his mother. Although capable of integrating with various fires, they only ranked as profound-class techniques. For Han Feng, the Flame Dragon Wings merely served as a stepping stone.

"It's truly unexpected. Both my mother and the third elders mentioned that the Flame Dragon Wings were originally part of a formidable martial art. Whether I could obtain the subsequent techniques depended on fate. I never imagined finding the complete set here," Han Feng remarked.

"The third level of the Wild Dragon Wings is a middle-ranked technique, while the fourth level, the Blue Dragon Wings, has reached the apex," he continued.

"On land, I possess the Shengyanling Wave footwork, and my fusion proficiency with the Canglan Mystic Fire rivals that of top-grade earth techniques. In the skies, armed with the Wild Dragon Wings and the Blue Dragon Wings, I'll remain unrivaled."

Body techniques had always been Han Feng's Achilles' heel. Despite possessing commendable speed, it paled in comparison to his offensive and defensive capabilities.

In this moment, the Dragon Wing techniques proved to be a godsend.

Gratefully, Han Feng bestowed Meng Yaqing with a smile of appreciation. It was evident that Meng Yaqing's knowledge of his practice with the Flame Dragon Wings had influenced his decision to share this particular martial art.

"It seems I've finally acquired a satisfactory martial art," Han Feng remarked, earning a nod of approval from Elder Cao.

The Tower of the North Capital housed a plethora of martial arts. If this young lad had the discernment to select from them, his future prospects were undoubtedly promising.

"With only ten minutes remaining, let's see if you can uncover the remaining two satisfactory martial arts," Elder Cao challenged.