
"Stockpiling goddesses for the apocalypse."

"This is a brief introduction to a book. The plot revolves around a post-apocalyptic world, rebirth, no zombies, spatial abilities, and without a saintly protagonist. When the apocalypse struck, Xiao Ran was killed and eaten by his wife's family. Before his death, he realized that his son was not his biological child, and he was just a pitiful 'receiver' of someone else's mess. However, he was reborn three months before the apocalypse and gained a vast alternate dimension! To start, he divorced his vicious wife, won the lottery, invested in the stock market, and earned billions. He built a safe house and stored a large amount of supplies. In this life, he plans to retaliate harshly against his ex-wife's family and never be a submissive puppy again!"

duruizhi · Urbain
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18 Chs

Chapter 6:The advice of the wicked

As soon as Mr. and Mrs. Zheng entered their home, their excitement and anticipation almost burst out of their chests. They quickly walked into the house, even without time to put down their bags, and picked up the phone to call their son Zheng Gang and daughter Zheng Juan who were far away.

"Zheng Gang, you need to come back right away, something big has happened at home!" Mrs. Zheng's voice trembled slightly, and her speech was so fast that it was almost impossible to follow.

On the other end of the phone, Zheng Gang's voice was impatient: "Mom, what's wrong? I'm playing mahjong with friends, and I'm about to win this hand!"

"Forget about the mahjong, come back quickly! There's millions of money waiting for you, hurry up!" Mrs. Zheng's words were like a bombshell, shocking Zheng Gang instantly.

"What? Millions? Mom, are you joking?" Zheng Gang's voice was clearly excited.

"No, it's millions! You need to come back right away, we'll discuss it." Mrs. Zheng hung up the phone and immediately dialed her daughter Zheng Juan's number.

"Zheng Juan, you need to take a leave and come back right now, something big has happened at home!" Mr. Zheng's voice was serious and heavy.

Zheng Juan was a bit hesitant on the other end: "Dad, I just took a leave yesterday, it's not good to take another one today."

"Then don't go to work! You know, Xiao Ran just spent 12 million yuan to buy Building 8 in our neighborhood, that villa. Can you imagine how he could earn 12 million yuan in such a short time from yesterday's divorce to this morning? It must be money he hid during the marriage, which belongs to the joint property of the couple." Mr. Zheng's words made Zheng Juan instantly understand the seriousness of the situation.

"Okay, Dad, I'm coming back right away!" Zheng Juan hung up the phone without hesitation and started packing things to go home.

Half an hour later, Zheng Juan and her brother Zheng Gang almost arrived at home at the same time. As soon as they entered the house, they eagerly asked their mother about the money.

"Mom, you said there are millions, where is the money?" Zheng Gang's eyes sparkled, as if he had already seen those sparkling bills.

Lin Meiying sneered and said, "The money is with Xiao Ran, exactly 12 million yuan! He just used that money to buy Building 8 in our neighborhood."

"What!" Zheng Gang and Zheng Juan exclaimed almost simultaneously. Zheng Gang was so excited that he jumped up: "How could that bastard have so much money?"

Seeing this, Mr. Zheng quickly waved his hand to indicate that everyone should calm down: "Don't be so excited, let's sit down and discuss it slowly."

However, how could Zheng Gang hold back? As soon as he thought about having a large amount of money, his heart was filled with excitement and joy. He couldn't help but imagine using this money to pursue a better life: buying a more luxurious house, a luxury car, and a younger, prettier, and better-looking girlfriend... He had even started fantasizing about his future happy life.

"We don't need to discuss it! Let's go find that bastard and get the money!" Zheng Gang exclaimed excitedly.

Mr. Zheng and Lin Meiying looked at each other and saw the helplessness and concern in each other's eyes. They knew that this matter was not easy to resolve, but they also understood that they couldn't let their son continue to be so impulsive. So they started patiently persuading Zheng Gang to calm down and discuss a strategy together...

"Sit down!" Zheng Youjun's voice echoed through the living room, his gaze sternly fixed on his son, Zheng Gang. Zheng Gang initially intended to argue back, but upon seeing his father's unwavering gaze, he reluctantly retreated to the sofa. Zheng Youjun took a deep breath and turned to Zheng Juan, who was pale-faced, his voice filled with confusion and anger.

"Zheng Juan, tell me, is it true what Xiao Ran said?" Zheng Youjun stared at Zheng Juan, trying to read the answer from her eyes. Zheng Juan's heart was in turmoil, almost driven to madness by this sudden interrogation.

"How could you... How could you do this?" Zheng Juan's voice trembled, tears shimmering in her eyes. "How could you have made a scene with Xiao Ran in public? Don't you know that he has now taken the opportunity to reveal my shame? The entire neighborhood must be gossiping about me behind my back!"

Zheng Juan's words left Zheng Youjun and the others stunned. They realized that their actions had indeed caused great distress and humiliation to Zheng Juan. Lin Meiying and Zheng Gang's expressions also turned sour. They knew that this incident had indeed escalated.

"How could you be so careless?" Zheng Youjun finally blurted out in anger. "You actually let that Xiao Ran catch a glimpse of it and even obtained evidence!" His voice was filled with disappointment and anger. In his view, Zheng Juan's carelessness had not only put herself in a predicament but also brought shame to the entire family.

Zheng Juan remained silent for a moment, then slowly nodded. "It's true... Xiao Jie is not his child." Her voice was low and weak, as if each word weighed heavily like a lead block. She knew that once she admitted it, she would have to face指责and gossip from all directions. But at this moment, she had no choice but to face it bravely.

"How... How could you do such a thing?" Zheng Youjun's voice trembled, his eyes flashing with anger and disappointment. He couldn't believe that his daughter would do such a ridiculous thing, which caused him immense pain and disappointment.

Lin Meiying and Zheng Gang also fell silent. They knew that this incident had exceeded their imagination. They had initially thought it was just a simple divorce dispute, but never expected it to involve so many complicated issues.

"Alright, stop arguing!" Zheng Juan suddenly raised her voice. "The most important thing now is to find a way to solve this problem. I need to call someone for advice on what we should do." Her tone was firm and decisive, as if she had suddenly found a solution to the problem.

"Until you finish that phone call, you'll all stay in your rooms." Zheng Juan added, "Or else I won't go and demand that money!" Her words left Zheng Youjun and the others bewildered. They knew that Zheng Juan was the pillar of the family and their only reliance. If even she gave up hope, then this family would truly be finished.

So, Zheng Youjun and the others reluctantly retreated to their rooms to wait. They knew that the upcoming situation would be extremely tricky and complex. But they also believed that as long as they united and faced the difficulties together, they would be able to overcome this ordeal.

Deep within Zheng Juan's heart, a complex emotion was churning. She knew that if she gave up the enormous sum of 12 million yuan, her secret with Zhang Zihao would remain hidden forever. However, she was also aware that if this money fell into Xiao Ran's hands, her and Zhang Zihao's future would be plunged into darkness. Her hands tightly grasped the phone, as if grasping her own destiny.

Zheng Juan took a deep breath and dialed Zhang Zihao's phone number. On the other end, Zhang Zihao's voice sounded somewhat cold: "I'm still at work, I'll hang up if there's nothing." His voice was like a sharp knife, cutting through Zheng Juan's already strained nerves.

"Listen to me first!" Zheng Juan almost screamed, knowing she had no way back. "Xiao Ran, he knows about us. He's threatening me, demanding the money from me, or he'll make our relationship public." Her voice was filled with endless despair and pain.

Zhang Zihao fell silent for a moment, his heart also filled with tumultuous waves. He knew that if Xiao Ran made their relationship public, his career and family would be destroyed. He couldn't risk it, but he also couldn't afford to give up such a large amount of money.

"Xiao Ran probably just wants to trick you by claiming to have a video of us," Zhang Zihao calmly analyzed. "We've always been very careful, and Xiao Ran couldn't have possibly been to the hospital. So, he definitely doesn't have any evidence. The only possible weakness is Xiao Jie-" He paused for a moment, seemingly pondering something.

"Xiao Jie?" Zheng Juan's heart tightened suddenly. "You mean, he might do a DNA test?" Her voice trembled almost inaudibly.

"Yes," Zhang Zihao nodded. "But, there's still a way to deal with this. We can first stabilize Xiao Ran and then find a way to solve this problem." His voice was filled with determination and ruthlessness.

A chill ran through Zheng Juan's heart. She knew that Zhang Zihao was a man who would do anything to achieve his goals. But now, she had no choice. She could only rely on him, hoping he could find a solution.

"12 million yuan!" Zheng Juan muttered to herself. "He could suddenly produce such a large amount of money without any hesitation. This shows that the money he has far exceeds this amount." Her eyes flashed with terror and greed.

Zhang Zihao was also shocked by this number. He knew that Xiao Ran could suddenly produce such a large amount of money, which meant he must have had this money for a long time but had hidden it well.

"This money must have been there during your marriage!" Zhang Zihao affirmed. "Otherwise, it's impossible for him to suddenly have so much money in less than 24 hours. Buying a lottery ticket? Ha, everyone knows that lottery tickets are a tax on intelligence, and it's impossible for someone to win the jackpot!"

Zheng Juan was awakened by Zhang Zihao's words. Yes, who had actually won a jackpot in their surroundings? No one! And how could Xiao Ran suddenly have so much money? It must be that he had this money long ago but had hidden it well.

"That's right!" Zheng Juan suddenly stood up. "It must be this way! The money he has far exceeds this amount. Otherwise, how could he be so generous as not to bargain at all?" Her eyes flashed with a crazy light.

Zhang Zihao was also infected by Zheng Juan's words. He knew this was a golden opportunity. If he could get more money from Xiao Ran, he could completely get rid of Xiao Ran's threat, and he and Zheng Juan could continue their relationship. Moreover, with this money, he could do more things and make his career even more successful.

"We must find a way to get this money!" Zhang Zihao's voice became firm. "But we can't let Xiao Ran know our real intentions. We have to stabilize him first and then slowly find a way."

Zheng Juan nodded, her heart also filled with determination and greed. She knew that this was a war without guns and smoke, but she was already prepared. She would fight together with Zhang Zihao for their future.

"So, the first thing you need to do is file a lawsuit in court against Xiao Ran for concealing marital property, declare the previous divorce agreement invalid, and redistribute the property," Zhang Zihao served as a cunning advisor.

Zheng Juan nodded continuously. She only graduated from a medical school, whereas Zhang Zihao was a master's degree holder from a prestigious university. Clearly, those who read more books tend to have more ideas and justification.

"Zihao, you're so smart!" she said sincerely.

Zhang Zihao smiled and said, "You should hire a lawyer right away, don't be afraid to spend money. If you win this lawsuit, you won't have to work anymore and can stay home as a wealthy woman."

"Yes, yes!" Zheng Juan nodded repeatedly.

"Let the lawyer write the indictment as well. All you have to do is sign it," Zhang Zihao continued his advice. "And remember, don't let your parents and younger brother stir up any more trouble and create unnecessary headaches!"

"Remember, we are in an era where the law prevails. Crying, making a scene, and threatening suicide will only make people laugh at you."

Zheng Juan nodded continuously, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Juan went out and repeated what Zhang Zihao had told her. Of course, she wouldn't reveal that it was all taught by Zhang Zihao. Instead, she said it was something they discussed together.

Upon hearing Zheng Juan's analysis that Xiao Ran's wealth was more than just 12 million, the greed on Zheng Youjun's, Lin Meiying's, and their son's faces was uncontrollable. They were going to be rich, they were going to be rich!

Zheng Juan reminded them not to make a scene again and immediately took her bag to find a lawyer. Xiao Ran made a mistake by showing off his wealth too early. He shouldn't have revealed it so soon.


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